Elizabeth and Stephanie watched a live satellite feed of the war taking shape in the Middle East. The Israeli Defense Force was poised at the border with Lebanon, set for a full blown assault. Naval units were positioned to bombard Sidon on the coast. Troop movements could be seen clearly on the satellite feed. Hezbollah was moving rocket batteries into position. Elizabeth knew they had Iranian missiles hidden somewhere in the hills.

On the West Bank, Israeli troops were already pouring through the checkpoints and pushing hard for the camps. The Arab world was in an uproar. The UN Security Council was in emergency session. There were mass demonstrations in Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt.

"I think Lerner will go all the way to Beirut," Elizabeth said. "He'll secure the south below Sidon first. That will eliminate the rocket bases. Then he'll try to force a settlement that drives Hezbollah out of the country. On the West Bank, he's going for the '67 cease fire line."

"The border with Jordan. What's Syria doing?"

"Making a lot of noise, mostly. They're still enmeshed in their civil war. There isn't much they can do."

She picked up her pen, set it down. "Rice has put the subs on DEFCON2 and held everyone else for the moment at DEFCON3. He doesn't want to send the wrong signals, but he's worried. Russia and China have raised their alert levels as well. If someone makes a mistake it could go out of control fast."

"What about that Iranian nuke?"

"That's the wild card. We don't know where it is, or what they're planning. We don't have a lot of assets in Iran. They've gotten first-class at counter-intelligence and they don't like spies."

The cat was outside, pawing at the garden door.

"Burps wants in," Stephanie said.

"Leave him out there. He's an outdoor cat, Nick said."

"Speaking of Nick, have you heard from them yet?"

"No. I don't expect to until after they've checked out that church. It should be anytime, now."
