Sabir didn’t feel entirely comfortable in his borrowed suit. The lapels were nearly a foot wide and the jacket fitted him like a morning coat – in fact, it made him look like Cab Calloway in Stormy Weather. The shirt, too, left something to be desired; he had never been fond of sunflowers and waterwheels, particularly in terms of creative design. The tie was of the fluorescent kipper variety and clashed abominably with his shirt, which itself clashed with the maroon stripes which some joker of a tailor had allowed to be interleaved throughout the suiting material. At least the shoes were his own.
‘You look fantastic. Like a gypsy. If you didn’t have that payo mug of yours, I’d want you for a brother.’
‘How do you keep a straight face when you say things like that, Alexi?’
‘My jaw is broken. That is how.’
Despite all Yola’s protestations to the contrary, Sabir still felt that he stuck out like an albino. Everyone was watching him. Wherever he went, whatever he did, gazes slid off him and then back on again as soon as his attention was diverted towards somewhere else. ‘Are you sure they’re not going to turn me in? I’m probably still appearing nightly on TV. There’s probably a reward.’
‘Everybody here knows of the Kriss. They know you are Yola’s phral. That the Bulibasha at Samois is your kirvo. If anyone denounced you, they would have to answer to him. They would be exiled. Like that arsehole Gavril’s uncle.’
Gavril was watching them from the periphery of the camp. When he saw that Alexi had noticed him, he raised one finger and plunged it inside a ring made out of the thumb and index finger of his other hand. Then he stuck it in his mouth and rolled his eyes.
‘A friend of yours?’
‘He’s after Yola. He wants to kill me.’
‘The two things don’t necessarily tally.’
‘What are you talking about?’
‘I mean if he kills you, Yola won’t marry him.’
‘Oh yes. She probably would. Women forget. After a while he’d convince her that he was in the right. She’d get hot in her stomach and let him kidnap her. She’s already old not to be married. What’s happening tonight is bad. She will see this wedding and start thinking even more unwell of me. Then Gavril will look better to her.’
‘She’s old not to be married because she’s keeping herself for you, Alexi. Or hadn’t you noticed that? Why the Hell don’t you just kidnap her and have done with it?’
‘Would you let me?’
Sabir aimed a playful slap at Alexi’s head. ‘Of course I’d let you. She’s obviously in love with you. Just as you are with her. That’s why you argue all the time.’
‘We argue because she wants to dominate me. She wants to wear the trousers. I don’t want a woman who nags me. Whenever I go away, she’ll get angry. And then she’ll punish me. Yola is hexi. She’ll put spells on me. This way, I’m free. I don’t have to explain myself to anyone. I can fuck payo women, just like she said.’
‘But what if someone else took her? Someone like Gavril?’
‘I’d kill him.’
Sabir groaned and turned his attention back to the bridal party, which was fast approaching the centre of the camp. ‘You’d better tell me what’s happening.’
‘But it’s just like any other wedding.’
‘I don’t think so, somehow.’
‘Well. Okay then. You see those two over there? That’s the father of the bride and the father of the groom. They will have to convince the Bulibasha that they have agreed on a bride-price. Then the gold must be handed over and counted. Then the Bulibasha will offer the couple bread and salt. He’ll tell them, “When the bread and salt no longer taste good to you, then you will no longer be husband and wife.’’ ’
‘What’s the old woman doing, waving the handkerchief?’
‘She is trying to convince the father of the groom that the bride is still a virgin.’
‘You’re kidding?’
‘Would I kid you, Adam? Virginity is very important here. Why do you think Yola is always going on about being a virgin? That makes her more valuable. You could sell her for a lot of gold if you could find a man willing to take her on.’
‘Like Gavril?’
‘His cellar is empty.’
Sabir realised that he would get no further along that route. ‘So why the handkerchief?’
‘It’s called a mocador. A panuelo, sometimes. That old woman you see holding it – well, she’s checked with her finger that the bride is really a virgin. Then she stains the mocador in three places with blood from the girl. After that has been done, the Bulibasha pours rakia on the handkerchief. This will move the blood into the shape of a flower. Only virgin’s blood will do this thing – pig’s blood wouldn’t behave in that way. Now look. She’s tying the handkerchief on a stick. This means that the father of the groom has accepted that the girl is a virgin. Now the old woman will carry the stick around the camp so that everyone else can see that Lemma has not had her eyes closed by another man.’
‘What’s the bridegroom called?’
‘Radu. He’s my cousin.’
‘Who isn’t?’
Sabir caught sight of Yola on the other side of the square. He waved a hand at her, but she lowered her head and ignored him. He idly wondered what new faux pas he’d just committed.
Over by the wedding party, the Bulibasha raised a vase and brought it down with all his force on the bridegroom’s head. The vase splintered into a thousand pieces. There was a communal gasp from the assembled crowd.
‘What the Hell was all that about?’
‘The more pieces the vase breaks into, the happier the couple will be. This couple will be very happy.’
‘Are they married now?’
‘Not yet. First the bride has to eat something made with herbs taken from above a grave. Then she must have her hands painted with henna – the longer the henna stays on, the longer her husband will love her. Then she must carry a child over the threshold of her caravan, for if she doesn’t produce a child within a year, Radu can throw her out.’
‘Oh, that’s great. That’s very enlightened.’
‘It doesn’t often happen, Adam. Only when the couple fight. Then it is a good excuse for both parties to end an unhappy state.’
‘And that’s it?’
‘No. In a few minutes, we will carry the bride and groom around the camp on our shoulders. The women will sing the traditional yeli yeli wedding song. Then the bride will go and change into her other costume. Then we will all dance.’
‘You can dance with Yola, then.’
‘Oh no. Men dance with men and women with women. There’s no mixing.’
‘You don’t say. You know something, Alexi? Nothing about you people surprises me anymore. I just figure out what I expect to happen, turn it around on its head and then I know I’ve got it right.’