Elizabeth couldn't remember being this angry. Lamont was in critical condition. Nick had a bad concussion. The Jordanians were in an uproar. It didn't help that one of the bad guys was accredited to the US Embassy and worked for Langley. It had the makings of a full blown diplomatic incident.

Earlier, she'd briefed the President. Rice had been calm, but incidents like this jeopardized the existence of the Project. Jordan was technically an ally in the Middle East, and there were few enough of those. He'd agreed to put pressure on the Jordanians to get her team airlifted to Ramstein AFB in Germany, where there was American medical care. She was on thin ice with the White House and she knew it.

All because of an artifact that might not even exist and an arrogant bunch of privileged narcissists who had never made it past their adolescent fantasies of power and imperial glory. A secret society, for God's sake. Maybe they had a big tree house somewhere, too. Sometimes she wondered how America had managed to get as far as it had, with people like them running things. It bothered her, a lot. She believed in her country, but these men were a cancer eating away at the foundation of everything she believed in.

Still, she had a job to do. Americans needed protection from the forces that wanted to destroy their way of life. If Cask and Swords was any indication, they needed protection from some of their own leaders.

Stephanie came into Elizabeth's office.

"The President came through," she said. "I just spoke with Selena. The Jordanians have declared everyone Persona Non Grata. They've been escorted to a Jordanian Air base. A C-130 is picking them up as we speak."

"'How is Lamont?"

"Not good. He took one through a lung."

"Steph, whatever else happens, I'm going to take these bastards down."

"I don't think you'll get any argument from the others."

"This banker. Harrison. He seems to be a key figure in Cask and Swords. I want full surveillance on him."

"What about the legalities?"

"Put a smoke screen around it. Use the National Security ploy and that judge in Alexandria. Do it by the book, but get it in place."

"And if we can't do it by the book?"

Elizabeth looked out at the flowers. She knew what her father would say, if he were alive.

You're on a slippery slope, Elizabeth. What about the rules of law? You can't break the rules just because there are others who don't follow them. If you act illegally because you think it's justified, you're no better than the criminals. Law is the foundation of our Republic.

The problem was that the foundation had been undermined by people like Harrison. People who felt safe because they knew those who believed in the rule of law were constrained by it.

"Elizabeth?" Stephanie waited for her answer.

"Do it anyway."

Stephanie started to say something, then thought better of it. "What about the team? Do you still want them going to France?"

Elizabeth picked up her pen and began drumming on the desk.

"What do you think?"

There was a reason Elizabeth had made Stephanie her deputy. She was smart and savvy enough to take over if she had to. Elizabeth respected her opinion.

"They're high profile now," Steph said. "Everyone is watching them. It might be a good idea to let things cool off some."

Elizabeth set the pen down. "These people have been ahead of us all the way. If there's something in France, they've probably found it. If they haven't, it doesn't matter. I'm going to bring the team home."

"Nick won't like it. He's pretty upset about Lamont."

"He'll get his chance. But now isn't the time to get even. Rice is keeping his distance. This has caused a lot of trouble for him. I can't risk another incident overseas. Not yet."

"What about the CIA connection? Are you planning to talk to Hood?"

Clarence Hood was DCI, head of the Central Intelligence Agency. He and Elizabeth had a good working relationship.

"Yes, but I don't think Anderson was acting under Langley's orders. He was Cask and Swords, class of '99. They're the ones behind it. This man, Harrison. I'm sure he's involved."

"How do you know?"

"Call it intuition."

Stephanie nodded. "That'll work."
