‘I need access to the internet.’
‘The what?’
‘To a computer. I need an internet cafe.’
‘Are you mad, Damo? The police are still looking for you. Someone will probably read the news on the computer next to you, see your photo, call in your details and watch happily as they come to pick you up. Then, if they film the whole scene of your capture on their webcams, they can post it straight away and make their names. They will be instant millionaires. Better than the lottery.’
‘I thought you couldn’t read, Alexi? How come you know so much about computers?’
‘He plays games.’
Sabir turned round and stared at Yola. ‘I’m sorry?’
She yawned. ‘He goes to internet cafes and he plays games.’
‘But he’s a grown-up.’
Alexi couldn’t see Yola’s face as he was driving but he managed to dart a few concerned glances into the rear-view mirror. ‘What’s wrong with playing games?’
‘Nothing. If you’re fifteen.’
Yola and Sabir were trying to hide their enjoyment behind faked straight faces. Alexi was the perfect subject for teasing because he took everything which referred to himself at absolute face value, whereas, when it referred to other people, he was considerably more selective.
Alexi had obviously succeeded in reading their minds for once, for he immediately changed tack to a more serious subject. ‘Tell me why you need the internet, Damo?’
‘To find a new Black Virgin. We need to pinpoint a place, well away from the Camargues, to which we can lure the eye-man. And which he will believe in. For this we need a Black Virgin.’
Yola shook her head. ‘I don’t think you should do this.’
‘But you were all for it. Back at Samois. And when we went to Rocamadour.’
‘I have a sense about this man. You should leave him to the police. As you agreed with the Captain. I have a very bad feeling.’
‘Leave him to the police? Those fools?’ Alexi rocked himself back and forwards against the steering wheel. ‘And then you both laugh at me for playing games? It is you who are the games players, not me.’ Alexi paused dramatically, waiting for a response. When it didn’t come, he forged ahead, undaunted. ‘I say let Damo go and find his Black Virgin. Then we lead the eye-man there. This time we make a plan that is foolproof. We will be waiting for him. He comes in – we shoot him. Then Damo beats him to a pulp with his stick. We bury him somewhere. The police can look for him for the next ten years – that will keep a few of them out of our hair, won’t it?’
Yola threw up her arms. ‘Alexi, when O Del gave out brains, He only had a certain amount to go around. He tried to be fair, of course, but it was difficult for Him, because your mother nagged Him so much that He forgot what He was doing and took away what little brains you had by mistake. And now look.’
‘Who did He give them to? My brains I mean? Damo, I suppose? Or Gavril? Is that what you are saying?’
‘No. I think He made a really big mistake. I think He gave them to the eye-man.’