San Marino, California

The next morning, Claire’s eyes flicked open from a troubled sleep to see Robert standing over her at the foot of their bed.

She struggled to focus on him in the diffused light, motionless in his sweatpants and a T-shirt.

“Robert? Is there news on Amber?”

“No, nothing, I’m sorry.”

“What’re you doing standing there like that? Is everything okay?”

“It’s the time change, I couldn’t sleep. How about you?”

“I had to take a pill.” Claire sat up, ran her fingers through her hair. “I don’t know how much more of this I can take.”

Robert sat on the bed near her.

“When I was watching you, I kept thinking how beautiful you are when you’re sleeping.”

She looked at him.

“Please don’t,” she said. “This isn’t the time. I need to get to the office.”

“I’m sorry, listen, I have an idea. Before you go to the office, let me take you for breakfast at the old diner, like we used to. It’ll help take your mind off this for a bit.”

She cupped her hands over her face. She was tired.

“I know this is a bad time, Claire,” he continued. “But when I was away I got to thinking about everything, about being a father, selling the cabin, us, our future, everything. God, I miss you.”

She took several moments to consider his offer.

“All right. Let me get ready.”

Before they left their house, Claire went online to check for emails from detectives and news reports on Amber. In the living room she switched on the TV and surfed channels for any local reports. She flipped through Robert’s newspapers in the kitchen.

She found nothing new.

The stories reported the same facts. Police were searching for Amber Pratt, who’d recently been assaulted by her estranged husband, a “person of interest,” they were attempting to locate.

Yet despite her fears connected with Amber, she could not brush away her concern for her marriage, especially after Julie had learned more about Robert’s life with Cynthia in Canada.

They took Robert’s SUV to the diner.

Claire sat in the passenger seat, holding her cell phone as if it were a lifeline while Robert, in an effort to melt some of the tension, told her about his brief visit to Iqaluit.

“Seeing the aurora borealis in that eastern Arctic sky was stunning.”

Claire didn’t respond.

As if he recognized that she was preoccupied with her worries and only half listening to him, Robert let a few blocks pass in silence before raising an issue.

“Do you have any idea why Julie was so cool to me last night?”

“Excuse me?” Claire turned from the window to him.

“Why was Julie so cold to me last night?”

“She’s worried about Amber and everything.”

Robert rubbed his chin.

“Have you asked her to help, her being a P.I. and all?”

“Yes, she’s checking a few things out for me.”

Claire’s phone rang.

“Speak of the devil,” Claire said. “Sorry, I’ll answer it and be quick.” She smiled to Robert.

* * *

“Hey, Julie.”

“Any news?” Julie asked. Her voice was raised, indicating she was talking through her speakerphone in her car.

Claire glanced at Robert. Thankfully a loud semi was passing and his attention was drawn to it.

“No, nothing.” Claire tried to keep her voice soft. “Are you hearing anything?”

“No. Look, Claire, I’m sorry things got weird with me last night.” Julie’s voice was coming through loud and clear, and she was talking fast. “The fact is we discovered more on Robert’s life in Alberta and we’re digging a little deeper to make sure we’re on the right track. But I know you got a lot on your mind right now, so let me worry about it.”

Claire grew anxious. Maybe Robert could overhear her? She shot him a sideways glance, found some relief. The car slowly passing them was throbbing with loud music, annoying Robert, who seemed occupied with checking traffic in the mirrors. Claire’s attention shifted back to the call when Julie said her name again.

“Claire? Are you with him now?”

“That’s right, yes.”

“Okay. I don’t want to talk about this on the phone.” Julie’s voice remained clear. “It’s best we talk face-to-face when I know more. I’ll call you maybe tonight or tomorrow.”

“Great. Thanks, Julie.”

Claire hung up and brushed aside her hair.

“Everything all right?” Robert asked.

“Yes, she’s just worried, like me.”

Robert looked straight ahead into traffic and adjusted his grip on the wheel. The palms of his hands had moistened. The vein along his neck began pulsating and his breathing quickened.

Every word of the conversation had leaked from Claire’s phone.

He’d heard it all with crystal clarity.
