“Hey, big brother, you’re looking a lot better than the last time I saw you here,” Tanya said announcing her entrance into Stonewall’s hospital room. His last visit to BAMC occurred when he took an Iraqi mortar blast to the face and chest.
“Yeah, really don’t care to go through that again.”
“Tanya, nice to finally meet you,” Dani said.
“Oh, sorry,” Stonewall apologized. “Tanya, this is Dani. I know you’ve talked on the phone quite a bit but never really had the chance to meet each other face to face.”
“Not to worry,” Tanya replied. “Dani tells me they think they’ll be able to save your leg. That’s wonderful!”
“Yeah, that’s a huge relief! It’s going to be a long recovery, though. Everything from the knee down is pretty much torn up.”
“Well, if the docs think you’ll have a decent recovery, and they don’t even know you like I do, you’ll be on your feet in no time,” Tanya added. “And, I’m sure Dani will do what she can to motivate you!”
“That won’t be a problem,” Dani replied with a grin.
“Did you happen to bring that little package I asked if you could pick up for me?” Jackson asked his sister.
“I sure did,” Tanya replied with huge smile as she handed it to him.
“Dani, you know, what I’m about to ask you generally requires that a guy get down on one knee but, obviously, that’s not going to happen.”
“What!?!” she gasped as she opened up the small jewelry box Jackson handed to her. The box contained a three band, Black Hills Gold ring set featuring a one-third carat diamond within a rose, accented by green and rose-colored gold leaves. The flanking bands each featured two groups of three smaller diamonds accenting the center diamond. “Oh, my GOD!!! Stonewall, it’s GORGEOUS!!!” Dani exclaimed as she slid the ring on her finger.
“Congratulations, Dani,” Tanya said as she gave her a big hug. “And welcome to the family!”
“YES! I’m… stunned! Yes! Stonewall… Tom, you never cease to amaze me!” Dani added as she leaned over and wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a very passionate kiss.
“Hey, sounds like I got here just in time.”
“Tamir! What are you doing here?” Arielle said as he walked into the room.
“I got wind that you might have something special going on here and I see I’m just in time. Nice rock, Arielle,” Tamir said as he winked at Stonewall.