Ashgabat, 1998

Sitting across from a very pleased Oleg over the Gas pipeline construction deal he had just made on behalf of the President and drunk on a potent mixture of champagne, cognac and fresh sushi, sat a very bored Thomas.

His mood quickly bounced back though, the second he caught sight of the absolutely stunningly beautiful young creature he met in Oleg’s office as she walked into the club together with several other women and even more so when he saw they were making their way over to their table.

“Oh yes, much better!” Thomas thought enjoying her arrival at the table, the visual feast of her exotic features, her long jet black hair in a ponytail over her shoulder, clothed in sexy black silk trouser suit as one might find on a concubine in a harem and with her belly button showing off what he assumed was a crystal stud.

“My God, she’s ravishing!” he mused.

Getting up quickly, something he noted Oleg hadn’t bothered to do, Thomas smiled at her just as he did earlier in the day, only this time he shook her hand as her mother was not present, then her companions one after another before motioning for them to take up position opposite him in the booth.

On autopilot from the trauma of the afternoon, Nara forced a smile back towards him as he took her hand. It wasn’t lost on her that there appeared to be an aura surrounding him as she assessed his physical attributes. Tall, handsome black hair flecked with grey, and forcibly focused brown eyes, her initial impression was one a man of strength and maturity and in his late thirties.

“He looks as though he doesn’t miss anything,” she thought while tuning her mind into flirting mode. “Seen and done many things!” she further added, inwardly reasoning that you didn’t become an Oligarch in Russia by being soft.

As he held on to her hand instead of kissing air on her cheek, as was common in her homeland, she felt his power in his firm but gentle grip as he continued to look into her eyes as he introduced himself. Immediately she felt her heart jump. Being well trained she knew that he was sexually attracted to her, Nara flicked her long jet-black hair.

Her staged “flirt” was ruined and she had to stop herself from the urge to throw up as Oleg took hold of her arm painfully to motion her to sit by him. It was not lost on Thomas that it was sort of thing you would expect an alpha male gorilla to do so to establish his position over the females in his harem in response to an interloper.

Watching the beautiful girl wince as he grabbed her, Thomas sensed that it obvious she couldn’t bear Oleg’s touch although he didn’t know why.

Awestruck by her beauty, Thomas continued to stare at her intently.

As he did so Nara smiled at him again while she picked up a flute of Champagne.

Having realized the increasing level of flirtation between them both, Oleg took the opportunity to assume a position of ownership over Nara by pawing the side of her face.

“THOMAS, YOU LIKE MY ‘JELEP DOVE,’ DON’T YOU?” Oleg asked over the Russian pop music.

“She most definitely doesn’t like you, old boy!” Thomas thought, having caught sight of the beautiful girl’s second wince of the night.

Pressing his ownership again over her, a move that Thomas assumed was merely for his benefit he watched as Oleg pawed her again only this time more firmly by grabbing the other side of her face and pulling towards him. It was a motion made easy because he had made her sit next to him.

“You should have seen her this afternoon when I was fucking her in the ass—” Suddenly with fire in her eyes, Thomas watched in awe as the beautiful girl smashed her champagne glass and went for Rejejow. The other girls screamed together in chorus.

“FUCKING PIG,” she yelled in Russian then switching to Turkmen she screamed, “Gyrmak sen!” meaning, “I will kill you!” she hissed quickly in succession with such hatred and venom.

It was an effort that had also certainly saved her life, although she didn’t know it at that time, as Oleg’s guards appeared out of nowhere to forcibly grab her.

Nara fought them all the way as they leaned across the table and violently pulled her out of the booth spraying the bottles of champagne and whiskey, the flutes of the Epernay nectar, and plates of Sushi out of the way.

“Yuri, take this fucking whore away, and when you have finished with her get rid of her!” Oleg said in disgust while looking at his soaked suit.

Brushing it off as “matter of fact,” flicking the liquid from his hand that had sprayed all over him from the champagne flutes plus other glasses that had gone flying in all directions, Thomas coolly and politely joined the conversation.

“Oleg Mälikgulyýewiç, but then what will I do for the evening?”

Surprised, Oleg smiled in return before replying in Russian to his guest. “Well there plenty of other toys here, Thomas. This one’s a wild horse who needs to be put down!”

Restrained in Yuri’s arms, her “moment of fire” over, Thomas could see the young girl by her look of fear in her beautiful eyes, had calmed down enough to realize that she was now moments away of being raped then murdered.

“Yes, Oleg Mälikgulyýewiç, but I want this one,” he insisted looking into her eyes smiling, determined to defuse the situation by making fun of her afore-mentioned fire, by dismissing it as trivial in an effort to save her life.

Looking at her and seeing the same fear in her eyes over the folly of trying to “glass” him, Oleg denied Thomas’s request again.

“No. Thomas, I do not want to risk any injury to you riding wild horses in Turkmenistan; it is a dangerous sport for the inexperienced,” he said at his attempt at humor.

Instantly a chorus of evil laughs from his minions echoed around the table while the drained looking Nara stood slumped in Yuri’s arms.

“Allah has decreed I am to die for committing sins of the flesh by the hand of his man,” she thought in despair to herself as she waited to be dragged off.

“Oleg Mälikgulyýewiç, would you sell her to me then? For one always needs a filly to break in?” Thomas asked again, making one final effort to save her life as he watched the light go out in the beautiful child-woman who was being held by his bodyguard.

This time, Oleg pondered the request as it suddenly dawned him on that the Englishman was serious.

The fact was that the Englishman was a powerful man and having been ordered by the President to look after him and keep him happy, Oleg was smart enough to recognize the opportunity his guest was offering him to regain his honor not to mention the chance to make a deal of which he would be the main beneficiary.

He accepted the challenge.

“Twenty-five-thousand U.S. dollars!” he quoted a price he thought even a man like Litchfield would baulk at.

“Done,” Thomas answered without hesitation, as he reached into his jacket and promptly pulled out a thick wad of cash then put it on the table.

Having heard the interplay between them on the next table Mikhail motioned one of the assistants with him that was carrying a briefcase to hand it over to him.

Opening it Mikhail, then pulled out another collection of wads. Cash being king in the former Soviet Republic, you always made sure that you had money for bribes on you—just in case.

“There you go, Boss,” interjected Mikhail handing over the money to Thomas who promptly parked another wad of dollar bills on top of the ones he had already set on the table as Nara and the other girls looked on dumbfounded.

“That should be the twenty-five! Please have her suitably delivered to my suite with her passport and travel papers!” Thomas said, the deal done.

Not wanting to lose face, but happy that he had made a good profit of forty-five-thousand dollars that day, if you included the money he had already taken off the beautiful Jelep who just tried to kill him, Oleg Mälikgulyýewiç Rejejow offered his hand to reflect the agreement: changing Nara’s and Thomas’s life forever in the process.

“Allah?” Nara’s mind whirled. “Who is this man?” she asked inwardly as Yuri dragged her off to collect her papers and things.

“Why in the hell did I just do that?” Thomas thought, as Oleg and he joked and toasted each other health for the umpteenth time that evening.

The romantic in him answered, “Maybe it’s because I am drawn to her hate and fire mixed with such suppressed passion in her beauty?” The pragmatist in him dismissed the answer as rubbish. “If I hadn’t she would have been raped to death and then tossed on an Ashgabat rubbish tip like a dead dog,” he told himself taking a sip of his whiskey. “That’s something I am most surely not going to allow to happen to such a beautiful creature!” he further convinced himself as he took a bite of a piece of California sushi roll.

On arriving back at his hotel an hour later having left Oleg to play with the remaining whores, Thomas was informed by Mikhail with a disapproving eye that his “purchase” was now in his suite. He looked at his friend but chose not to say anything.

Mikhail had become a changed man ever since he had married his young pretty redheaded wife Hanna, telling him at every opportunity to settle down and find a nice girl almost as if he was afraid that Thomas would burn himself out.

“Bit expensive though for a Jelep, Boss!” Mikhail joked despite his eyes saying otherwise using the Turkmen word for a whore within his English sentence.

“I know, Mikail,” Thomas answered with a smile at Mikhail’s attempt at humor before continuing, “But when in Turkmenistan, one has to buy a horse!” making reference to the passion of the Turkmen people as they entered the lift together and rode it to his suite.

“By the way, that prick Yuri wanted to make sure I gave you this,” Mikhail said passing him an envelope.

Opening it, Thomas found it contained the girl’s “Permission to Travel” documents from the Government and a pristine Turkman passport. Taking her passport out and flicking through it, he saw it only had a recently issued visa for the United Arab Emirates in it. Turning to the end page, he found her full name.

“That’s a bit of a mouthful Boss!” Mikhail exclaimed, looked over his shoulder indicating his understanding of British humor for double entendre having been with him for so long.

“Indeed!” Thomas replied even though he hadn’t been listening as he had been taking in the fact that even in a passport photo the girl was stunningly beautiful, a feat in itself.

“Christ, she’s only nineteen!” he thought as her date of birth sunk in as he promptly closed the passport and placed it back in the envelope. He resealed it before passing it back to Mikhail.

“You keep this but give a copy to the Captain,” he said, referring to the skipper of his Gulfstream G-4 as he was going to need it for the paperwork for their return to Moscow in the morning.

“I don’t want my wild horse running off and getting herself killed!” he joked. “Oh and when we get to Moscow can you sort out her visas at the British Embassy as well, please.”

“Sure, Boss,” answered Mikhail without question although nonetheless somewhat surprised that Thomas actually intended to take the young girl with them. Up until that moment Mikhail had thought Thomas had saved the girl’s life because he was a ‘white knight’ but by the statement he had just given him it now appeared he was actually going to keep her. It disappointed him, but he decided against making comment. After all, despite their close relationship, he was the Boss.

“Hopefully he will do the right thing,” Mikhail thought before asking, “What should I tell the Embassy in Moscow for her multiple re-entry visa?” knowing that an entry visa for the UK wouldn’t be easy.

“Tell them she is the going to be the new Executive Director of The Libertine and as its parent company is English, that should be enough to get her an annual one.”

“Will do, Boss,” answered Mikhail. “I will get Rubin to get the paperwork sorted,” he then said referring to the member of the team who was the bag carrier as filling in paperwork was never Mikhail’s strong point. It reminded him too much of his days in the Shakbat.

Arriving at their floor they walked out of the lift then down the corridor that had the remaining members of his personal security team posted along it, to the suite.

“Night, Boss,” said Mikhail once they reached the door giving yet another disapproving look before making a mental note to have some clothes sent up for her.

“Goodnight, Mikhail,” replied Thomas, unaware of what was waiting for him in his suite.

Closing the door behind him, Thomas walked into the presidential suite. Taking off his tailored Saville Row blazer he then placed the garment on the long sofa and walked to the bar, whereupon he proceeded to get a champagne flute and a whiskey glass from the cupboard underneath and placed them on top of the bar.

It was that point he removed his Glock and holster. Something since that brutal night in Moscow he always wore. Putting the safety on the pistol, he placed it on the top of the bar.

Opening the refrigerator he found a bottle of Moet Chandon and some “exotic” Georgian Champagne.

“I think we give that miss,” he said, over the thought of drinking Georgian Champagne, as he put some ice in a whiskey glass then opened the bottle of Johnnie Walker Black Label and poured two fingers of the whiskey over the ice.

Guessing that he would find his guest already in the bedroom waiting for him and hopefully under the covers he made his way to its entrance.

The second Thomas entered the bedroom with the drinks he immediately felt guilty for his quips in the lift with Mikhail on the way up.

Lying on the bed, with just a blanket covering her perfectly naked beautiful naturally bronzed skin, her long jet black hair running down her back over the blanket covering her, on her side, blindfolded, her hands tied behind her back, legs also bound together in flex cuffs so she could not escape and gagged, lay Nara.

“Fucking Hell, Oleg!” Thomas thought with disgust knowing that the animal had sent her to him naked because in his eyes, she owned nothing that wasn’t his. He also knew now why he had been getting such disapproving looks from Mikhail. Although he couldn’t quite grasp why his friend had chosen to leave her like that. He realized now it was Mikhail’s way of sending him a message.

Seduction plans over, Thomas put down the Champagne flute followed by his whiskey glass on the table and then quickly walked to the bed, but, not before he had picked up the pair of cutters for the flexi-cuffs that had been left for him by Mikhail.

“Okay, Mikhail, I get the message!” Thomas thought, as he sat on the bed.

Drawn by her seductive beauty he listened for a few seconds to Nara’s heavy panicked breathing. Then like a moth to the flame drawn to her pretty face he gently touched it. The action immediately caused her to shake followed by a scream through her gag.

“You bloody idiot!” he scolded his mind, realizing because she couldn’t see the poor girl must have been terrified by his sudden unwanted touch. “Get control of yourself,” he ordered his brain.

“GUNARA,” Thomas said firmly, “ENOUGH,” in Russian.

She screamed louder. Needing to take control quickly of the situation without a word Thomas roughly flipped from her side to her back forcing the blanket off her in the process.

Screaming this time from the pain in her shoulders as her body fell on her hands behind her back and because of the unknown of what was about to happen to her, Thomas took her head firmly in his hand then pulled her back by her hair.

“Gunara, ENOUGH,” in Russian he repeated. “You have two choices, you must submit to my will and please me, or I give you back to Oleg,” he continued using the terrible words as a shock tactic to try and get calm her down with the threat of a bigger fear. “Your choice?” he added in a softer tone. “Nod once if you want me to send you back to Oleg?” he concluded using the return to Oleg clutches like the ultimate fear factor.

It worked instantly. He could see Nara’s fear fueled mind had started to calm down. She shook her head frenziedly. It appeared the mention of sending her back to Oleg had terrified her more than what he was about to do her, although he could help but look at incredible breasts as the continued to rise and fall as the result of her heavy breathing.

“Good,” he said as he removed her blindfold to be greeted with terrified tear filled eyes. Immediately Thomas felt terribly guilty.

“S-i-r… I b-e-g d-o-n-’t” she said breathlessly once he removed the gag and then gulping as she said the words.

“Please don’t send me back to Oleg Mälikgulyýewiç,” she added, tears arriving in full flow like a waterfall down her face.

“Thomas,” he whispered to calm her. “Call me Thomas,” he repeated this time taking a tear and brushing it away from her face and stroking her cheek softly.

Still breathing heavily and thus continuing to provide Thomas with the absolutely wonderful sight of her breasts while trying to cross her legs because she was still naked. She closed her eyes and then nodded.

“Thom… as,” she said slowly.

* * *

Nara’s mind was in turmoil.

Earlier, she had been absolutely terrified when Yuri had dragged her out of the club and back to her little flat. She thought despite what happened in the club with that strange Oligarch buying her, he was still going to kill her. Only that didn’t happen; instead he asked her where her papers and passport were.

“I don’t have one, Yuri,” she had replied and earnt a hard slap across her face in response.

“Don’t lie to me ganjyk. I know you do. We own this fucking country, everybody knows Oleg’s Mälikgulyýewiç girls!” he had said with evil intent.

Shaking with fear knowing now that even after paying one thousand U.S. dollars for her documents that it appeared that Oleg had known all along about her intentions to escape to Dubai, she did as she was told and gave them to him.

Ordering her to strip, fearing the worst she had initially refused, but when he pulled out his famous knife she wet herself for the first time since the terrible night she had been raped by Oleg as a child.

“N-O!” she had repeatedly screamed in Russian as he ripped at the material of her outfit.

“Don’t worry ganjy, you’re not the Boss’s property anymore. So stop pissing! And fucking turn around,” he had ordered whilst laughing. “I am not that fucking stupid!” he had added before he tossed and turned her around and bound her wrists behind her back with the flexi cuffs that he had pulled out of his pocket as he had known all about the rumors of what had happened those that had crossed the English Oligarch in past. A death sentence if he touched something that wasn’t his was most definitely not on his agenda.

Having gagged and blindfolded her, Yuri then pushed her on to bed so he could put a set of flexi cuffs on her ankles thus binding them together to stop her from trying to run away.

Finishing off his interpretation of “suitably delivered,” he tore off all off her remaining clothes so to leave her naked with tears rolling down her face from the shame.

Then with a rough pull of her arm he lifted her limp body up and placed her over his shoulder, then promptly walked out of the little apartment along the corridor and down the stairs as her scared neighbors quickly closed their doors before he reached them, out through the apartment’s entrance until he reached the black Mercedes S500 waiting outside.

Shoving her roughly in front of him first, he got in by the side of her. Once the door was closed they sped off towards the Sheraton.

As they made their way through the city, with her head pulled into Yuri groin forcing the terrified Nara to smell not just his strong perfume, but also the foul smell from his private parts in the process, she willed herself to ignore the groping of her breasts. She shut her eyes despite them already been covered.

“Allah. Am I going to die?” she asked but didn’t receive an answer.

Finally, the car stopped. As he got out of car Nara heard the voice she had heard earlier.

“Yuri, for the love of god! Give the poor girl some respect!” the voice said as she felt a hand grasp her arm and drag her out of the car.

“Your boss said suitably prepared, so fuck off!” Yuri responded with venom.

“Here’s the Jelep’s papers,” he said as she felt Yuri roughly hand her over to what she assumed was another person, as while the hand was firm it wasn’t rough.

Suddenly Nara felt a jacket being put over her and then buttoned up at the front followed by the voice saying,

“I will keep you blindfolded, so you don’t have to look upon your shame… while I get you upstairs,” in Russian.

As he picked her up in his arms she felt him carry her into what she assumed was the elevator. Then after a few moments as she heard the doors open again and felt her body being carried down another corridor and then into what she assumed was a room before finally another room where she was gently placed on a bed.

As she felt the jacket being removed to leave her naked again, fearing her rape was about to begin Nara started breathing heavily only to calm down again when a blanket was placed on her,

“Don’t worry,” the voice said. “He won’t hurt you.”

What seemed like hours to her, but was, in fact, was only forty-five minutes Nara suddenly felt the presence of a person in the room and then, to her horror sit on the bed.

Fearing her second rape of the day was about to begin as she felt the hand of the person touch her face, she started screaming into the gag. Suddenly, she felt herself being flipped her over. Immediately a searing pain tore through her shoulders. She whimpered.

“It is the person who bought me from Oleg!” her mind had raced as she recognized the voice.

Ordered to calm down by him she only stopped screaming when his words sunk in that if she didn’t, he would send her back to Oleg. Willing her mind to be strong as the blindfold came off, her eyes fixed on him.

Listening to him and fearing him now as the new Oleg in her life, she prepared herself for the worse, only that didn’t happen!

Yes, she could see immediately he desired her by the way he looked up and down at her body, but instead to her surprise he cut her bonds off, one by one then surprised her further as she tried to cover her naked vulnerability when he got up and went to the bathroom.

Nara looked around to gather her bearings. She knew instantly where she was, having spent many an hour in the hotel’s bedrooms but due to the fact she was naked without clothes she decided against making a break for it. Instead, her mind focused on the telephone.

“Do I call Mama?” she had thought before dismissing it. She knew her poor mother was still in shock from the attack of the afternoon. She couldn’t ask her to come to the hotel.

“It will send her over the edge,” she bitterly concluded as he wandered back into the room holding out for her a long robe with his eyes turned away.

Still half crazed Nara snatched it from him. Then he surprised her again. He kept his eyes shut while she put it on.

“That’s odd!” she thought, bearing in mind how he had already seen her naked moments ago, but she didn’t complain. Men were always strange. It appeared this one was no different.

Her modesty covered, Thomas opened his eyes, opened the champagne expertly then handed her a flute.

“Nostroviya,” he said looking into her eyes where upon he drank his whiskey in his other hand.

Suspiciously, Nara returned his toast in an effort to satisfy him as she took a gulp of champagne to calm her mind. “Who is this strange, powerful oligarch?” she asked herself. She didn’t get a chance to find out. He took over.

“Now, why don’t you tell me your story,” he ordered as he made his way to the sofa in the bedroom by the wall as she gingerly sat down on the bed and continued to stare at him.

To please him, as she would do when with Oleg or his many clients, she told him her story including to her surprise some of the worst bits for the next hour before exhausted from the stress of her day and the realization that the “strange man” who had bought her wasn’t going to rape her, she felt herself falling into a restless sleep.

Watching the beautiful woman-child fall into a half sleep, Thomas knew without a shadow of doubt that this intoxicating young sensual creature of the Turkmenistan Mountains was the first love of his life.

“Such a determination to survive,” he had thought with admiration as he listened to her tell her story and how she became one of Oleg’s women. Keeping his counsel on the fact that she had been just a child of thirteen at the time had revolted him. He had known many women over the years in Russia who used prostitution to feed and support their families. He never judged them. Indeed he often enjoyed their company, this though was completely different.

“She was a baby!” he bitterly thought. As far Thomas was concerned, the fault lay with her father. He had seen many things on his travels, but the selling your own daughter to clear your debts. It had turned his stomach as she told him just as it was still doing now.

He made a decision. He would be her guardian no matter what destiny she wanted to choose for herself.

Seeing she was asleep, he got up from the sofa. He lifted up the blanket that had been discarded earlier and so as not to disturb her, as he could see the emotional exhaustion on her face, covered her with it.

He took one last look at her sleeping form. He smiled at her. Then he walked out of the bedroom and closed the door behind him.

* * *

The next morning, as she woke to get her bearings like she always did where or whoever’s bed she was in for the night when on duty for Oleg, the beautiful teenager found a red Nike tracksuit, panties, a white t-shirt and some trainers at the bottom of the bed.

Getting up, Nara then on tiptoe walked into the bathroom to take a shower, where to her surprise she also found a fully stocked ladies makeup bag from Chanel on the side. Again she asked herself all the while looking at the expensive makeup bag, “Who is this man?”

As the power jets of the walk-in shower hit her body, the water doing its job, she reflected with a clearer understanding that he was certainly strange.

“He had bought me! Although he had touched me, he didn’t take me! Then once I submitted to his will he promptly changed again into the respectful man that I had met with Mama? Questions? Questions?”

Thoughts raced through her mind as the spray continued to hit her body.

Finally ending her shower she asked a respectful question of Allah. “Have you sent me a guardian or the devil’s illusion?”

Finishing her makeup, her hair now tied back, dressed in the tight satin tracksuit with the trainers on, Nara walked out of the bedroom into the lounge of the suite to find her guardian or foe sitting at the main table with his blonde bodyguard.

“Good morning, Gunara, please come and join us,” Thomas offered on seeing her enter the room. He stood up respectfully

Nodding her head dutifully to both men although incredibly nervous, Nara gingerly took up his offer and as she did so, his bodyguard who was with him in Oleg’s office and the restaurant introduced himself.

“My name is Mikhail,” he said offering his hand smiling to her. Taking it, Nara smiled, instantly recognizing his voice as belonging to the person who carried up to this room and tried to protect her privacy in the process.

Nara quickly sat down like a little girl by the side of Thomas opposite Mikhail while he poured her a cup of coffee. She saw him wink in the direction of Mikhail.

“Miss Gurbanmammedowova,” Mikhail said taking his cue to leave with an additional smile.

Quietly, as Nara sipped her coffee Thomas opened his briefcase beside him, pulled out, then put her letter “Giving her permission to leave the country” and her passport that Mikhail had now returned to him after he advised him he was going to give her the decision to choose her destiny, on the table.

Something Mikhail had quickly said in response had pleased him, as he never saw Thomas as “Slave Master.”

“I know Mikhail, I blame that prick Oleg’s presence!” he responded.

“Er iz gevorn far ir di kapore!” Mikhail had muttered while shaking his head in disagreement drinking his coffee with his eyes twinkling. It was a Jewish saying, meaning, “He fell for her hook, line, and sinker!”

“Bugger off, you sod!” Thomas responded laughing understanding his joke.

“I will tell Hanna to stop her search!” Mikhail responded in kind continuing with the joke.

But now as he took in the sight of the beautiful young woman in front him Thomas concluded that his old friend had been correct in spite of her being only just nineteen.

“I am going to release you from my protection,” Thomas said causing her eyes to shoot up with panic. Sensing her fear, Thomas moved quickly to calm her.

“Don’t worry Oleg won’t touch you or your family,” he said, guessing at what the look of terror in her eyes was about. “If you come with me I will expect that you obey by my rules and submit to my needs without question,” Thomas carried on looking into her eyes again using Turkmen tribal law to provide Nara with an anchor despite it not being his intention at all.

He looked at her for a moment to try and gauge her. Then she answered.

“I and my family belong to you T-h-o-m-a-s. I will follow you until you say otherwise,” she answered slowly in English to show her commitment. She was smart enough to recognize that he was offering her a way out of Turkmenistan.

Putting down her coffee cup she picked up his hand lifted it up and kissed it with her lips for the effect to show her acceptance. Her training as a concubine was on display for him.

“Good, now call your mother!” Thomas ordered as he gave her a mobile phone.

“I hope you know what you are doing, old chap!” he told himself as he watched her dial her mother’s number on the mobile having caught her overt but bloody sexy professional attempt to satisfy him with an answer she knew he wanted to hear.

Later as they took off in his plane, something she had never done before, Nara watched the powerful man who now “owned” her despite his words to the contrary as he talked about things she assumed was his business with Mikhail while she pretended to flip through a fashion magazine.

She reflected on the whirlwind events of the last two days then concluded, “He is certainly different to any man I have ever met!”

“Baby, he means what he says, I know it!” her mother had said with tears in her eyes as they stood together in the bedroom absorbing his promise to look after Nara after her still traumatized mother had come to the hotel with some more clothes for her.

“Allah has sent you an angel!” her mother had said with authority.

“I know he has!” Nara had replied.

Knowing her mama was still in shock from the terrible savagery of the yesterday Nara had chosen not to argue with her not even when she had told her that she must not fail him but look after him and bear him children. That was something that was most definitely not going to happen as she had decided at the time as soon as she got Moscow she was going to escape from him and head to Dubai.

However it was only when they had emerged from the bedroom that she started to believe her mother’s assessment.

Suspiciously she observed Thomas, as she now called him, take her mother aside then give her a large thick envelope.

As soon as her mother opened it she could see her face was one of shock, her body shaking. Worried, Nara bit her lip.

“Baby! Look, what your Angel has given me!” she said in Turkmen handling her the envelope shaking.

Looking inside, Nara saw what she assumed was fifty thousand U.S. dollars in cash!

“It is to give you choices, Madam Tania,” Thomas had said with a smile as her mother set about hugging him in tears.

It was an action Nara had concluded that must have caught him off guard by the way he hesitantly patted her mother awkwardly in return.

“From now on you are under my protection and I will advise the President accordingly,” he said. “If you need anything, call Gunara and I will take care of it,” he stated with authority.

“No man had ever done that for them in their entire life certainly not her drunken father! And he was going to tell the President to look after Mama,” Nara thought while watching him doing his paperwork.

“Who are you?” she pondered.

* * *

Arriving in Moscow in good time, the drive to his home in the diplomatic residence area of the city was less so. It took an hour and a half due the traffic, the bane of Moscow.

On reaching the house they were greeted by his personal butler Sergeant Tan (who she later found out, thinking him to be a Tajik at first, was Nepalese and Thomas’s first platoon sergeant from his time in the army) and his wife.

“Sergeant and Mrs. Tan will look after you,” he said, introducing them.

“Thank you,” she replied as she watched him go into another room with Mikhail and his men.

“Please follow me, Madam Gunara,” said Mrs. Tan indicating with her arm to do so.

“Madam?” thought Nara. That was a title given to the ladies of powerful men in her country. “Does it mean the same here?” she pondered as she followed the woman upstairs. Mrs. Tan first showed her to her bedroom then on to another room with built-in wardrobes.

“This is your dressing room, Madam Gunara,” stated the servant, having already surprised her moments go by telling her that the beautiful bedroom was hers and not his.

“Dressing room!” that was something she only read about in Magazines, she thought.

Leaving her with a little bow a gesture that made feel like a Princess, Nara couldn’t believe how much her life had just changed in two days.

“These rooms are five times bigger than my entire apartment!” she thought, dumbstruck, taking in her new surroundings. Opening the cupboards, she was further surprised once more to find a range of outfits, underwear, and shoes all from the pages of Vogue, although not all to her taste, nor completely fitting her, they were near enough as she picked them out to look at them.

“Who is this man?” she pondered again. “Allah, my thanks to you for blessing me!” she said closing her eyes again as she suddenly realized that God had heard her prayers.

At which point as Thomas entered the room. Nara turned quickly then ran into his arms like a schoolgirl, excitingly kissing him with force for the first time in their life.

“My Thomas,” she murmured in a lusty sexy Russian accent.

“I take it you’re happy then!” he said almost breathlessly after she kissed him.

He had asked Hanna to deliver a range of outfits from her friend’s boutique for her, so he was hoping his friend’s wife had chosen well. It appeared she had done so.

“Yes… of course my baby, but not because of the clothes,” she replied in her English slowly like she were a little girl.

“Really?” he responded slightly disappointed.

“Because you had promised to look after my Mama!”

A questioning look came from him followed by a question. “Why now?” Thomas asked now seeing quite a different girl to the professional one of earlier in the day.

“Because this was the first time I could be alone with you, my darling, for our first time,” she answered looking up into his eyes as Nabokov’s “Lolita” with wide-eyed innocence.

“I want you now!”

“Take what is yours!” she suddenly demanded, kissing him again and again as she wrapped a leg around him tugging at his black silk and wool trousers in the process. “T-h-o-m-a-s, I NEED YOU TAKE ME HERE NOW,” she continued as if possessed, the trained Jelep in control figuring that to secure her position she must submit to him despite her dislike of men.

Undoing his belt buckle, she pressed her hips against his crotch as he roughly pulled at her Nike training tracksuit bottoms. Noting that they had come off rather easily as he yanked them down, Thomas inhaled deeply as he continued to kiss her, drinking from her moist lips as she stepped out of them.

Suddenly he felt his trousers around his ankles in moments. Then he felt her hands working on his underpants.

“I need to feel his strength now so to satisfy Allah and his will as well,” she reasoned to herself as the professional in her kicked in.

Helping her get his underwear off he then offered to go to the bedroom but instead she simply grabbed hold off his now rigid manhood and wrapped her leg around him again. Easing him inside her so to let him slam himself quickly she pulled him into the built-in cupboard for balance as he entered her.

At that moment, Nara felt all the years of physical abuse and torture of the last two days flood over her. It was so intense it almost caused her to pass out, yet something else happened to her.

“What is this? No man has ever done this!” she thought as she wrapped her other leg around him.

Taking hold of her taut bottom, he drove himself into her over and over against the wardrobe.

He had wanted this release all day as he watched her on the plane, her incredible beauty bewitching him with every passing minute as the two of them made small talk and probed each other on their backgrounds. Now it was finally happening.

“Bloody hell!” he murmured for he had never felt anything like this with a woman before.

Kissing him deeply for a moment so she could catch her breath from the emotions that were now laying siege to her from his assault on her, the moans from both of them rang loudly in the room before back in control Nara encouraged him to take her even harder as if forcing out the “demons” whirling around in her head.

Taking her instruction verbatim, Thomas did as he was ordered to do with more force and animal lust as he drove up against her over and over again, slamming himself into her as her legs locked around him, causing her to start babbling.

They carried on like this for the following two minutes, bringing each other to the shared brink of orgasm before feeling herself come / first she held onto him tightly digging her nails into his back.

“MY T-H-O-M-A-S!” she screamed as her soaked sex clamped down on his manhood.

Feeling her intense orgasm arrive caused Thomas to lose all control as waves of release cascaded throughout his body as well, with his whole body becoming rigid just before he exploded into the young woman he sworn he would look after with his life.

Now breathless while he pressed himself into her Nara opened her eyes. Unwrapping from him, she put one leg on the ground then kissed him deeply. As she did so she separated from him, then lowered the other leg, pulling him close to her.

“I can feel your seed inside me, my love,” she huskily whispered as she held him.

“Now we go to the bedroom!” she ordered the professional in her taking over.
