About Michael Reagan

Michael Reagan is a nom de plume. Initially working as an analyst specializing in Corporate Solutions & Planning for a private bank, he was there right at the start of the crazy years of Yeltsin-led Russia. Gaining first hand insight into how the Oligarchs did business in the early days of a Russia struggling to embrace capitalism.

Some of Michael’s experiences have provided in part, the background to his Litchfield character, the chief protagonist of the book.

By the end of the 1990s, employed in a rather peculiar role, within a private office of a royal family in the Middle East he found himself gaining insight not just into the workings of the region’s royal families and their various governments, but also seeing just how Natural Resources have and will continue to effect the “doing of business” between the governments of the world and the multifarious characters involved.

Negotiating everything from hunting rights, the paying of gambling debts of young sheikhs, to oil and gas deals, he refers to it as a life that was never dull but certainly not for the fainthearted and one that often found him questioning his “Devil’s Bargain.”

Michael doesn’t maintain a website or a twitter page, but you can find him on Facebook if you would like to drop him a line.

The Devil’s Handshake is his first novel on the adventures of the Litchfield family.
