HANGING IN LIMBO between waking and sleep, Kim moaned as pleasure skittered along her nerve endings. She woke, luxuriating in the slowly building pressure between her legs. Jess's warm body pressed against her back. Her hand was under her T-shirt and Jess gently stroked her breasts and belly. She attempted to turn over, but Jess's arm tightened around her, holding her in place. "Good morning," she said, turning her head to meet Jess’s gaze.

Jess’s pupils were dilated, her arousal apparent. “Good morning to you,” she murmured. Her caresses turned purposeful. She tweaked Kim's already rock-hard nipple.

Clenching her thighs together, Kim groaned. She wondered how long Jess had been touching her. She was so wet and ready for her.

"Shh... you need to be quiet. Sam's right across the hall."

Kim growled under her breath. Easy for you to say. Unlike Jess, who rarely made a sound louder than a whimper, Kim tended to be very vocal in bed.

Jess's hand slid into Kim's underwear. She petted her mound but went no lower.

Biting her lip, Kim buried her face in the pillow. She lifted her knee, hoping Jess would take the hint.

Jess lifted up enough to nip Kim's pulse point.

Kim jerked. A loud gasp escaped her lips.

"Shh," Jess said, her hot breath blowing against Kim's ear.

"Quit playing already." Kim grabbed Jess's wrist and pushed her hand farther between her thighs. She lifted her leg and planted her foot behind Jess's knee.

Jess's fingers moved down and stroked through abundant moisture.

Much to Kim's frustration, Jess avoided her clit.

Kim's hand tightened on Jess's arm. "Jess." Her thighs shook as the fire built in her core.

Jess hovered outside Kim's entrance. "What do you want?" she asked, her voice low and deep. She nipped at Kim's earlobe.

Heat shot down her belly. "Inside. Now."

Jess whimpered. She pressed home. "So wet." Her hips bucked against Kim's ass.

Groaning in relief, Kim tried to draw Jess deeper. Her inner muscles clutched at Jess's fingers.

Jess thrust deep: once, twice, three times.

Kim grabbed the pillow and pressed it to her face as her body went bow-tight with the force of her orgasm.

She slumped back into Jess, breathing hard.

Jess cradled Kim's body against hers while Kim regained her composure. "Okay?" she asked.

Kim nodded. Aftershocks rippled through her as Jess gently eased out of her. She lifted her leg from behind Jess's and then looked over her shoulder into Jess's grinning face.

"That was an ambush."

Jess laughed. "Are you complaining?"

"No. But..." Kim rolled over and kept going, forcing Jess onto her back. "Now it's my turn."

Before Jess could react, Kim straddled her hips. She put her hands on Jess's shoulders, pinning her to the bed.

Jess's body turned to stone underneath her.

Ah, shit. In the heat of the moment, Kim had forgotten. She scampered off Jess. "I'm sorry, Jess."

Jess sat up on the side of the bed, her back to Kim. "Forget it. It's no big deal."

That was a lie, and they both knew it.

This was not the first time Jess had withdrawn when Kim tried to take control during their lovemaking.

Nor the first time Jess had lied.

Kim touched Jess's back. Hurt blasted through her when Jess flinched. "Maybe it would help if you talked about it."

"There's nothing to talk about," Jess said.

Another lie. Painful memories swirled through Kim's mind.

"I'm going to go grab a shower," Jess said. She bolted from the room.

Kim stared at the door for long minutes after Jess left. An ache grew in her chest. She had hoped that now that they had admitted the depth of their feeling for each other, Jess would finally confide in her.

It wasn't as if Kim didn't have a very good idea what had befallen Jess. But she needed Jess to trust her enough to share what haunted her.

This wasn't about Jess's intimacy issues. They could work through those. This was about Jess's repeated lies and unwillingness to even admit there was anything wrong. I can't go through that again.

* * *

Jess gripped the sink so hard her fingers ached. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. Red-rimmed, wounded blue eyes looked back at her. Coward.

Every time, she swore this would be the time she would tell Kim. And each time, her mouth grew as dry as the desert. It felt as if sand filled her throat, choking off the words. Jess couldn't bear the thought of seeing the look of disdain in Kim's eyes and knowing she had lost her respect.

And you made it worse this time, by bolting out of there like your ass was on fire.

A knock on the door sent her heart into overdrive. She wasn't ready to face Kim.

"Hey, Jess."

It's only Sam. Jess grabbed the counter as her knees threatened to buckle.


"I've got coffee made. Is Kim up? Should I start breakfast?"

"She's awake. Why don't you ask her?" Especially since I don't know if she even wants to talk to me.

"Okay," Sam said.

Jess listened to the sound of Sam's steps down the hall, then the knock on the door, but she couldn't make out their conversation.

Fear lodged like a fist in Jess's stomach. How long would it be before Kim gave up on her? She gazed at her reflection but didn't find any answers.

Jess's hands fisted in her hair. No. Not this time. I have to tell her the truth about me.

* * *

What the hell is going on? Sam glanced over at Jess. She was staring at her plate as if it held the secrets of the universe.

Jess and Kim had been trying to act as if everything was fine, but neither of them was doing a very good job.

Everything had been fine when they went to bed last night. What happened?

"Would you like some more coffee?" Sam asked Kim.

Kim smiled, but her eyes were missing the sparkle that had been there yesterday. "Sure. Just a little."

"I'll get it." Jess shot out of her chair before Sam could move.

Jess poured Kim's coffee. She reached out to touch her, then pulled back, as if she was afraid her touch would be rejected.

Kim took Jess's hand and held it to her cheek for a moment.

Jess looked as if she was going to pass out from relief.

Sam met her sister's eyes over Kim's head. What did you do, Jess?

* * *

"I just need to take a bathroom break, then I'll be ready to go," Jess said.

"Okay." Kim stood next to Thor and stroked her hand down his back.

Sam had tried several times to take Jess aside and find out what was wrong, but Jess managed to avoid her.

She joined Kim by the door. "It was really great to meet you. I hope you'll come down with Jess again soon."

Kim met her eyes. "Thanks, Sam. I enjoyed meeting you too."

Sam glanced down the hall to make sure Jess was still in the bathroom. She bumped shoulders with Kim. "I know she's hard to handle sometimes. But please be patient with her. She really cares about you."

Tears filled Kim's eyes. "I will. I care about her a lot too."

Sam wrapped her arm around Kim's shoulders and squeezed. I don't know what you did, Jess, but fix it. Kim is one very special woman. You need her in your life.
