San Marino, California

Robert Bowen paced in his home office.

Claire and Julie know. Damn it, they know. It can destroy everything.

The onset of panic rolled through him in waves as the words that had spilled from Claire’s cell phone earlier, now echoed in his brain.

“…The fact is we discovered more on Robert’s life in Alberta and we’re digging a little deeper…”

Discovered what? What the hell did Julie discover?

Stop and back it up, he told himself, making a quick assessment.

It all fit now.

It explains why Julie was so cold to me when I got home last night.

Fingers of pain clawed the inside of his skull.

What did that prying bitch find out, Robert?

I don’t know. I’ve got to remain calm, got to think clearly.

It was only through dumb luck with the phone that he’d learned Julie was nosing around his life for Claire. How could he have been so stupid about her? She was a private investigator and Claire’s best friend, yet he’d never considered her a factor. Never thought she’d intrude into his affairs.

He’d let his guard down.

He stopped at his window and gave a small wave, acknowledging the San Marino police car that had been parked in his driveway for the past thirty minutes. That Detective Tanner had told Claire he would move fast to get patrol units to her patients and put cars at her office and her home.

Bowen smirked.

The Blue Meanies.

The fools were his puppets. Police weren’t even close to the truth. A police car parked in his very driveway and they didn’t have a clue of the power they were dealing with.

They’re looking for Eric Larch.

A person of interest.

Everything on that front had played out beautifully in his favor.

Bowen had carefully planned the burglary of Claire’s office building for some time. He’d bought old sneakers, bulky sweatpants and an oversize navy hoodie at a flea market in Chicago. He’d strapped cushions to his body to alter his build and appearance in any security camera footage. He wore gloves, broke in and tore up the place.

He’d intended for the burglary to deflect suspicion to an abusive ex-spouse of any of Claire’s patients once he launched Project Amber.

And it worked.

Enter Eric Larch.

Bowen never knew or met him, but Larch played the part of moron so well. The attack Larch had unleashed on Amber and Claire in the parking lot was an unexpected gift. As long as Tanner and his people were looking for the idiot, Bowen had no big police worries.

Julie Glidden.

Now she was his concern.

What had she found out about Alberta so far? What had she told Claire? He could not-would not-permit Julie to get in his way. He went to his laptop, clicked to his hidden folder and his video collection and images of women. Looking at one stunning image after another, his breathing picked up as adrenaline pumped through his veins, stirring him to arousal. He’d taken such loving care with the process and was on the cusp of a masterpiece. He would not allow that meddling bitch to get in his way.

What are we going to do about her, Robert?

I’m going to take action.

On the earlier call with Claire, Julie had said she wanted to talk again with Claire face-to-face, tonight or tomorrow.

This was his chance, his only chance. He had to roll the dice.

Bowen had an arsenal of resources he could use.

He navigated farther into his drives and reached for his cell phone. About a year ago, at a restaurant during a layover in Gander, Newfoundland, he had befriended a Russian pilot, Dmitri Morozov.

Dmitri claimed he had been a pilot for Russia’s Federal Security Service and that he was also an expert in counterintelligence and high-tech surveillance. Bowen had met him again in New York, where Dmitri sold him black market state-of-the-art software. Bowen figured he might be able to use it at some point.

It was known as spyware and it gave him the ability to use his computer to record all emails, instant messages, track all downloaded files and every keystroke of any targeted computer he secretly installed it in. The user never knew the spyware was there. With the software, Bowen could also intercept, delete or respond to any emails by posing as the targeted user.

Bowen had similar software for cell phones. It involved advanced technology and allowed him to clone a target phone. He could secretly monitor, or hijack all activity on the target phone using his phone or laptop. He could intercept texts, voice messages and calls without the user knowing. Months ago, Bowen had installed the software in the phone and computers Claire used, but he’d never employed it.

He’d never really had reason to.

Until now.

He activated the technology on his devices. Now he could secretly monitor and intercept Claire’s communication without her ever knowing.

As for Julie Glidden….

Give her to me, Robert.

Bowen entertained the thought.

Shivers of pleasure ran up and down his spine.
