О венгерском антисемитизме после 1918 года см.: Bigler R.M. Heil Hitler and Heil Horthy! The nature of Hungarian racist nationalism and its impact on German-Hungarian relations 1919–1945 // East European Quarterly. 1974. Vol. 8. P. 251–272; Bodo B. «White Terror», Newspapers and the Evolution of Hungarian Anti-Semitism after World War I // Yad Vashem Studies. 2006. Vol. 34; Katzburg N. Hungary and the Jews: Policy and Legislation, 1920–1943. Ramat-Gan, 1981; Fischer R. Entwicklungsstufen des Antisemitismus in Ungarn, 1867–1939: Die Zerstörung der magyarisch-jüdischen Symbiose. München, 1998.
