Hundred and Eleven

One of the busiest freeways in the state, busiest time of the day. From Santa Monica to Pomona they moved at a snail’s pace, averaging twenty-five miles an hour. On their way they encountered gridlocks, foul tempers, compulsive horn blowers and some frightening risk-takers.

‘We should just take him in and put him under pressure in an interrogation room, I’m sure he’ll crack. Especially if you interrogate him.’ Garcia said as they slowed down behind a truck.

‘You wanna arrest him on what charge? Being bullied by a street gang over twenty years ago and having a dog called Numberz? At the moment we’ve got nothing.’

‘We’ve got motive.’

Probable. You have to work that word into your vocabulary, Carlos.’

‘OK, so we’ve got probable motive. James Reed was severely bullied when young and he blamed Strutter’s gang for what happened to his dog, whether they did it or not. A dog called Numberz that was beheaded. The killer numbers his victims, Robert. Father Fabian was decapitated and his head replaced by a dog’s one. Coincidence? And did you notice that he’s-’

‘Your height, six-two,’ Hunter interrupted, nodding.

‘The man we’re looking for is six-two.’

‘I know.’ Hunter leaned against the passenger door and pinched his chin. ‘Look, all I’m saying is that we can’t panic. If we do, this killer will get away. The only thing we have that can tie anyone to one of the crime scenes is a partial fingerprint found in the mansion in Malibu. That’s good, but it’s not enough and you know it. Even if we take him in and match his fingerprint to the one we have, he could easily beat it in a court of law. The house was on the market for quite a while, remember? Anyone could have gone for a viewing. If that’s all we’ve got, no jury in the country will convict. There are still two members of Strutter’s gang out there, and I know the killer will be going after them. We’ve gotta play this tactfully. If James Reed’s our guy, he knows we’re closing the circle. We knocked on his door yesterday, and we’re about to do it again.’

‘And that might make him nervous,’ Garcia concluded.

‘With nervousness comes mistakes. One mistake is all we need.’

The short winter LA afternoon was sliding to an end when they finally reached Pomona. Hunter consulted his watch and decided to go straight to Cal Poly University.

The main campus of the California State Polytechnic University sits on almost fifteen hundred acres of suburban district, making it the second-largest campus in the California State University system. Once inside the grounds, it didn’t take them long to spot the famous CLA building – Classroom/ Laboratory/Administration. Its daring futuristic architecture has earned the structure a place in several sci-fi Hollywood productions as well as numerous TV commercials. But the building also sits directly above the San Jose Hills Fault. It has a very high seismic risk, and its connections and beams don’t meet California earthquake safety standards.

‘Cool building,’ Garcia commented as he parked his car.

‘Let’s just hope we don’t get a quake in the next few minutes.’


Hunter shook his head dismissively. ‘Don’t worry about it. Useless information, really.’

Garcia’s brow furrowed and he doubled his step, following Hunter into the building.

The reception area wasn’t busy. A heavyset man with friendly eyes and long dark hair tied back in a ponytail smiled with bright white teeth as they approached his desk. ‘How can I help you, gentlemen?’ he asked giddily.

‘We’re looking for Professor Reed, James Reed.’ Hunter returned the smile.

‘Do you know what subject he teaches?’

‘I’m not sure. Is there a way you can find out for us?’

‘Sure, give me a minute.’

‘Computer Science and Software Engineering.’ The answer came from a tall angular woman with a delicate and attractive face framed by ash-blond hair. She was standing next to the receptionist’s desk, reading through some sort of report. Both detectives turned to face her. ‘Professor Reed teaches Computer Science and Software Engineering,’ she confirmed. ‘But he’s not around.’

‘Oh.’ Hunter nodded disappointedly. ‘You are?’

‘Doctor Nicola Pate.’ She offered her hand. ‘I run the computer science department. Are you looking to enroll?’

Garcia coughed and Hunter’s smile widened. ‘Wow, do we look that young?’

‘You look old enough to me,’ the receptionist said, flashing Hunter a new smile followed by a discreet wink, which made Garcia almost choke.

Doctor Pate chuckled comfortingly. ‘You don’t have to be a teenager to enroll in university.’

‘Does that mean we don’t look like teenagers?’ Hunter teased and got a ‘don’t push it’ look from Doctor Pate.

‘I’m at a loss here,’ she said, running her hand through her hair. ‘I know you’re not looking to enroll as students, but I still don’t know who you are.’

They stepped away from the receptionist’s desk and Hunter went through the proper introductions.

Doctor Pate’s aura changed as she checked their badges. ‘Homicide?’

‘Don’t be alarmed,’ Hunter reassured her. ‘James Reed is just helping us.’

‘Is there a problem with one of his students?’

‘No, nothing like that. An investigation we’re conducting might involve someone James Reed knew a very long time ago. He might be able to help us obtain a better insight.’

The doctor’s gaze bounced between both detectives for a moment and her worried expression relaxed.

‘Do you know where we can find him?’

A gentle head tilt. ‘You’re a day too late.’

‘I’m sorry?’

‘We’re three days away from Christmas, detective. Classes have been dying down for the past week. Professor Reed finished his last scheduled class yesterday afternoon. He told me he was going away for a few days.’

‘Did he tell you where?’

Doctor Pate shook her head. ‘Reed’s a very introvert person. A great professor, but he keeps himself to himself. He said he needed a change of scenery, at least for a few days, and I don’t blame him. Life as a university professor can be very demanding. I think he likes going to the mountains somewhere, but don’t quote me on that. I didn’t even know he was going away. The first I heard of it was yesterday.’

Garcia glanced at Hunter.

‘If you leave me your number, I’ll give you a call if I hear from him.’ This time her smile was more than friendly.
