When a Purple Emperor died, tradition decreed that his body be dressed in the formal robes of his office, then placed under a stasis spell for display in the Cathedral until the day of his successor's Coronation. Four uniformed members of the Imperial Guard stood like statues at the corners of the bier while loyal subjects filed past tearfully to pay their final respects.
But the last Purple Emperor, Apatura Iris, lost most of his face when he was murdered and no amount of reconstruction spells seemed capable of putting it together again. There was no question of public display. Thus the body lay in stasis in the palace crypt, ministered to with hourly prayers by the mortuary priests.
'It was like this when I arrived,' Thorn said miserably.
They stood staring at the empty bier. There was no sign of vandalism, no sign of damage, but the body was no longer there. Blue said, 'Who conducted the last prayers? Before you?'
'Brother Sinapis.' Thorn hesitated. 'Serenity, I spoke with him. All was in order when he withdrew.'
'The guards?' There were guards at the entrance to the crypt, ceremonially dressed to be sure, but they would still have noticed anyone trying to enter.
'They saw nothing, Serenity.'
Blue said crisply, 'I want to talk to Brother Sinapis myself. And each of the guards. Please arrange to have them brought to my quarters, starting with Sinapis. They are to be isolated from each other before I speak to them – I don't want any discussion between them until I hear each individual story. I want you to -'
Pyrgus, who'd said nothing at all since Thorn had appeared before the Gatekeeper's lodge, now said sharply, 'Just a minute, Blue.' She looked at him in surprise. There was a note of command in his tone she'd never heard before. And a stern, strained expression on his face. 'We need to discuss this -' he gave her a warning look, '- and other matters with Gatekeeper Fogarty.'
'Mr Fogarty's not back,' Blue said unnecessarily.
Pyrgus lowered his voice, as if this would somehow prevent his being heard by Thorn, who was standing beside him. 'I don't want to trust any of this to servants. Blue, I want you to translate to the Analogue World and bring Mr Fogarty back at once – his personal business will have to wait. I'll speak to Sinapis and the guards myself.' He turned and his voice sharpened. 'You, Thorn, will personally organise a security search of the crypt. Tell the Captain of the Watch you have my full authority. I want the area swept for any clues, however small, to what has happened. Spare no expense – and that includes the cost of extracting impressions from the stonework, although I imagine whoever did this would have been cloaked.'
Blue stared at him in astonishment. This was a Pyrgus she'd never seen before – decisive, in charge… imperial. He glanced round at her. 'Are you still here, Blue? You really must make arrangements to translate at once – the situation is both serious and urgent.' 'Yes, Pyrgus,' Blue said meekly.
Blue found Chief Portal Engineer Peacock bent over a basin in an anteroom of the chapel, scrubbing his hands with a stiff brush. 'Something I can do for you, Serenity?' he asked.
Blue nodded, her lips suddenly dry. 'Is the portal functioning?'
'Yes, of course, Serenity.'
'No, I mean is it functioning properly? You fixed it after the sabotage attempt -' the successful sabotage attempt, carried out on Lord Hairstreak's orders, although they'd never prove it,'- the, ah, business with my brother?' She didn't really want to spell it out, didn't really want to remember. Pyrgus had almost died when he went through it then.
Peacock looked bewildered. 'Ages ago, Serenity.'
'And it's working…? It's working… well, properly… no problems now, are there?'
'No, Serenity.'
'How long does setting it take?' Blue asked.
'Setting the directional indicator? For where you want to go?'
'Not long.' He was staring at her now. 'You just feed in the coordinates. Ten, fifteen seconds, say. Less. Less, probably. Do you want to use the portal, Serenity?'
There it was, all laid out in a single question. Blue said tightly, 'Yes.'
They walked together into the main chapel. The place was full of uniformed guards armed with stun wands and there was a charged security fence surrounding the House Iris portal, both grim reminders of the sabotage that had nearly cost her brother his life. The portal itself had been reinforced – there were heavy metal casings on the pillars, while the nearby controls had been rehoused in impermeable obsidian. The whole chapel had a sombre, military-camp appearance. The blue flames between the pillars seemed like an inferno.
Blue frowned. 'It's in use?'
Peacock shook his head. 'We keep it running permanently now.' His face softened. 'Orders of your poor father after… after the business with Prince Pyrgus. Makes it easier to detect any interference. Not that there could be any now,' he added hurriedly.
'I see,' Blue said. She licked her lips again. 'How long will it take to set it to translate me to the Analogue home of Gatekeeper Fogarty?'
'Known coordinates,' Peacock said. 'Can have it ready for you any time you want to go, Serenity.'
Blue said, 'I'd like to go now, Mr Peacock.'
He looked around, clearly searching for her entourage. When he didn't find one, he said, 'You're not going alone, are you, Serenity?'
The trouble was – she was. Mr Fogarty would want to know what was happening and she had no intention of talking in front of servants. Best to find him, brief him, bring him back, tell no one else anything they didn't need to know.
'Yes, I am.'
Peacock said uncertainly, 'This is your first time, isn't it, Ma'am? Your first translation to the Analogue World?'
'Would you like me to go with you?'
'No, thank you,' Blue said firmly. She moved towards the security fence and one of the guards hurried to unlock the gate and let her through. 'I take it I simply step between the pillars, Mr Peacock?'
Peacock had entered the enclosure immediately behind her. Now he walked quickly towards the controls. 'Once I've made the settings, Serenity,' he said. 'I'll tell you when.'
Blue waited, a step away from the pillars. Her heart was thumping wildly, but she held her face impassive. It would never do to let anyone see how a princess of House Iris felt about something as simple as translating. It was perfectly safe – everyone knew that. She couldn't feel so much as a hint of heat, which was what it said in all the reference books: cold flame.
'The portal's ready now, Serenity,' Chief Engineer Peacock told her.
Sweating with fear, Blue stepped between the pillars without a moment's hesitation.