I let go of Gina and she fell to her knees, coughing, gasping, clutching at her throat. Jordan was sitting up, his left hand cradling his right, staring at his knees, making that sound. The anger that had erupted so quickly in me was gone. Frustration and emptiness replaced it, none of it the fault of Jon Jordan. He’d just been the catalyst to let it out.
He looked up at me. The menace and arrogance that seemed permanently etched on his face gone, replaced with the bewildered look of someone who has had a child ripped from his life.
“I just want to find her,” he croaked. “Find my daughter.”
I helped Jordan to his feet. I reached down to Gina, but she swatted my hand away, getting up on her own. She kept her hand at her neck, rubbing at the bright red marks on her skin. Her teeth were clenched, like she wished my neck was trapped in her jaws.
“You seriously want my help?” I asked Jordan.
He was still holding his right hand in his left. He nodded. “Yes.”
“And if I find Meredith, you drop all the charges against Chuck?”
He hesitated, then nodded. “That’s the deal.”
“You know he didn’t do anything to her, don’t you?” I asked. “Why else would you make that deal? Why else would you want to hire me?”
Jordan let go of his hand and it fell to his side, the finger bent at an awkward angle. “My daughter told me that Winslow assaulted her. That’s not a lie. That’s what she told me and I believe her. But I'lll let it go to get her back.” His tongue slid over his bottom lip for a moment, then disappeared back into his mouth. “And I’m hiring you because you’re supposedly good at what you do.”
Jordan was full of shit, of course. He may have been willing to drop the charges against Chuck, but if he really believed that Chuck had harmed Meredith, he'd go after him in a different manner. I wasn’t sure if he thought I believed him or if he didn’t care, but I didn’t for a moment buy that he’d let Chuck walk without some sort of payback.
“If I do it,” I said, looking at Jordan, then Gina. “I do it my way.”
Jordan nodded. Gina kept her teeth locked around my invisible neck.
“No interference from either of you or anyone else that works for you.”
Jordan nodded again.
I stared at him for a long moment. “You really understand what I’m telling you? I’m gonna talk to you, to your wife, to your employees, to her teachers. Anybody I please.”
He stiffened and dissension flitted through his eyes.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” I backed up and waved at him. “No chance. See you later.”
I turned and heard whispers behind me, feet shuffling against the asphalt.
“Wait,” Jordan said. “Okay.”
I stopped and turned around. “Okay what?”
“Your way,” he said, glancing at Gina. “No interference.”
I wasn’t sure I believed him, but the chance to get Chuck off the hook legally was worth attempting to find Meredith.
“Alright,” I said. “Tell your wife I’ll be at your home to speak to her at nine tomorrow morning. Alone.”