В число важных работ по этим конфликтам входят: Anderson D.M., Killingray D. (Ed.). Policing and Decolonisation: Politics, Nationalism, and the Police, 1917–65. Manchester, 1992; Mockaitis Th.R. British Counterinsurgency, 1919–60. Basingstoke, 1990; Grant K. A Civilised Savagery: Britain and the New Slaveries in Africa, 1884–1926. London, 2005; Sluget P. Britain in Iraq: Contriving King and Country. 2nd rev. ed. London, 2007. P. 61, 91; Sayer D. British Reaction to the Amritsar Massacre 1919–1920 // Past and Present. 1991. Vol. 131. P. 130–164.
