Relative adverbs: WHERE, WHEN, WHY

The relative adverb where is used after nouns that refer to places:

The house


Mozart was born is now a museum.

(defining relative clause)

I flew to Munich,


I had to catch another plane to Oslo.

(non-defining relative clause)

The relative adverb when is used after nouns that refer to times and dates:

I can't remember a time


I was so happy.

(defining relative clause)

The most stressful day of the week is Monday,


people go back to work.

(non-defining relative clause)

The relative adverb why is used after reason:

The reason


I didn't call you is that I've lost your phone number.

(only in defining relative clauses)


Christmas is a time when you get homesick - even when you're home. - Carol Nelson

The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary. - Donald Kendall

A city is a large community where people are lonesome together. - Herbert Prochnow

Related topics:

Defining relative clause

Non-defining relative clause
