“Have we been able to get anything out of either Suleimani or Rafsanjani?” Director of National Intelligence Felix Jones, asked James Carmichael, the Assistant Director of the CIA.
“No, we haven’t. Just the other day Rafsanjani made mention of another attack that we could expect. He didn’t mention anything other than that one more would be coming and we haven’t been able to get anything else out of him. Suleimani, for his part, simply sits there and grins at us. He knows that since he’s at Gitmo, we won’t be sending him to any black sites we have overseas, plus, the enhanced interrogation techniques we used after 9/11 are off the table as well — and those techniques worked.”
“Well, if there’s one more attack coming, it’s obviously already been set in motion, otherwise he never would have told us. Probably likely to hit any time as well.”
“Exactly. I’ve left Stonewall in Tel Aviv to see if he can root out any remaining Quds and Republican Guards in Syria. It looks like we’ll have to expand on that to see if his Mossad contacts can drum up any intel on a pending attack.”
Six weeks earlier, Colonel Ashkan Rafsanjani led the Iranian Quds force in a daring three pronged unconventional attack against the homeland of the United States. He now claimed that a fourth attack was imminent. Two of the first three attacks hit the west coast of the United States particularly hard. Carmichael, with the help of a friend of his in the 5th Group Special Forces, Colonel Tom ‘Stonewall’ Jackson, and some new found friends in Mossad, helped stop the third, as well as topple the Iranian Islamic Republic and capture both Colonel Ashkan Rafsanjani and General Qassim Suleimani.
“You really believe there’s another pending attack?” Jones asked his deputy.
“Yes, sir, I do. Rafsanjani has no reason to lie to us at this point. Actually, it’s almost like he’s gloating — here he is in Gitmo and he thinks he can still hurt us.”
“Well, he hit us hard the first time. I’ll let the President know.”