As I walked back to my hotel, the urge to go look for Meredith Jordan kept poking at me. I’d spent the last several years looking for kids exactly like her and it was as if someone had turned my switch on.
But I had no idea where to look and I needed to remember that while she may have been the key to getting Chuck free, she wasn’t the reason I returned to Coronado. I didn’t need to be picking up random causes along the way. My obligation was to help Chuck and I would find a way to do that without her if I had to.
I grabbed lunch on my way back to the hotel, found an iron and ironing board in the closet of my room and managed not to burn myself or the clothes as I worked the wrinkles out of my new outfit. After a half hour of flipping channels, I dressed and headed to the high school.
Robert Stricker was the only one in the gym when I walked in.
He lifted his head in my direction. “Coach. You’re early.”
“Nothing else to do.”
He nodded at the stack of chairs against the wall. “You’re in luck. I got things for you to do.”
“This where you tell me what my salary’s gonna be?” I walked over to the chairs.
“Yep. You’ll love it. Gotta bunch of zeroes in it. Unfortunately for you, it starts with a zero.”
I put my hands on a couple of the chairs. “You don’t have a problem with me coaching tonight?”
“Kelly’s without an assistant,” he said, not looking at me. “You're background check cleared. She wants you to fill in. She’s okay with it, I’m okay with it.” He glanced at me. “Long as you behave.”
I pulled two chairs off the wall and added them to the row that he’d begun. “You hear anything about Meredith Jordan missing?”
He froze before he could set the next chair down. “What are you talking about?”
“Those two…associates that escorted me out of your office? They came to see me this morning. Jordan’s gone off the deep end because she didn’t come home last night.”
He set the chair down. “Hadn’t heard that. If she wasn’t at school today, she can’t play tonight.” He tilted his head to the side. “And if that’s the case, you guys are seriously screwed.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because Episcopal is as good as we are. When Meredith’s playing. Without her, we’re gonna be hurting.”
“So you’re more worried about the game than the fact that she’s disappeared?”
His face clouded with a shot of anger and he kicked the chair into place. “That’s not what I meant.”
“Then what did you mean?”
He folded his massive arms across his chest. “Look, the kids here? They aren’t like kids at other schools. They’ve got a lot of money and when I say a lot, I mean more than you or I have ever dreamed of. You’ve seen the cars in the lot, seen this campus. They are living in Fantasyland.”
He was saying the same things Kelly Rundles had told me. I grabbed two more chairs from the wall and let him continue talking
“And their parents?” He chuckled, but there was no humor in his tone. “They treat these kids like adults. No rules, no discipline, no supervision. Let them run loose like college kids on spring break.” The humorless smile on his face hardened. “So it’s not like a student here hasn’t disappeared for a night or three. Maybe they should check the resorts in the Caribbean. Or the penthouse at The W.”
He shook his head and grabbed a couple more chairs.
“But doesn’t her situation make it a little different this time?” I asked. “With everything that’s happened to her?”
Stricker set the chairs down and unfolded them, taking a deep breath. “I don’t know. Maybe. But if we called 911 every time one of them spent a night away from home, we’d wear out emergency dispatch.”
I positioned the last two chairs at the end of the row. The seats for both teams were in place now. “I’ve heard, though, that Meredith is a pretty good kid. Maybe different from the others here.”
He pointed a finger across the gym to the bleachers and motioned for me to follow him. “She is a good kid. So, yeah, maybe it’s a little different.”
He stuck a key into a small panel on the wall. A small whirring noise started up behind the tall wooden bleachers and they slowly began to creep outward.
“You ever get a weird vibe from her father?” I asked.
“I get weird vibes from a lot of people.”
“I mean, anything weird going on with his daughter,” I said.
“You mean sick weird?”
I nodded.
“No,” he said, shaking his head. “Doesn’t seem like him. He’s got issues, but not like that.”
“What kind of issues?”
The bleachers locked into place and the whirring died. Stricker pulled the key out of the wall and looked at his watch. “I’m gonna go check attendance, see if she was here today. Like I said, if she wasn’t, she’s not playing.”
“Jordan can’t control that?” I asked, thinking of parents I’d known that would skirt any rule for the sake of their child. “If she shows up, not something he can do to get her eligible?”
Stricker’s face darkened as he headed for the exit. “I follow the rules. And Jordan doesn’t control me.”