To my incomparable agent Loretta Barrett as well as Nick Mullendore and Gabriel Davis at Loretta Barrett Books for all your hard work and great advice.
To my amazing editor, Margaret O’Neill Marbury, for whom I am daily thankful for too many reasons to list.
To Dianne Moggy and Donna Hayes for all your efforts and enthusiasm on my behalf. Thank you.
To MIRA’s editorial department, marketing & PR departments, art and production departments and the entire sales force for everything you do and do so well.
To Mara Nathan and Chuck Clayman for your insight, time and creativity. Any errors in this book are because I didn’t listen to you two well enough.
To Luci Zahray, the amazing and generous “poison lady.” I could never have killed all these poor women without you. You are a novelist’s dream.
To every bookseller who works so hard to get books into the hands of readers but especially my hometown booksellers: Jenny Lawton of Just Books Too and Diane Garrett of Diane’s Books.
To Lisa Tucker and Douglas Clegg for helping when the words didn’t come or this story got stuck.
To all my wonderful friends and colleagues-and those who are both-especially the brilliant and generous ITW gang.
To my wonderful family: Gigi, Jay, Jordan, my father and Ellie.
And always last but also always most important, to Doug Scofield for the laughs, the support, the smarts and the faith.