Chapter 12

Elizabeth came awake slowly. The first thing she noticed was that it was dark inside the coach. The next thing she noticed was that she was stretched out full length on the soft velvet squabs.

Then she realized Austin was stretched out right next to her. And his arms were around her. And she was lying half on top of him and their legs were entangled. She tried to move, but his arms tightened pinning her where she was.

"Where are you going?" he asked in a husky whisper near her ear, enticing a legion of chills to skid down her spine.

"I must be crushing you."

"Not at all. In fact, I'm very comfortable."

Thus reassured she settled back, closed her eyes, and breathed in the wonderful smell of him. He smelled like… heaven. Like sandalwood and clean sunshine. Like Austin.

She breathed deeply again and sighed. "When will we arrive in London?"

"We'll be home in less than half an hour. In fact, as much as I'm enjoying lying here, we'd best sit up and repair ourselves before we arrive."

She sat up and shrugged her arms back into her spencer. "Where is your London home?"

"Our London home is on Park Lane, the same street as your aunt's Town residence. We're right next to Hyde Park in a section of London called Mayfair. We're also very close to Bond Street, so you may shop all you wish."

"Oh. Shopping. I cannot wait."

Clearly her unenthusiastic response gave her away. "You don't care for the shops?" he asked, his surprise evident.

"In truth, no. I view gadding about to dozens of shops, looking at items without a specific need to purchase them, as a total waste of time. However, if it is something that duchesses must do, I shall endeavor to force myself."

"Surely there will be baubles and personal items you'll wish to buy. After all, you need to do something with your allowance."


"Yes. It's an English word meaning 'a regular, periodic sum of money' You'll receive a quarterly allowance that you may spend as you wish."

"How much of an allowance?" she asked wondering what she would need to buy that he did not already own. He named a figure and her jaw dropped. "You're not serious." He couldn't possibly mean to give her that much money.

Even in the dim light, she saw his expression harden. "What's wrong? Is it not enough?"

She blinked at him, astounded. "Not enough! Good heavens, Austin. I assumed you were far from poverty stricken, but I had no idea you could afford to give me that much money every ten years, let alone every quarter."

Reaching out, she touched his sleeve. "I appreciate the offer, but it's truly not necessary. I already have everything I need."

Now it was Austin's turn to gape. She didn't know he could afford it? Had she really just stated it wasn't necessary for him to give her an allowance? She already had everything she needed? He thought of the many shallow, greedy, scheming, conniving women in the ton and tried to imagine even one of them saying the words Elizabeth had just said. He shook his head. Good God. Could this wife of his truly be real!

He continued to stare at her, to study her eyes, and his answer was clear. Yes. Yes, this woman-his wife-was absolutely real. She was everything good kind and unselfish. He hadn't even been looking, but he'd somehow found a treasure. And I thought her reaction to the amount of the allowance was based on greed. He shook his head at his own folly.

Her soft voice broke into his reverie. "I've upset you. I'm sorry."

"I'm not upset, Elizabeth. I'm… amazed."

"You are? Why?"

He brought her hand to his lips. "Because you are amazing." Just as he kissed the center of her palm, the coach came to a stop, marking their arrival. "To be continued" he promised in a husky drawl that brought a blush to her cheeks.

They alighted from the coach and he escorted her through the elaborate wrought-iron gate. Candles glowed from every window of the elegant brick town house, casting the house with warm, inviting, muted light. As they approached the huge double doors were thrown open in welcome.

"Welcome home, your grace," the butler intoned escorting them into the marble-tiled vestibule.

"Thank you, Carters. This is your new mistress, her grace, the Duchess of Bradford."

The butler bowed deeply. "The staff extends our heartfelt felicitations on your nuptials, your grace," he said to Elizabeth, his dour face sober.

"Thank you, Carters," she said with a smile.

Austin saw her gaze move beyond Carters to the group of servants standing in a line, waiting to greet them. Unmistakable pride bubbled up in his chest when she stepped forward and smiled at the group. One by one Carters introduced the staff to Elizabeth, and one by one each servant was charmed by their new mistress who repeated their names and favored each of them with a friendly, dimpling grin. What his wife lacked in polished sophistication, she more than made up for with warmth and natural charm.

"It's late, Carters. I suggest you and the staff retire," Austin instructed once the introductions were completed. "I'll escort the duchess to her rooms."

"Of course, your grace." Carters bowed again. He and the others filed out, leaving Austin alone in the huge foyer with his bride.

"Carters is rather intimidating," she whispered. "Does he ever smile?"

"Never, at least not that I can recall."

"Where on earth do you find such terribly serious people?"

Unable to keep from touching her, he tweaked one of her auburn curls. "Carters' family has been in service to the Duke of Bradford for three generations. He was born serious."

Tucking her hand beneath his arm, he led her up the curving staircase. Her head bobbed from left to right, taking in her new home.

"Goodness. This is fabulous. As is Bradford Hall. Are all your homes this magnificent? Don't you own anything, well… smaller?"

He thought for a moment. "There's a modest cottage in Bath."

"How modest?"

"About twenty rooms, give or take a few."

She laughed. "Twenty rooms is hardly modest."

"I fear it's the best I can do. If you'd like, you can buy a hut or hovel with your allowance." He shot her a teasing wink. "Something with only ten rooms." Pausing, he opened a door. "Here we are."

She stepped over the threshold and gasped. The bedchamber was decorated entirely in ivory and gold from the cream velvet drapes to the sumptuous Persian carpet beneath their feet. Several low, burning lamps bathed the entire room with a soft glow, and a cozy fire danced in the marble hearth.

"What a beautiful room," she said clearly delighted. She ran her fingers lightly over the gold brocade settee and matching wing chairs. Throwing her arms out, she twirled around several times, her skirts billowing behind her. "What's in there?" she asked pointing to a door on the far wall.

"A bathing chamber that adjoins my suite. It's part of the recently completed renovations I've done and is quite innovative. Your maid is drawing you a bath now. I'll await you in my suite." He touched her cheek, then left, closing the door behind him.

Elizabeth opened the door to the bathing room and was greeted by a shy young girl.

"Good evening, your grace. My name is Katie. I'm your abigail."

Thank goodness there wasn't anyone else in the room, or Elizabeth would have craned her neck around looking about for "your grace," as she'd nearly done in the foyer when Carters had greeted her. The title was certainly going to take some getting used to.

Katie helped her undress and assisted her into the tub, which to Elizabeth's amazement was not only sunken into the floor, but easily large enough for two, possibly three people. Warm, lilac-scented water washed over her, and a blissful sigh escaped her. When she emerged fifteen minutes later, her skin tingled with pleasure.

"I've laid out your lovely peignoir, your grace," Katie said.

"Oh, thank you. It's a gift from my aunt. I cannot wait to see it."

" 'Tis unbelievably beautiful."

Elizabeth decided that unbelievable was certainly an apt word. Oh, the garment was beautiful enough, a diaphanous creation in the palest shade of blue, but it clung to her every curve in a way that could only be described as indecent.

"Gracious! What on earth was Aunt Joanna thinking?" she exclaimed dismayed by the expanse of flesh the deeply plunging neckline left bare. The material barely covered her nipples. The back of the gown was no better, the scoop there was so low her entire back was bare to her hips. "I cannot possibly wear this."

"You look stunning, your grace," Katie assured her.

"Perhaps the robe will help," Elizabeth muttered. But it didn't help at all. The matching robe was nothing more than long sleeves with a back made of yards of material that hung to the floor. It was edged with cream-colored lace that only served to accentuate rather than hide her exposed flesh.

"I've never seen a robe like this," Elizabeth gasped trying in vain to pull the two sides together in order to cover herself. It was hopeless. "What on earth am I going to do? And more important, what will my husband say?"

"Somehow, I believe his grace will be pleased" Katie said.

His grace was indeed pleased when he opened the door to his suite in answer to a quiet knock. In fact, he felt as if his breath had been knocked from his body.

Before him stood a vision in ice blue silk. An auburn-haired vision whose creamy skin glowed beneath a tantalizing gown that left her just barely covered. His gaze strolled down from her flushed face, taking in the daring décolletage of her gown and the provocative way it clung to all her curves. His groin instantly tightened.

"You look exquisite," he said softly, bringing her hand to his lips.

She cleared her throat. "I feel rather… bare. I cannot fathom what my aunt was thinking when she gave me such an ensemble."

Austin forced himself not to laugh and led her into his spacious bedchamber. He knew exactly what Lady Penbroke had been thinking and he sent her a mental note of thanks.

"Exquisite," he assured her again.

"Then the duke is pleased?"

"The duke is very pleased."

"Then I suppose I'm doing my job as duchess."

"See there? I told you it was simple." He indicated a small, beautifully set table near the fireplace. "Are you hungry?"





"N-" A rueful smile curved her lips. "Yes. But I was trying so hard not to show it."

"I'm afraid those expressive eyes of yours give you away-as well as the crimson blush staining your cheeks and the fact your fingers are twisted into knots."

Her gaze dropped to her hands and she disentangled her fingers.

"Do you know what is going to happen between us, Elizabeth?" he asked running a single fingertip down her soft cheek.

Her gaze lifted back up to meet his. "Oh, yes," she said surprising him with her matter-of-fact tone. "I'm well acquainted with the studies of animal husbandry and human anatomy."

"I… see." Stepping closer to her, he gently laid his hands on her shoulders. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm nervous, too."

Her eyes widened. "Do you mean to say you've never done this either?"

He choked back his laughter. "No, that is not what I meant."

"My apprehension springs from a fear of experiencing the unknown. As that is not the case for you, then why are you nervous?"

Because I want this night to be perfect for you. In every way. I hadn't dreamed it would be so vital that you be pleased. Plus he was damned uncertain about seducing an innocent. He'd always avoided virgins like a bad rash, yet now he stood faced with the suddenly unnerving prospect of deflowering his wife.

"There's always a bit of awkwardness the first time two people make love," he said. "I do not want to hurt you."

"And I do not want to disappoint you."

His gaze roamed over her. Not much chance of that. She looked lovely and unbelievably soft. And so innocent. And appealing. And her gown was as provocative as hell. His gaze dropped to the daringly low neckline and he saw the pink tops of her nipples peeping over the edge. His sex swelled in immediate response, and it required a great deal of willpower for him not to groan out loud.

She shifted under his hands. "You're frowning. Is something troubling you? I'd be happy to discuss your problems with you."

"Would you indeed?"

"Of course. It's a wife's duty to relieve her husband of worries, is it not?"

God Almighty, he couldn't wait for her to relieve him of his worries. "In that case, I shall tell you what I am thinking." And I'll show you.

He gently drew her forward until only several inches separated them. She raised her chin and looked at him with questioning eyes.

"I was thinking," he began, "that I'd like your hair down." Reaching up, he removed the pearl-encrusted clip that held her hair up on top of her head. Hundreds of long, soft curls spilled over his hands and rippled down her back, their ends brushing just past her hips. He filled his hands with the silky tresses and brought them to his face.

"Your hair is incredible," he whispered breathing in the flowery fragrance of her auburn locks. "I've wanted to touch it, run my hands through it, since the first time I saw you."

She stared at him, motionless, her eyes wide.

"I was also thinking how soft your skin looks," he continued his fingers trailing down her cheeks to her neck, then to the delicate hollow of her collarbone. A soft gasp escaped her when his fingers dipped lower and brushed the swells of her nearly exposed breasts.

Placing his hands on her shoulders, he gently pushed her robe down her limp arms until the material pooled at her feet. Words deserted him, and he could not stop staring at her, at her understated beauty and the onset of desire kindling in her eyes.

"What are you thinking now?" she asked in a breathless whisper when he continued to simply gaze at her in silence.

"I'd prefer to show you." He framed her face between his palms and saw her pulse beating wildly at the base of her throat-beating almost as fast as his own. He lowered his head and kissed her, his lips moving gently at first, then with increasing demand over hers. When his tongue sought entrance to her mouth, she welcomed it with her own. A moan escaped him, and he pulled her closer, his hands roaming up and down her smooth back that the daring gown left bare.

Slipping his hands down to her buttocks, he cupped her rounded bottom in his palms and lifted her, pressing her tight against his arousal. She gasped but her gasp turned to a throaty groan when he gently rubbed himself against her.

"God you feel so good" he whispered in her ear. She shivered in his arms… a delicate, pleasure-induced shudder that ran all the way down her body to her toes. "So damn good…"

His hands left the tempting enticement of her bottom and moved up, exploring her curves, then her rib cage, until the sides of her full breasts pressed against his palms. She gasped his name when his thumbs drew slow circles around her silk-covered nipples.

He filled his hands with her breasts, gently caressing their aroused tips through the filmy material of her gown, watching her face all the while. Her cheeks darkened and her eyes drifted closed when he slipped his fingers inside the scoop neck of her nightgown and touched her sensitive skin.

"Look at me, Elizabeth," he ordered softly, his fingers lightly playing over her nipples. "I want to see your eyes."

She dragged her lids open and gazed at him with a glazed slumberous expression. Slipping his fingers beneath the thin straps of her gown, he slowly lowered it down her body.

Inch by inch she was revealed to him, a slow, sensual torture as his desire for her grew. High, full breasts, aroused rosy nipples thrusting forward, begging for his touch. A small waist gave way to gently rounded hips. The gown slipped from his fingers and fell to her ankles, revealing a tempting nest of auburn curls at the juncture of her thighs and long slender legs that seemed to go on forever. He instantly imagined those legs wrapped around his waist and desire exploded in him.

"Elizabeth… you're beautiful… perfect." He'd known she would be lovely, but she literally knocked the air from his lungs. Bending, he scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bed and gently laid her down. He removed his clothes as quickly as his unsteady hands would allow, then stretched out next to her.

She immediately propped herself up on her elbows, her avid gaze wandering down the length of him. He forced himself to remain still and allow her to look her fill.

"I've never seen a naked man before," she said her gaze touching him everywhere, scorching his flesh.

"I'm glad to hear it."

She stared at his arousal, which swelled to the point of pain at her scrutiny. "Tell me, are all men as… impressive as you?"

"I'm afraid I couldn't say," he ground out, although he couldn't imagine that any man had ever been as hard as he was at this moment. And she hadn't even touched him.

He needed to feel her, taste her. In his arms, in his mouth. Now.

Gently pushing her back on the pillows, he lowered his head and drew a plump nipple between his lips. Gasping, she twined her fingers through his hair and arched her back, offering more of herself to his questing mouth. He answered her silent plea, lavishing his attention on one breast then the other with his lips and tongue.

"Oh, my," she breathed. "I feel so…" Her voice trailed off into a vaporous sigh.

He raised his head. "So… what?" The vision of her, with her magnificent hair spread all around her nipples damp and erect from his tongue, her eyes dark with passion, nearly undid him.

"So warm. And quivery. And wanting…" She moved restlessly, and he clenched his teeth when her soft belly brushed against his manhood.

God yes, he understood those feelings, only he was burning. And shaking. And desperate. Never had he wanted a woman this much-so much that his hands trembled. So much he couldn't think straight.

His hands drifted over her abdomen and a long sigh escaped her. "Spread your legs for me," he whispered in her ear. She complied opening her thighs to allow him access to the most private part of her.

The instant he touched her, they both groaned. With infinite care, he aroused her with a light, circular motion until her hips began to undulate beneath his hand stoking a growing fire within him that soon threatened to overcome his resolve to go slowly.

Very gently he eased a finger into her. Velvety warmth clutched him. She was so tight… so hot and wet. His arousal jerked in response and a fine sheen of perspiration broke out on his forehead.

Their eyes met and held. Reaching up, she tenderly touched his face. "Austin…"

He'd imagined that hearing her breathe his name in that husky, passion-filled voice would excite him, but the reality stole his remaining control. Positioning himself between her thighs, he slowly, reverently entered her until he reached her maidenhead. He tried to ease through the barrier without causing her pain, but it was impossible. Knowing what had to be done, and unable to wait any longer, he grasped her hips between his hands and thrust, burying himself deep inside her.

Her gasp slashed straight through his heart. "I'm so sorry, darling," he whispered somehow finding the strength to remain perfectly still. "Did I hurt you?"

"Only for a second. Mostly, you surprised me." A small smile played around her lips. "Wonderfully surprised me. Please don't stop."

He needed no second invitation. Propping his weight on his hands, he slid slowly in and out of her wet heat, withdrawing until he almost left her, only to plunge deeply back into her warmth. Her gaze remained riveted on his, and he watched every nuance of pleasure flicker in her golden brown depths. Her hips moved in rhythm with his and he gritted his teeth, fighting for control, determined to bring her to pleasure before he found his own release. But for the first time in his life he found that to be a nearly impossible task. Sweat beaded on his skin and his shoulders ached with the strain expended to delay his climax.

When she tightened around him, he watched mesmerized. She arched her back and gave herself over totally to her passion. Her uninhibited reaction was so incredible, so erotic to watch, he lost his battle for control. Incapable of further restraint, he plunged into her, pulsing for an endless, mindless moment, spilling himself into her warmth.

When his throbbing finally subsided he gathered her into his arms and rolled them onto their sides. They molded together in a perfect, breathtaking fit. She hugged him and nestled her head under his chin, pressing her lips to the damp skin of his throat.

Her tender kiss caressed him and his insides constricted with the "Elizabeth feeling." His breathing was still ragged and he forced himself to take slow, deep breaths. She laid her hand over his thudding heart and snuggled more securely against him.

God. She felt so damn good. And she was his. All his. A satisfied smile curved his lips. Smoothing his hand up and down her back, he waited for his pulse to return to normal.

It took quite some time for his heart rate to resume its regular speed and since she was so uncharact-eristically quiet, he thought she'd fallen asleep. He leaned back a bit, to look down at her, and was surprised when she raised her chin and looked directly into his eyes. Her golden brown gaze was serious and unflinching.

"I must tell you, Austin, that nothing in my studies of anatomy prepared me for the wondrous sensations we just shared."

Nothing in my previous experiences prepared me, either. He gently brushed a wayward curl from her brow, not sure what to say. Truth be told his wife had rendered him quite speechless.

She captured his hand pressing his palm against her cheek, then kissing it. "It was as if I were on fire, and you'd lit the match. Like I'd fallen off a cliff and drifted slowly back to earth surrounded by soft clouds. It felt as if our souls had joined." She shook her head and furrowed her brow. "Does that make any sense?"

He'd never felt anything that remotely resembled what he'd felt while making love to this woman. Never before had he been consumed by this wave of fierce possessive-ness. Or this incredible feeling of tenderness.

"It makes perfect sense," he said. "And it gets even better."

She looked startled then intrigued by his words. "Better? Heavens, how much better can it possibly get?"

"I'd be delighted to show you."

Elizabeth gasped in surprise when he rolled onto his back and she suddenly found herself sitting astride his muscular thighs. Looking down at him, her heart stalled. Dear God he was the most beautiful man she'd ever seen.

"It would appear that you have the upper hand wife," he said with a wicked half smile. "I wonder what you plan to do about it?" Linking his hands together behind his head he watched her with glittering, smoky eyes.

Her gaze traveled slowly downward, studying his fascinating male body. The whirls of dark hair covering his chest narrowed to a thin line that ran down his abdomen, then spread again as it continued lower.

Gazing upon that part of him, her breath caught in her throat. His arousal rose hard and erect, the sight utterly captivating and intriguing. She longed to touch him… touch that part of him… touch all of him. She slowly brought her gaze back to his heated stare.

"Touch me," he invited his voice a soft, raspy caress. "I'm completely at your disposal. Explore all you like."

She needed no further urging. Leaning forward she placed her hands on the undersides of his raised arms and dragged her fingers slowly down his body. Fascinated she watched his muscles flex beneath her touch. He groaned and gazed at her through half-closed lids, his eyes stormy and dark.

"Do you like that?" she whispered.


Thus encouraged she allowed her curiosity to take over. Running her fingers through the crisp hair on his wide chest, she marveled at the combination of textures. Springy hair on warm skin over hard muscle. With each ripple of his muscles and each moan he emitted her confidence grew.

Eager to bring him as much pleasure as he'd brought her, she imitated his earlier actions. Leaning forward she kissed his chest and was rewarded with a sound that resembled a growl. Flicking out her tongue, she lightly caressed one of his small, flat, brown nipples. His groan let her know he liked that. Her tongue grew bolder, laving first one nipple then the other, drawing each one into her mouth and circling them slowly with her tongue. As his groans grew more lengthy, a surge of feminine satisfaction swept over her that she could affect this powerful man so.

Austin clenched his jaw and prayed for strength. When he'd invited Elizabeth to explore his body, he hadn't realized what sweet torture he'd suffer. His painfully aroused body ached to be buried inside her, begged for release, but if he gave in to his raging need he'd no doubt scare her. And he'd definitely disrupt her wide-eyed exploration of his body, a double-edged sword to be sure. He didn't know how much more he could stand but he bloody well didn't want her to stop either.

He somehow managed to keep his hands linked behind his head but his fingers were numb from gripping them together so tightly. Until tonight he'd considered himself a man of extreme self-control-his mind ruled his body, not the other way around. He was always able to defer his gratification for as long as he pleased.

But not tonight.

Not with Elizabeth's gentle hands running over him. Not with her soft tongue caressing him. Not with his arousal straining, rock hard and about ready to burst. Not with-

Her fingertips brushed over the head of his arousal and a sizzling bolt of desire shot through him.

He gritted his teeth and clamped his eyes shut as her hands softly caressed him, moving up and down over that part of him that ached and throbbed for her. Desire washed over him in ceaseless waves, drowning him in a sea of sensations. If she didn't stop soon, he was going to explode in her hands. Seconds later she wrapped her fingers around his shaft and gently squeezed and he knew he was done. A man could only take so much.

He could take no more.

Emitting an agonized groan, he flipped her onto her back and buried himself in her with one deep, powerful stroke.


"God I'm sorry." He couldn't believe that he'd just plunged into her with all the finesse of a green boy. And all because he couldn't help himself. Couldn't control himself. Holding back was beyond him. But, he realized with deep chagrin, if he'd waited any longer to sheath himself within her, he would have disgraced himself in a way he hadn't since he was a lad. Some force he couldn't control and didn't understand had him firmly in its grip. Dropping his forehead onto her brow, he fought to control the uncontrollable.

She surrounded his face with gentle hands. "Did I… displease you in some way?" Her voice held confusion and worry and Austin would have laughed at her ludicrous question if he'd had the breath to do so.

"No. You pleased me greatly. Too much," he whispered his voice a hoarse rasp he didn't recognize. He began moving within her, his strokes long and forceful. "Elizabeth… wrap your legs around me."

She brought her long limbs up and clasped her ankles together behind him. She matched him stroke for stroke as he drove into her, faster and faster, harder and higher until he was lost in a vortex of sensation. He heard her murmuring his name over and over again, felt her pulsing around him, squeezing him in her velvet warmth.

Completely lost, he drove himself into her again and again, his heart slamming against his ribs. His climax pounded through him, so strong that the force of his final thrust nearly drove her into the headboard. He collapsed on top of her, his head falling limply into the crook of her shoulder. Perspiration dampened his skin, and his ragged breathing burned his lungs. He couldn't have moved if his life depended upon it.

After several moments she shifted beneath him and he somehow managed to lift his head. He looked down into her beautiful eyes-eyes soft with tenderness that reached inside and touched his heart.

She brushed her fingertips across his lips. "You're wonderful," she whispered.

Her words flowed over him, surrounding him, and his heart rolled over. You're wonderful. Words he'd heard before from the lips of a satisfied lover, but this time he somehow knew they were different. Because of who said them. And because he sensed she wasn't talking about his lovemaking skills.

You're wonderful. No other woman had ever spoken them to him and meant him. That he was wonderful. Hell, he knew he wasn't, but pleasure rushed through him just the same.

A sense of… what was it?… enveloped him. Well-being? Yes, but something else. Some other feeling he couldn't quite place enveloped him, leaving him warm and content. It took him a moment to realize what that feeling was. It had been so long since he'd felt it, he didn't recognize it at first.

It was happiness. She made him happy.

But he forcibly reminded himself that there were still unanswered questions about his wife. There were secrets about her past that she hadn't shared with him. And their marriage was only one of convenience.

But it would be so easy to believe otherwise.
