Washington, D.C.

The Russians placing their armed forces on Elevated Combat Readiness had caught the Executive Decision making arm of the United States of America on the hop.

It was something they had not done since 9/11. On that occasion, it had been a response to President Bush’s decision to place United States of America armed forces on DEFCON 2. This was completely different.

“Mr. President, I recommend we do the same,” suggested the Chief of Staff as their Commander in Chief sat back down in the situation room five floors down below the White House swimming pool.

The President didn’t hesitate; he instantly gave the order to do so.

This wasn’t a time for questions as to why they had done it.

That was to come later.

Turning towards the young air force officer in front of the safe computer connection over which messages are exchanged through email via the National Command Centre and the Kremlin the President asked his Secretary of State to propose the message with the question as to why they had done this.

“Foreign Minister Lavrov, the United States is authorized under the Security Council S/RES/2200 (2013) to provide support to the United Nations Mission in Lughaya, why are Russian forces elevating their combat readiness?”

The next ten minutes became a series of arguments over who was right and wrong before the Chief of Staff interrupted the Secretary of State and the President.

“Sir, two aircraft have been picked up entering Adwalland air space, our F-15’s report that they appear to be two commercial Il-76s. He is requesting permission to fire upon them to force them to turn around because they are refusing to answer his requests to identify.”

The President gave his authorization.

“Box Two, permission granted fire a warning shot!” the Air Force Chief of Staff member ordered.

Seconds later the direct link fired up.

“The aircraft are carrying military personnel to provide support for the democratically elected President of Adwalland if you continue to fire on them, we will respond accordingly!”

“Have they lost their minds!” said the President.

“Where do we stand, John?” he quickly asked the Secretary of State.

The tall Bonesman and graduate of Yale answered that legally they were within their rights.

“We can only respond within the Mission guidelines despite whether or not the President they are assisting is the one who ordered the attack on the compound.”

“What’s your recommendation?”

“Tell them we accept their formal identification as Military Aircraft of the Russian Federation and then advise them that if they deviate from their predesigned course of Aden Isaaq International Airport we will consider them as representing a direct threat to our rescue mission and will respond accordingly. We argue about whether they are enemy combatants or not in the Security Council in any case, it should buy us time to complete the rescue mission!” he then added.

The President nodded his approval towards the computer operator then took over the conversation.

“Foreign Minister Lavrov, this is the President of the United States…” He started.

A moment later he had his answer from the President of the Russian Federation accepting the terms with his own caveat at the end that if American Armed Forces attempted to give aid to the criminal Wasir Osman Hassan they would consider this an act of war on an allied nation of the Russian Federation and respond accordingly.

“Typical FUCKING Putin!” responded the Secretary of State with a shake of the head.

“Mr. President, BAILOUT is on the ground and securing the mission!” The Real Admiral in charge of Naval Special Warfare Command said, interrupting the exchange.

“Casualties?” the President asked.

“Looks like over eighty dead, with eight survivors,” reported the Real Admiral.

The President grimly thanked him for the update. “We need to get in the end zone on this!” he thought privately to himself.
