It’s about time someone dedicated a book to my dear friend Carol Fitzgerald, a true and tireless book champion.
Carol, for everything you do, this one’s for you.
Venus-Mythol. The ancient Roman goddess of beauty and love, especially sensual love.
Fix-slang (orig. U.S.). A dose of a narcotic drug. Also short for fixation-Psychol. In Freudian theory, the arresting of the development of a libidinal component at a pregenital stage, so that psychosexual emotions are “fixed” at that point. Also, loosely, an obsession, an idée fixe.
Mine Enemy is growing old-
I have at last Revenge
The Palate of the Hate departs
If any would avenge-
Let him be quick-the Viand flits
It is a faded Meat
Anger as soon as fed is dead
’Tis starving makes it fat
– Emily Dickinson