'I'm worried about the kid,' Fogarty said suddenly.


'No – Pyrgus. I'm worried about him,' Fogarty said. 'It's taking too long.'

'You think so, deeah?'

'The theory was they slip into the palace, grab their father and slip out again. How long does that take?'

'Perhaps longer than one might imagine,' said Madame Cardui. 'The palace is a substantial building. Pyrgus has to find his father before he can rescue him.'

'I'm not sure they're still at the palace,' Fogarty said. 'I'm not even sure the Purple Emperor is at the palace.'

'Pyrgus said he saw his father at a window when they were forced to leave.'

'Pyrgus said he thought he saw his father at the window,' Fogarty corrected her. 'But even if he was right, that doesn't mean his father stayed there.' He leaned, forward. 'In a case like this, you have to figure out what your enemy is thinking. Emperor Apatura isn't himself now. He's under orders from Hairstreak. On his own, the Emperor would stay at the palace. But would Hairstreak want him to stay at the palace?'

'Well, don't keep me in suspense – would he?'

I don't think he would,' Fogarty said. 'I wouldn't.

I'm trying to tell the world the old Emperor is sound of body and mind, but just happens to want me to take over ruling the empire. People will never buy that if they see Apatura wandering about like a zombie. If I were Hairstreak, I'd hide him away at my own place.'

After a moment, Madame Cardui said, 'Lord Hairstreak has two places: a home in the city and the other -' She stopped, looking at him.

'The other one's somewhere in this forest,' Fogarty finished for her. 'He'd never take the Emperor to the place in the city – far too public'

They looked at one another.

'Why didn't you say this before?' Madame Cardui asked.

'I didn't think of it before,' Fogarty said sourly.

'What are you going to do about it?'

Fogarty said, 'I think I'll go and talk to the Queen.'
