
This time, Captain Blake wanted to see for herself the brutality the Executioner was capable of. They arrived at the derelict construction site in Marina Del Rey thirty-five minutes later. Several police vehicles were already at the scene. Hunter recognized Doctor Winston’s silver convertible BMW parked next to the crime-lab van. A tall black female police officer was leaning against a black and white unit, being attended to by a paramedic.

‘What have we got?’ Hunter asked, approaching the officer who was standing by the yellow crime-scene tape at the building’s entry point.

‘I know very little, sir,’ he replied, worried, and proceeded to explain about the APB put out on the black Cadillac the day before. ‘Officer Williams-’ he nodded in the direction of the tall officer with the paramedics ‘-located the vehicle about two hours ago. No occupants, so she decided to check in here.’ He lifted his thumb over his shoulder. His gaze met Hunter’s and he shook his head. ‘God only knows what’s in there.’ He crossed himself.

Garcia popped a couple of anti-acids in his mouth, and Captain Blake frowned at him. They put on their Tyvek coveralls in silence. The expectation of what this new murder scene would bring seemed to electrify the air.

They stepped into the first room clattered with debris. The air was cold and pungent, laden with the sharp smell of urine and feces. The captain screwed up her face and cupped a hand over her nose. Moving through the plastic door drape at the far end of the squared structure, they delved deeper into the building. The uncomfortable cold intensified and the light got weaker the further they went. After clearing the fourth room, they saw the powerful brilliance of the forensic lights shining through the dirty plastic curtains at the door to a new area. A crime-lab agent was standing outside the door frame, his eyes gazing at a distant nothing. He didn’t register the three new arrivals.

Hunter, Garcia and Captain Blake stepped into the brightly lit room together. The cold that’d accompanied them throughout the building evaporated from Hunter’s body. Not because of the heat produced by the powerlights, but because of the extra blood his heart was pumping into his veins. It was beating twice as fast as moments ago. All three pairs of eyes stared at what occupied the center of the room.

‘Sweet Jesus!’ the captain whispered, bringing a trembling hand to her mouth.
