Anthony Hippisley, Lydia Sazonova, Editors» Editors’ Note

The present critical edition of Simeon Polockij's Vertograd mnogocvetnyj is based on a textological study of the following three manuscripts which contain the text: 1. An autograph, undated (Gosudarstvennyj Istoričeskij muzej [Moscow], Sinodal'noe sobranie, No. 659), designated A in the present edition; 2. A scribal copy dated August 1678 (GIM, Sin. 288), designated B; 3. A scribal copy dated August 1678 (Biblioteka Rossijskoj Akademii nauk [St Petersburg], No. PIA 54, formerly Biblioteka Akademii nauk SSSR [Leningrad], No. 31.7.3), designated C. The editors decided to adopt C as the base copy because, although it is not in the author's hand, it represents the final recasting of the text. It was Simeon's own wish that the work be fundamentally re-designed so that the poems would appear under an alphabetised series of titles, and it may reliably be assumed that C displays the form in which he hoped his work would appear in print.

What is presented here is a critical edition of the literary rather than linguistic or historical kind[102]; consequently the editors have in general followed the guidelines laid down in 1955 by the Sector for Old Russian Literature of the Institute of Russian Literature of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR for their projected series of scholarly monographs and editions of works of Old Russian literature[103]. In accordance with these guidelines, the orthography of C has been altered by replacing

obsolete letters by their equivalents in the modem Russian alphabet, as follows:

i /ï ) и

oy )y

ω ) o

ѩ/ѧ ) я

ѵ ) и

ѕ ) з

ѯ ) кс

ѱ ) пс

ѳ )ф

In words of Greek origin the diphthongs and have been rendered as ав and ев (Август, Еваггелие, Евва). The words Паѳмос and ѳрон have been rendered as Патмос and трон in accordance with modem spelling conventions. The letter е (jatˊ) has been retained because it conveys a sound of diphthongal origin midway between i and e; in literary Russian jat» denoted the sound e , in Ukainian it denoted i. In the poetry of Simeon Polockij the letter е occurs in rhymes paired sometimes with e, as in the rhymes море : горе, прийде : виде, рече : человече, and somteimes with и, as in the rhymes толице : человеце and превелика: человека. The short vowel й is reproduced as it occurs in C. This letter is written as и in the autograph, though a syllable count shows that the author regarded it as short. The line Авеля праведнаго достойно хвалити ( Авель 3’, 1:1) appears to have 14 syllables as it stands in A, but В and C record the spelling достойно, which yields the correct 13-syllable line. Since this discrepancy in orthography is a regular one it is not recorded as a variant in the footnotes.

The letter ъ (jer) is omitted when it occurs at the end of a word. Titlos are expanded according to spelling found elsewhere in C. Superscript letters are brought down into the line. In cases where a final soft consonant is superscript, the letter ъ (jer») has been supplied. In accordance with the principles of modem word-division prefixes have been printed as part of the following word, whether or not they are written separately in one or all of the manuscripts. Thus, съ сечено ) съсечено, въ скоре ) въскоре, въ ниде ) въниде. Where the particles же and ли are written in C as part of the preceding word, they are printed separately in the present edition. As a consequence of this separation the letter ь has been supplied for words ending in a soft consonant on the basis of examples to hand elsewhere in the manuscript where the same words are written separately, e.g. колже ) коль же, сутже ) суть же. удобже ) удобь же, вонже ) во нь же, нанже ) на нь же, занже ) за нь же, плотже ) плоть же, естже ) есть же, естли ) есть ли. Where in С the particle ся is prepositive to the verb and has been agglutinated to the preceding word, it has been printed separately, e.g. похотся раждает ) похоть ся раждает. In the combinations донели/донеле же, донде же. зане же. иде же, поне же, ни же, та же the element же has been regarded by the editors as a particle and printed separately, although it is possible that in 17th-century texts it was already considered a component part of the word. The conjunction воеже is printed as one word. Relative pronouns with the particle же are normally written as one word in the three manuscripts. The present edition retains this convention for the four short pronouns иже, еже, яже. and юже; longer pronouns are separated into two words, e.g. его же. Variants between the three manuscripts as to whether the particles же, ли and ся are written as part of the preceding word or separately are not footnoted.

Superscript signs and accents are not reproduced, with the following exceptions: the pronoun й is distinguished from the conjunction и by an acute accent in the printed edition, as it is in the manuscripts; the superscript jer (paerok) has been printed as an italicised jer after prefixes that are followed by a stem beginning with a vowel, e.g. об’яти ) объяти, от'ити ) отъити, от’яша ) отъяша, из’ити ) изъити, из’яти ) изъяти, из’явил ) изъявил, необ’емлем ) необъемлем. Literal numbers are rendered by Arabic numerals.

The manuscripts are not consistent in the use of capitals, nor is it always clear whether a letter is capitalised, and so with regard to nomina sacra the editors have with some modifications opted for the conventions obtaining in Russia before 1917. Capitals are used for the three persons of the Trinity and for the Mother of God, as well as for all names, attributes and hypostases of God, personal pronouns referring to God, and the adjectives Святый and Божественный, as well as their variants with the prefix Пре-, when they refer to any of the persons of the Trinity. Other capitalised nomina sacra include the Church as an institution, the Sacraments, and the Holy Scriptures.

Punctuation follows that of the copies В and C, which are broadly similar (A is very lightly punctuated), but does not reproduce it at all points. The principle which the editors have followed is to use marks of punctuation in order to clarify meaning, but not to impose it. This has sometimes required minimal punctuation, especially where there are two varying but equally valid readings. Direct speech is introduced with a capital letter, but is not enclosed within quotation marks.

The text of C is reproduced even when it contains a manifest error by the copyist, e.g. line 5 of the poem Голубь евхаристический’: И ныне в неких местех той остаем (for остает). When this occurs the correct form is seen in the variant reading in A and/or B. The following variants between the texts of C and the other two manuscripts are indicated in footnotes: lexical, grammatical and orthographic variants, corrections to the text (deletions, additions, omissions, insertions, and transpositions), marginalia, and editorial corrections by Sil'vestr Medvedev carried out at any stage in the creation of the work. All variants between C (the final text) and the autograph manuscript A are recorded except the list of contents ("Оглавление», see below). As regards the intermediate copy B, orthographic variants are treated by the editors according to the general rule that where C differs either from A or from both A and B, the variant is recoreded in a footnote, but that where C differs from В but not from A or, in other words, where В gives a variant spelling that is subsequently restored in C, this is not footnoted. Thus, orthographic variants in В that differ from both A and C, where A and C are identical, are omitted. In this connection variants in В that fall into the following categories are not footnoted: variants between the etymological spelling of the letter е and its actual pronunciation, e.g. В всеконечно, чреслех, телец, прилежанием, А , С всеконечно, чреслех. телец, прилежанием; variants between traditional and non-traditional spellings of words with prefixes ending in c and з, e.g. В воставитель, бесмертен, бесценную, съшел, восъприяти, возъможем, изъбежа, изъшедшу, изърек, А, С возставитель. безсмертен, безценную, сшел, восприяти, возможем, избежа, изшедшу, изрек; variants in the suffixes -н- and —нн-, e.g. В вреждены, окаяный, А. С врежденны, окаянный; variants in the spelling of vowels after hush-sibilants, e.g. В ближайший, грешащых, плачют, молча, А, С ближайший, грешащих, плачут, молчя; the presence or absence of ъ and ь before suffixes and endings, e.g. В соборъныя, песньми. А, С соборныя, песнми; variants between the Russian and Church Slavonic spelling of case endings, e.g. В оного, А, С онаго; variants in the spelling of personal names, e.g. В Захариа, Моисей, Аминодав, А, С Захария. Моисий, Аминадав; spelling errors that occur only in B, e.g. писпены (for писмены), Христо (for Христос), жизи (for жизни), злезну (for слезну), едиродна (for единородна); and the occurrence in В of superscript literal numbers to indicate the transposition of words. A particular problem in recording variants concerns the fact that 17th-century cursive writing does not usually distinguish between final jer and jer» (ъ and ь). It is not clear, for example, whether A has Иудифь or Иудифъ, вещь or вещъ, имуть or имутъ. For this reason the editors decided to record the form that occurs in C without attempting to indicate variants in A and B, even though this has meant forfeiting some valuable information about the hardness or softness of consonants.

In general, vermilion (kinovarˊ) is used in copies В and C for poem titles and the initial letters of poems, but the practice is far from consistent. In C vermilion might be used for the whole title of a poem (e.g., Аминадав ), or for the initial letter of the title only (e.g., Авраам ), or for all of the title except the inital letter (e.g., Веление противное ). It was decided, therefore, not to burden the printed edition with continuous and precise information about the incidence of what is clearly a graphic rather than literary or linguistic phenomenon. Folio numbers in C appear on the recto of each folio in the copyist's hand, beginning on the first page of poetry. Another set of folio numbers, beginning on the title-page, has been entered on the recto of each folio in a later (19th-century?) hand. In the printed edition the correct folio number, both recto and verso, is given in square brackets in the left-hand margin, followed by the copyist's number not enclosed in brackets. Line numbers, which do not appear in the manuscripts, have been added in the right-hand margin for any poem that exceeds five lines. Where there is more than one poem under the same title this edition follows the pattern laid down in C, which is to give the title for the first poem and numbers for the succeeding ones. In A the poems are not usually grouped under one title but scattered throughout the manuscript, and therefore carry titles rather than numbers. It was not felt necessary to indicate this discrepancy except where an actual change of title has occurred.

The list of contents ( Оглавление’) is printed as it occurs in C, but because, through the process of accretion and rearrangement, it differs so widely from the corresponding sections in A and В it was decided not to indicate variants.

The order in which information is presented in the footnotes is as follows: 1. the place in C to which attention is being drawn; 2. the manuscript where the variant occurs; 3. the nature of the variant, or other information. Unless otherwise indicated, the footnote refers to the single word which immediately precedes the reference number, and that word is not repeated in the footnote. If the footnote refers to the two words immediately preceding the reference number, both words are quoted in the footnote. If the footnote refers to a passage of more than two words the reference number is placed immediately after the last word, and the first and last words of the passage are quoted in the footnote separated by three dots. In the latter case line numbers are given where there might be a doubt as to the length of the passage. Editorial information in the footnotes is set in italics. The following abbreviations have been adopted: ins. = inserted ; del. = deleted ; om. = omitted ; add. = added; corr. = corrected; illeg. = illegible; marg. = fore-edge margin; gut. marg. = gutter margin; p . = page ; fol. = folio ; l. = line; syll. = syllable.

The first volume of the printed edition contains all the material in the base copy C from the title-page to the end of the section of poems under the letter D (fol. 146v). It is anticipated that vol. 2 will contain the poems from the beginning of the letter E (fol. 147) to ʻПочитание 2‘ (fol. 388v), and that vol. 3 will contain the poems from ’Прав никто же’ (fol. 388v) to the end of the MS (fol 617v). A number of items occur in one or both of A and В but not in C. These will appear in a Supplement at the end of vol. 3.

Anthony Hippisley

Lydia Sazonova
