"Someone tried to assassinate Joshua Weisner last night," Harker said. "Israel is on high alert."

Nick was in his room at the George Hotel. The secure satellite connection was good.

"Is there ever a time when they aren't? Who did it?"

"A Palestinian. They've ID'd him as Hezbollah. There are large, organized demonstrations in Lebanon, people shooting into the air, flag burnings, lots of martyr rhetoric. You know the drill."

"How is the government reacting?"

"They have to appear strong. Prime Minister Lerner has been forced into a corner. If he doesn't retaliate, he'll be seen as weak right before an election. If he does retaliate, there'll be diplomatic outbursts, world condemnation, riots. The usual. It's a Catch-22. A lot depends on exactly what he does."

"What's your best guess?" Nick asked.

"Our satellites show massive preparations. Troops mobilizing, planes being fueled, the whole nine yards. Lerner is a conservative moderate and a staunch supporter of Israel's security. He and everyone else is fed up with Hezbollah. My guess is that he's going to invade Lebanon and go after them. He'd gain the backing of the extreme conservative elements right before the election. It means a blood bath, with lots of civilian casualties."

"That didn't work the last time. And Hezbollah is backed by Iran."

"What's different this time is that I think Lerner really means it."

"Hezbollah is backed by Iran."

"That's a problem. I don't think the Mullahs will stand by and let their puppets be taken out of the game."

"Another war?"

"Yes. I hope I'm wrong, but my intuition says otherwise."

Nick sighed. Elizabeth's intuition was usually right on.

"What's your operational status?" Harker asked.

"There's a bright moon tonight, but weather says considerable cloud cover. We'll get in through the river gate, open up that cave and see what we find. There's minimum security at the castle. They don't need it. Once they lock up for the night, it's pretty hard to get in. That was the idea when they built it 900 years ago and nothing has changed. Won't be much of a problem for us, though."

"How's Lev working out?"

"Nothing's happened yet. I expect he'll be fine."

"The problems at home may distract him."

"I'll deal with it."

"All right, Nick. Brief me as soon as you know what's in that cave."

"Roger that."
