THE EVENING BOAT for Vineyard Haven was loading freight. In a little while, the warning whistle would separate the sheep from the goats—that’s the way Baxter thought of it—the islanders from the tourists wandering through the streets of Woods Hole. His car, like all the others ticketed for the ferry, was parked near the wharf. He sat on the front bumper, smoking. The noise and movement of the small port seemed to signify that the spring had ended and that the shores of West Chop, across the Sound, were the shores of summer, but the implications of the hour and the voyage made no impression on Baxter at all. The delay bored and irritated him. When someone called his name, he got to his feet with relief.
It was old Mrs. Ryan. She called to him from a dusty station wagon, and he went over to speak to her. “I knew it,” she said. “I knew that I’d see someone here from Holly Cove. I had that feeling in my bones. We’ve been traveling since nine this morning. We had trouble with the brakes outside Worcester. Now I’m wondering if Mrs. Talbot will have cleaned the house. She wanted seventy-five dollars for opening it last summer and I told her I wouldn’t pay her that again, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s thrown all my letters away. Oh, I hate to have a journey end in a dirty house, but if worse comes to worst, we can clean it ourselves. Can’t we, Clarissa?” she asked, turning to a young woman who sat beside her on the front seat. “Oh, excuse me, Baxter!” she exclaimed. “You haven’t met Clarissa, have you? This is Bob’s wife, Clarissa Ryan.”
Baxter’s first thought was that a girl like that shouldn’t have to ride in a dusty station wagon; she should have done much better. She was young. He guessed that she was about twenty-five. Red-headed, deep-breasted, slender, and indolent, she seemed to belong to a different species from old Mrs. Ryan and her large-boned, forthright daughters. “‘The Cape Cod girls, they have no combs. They comb their hair with codfish bones,’” he said to himself but Clarissa’s hair was well groomed. Her bare arms were perfectly white. Woods Hole and the activity on the wharf seemed to bore her and she was not interested in Mrs. Ryan’s insular gossip. She lighted a cigarette.
At a pause in the old lady’s monologue, Baxter spoke to her daughter-in-law. “When is Bob coming down, Mrs. Ryan?” he asked.
“He isn’t coming at all,” the beautiful Clarissa said. “He’s in France. He’s—”
“He’s gone there for the government,” old Mrs. Ryan interrupted, as if her daughter-in-law could not be entrusted with this simple explanation. “He’s working on this terribly interesting project. He won’t be back until autumn. I’m going abroad myself. I’m leaving Clarissa alone. Of course,” she added forcefully, “I expect that she will love the island. Everyone does. I expect that she will be kept very busy. I expect that she—”
The warning signal from the ferry cut her off. Baxter said goodbye. One by one, the cars drove aboard, and the boat started to cross the shoal water from the mainland to the resort. Baxter drank a beer in the cabin and watched Clarissa and old Mrs. Ryan, who were sitting on deck. Since he had never seen Clarissa before, he supposed that Bob Ryan must have married her during the past winter. He did not understand how this beauty had ended up with the Ryans. They were a family of passionate amateur geologists and bird-watchers. “We’re all terribly keen about birds and rocks,” they said when they were introduced to strangers. Their cottage was a couple of miles from any other and had, as Mrs. Ryan often said, “been thrown together out of a barn in 1922.” They sailed, hiked, swam in the surf, and organized expeditions to Cuttyhunk and Tarpaulin Cove. They were people who emphasized corpore sano unduly, Baxter thought, and they shouldn’t leave Clarissa alone in the cottage. The wind had blown a strand of her flame-colored hair across her cheek. Her long legs were crossed. As the ferry entered the harbor, she stood up and made her way down the deck against the light salt wind, and Baxter, who had returned to the island indifferently, felt that the summer had begun.
BAXTER KNEW that in trying to get some information about Clarissa Ryan he had to be careful. He was accepted in Holly Cove because he had summered there all his life. He could be pleasant and he was a good-looking man, but his two divorces, his promiscuity, his stinginess, and his Latin complexion had left with his neighbors a vague feeling that he was unsavory. He learned that Clarissa had married Bob Ryan in November and that she was from Chicago. He heard people say that she was beautiful and stupid. That was all he did find out about her.
He looked for Clarissa on the tennis courts and the beaches. He didn’t see her. He went several times to the beach nearest the Ryans’ cottage. She wasn’t there. When he had been on the island only a short time, he received from Mrs. Ryan, in the mail, an invitation to tea. It was an invitation that he would not ordinarily have accepted, but he drove eagerly that afternoon over to the Ryans’ cottage. He was late. The cars of most of his friends and neighbors were parked in Mrs. Ryan’s field. Their voices drifted out of the open windows into the garden, where Mrs. Ryan’s climbing roses were in bloom. “Welcome aboard!” Mrs. Ryan shouted when he crossed the porch. “This is my farewell party. I’m going to Norway.” She led him into a crowded room.
Clarissa sat behind the teacups. Against the wall at her back was a glass cabinet that held the Ryan’s geological specimens. Her arms were bare. Baxter watched them while she poured his tea. “Hot? … Cold? Lemon? … Cream?” seemed to be all she had to say, but her red hair and her white arms dominated that end of the room. Baxter ate a sandwich. He hung around the table.
“Have you ever been to the island before, Clarissa?” he asked.
“Do you swim at the beach at Holly Cove?”
“It’s too far away.”
“When your mother-in-law leaves,” Baxter said, “you must let me drive you there in the mornings. I go down at eleven.”
“Well, thank you.” Clarissa lowered her green eyes. She seemed uncomfortable, and the thought that she might be susceptible crossed Baxter’s mind exuberantly. “Well, thank you,” she repeated, “but I have a car of my own and—well, I don’t know, I don’t—”
“What are you two talking about?” Mrs. Ryan asked, coming between them and smiling wildly in an effort to conceal some of the force of her interference. “I know it isn’t geology,” she went on, “and I know that it isn’t birds, and I know that it can’t be books or music, because those are all things that Clarissa doesn’t like, aren’t they, Clarissa? Come with me, Baxter,” and she led him to the other side of the room and talked to him about sheep raising. When the conversation had ended, the party itself was nearly over. Clarissa’s chair was empty. She was not in the room. Stopping at the door to thank Mrs. Ryan and say goodbye, Baxter said that he hoped she wasn’t leaving for Europe immediately.
“Oh, but I am,” Mrs. Ryan said. “I’m going to the mainland on the six-o’clock boat and sailing from Boston at noon tomorrow.”
AT HALF PAST TEN the next morning, Baxter drove up to the Ryans’ cottage. Mrs. Talbot, the local woman who helped the Ryans with their housework, answered the door. She said that young Mrs. Ryan was home, and let him in. Clarissa came downstairs. She looked more beautiful than ever, although she seemed put out at finding him there. She accepted his invitation to go swimming, but she accepted it unenthusiastically. “Oh, all right,” she said.
When she came downstairs again, she had on a bathrobe over her bathing suit, and a broad-brimmed hat. On the drive to Holly Cove, he asked about her plans for the summer. She was noncommittal. She seemed preoccupied and unwilling to talk. They parked the car and walked side by side over the dunes to the beach, where she lay in the sand with her eyes closed. A few of Baxter’s friends and neighbors stopped to pass the time, but they didn’t stop for long, Baxter noticed. Clarissa’s unresponsiveness made it difficult to talk. He didn’t care.
He went swimming. Clarissa remained on the sand, bundled in her wrap. When he came out of the water, he lay down near her. He watched his neighbors and their children. The weather had been fair. The women were tanned. They were all married women and, unlike Clarissa, women with children, but the rigors of marriage and childbirth had left them all pretty, agile, and contented. While he was admiring them, Clarissa stood up and took off her bathrobe.
Here was something else, and it took his breath away. Some of the inescapable power of her beauty lay in the whiteness of her skin, some of it in the fact that, unlike the other women, who were at ease in bathing suits, Clarissa seemed humiliated and ashamed to find herself wearing so little. She walked down toward the water as if she were naked. When she first felt the water, she stopped short, for, again unlike the others, who were sporting around the pier like seals, Clarissa didn’t like the cold. Then, caught for a second between nakedness and the cold, Clarissa waded in and swam a few feet. She came out of the water, hastily wrapped herself in the robe, and lay down in the sand. Then she spoke, for the first time that morning—for the first time in Baxter’s experience—with warmth and feeling.
“You know, those stones on the point have grown a lot since I was here last,” she said.
“What?” Baxter said.
“Those stones on the point,” Clarissa said. “They’ve grown a lot.”
“Stones don’t grow,” Baxter said.
“Oh yes they do,” Clarissa said. “Didn’t you know that? Stones grow. There’s a stone in Mother’s rose garden that’s grown a foot in the last few years.”
“I didn’t know that stones grew,” Baxter said.
“Well, they do,” Clarissa said. She yawned; she shut her eyes. She seemed to fall asleep. When she opened her eyes again, she asked Baxter the time.
“Twelve o’clock,” he said.
“I have to go home,” she said. “I’m expecting guests.”
Baxter could not contest this. He drove her home. She was unresponsive on the ride, and when he asked her if he could drive her to the beach again, she said no. It was a hot, fair day and most of the doors on the island stood open, but when Clarissa said goodbye to Baxter, she closed the door in his face.
Baxter got Clarissa’s mail and newspapers from the post office the next day, but when he called with them at the cottage, Mrs. Talbot said that Mrs. Ryan was busy. He went that week to two large parties that she might have attended, but she was not at either. On Saturday night, he went to a barn dance, and late in the evening—they were dancing “Lady of the Lake”—he noticed Clarissa, sitting against the wall.
She was a striking wallflower. She was much more beautiful than any other woman there, but her beauty seemed to have intimidated the men. Baxter dropped out of the dance when he could and went to her. She was sitting on a packing case. It was the first thing she complained about. “There isn’t even anything to sit on,” she said.
“Don’t you want to dance?” Baxter asked.
“Oh, I love to dance,” she said. “I could dance all night, but I don’t think that’s dancing.” She winced at the music of the fiddle and the piano. “I came with the Hortons. They just told me there was going to be a dance. They didn’t tell me it was going to be this kind of a dance. I don’t like all that skipping and hopping.”
“Have your guests left?” Baxter asked.
“What guests?” Clarissa said.
“You told me you were expecting guests on Tuesday. When we were at the beach.”
“I didn’t say they were coming on Tuesday, did I?” Clarissa asked. “They’re coming tomorrow.”
“Can’t I take you home?” Baxter asked.
“All right.”
He brought the car around to the barn and turned on the radio. She got in and slammed the door with spirit. He raced the car over the back roads, and when he brought it up to the Ryans’ cottage, he turned off the lights. He watched her hands. She folded them on her purse. “Well, thank you very much,” she said. “I was having an awful time and you saved my life. I just don’t understand this place, I guess. I’ve always had plenty of partners, but I sat on that hard box for nearly an hour and nobody even spoke to me. You saved my life.”
“You’re lovely, Clarissa,” Baxter said.
“Well,” Clarissa said, and she sighed. “That’s just my outward self. Nobody knows the real me.”
That was it, Baxter thought, and if he could only adjust his flattery to what she believed herself to be, her scruples would dissolve. Did she think of herself as an actress, he wondered, a Channel swimmer, an heiress? The intimations of susceptibility that came from her in the summer night were so powerful, so heady, that they convinced Baxter that here was a woman whose chastity hung by a thread.
“I think I know the real you,” Baxter said.
“Oh no you don’t,” Clarissa said. “Nobody does.”
The radio played some lovelorn music from a Boston hotel. By the calendar, it was still early in the summer, but it seemed, from the stillness and the hugeness of the dark trees, to be much later. Baxter put his arms around Clarissa and planted a kiss on her lips.
She pushed him away violently and reached for the door. “Oh, now you’ve spoiled everything,” she said as she got out of the car. “Now you’ve spoiled everything. I know what you’ve been thinking. I know you’ve been thinking it all along.” She slammed the door and spoke to him across the window. “Well, you needn’t come around here any more, Baxter,” she said. “My girl friends are coming down from New York tomorrow on the morning plane and I’ll be too busy to see you for the rest of the summer. Good night.”
BAXTER WAS AWARE that he had only himself to blame; he had moved too quickly. He knew better. He went to bed feeling angry and sad, and slept poorly. He was depressed when he woke, and his depression was deepened by the noise of a sea rain, blowing in from the northeast. He lay in bed listening to the rain and the surf. The storm would metamorphose the island. The beaches would be empty. Drawers would stick. Suddenly he got out of bed, went to the telephone, called the airport. The New York plane had been unable to land, they told him, and no more planes were expected that day. The storm seemed to be playing directly into his hands. At noon, he drove in to the village and bought a Sunday paper and a box of candy. The candy was for Clarissa, but he was in no hurry to give it to her.
She would have stocked the icebox, put out the towels, and planned the picnic, but now the arrival of her friends had been postponed, and the lively day that she had anticipated had turned out to be rainy and idle. There were ways, of course, for her to overcome her disappointment, but on the evidence of the barn dance he felt that she was lost without her husband or her mother-in-law, and that there were few, if any, people on the island who would pay her a chance call or ask her over for a drink. It was likely that she would spend the day listening to the radio and the rain and that by the end of it she would be ready to welcome anyone, including Baxter. But as long as the forces of loneliness and idleness were working on his side, it was shrewder, Baxter knew, to wait. It would be best to come just before dark, and he waited until then. He drove to the Ryans’ with his box of candy. The windows were lighted. Clarissa opened the door.
“I wanted to welcome your friends to the island,” Baxter said. “I—-”
“They didn’t come,” Clarissa said. “The plane couldn’t land. They went back to New York. They telephoned me. I had planned such a nice visit. Now everything’s changed.”
“I’m sorry, Clarissa,” Baxter said. “I’ve brought you a present.”
“Oh!” She took the box of candy. “What a beautiful box! What a lovely present! What—” Her face and her voice were, for a minute, ingenuous and yielding, and then he saw the force of resistance transform them. “You shouldn’t have done it,” she said.
“May I come in?” Baxter asked.
“Well, I don’t know,” she said. “You can’t come in if you’re just going to sit around.”
“We could play cards,” Baxter said.
“I don’t know how,” she said.
“I’ll teach you,” Baxter said.
“No,” she said. “No, Baxter, you’ll have to go. You just don’t understand the kind of a woman I am. I spent all day writing a letter to Bob. I wrote and told him that you kissed me last night. I can’t let you come in.” She closed the door.
From the look on Clarissa’s face when he gave her the box of candy, Baxter judged that she liked to get presents. An inexpensive gold bracelet or even a bunch of flowers might do it, he knew, but Baxter was an extremely stingy man, and while he saw the usefulness of a present, he could not bring himself to buy one. He decided to wait.
The storm blew all Monday and Tuesday. It cleared on Tuesday night, and by Wednesday afternoon the tennis courts were dry and Baxter played. He played until late. Then, when he had bathed and changed his clothes, he stopped at a cocktail party to pick up a drink. Here one of his neighbors, a married woman with four children, sat down beside him and began a general discussion of the nature of married love.
It was a conversation, with its glances and innuendoes, that Baxter had been through many times, and he knew roughly what it promised. His neighbor was one of the pretty mothers that Baxter had admired on the beach. Her hair was brown. Her arms were thin and tanned. Her teeth were sound. But while he appeared to be deeply concerned with her opinions on love, the white image of Clarissa loomed up in his mind, and he broke off the conversation and left the party. He drove to the Ryans’.
From a distance, the cottage looked shut. The house and the garden were perfectly still. He knocked and then rang. Clarissa spoke to him from an upstairs window.
“Oh, hello, Baxter,” she said.
“I’ve come to say goodbye, Clarissa,” Baxter said. He couldn’t think of anything better.
“Oh, dear,” Clarissa said. “Well, wait just a minute. I’ll be down.”
“I’m going away, Clarissa,” Baxter said when she opened the door. “I’ve come to say goodbye.”
“Where are you going?”
“I don’t know.” He said this sadly.
“Well, come in, then,” she said hesitantly. “Come in for a minute. This is the last time that I’ll see you, I guess, isn’t it? Please excuse the way the place looks. Mr. Talbot got sick on Monday and Mrs. Talbot had to take him to the hospital on the mainland, and I haven’t had anybody to help me. I’ve been all alone.”
He followed her into the living room and sat down. She was more beautiful than ever. She talked about the problems that had been presented by Mrs. Talbot’s departure. The fire in the stove that heated the water had died. There was a mouse in the kitchen. The bathtub wouldn’t drain. She hadn’t been able to get the car started.
In the quiet house, Baxter heard the sound of a leaky water tap and a clock pendulum. The sheet of glass that protected the Ryans’ geological specimens reflected the fading sky outside the window. The cottage was near the water, and he could hear the surf. He noted these details dispassionately and for what they were worth. When Clarissa finished her remarks about Mrs. Talbot, he waited a full minute before he spoke.
“The sun is in your hair,” he said.
“The sun is in your hair. It’s a beautiful color.”
“Well, it isn’t as pretty as it used to be,” she said. “Hair like mine gets dark. But I’m not going to dye it. I don’t think that women should dye their hair.”
“You’re so intelligent,” he murmured.
“You don’t mean that?”
“Mean what?”
“Mean that I’m intelligent.”
“Oh, but I do,” he said. “You’re intelligent. You’re beautiful. I’ll never forget that night I met you at the boat. I hadn’t wanted to come to the island. I’d made plans to go out West.”
“I can’t be intelligent,” Clarissa said miserably. “I must be stupid. Mother Ryan says that I’m stupid, and Bob says that I’m stupid, and even Mrs. Talbot says that I’m stupid, and—” She began to cry. She went to a mirror and dried her eyes. Baxter followed. He put his arms around her. “Don’t put your arms around me,” she said, more in despair than in anger. “Nobody ever takes me seriously until they get their arms around me.” She sat down again and Baxter sat near her. “But you’re not stupid, Clarissa,” he said. “You have a wonderful intelligence, a wonderful mind. I’ve often thought so. I’ve often felt that you must have a lot of very interesting opinions.”
“Well, that’s funny,” she said, “because I do have a lot of opinions. Of course, I never dare say them to anyone, and Bob and Mother Ryan don’t ever let me speak. They always interrupt me, as if they were ashamed of me. But I do have these opinions. I mean, I think we’re like cogs in a wheel. I’ve concluded that we’re like cogs in a wheel. Do you think we’re like cogs in a wheel?”
“Oh, yes,” he said. “Oh, yes, I do!”
“I think we’re like cogs in a wheel,” she said. “For instance, do you think that women should work? I’ve given that a lot of thought. My opinion is that I don’t think married women should work. I mean, unless they have a lot of money, of course, but even then I think it’s a full-time job to take care of a man. Or do you think that women should work?”
“What do you think?” he asked. “I’m terribly interested in knowing what you think.”
“Well, my opinion is,” she said timidly, “that you just have to hoe your row. I don’t think that working or joining the church is going to change everything, or special diets, either. I don’t put much stock in fancy diets. We have a friend who eats a quarter of a pound of meat at every meal. He has a scales right on the table and he weighs the meat. It makes the table look awful and I don’t see what good it’s going to do him. I buy what’s reasonable. If ham is reasonable, I buy ham. If lamb is reasonable, I buy lamb. Don’t you think that’s intelligent?”
“I think that’s very intelligent.”
“And progressive education,” she said. “I don’t have a good opinion of progressive education. When we go to the Howards’ for dinner, the children ride their tricycles around the table all the time, and it’s my opinion that they get this way from progressive schools, and that children ought to be told what’s nice and what isn’t.”
The sun that had lighted her hair was gone, but there was still enough light in the room for Baxter to see that as she aired her opinions, her face suffused with color and her pupils dilated. Baxter listened patiently, for he knew by then that she merely wanted to be taken for something that she was not—that the poor girl was lost. “You’re very intelligent,” he said, now and then. “You’re so intelligent.”
It was as simple as that.