The original Russian texts used for this publication are published in Spolia (Новое издательство, 2015), Киреевский (Издательство Пушкинского фонда, 2012), Старый мир. Починка жизни (Новое издательство, 2019), Физиология и малая история (Прагматика культуры, 2005), and Счастье (Новое литературное обозрение, 2003).

Translations from this collection have been published in Modern Poetry in Translation, PN Review, Poetry London, and Little Star. ‘The Body Returns’ was written in response to a commission by the Hay International Festival in 2018. ‘(as they must)’ was published in The Best of Poetry London (Poetry London, 2014), ‘Bus Stop: Israelitischer Friedhof ’ was published in Other Countries: Contemporary Poets Rewiring History (The Rewiring History project, 2014). Excerpts from ‘War of the Beasts and the Animals’ are published in Best American Experimental Writing 2020 (Wesleyan University Press, 2020).
