Lev Gefen sat in Harker's office and wondered how this was going to work out. All he knew about the Project was what Ari had told him and what he'd learned from the intelligence files. Like all Special Forces personnel everywhere, he was sure no one else was as good as his own unit, though he had to admit the Project knew what they were doing. Either that, or they were damn lucky. Good units made their own luck.

"I've reviewed your record," Elizabeth said. "I think you'll fit in."

"Those files are classified."

"Yes, they are." She offered no explanation. "Do you have questions for us?"

"Who will be in command in the field?"

"Nick is in command," Elizabeth said. "If he's unavailable, then Ronnie or Selena will take over."

Gefen looked uncomfortable. "I mean no disrespect, but she does not have the same experience as the rest of us. In combat she would be at a disadvantage. Especially hand to hand."

Elizabeth's voice took on an edge. "Selena has proved herself as capable as anyone else on the team."

Selena bit back her first thoughts. "Perhaps you'd like to practice a little hand to hand in the gym?" she said. "Just a friendly match. No pads."

"I am considered expert in Krav Maga," Gefen said. "It wouldn't be fair."

Krav was a highly effective martial art developed by Lev's own Israeli Commandos. It was meant to stop multiple attackers when weapons were not available. Injuries were common in training, even with experienced instructors.

"My. Perhaps you can show me something. Unless you're worried I'll beat you."

Lev smiled. "It will be my pleasure to, ah, show you something."

Nick and Ronnie looked at each other. Nick suppressed a grin.

"After this meeting, then?"

"As you wish."

Elizabeth had watched the exchange, her face betraying nothing of her thoughts. Now she said, "Lev, you'll be staying here, in the guest quarters downstairs. It's quite comfortable. I want you to work with everyone, on the range, in the gym. Just for a few days until we have a mission set up. Give you a chance to get to know one another."

Half an hour later everyone gathered in the gym to watch the match. Lev Gefen had at least fifty pounds on Selena and several inches in reach. Both he and Selena wore loose, black outfits. If Gefen was surprised at the black belt around Selena's waist, he didn't show it. He had one of his own.

"I'll try not to hurt you," he said.

"I appreciate it," Selena said. She smiled.

Nick was acting as referee. "Ready? Remember, don't do any real damage."

Lev and Selena bowed to each other. Gefen attacked. Selena blocked with her arms and tried a leg sweep. Gefen blocked her sweep, countered with his elbow. Selena brushed it aside and half turned. Her leg shot out in a blur, heel extended The blow landed on his upper thigh and knocked him all the way across the mat.

"That would have been your knee," she said.

Gefen's face got red. He attacked again, a flurry of elbow strikes, kicks and punches. Selena blocked and parried, took a body blow, whirled and knocked Gefen's legs out from under him. He went down hard on his back. Selena was on him, her knee resting lightly on his groin, her hand a sharp fist poised high overhead for a killer strike.

"You're dead," she said. She tapped him on the forehead and moved away in a fluid, quick motion. Nick marveled at her agility. It was if she had springs in her legs.

Gefen got to his feet. Nick waited to see how he would handle the ease with which Selena had beaten him. For an Alpha male like Gefen, getting beaten by a woman was probably a new experience. It was the kind of situation that revealed more about who someone was than all the files and training in the world.

He bowed. "I underestimated you," he said. "I apologize if what I said gave offense."

Selena bowed back. "No offense taken."

"Welcome to the team," Harker said.
