'There are those in the Realm,' Peach Blossom said, 'who will not rest until Prince Pyrgus is restored to his rightful place. Prince Comma might as well be a full-bred Nighter now. Everybody knows it's Black Hairstreak who rules. The old Queen, Comma's mother, is dangerous as a slith, but her brother is the one who holds the reins of power. It cannot be allowed to continue.'
From her expression and those of the women around her, Henry had no doubt at all that the Silken Sisterhood counted themselves among those who wanted Pyrgus back. He wondered briefly if they were doing anything about it. From the war movies he watched on television, resistance movements sprang up like mushrooms in times of trouble. 'Do you know where they've gone?' he asked. 'Pyrgus and Blue – the Crown Prince and his sister? Is it true they're in Haleklind?'
Peach Blossom nodded. 'Yes.'
Henry blinked at her. I don't suppose you know where that is?'
'It's a bordering country, outside the Empire. That's why Hairstreak sent them there.'
Henry felt his heart sink. 'Is it far?'
'You want to go to them?'
Henry didn't answer at once. He was out of his depth here and had been since he arrived back in the Realm. He'd translated to help Blue – and Pyrgus – but he'd never expected to be involved in a crisis anything like this. Did he want to go to them, to join them in exile? Was there anything he could really do to help? There would probably be fighting sooner or later and he was no soldier. And everything was going to take far longer than he had thought. How long would the lethe spell continue to work on his mother and Aisling? All the same… He blinked.
'Yes,' he said. 'Yes, I do.'
'We may be able to help you,' Peach Blossom said. She glanced at him sideways. 'And do something about that gash on your face.' She frowned a little. 'If I didn't know better, I'd have thought it looked like a spinner slash.'
The women weren't like any others Henry had ever known, although there was a ruthlessness about them that reminded him a little of his mother. He found himself being told what to do. There was no discussion about anything.
The bright clothes that had made him feel so good about himself were gone now, replaced by well-cut homespun of rough silk that he'd only just stopped the Sisters helping him to put on.
'You don't want to be noticed,' Peach Blossom said. 'But on the other hand, you don't want to be dressed in rags either. You need to be taken seriously, especially in Haleklind. The wizards lay much store by appearances. Nothing flashy, but the proper cut will help get you access anywhere.'
'Thank you,' Henry said, wondering what on earth she was talking about.
'You'll need that to find the Crown Prince,' Peach Blossom said, as if reading his thoughts. 'Now -' She handed him a pouch made from thin, shiny material that looked both waterproof and tough. 'This is your map and some gold.'
Henry blinked. 'Gold?'
'You can't possibly set out for Haleklind on foot. Much too far. You'll be little use to our royals if you take a month to reach them. The gold is to buy passage on public transports.'
Public transports? What public transports? Henry was as lost in the Realm as if he'd been dumped in the middle of the Sahara Desert. How could he take a public transport if he didn't know where to find one, didn't even know what they looked like? But despite his deepening confusion, he said, 'Gold? I really can't accept -'
'You don't have any option,' Peach Blossom cut him off. 'Believe me, you will not survive without coin. If it makes you feel any better, consider yourself in the employ of the Sisterhood. We wish you to carry a message to Prince Pyrgus and Princess Blue.'
'Is that in the pouch as well?' Henry asked.
Peach Blossom shook her head. 'Not that sort of message,' she said. 'We wish you only to tell them that the Sisters of the Silk Guild remain loyal to their rightful ruler and will fight to the death to restore him to the throne.' She hesitated. 'And correct the abomination of Lord Hairstreak in what he has done to the former Emperor.'
Henry murmured, 'I'll tell them.' He felt real admiration for these women. Even from the little he'd seen of the Realm since his return, he was sure they were risking their lives.
'One of the Sisters will take you into the city,' Peach Blossom said. 'Hairstreak does not yet suspect the Guild. But you must -' She broke off. 'What was that?'
That's trouble, Henry thought. There were sounds in the corridor outside and a woman's scream. Then the door of the chamber slammed open. Henry caught the barest glimpse of soldiers in black uniforms and dark shades before a ball of flame roared across the room to catch him in the chest. The impact was so violent it lifted him completely off his feet and slammed him back against one wall. His head struck stone in a sunburst of agony. He felt himself sliding down the wall and clung desperately to consciousness.
But by the time he reached the floor his limbs were folding like a rag doll and everything had turned to black.