I would like to acknowledge the following people for their help and support.
My editor, Maggie Crawford, for her encouragement and guidance.
Editorial assistant Caroline Sincerbeaux, for her patience and help.
My agent, Damaris Rowland, for her faith and wisdom.
My mom and dad, Kay and Jim Johnson, for a lifetime of love and support-and for bragging about me.
My sister, Kathy Guse, for all the laughs and good times- and for bragging about me.
My in-laws, Lea and Art D'Alessandro, for the precious gift of their son-and for bragging about me.
My uncle Bill and aunt Gwen Johnston, and my aunt Eve Johnson, for their cards and letters-and for bragging about me.
(If you meet any of these "bragging" people-prepare yourself!)
I would also like to thank all the wonderful people at Bantam/Dell, most especially Amy Farley, Kara Cesare, Marietta Anastassatos, and Adrian Wood.
Thanks also to all the members of Georgia Romance Writers, especially Martha Kirkland, who is my best research resource.
And a very special thank-you to Wendy Etherington, Jenni Grizzle, Shari Griffin, Deborah Dahlmann, Steve and Michelle Grossman, Jeannie and Ken Pierannunzi, Cherie Imam, Sheryl Brothers, Christine McGinty, and to all my wonderful friends and neighbors for their incredible support.
Last, thank you to all the readers who have taken the time to write or e-mail me. I love hearing from you and your support means the world to me. Stop by and visit me at www.JacquieD.com
or say "hi!" at JacquieD@MCIWorld.com.