KIM WALKED TOWARD the nurses' station, chart in hand. She needed to complete Mrs. Ingram's discharge summary.

Penny smiled brightly at her as she approached. "Hi, Dr. Donovan."

Nodding distractedly, Kim set the chart on the counter. She flipped it open and began to work on her discharge note.

"Finished with your case?"

Obviously not, since I'm working on the chart. "Not quite." I should've gone into the staff lounge or Jess's office. While Penny tended to try and chat Kim up whenever she got a chance, she had been particularly persistent this morning. Kim didn't have the mental energy to fend her off today. Don't take your anxiety and insecurities out on her.

But there was a reason Kim had chosen to work at the nurses' station. She didn't want to take a chance of missing Jess — if she ever showed up. She glanced up from the chart and scanned the surrounding area — again. Where the heck is she?

Kim had not seen or spoken to Jess since their date on Saturday. In retrospect, she should have realized that Jess's need for emotional control would transfer over into her intimate encounters. But at the time, Kim had not been thinking at all.

After the incident on Jess's couch, a myriad of questions had swirled through her mind over the remainder of the weekend. The big unanswered question was what or rather who had hurt Jess so deeply. None of the answers she came up with were pleasant ones. Panic had been clearly evident on Jess's face when she bolted from the couch. Jess's need to be in control obviously stemmed from a trauma much deeper than a bad breakup.

Now, on their first day back at work, Jess was nowhere to be found. Not finding Jess in her office when she arrived, Kim had asked Penny if she had seen her. Apparently Jess had been in the department before she arrived and then left. Penny didn't know where she had gone, only that Dr. Franklin was covering for her. Jess was frequently absent from the department for meetings, but as far as Kim knew she had nothing scheduled for this morning. The longer Jess was absent from the ER, the more Kim's anxiety escalated. Did she change shifts so she didn't have to work with me? Memories of Anna floated through her mind. She bit her lip when an even worse possibility occurred to her. Has she changed her mind about us?

Kim was brought back to the here and now when someone stepped close, well into her personal space. Hope flared for an instant, then vanished. Without looking, she knew it wasn't Jess. The tingling sensation on the nape of her neck that always signaled Jess's presence was missing. She stepped to the side, away from whoever it was. She turned to find Penny.

"Hey, Dr. Donovan," Penny said with an exuberant smile. "Didn't mean to startle you."

Penny was still standing too close for Kim's comfort. She moved back a step. "What can I do for you, Penny?" she asked, making sure to keep her tone and manner professional.

The smile on Penny's face faltered a bit. "Could I talk to you?" Her gazed darted around the nurses' station. "Alone."

A warning bell sounded loud and clear. Now what? She had a feeling whatever Penny wanted she wasn't going to like it. Kim now realized her repeated excuses to avoid accepting Penny's off-hand invitations to lunch had been a mistake. As was her hope that Penny would get over what seemed like a school girl crush. She should have just told her, thanks, but no thanks, right from the start.

"Sure. Why don't we go into the lounge?" No way was she going to be alone with Penny in Jess's office. She really did not want to alienate the woman. Penny was an integral part of the smooth running of the ER, and Kim was sure Penny could make her life miserable if she put her mind to it.

"Great," Penny said, an expectant smile on her face. "Come on." She reached for Kim's hand.

Shit! Acting as if she had not seen the gesture, Kim snapped her fingers and then spun back toward the counter. "Forgot my chart." She grabbed the chart off the counter and hugged it to her chest like a shield.

* * *

Penny held open the door to the lounge for Kim.

Looking around as she stepped inside, Kim was disappointed to find the lounge empty. Time to face the music. "What did you want to talk to me about?" She walked over to the couch that rested against the back wall. Kim intentionally bypassed the round table in the center of the room. The chairs could be pulled too close together. She sat down on one end of the couch and placed her chart on the center cushion. Her hand rested on the chart to keep Penny from moving it.

Penny looked down at the chart and hesitated. With a sigh, she moved to sit down on the opposite end of the couch. She tugged at her pants, then the bottom of her knit shirt. Her hands twisted together in her lap.

An uncomfortable silence filled the space between them.

Kim was more convinced than ever that Penny was trying to work up the nerve to ask her out. Let's get this over with. "Penny?" She was already preparing herself for what to say to let Penny down gently.

Penny's gaze darted toward the door, then back to Kim. She took a deep breath. "My BFF scored tickets to the Bed Heads." She grinned, peering at Kim expectantly as if waiting for an excited reaction.

Who or what the hell are the Bed Heads? "That's nice," Kim said with all the enthusiasm she could muster. Which wasn't much.

Penny's expression fell. "You don't like them?"

"Honestly, I have no idea who they are."

"Oh." Penny looked at Kim for just a moment as if she was seeing her in a different light. She shook her head. "Well, I know you'd love them. They are just the bomb. And Beba's voice is so..." A dreamy expression filled Penny's face.

BFF? The bomb? What adult talks like that? This was not how Penny talked when conducting ER business.

Kim shifted on the couch, drawing Penny's attention back to her.

"Anyway, my girl's boss wouldn't let her off on Saturday." Penny scowled, then her expression brightened and she smiled. "Would you go to the concert with me? We'll have a blast."

Keep it simple and concise. "Thank you, but no," Kim said.

"No?" Penny echoed.

Kim shook her head. "No, thanks."

Penny's shoulders slumped. "Oh... okay. I guess it is last minute. I should have asked you sooner."

Wouldn't have mattered a bit, but you don't need to know that. The tight knot in Kim's stomach started to ease. That wasn't so bad. "I should get back to work." Kim reached for her chart.

"Wait!" Penny slid across the couch. Her progress was stopped when her knee hit the chart on the cushion between them.

Kim removed her hand from the chart and crossed her arms over her chest. She didn't want to give Penny an opening to try and take her hand again. I knew that was too easy. She sighed.

"Are you free next weekend? How about dinner?" Penny's eyes lit up. "Afterward, we can go clubbing."

Kim glanced toward the door. Normally, the staff lounge was a busy place. Today, of course, had to be the exception. No help for it. Just get it over with. You tell people things they don't want to hear every day. Problem was, she knew Penny well enough by now to know that no matter what she said it was not going to be well received.

"I appreciate you putting yourself out there to ask. But my answer is still no."

"But I thought..." Penny flushed. "You're not gay?"

"Yes. I'm a lesbian."

Penny flinched at the word lesbian. Her gaze darted away from Kim for just a moment before returning to hesitantly meet her eyes.

Kim was curious about the strange reaction but remained focused on the issue at hand. She chose her words carefully. While she didn't want to hurt Penny, she didn't want her to continue to ask her out either. "I respect the job you do here in the ER. I think we work well together. But I'm not interested in anything else. I'd prefer to keep our interactions on a professional level."

Tears filled Penny's eyes. She sprang from the couch and bolted for the door.

Ah, damn. Kim stood but resisted the urge to call her back and try to comfort her. She knew it would just make things worse.

The door to the lounge swung open just as Penny reached it.

Unable to stop her forward momentum, Penny plowed into the person coming through the door.

Bates grabbed her biceps to keep them both from falling. "Watch where the hell you're going," he snarled.

Penny wrenched away from him and ran out the door.

"Stupid cow," Bates said. He started when he spotted Kim, then smiled. He stepped into the room and let the door swing shut behind him. "Hey, Kim."

Kim gritted her teeth. Although she knew she should call him on using her first name without her permission, she decided to ignore him. After the confrontation with Penny and continued worry about the situation with Jess, she was not up to dealing with Bates at the moment. She moved toward the door. "Excuse me. I've got work to do."

Bates remained in place, effectively blocking the only exit.

Great. Just when I thought this day couldn't get any worse.

"What's got Penny's panties in a twist?" A speculative look filled his face, and then he laughed. "You finally tell her you're not a freaking queer like her?"

His words landed like a spark on dry tinder. Kim's temper flared. "Dr. Bates —"

"It's okay, Kim." Bates smirked. "I knew all along it was just a ruse to keep a bunch of loser guys from pestering you." His eyes swept down her body. "You're way too gorgeous to be a dyke."

The flare burst into flames, rendering Kim momentarily speechless. Her hands clenched at her sides.

Bates slithered closer. "Don't worry. It'll be our secret." He tried to touch her face.

Kim batted his hand away. It took every ounce of her professional training to mask her blazing anger. She had to handle this calmly. An emotional outburst would put her in the wrong. "Do not ever touch me again," she said in a flat, ice-cold voice that would have done Jess proud.

Bates backpedaled. His retreat was stopped by the wall next to the lounge door. He raised his hands beseechingly. "Come on, Kim. Don't be like that —"

"Stop right there." This ends here and now. "First: You will address me as Dr. Donovan."

Bates's face turned red and he started to interrupt.

Kim cut him off. "Quiet. Second: I am not your friend, nor am I interested in dating you. Not now —" she pinned him with a hard stare, "not — ever. Don't ask me again. If you persist, I will file a comp —"

The lounge door started to swing open.

Terrell slid to a halt. His gaze bounced between Kim and Bates.

Bates hissed. "Get lost, Terry."

Terrell shot Bates a sharp look. He pushed the door open fully and blocked it from swinging shut with his foot. "Dr. Donovan?"

Great, an audience. Just what I don't need. She spared a glance at Bates. He looked like he was about to rupture something. Okay, maybe a strategic exit wouldn't be such a bad idea. He definitely got the point.

"What can I do for you, Dr. Johnson?" Kim asked, dropping the icy tone she had used with Bates.

"I've got a patient I could really use your help with if you're not busy."

"Sure. I'd be more than happy to help you. Lead the way," Kim said.

Without so much as a glance at Bates, she followed Terrell. As Kim stepped through the door, she heard Bates mutter something under his breath. She was glad she had not heard him clearly because she would not have been able to let it go if it was something derogatory. Which she knew more than likely it was.

* * *

Terrell led the way toward the back of the ER department. He stopped in the hallway just down from Jess's office.

Kim quirked an eyebrow. "What's going on? Where's your patient?" There were no patient rooms back here.

"I just..." Terrell shuffled his feet. He dug the tip of his shoe into the linoleum and refused to meet Kim's gaze. He looked like a little boy who knew he was in trouble. "I lied. There isn't any patient."

More curious than angry, Kim asked, "Why did you do that?" Even as she asked, Kim realized why — Bates. He was trying to rescue me.

"It's just... I know how Peter can be," Terrell said, his gaze firmly locked on his shoes.

"You didn't need to do that." Kim lightly touched the sleeve of Terrell's crisp white lab coat.

He looked up and finally met her gaze.

"While I appreciate what you were trying to do, I can handle Dr. Bates. Please don't interfere."

"I know. I just really like you a lot," Terrell said in a rush. His gaze darted away with the admission. "And —"

Although his blush was hidden by his dark complexion, Kim had no doubt it was there. God. What is this — ask Kim out day? She had never suspected Terrell was attracted to her. Unlike how she had dealt with Bates, Kim wanted to let Terrell down gently. "Thank you, but I'm really not interested in —"

"No. I wasn't." Terrell started to stammer. "I mean you're beautiful and everything, but I'm not...." He scrubbed his hands over his face as if trying to wash away his embarrassment. "I'll just shut up now."

Kim's face went hot. That's what you get for assuming. You know better. "No. I'm sorry. I misunderstood. Go ahead, tell me what you wanted to say."

Terrell blew out a breath. His dark-eyed gaze settled firmly on Kim. "I've learned so much from you. I don't want you to stop working in the ER because Peter is such a jackass. That's why I butted in when I shouldn't have. Sorry."

"Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere. I like working in the ER. As far as Dr. Bates goes, let me take care of the situation. Okay?" She smiled, trying to ease both their discomfiture.

Terrell returned the smile. "Okay. I better get back to work."

"Me too." And please let the rest of the day be quiet. I've had quite enough drama for one day.

Kim turned to follow him when the sound of footsteps behind her drew her attention. She glanced over her shoulder. A wave of relief washed over her at the sight of Jess opening her office door.

"Go ahead. I'll see you later," Kim said.

As soon as he was out of sight, she headed for Jess's office.

* * *

Kim's hand hovered over the door knob. Her insecurities gripped her once again. Just go in. You've done it plenty of times before. Still, she hesitated. She settled for knocking before she opened the door.

Kim stuck her head into the office. "Hi."

Jess was already halfway out of her chair. What Kim thought of as Jess's ER mask was already firmly in place on her face.

"Hey, Kim." Jess plopped back down into her chair with a grunt. Her mask dropped and she allowed Kim to see the stressed woman underneath.

Recrimination stung Kim. Instead of giving in to your own insecurities, you should have been more worried about Jess and given her the benefit of the doubt. Everything is not about you. Anxieties forgotten, Kim moved over to stand next to Jess's chair. "Are you okay?"

Jess rubbed her temples. "Long morning. And I've got a killer headache." She opened her desk drawer and pulled out a bottle of aspirin. Popping the cap, she tossed two into her mouth and swallowed them dry.

Kim grimaced. "How can you stand to do that?"

"Lots of practice." Jess went back to rubbing her temples.

"I missed you this morning." It was as close as Kim could come to admitting her earlier anxiety.

Jess looked up. She offered a tired smile. "Believe me, I would have much rather been here with you instead of the GME meeting I was stuck in."

Surprise rippled through Kim. The Graduate Medical Education Committee met quarterly. The next meeting wasn't supposed to be until next month. Procedural and program specific problems could wait for the next meeting. If the committee was meeting outside its normal schedule, something serious must have occurred concerning one of the residents.

"It wasn't an ER resident, was it?" Kim asked. She knew Jess couldn't get into specifics, but worried that a wayward resident could be a black eye for her program.

"No. Thank God." Jess rubbed her neck.

Kim moved behind Jess's chair. Wanting to help, but taking into account Jess's need for both emotional and physical control, Kim held her hands just above Jess's shoulders. "This okay?"

"Yes. Please." Jess whimpered as Kim began to knead her shoulders.

The muscles under Kim's hands were rock hard. She increased the pressure of her massage.

"Oh. Yes." Jess's head dropped forward and she moaned, long and low.

The sound shot through Kim's body. Arousal pulsed insistently.

The ringing of the phone on Jess's desk made them both jump.

The noise acted like dash of a cold water on Kim's libido and reminded her just where they were. She let her hands drop and stepped away from Jess's chair. She propped her hip against the edge of Jess's desk.

"Thank you," Jess said before picking up the phone. Her voice was soft and warm. Jess sat up straight in her chair. "This is Dr. McKenna."

In the fleeting seconds between picking up the phone and answering it, all trace of the previous warmth in Jess's voice was gone. The ER chief was back.

Jess's jaw tensed almost immediately. Whatever was being said was not good news.

"Just like that she left? Without waiting for a replacement?" Jess's hand went back to her temple. "Did anyone in the department examine her?" She blew out a breath. "Contact Mrs. Gotti, and let her know what's happened and that we need coverage at the nurses' station...Thanks."

Kim's stomach sank. She had a bad feeling about this. Was her already rotten day about to get worse? Please don't let this be about Penny.

"What's going on?" Kim asked. Mrs. Gotti was the nurse-manager responsible for the nurses and ER clerks.

Jess started as if she had forgotten Kim was there. The mask dropped once again, and Kim looked down into Jess's face, seeing the tight stress lines around her eyes. "That was Henry."

Damn, it is about Penny. Henry was one of the ER clerks that worked at the admission desk.

"He was at the nurses' station dropping off patient intakes. Penny came up to him and said 'I'm sick, cover the desk.' According to Henry, she already had her purse in her hand and her coat on. And looked like she had been crying." Jess shook her head. "I don't know whether to be worried or angry. This isn't like her. She's always been very reliable. She should have at least let one of the doctors check her out."

This is really going to add to her already crappy day... and mine. You have to tell her what happened.

"I did this. It's all my fault," Kim said before her brain had a chance to censor her mouth. Smooth, really smooth. That made total sense. And you talk to people for a living. Shit.

Jess blinked several times. Her brow furrowed. "What?"

Needing some distance, Kim moved to sit in the chair in front of Jess's desk. "Penny taking off is my fault. She asked me out a little while ago, and I turned her down — twice." Kim sighed. "I tried to be as gentle as I could, but she didn't take it very well. I'm sorry. I know you don't need the extra hassle, especially today." She clasped her hands in her lap. Guilt tugged her gaze down. The last thing she wanted was to add to Jess's stress or burdens at work.

"That's bull and you know it," Jess said.

Kim's head whipped up.

Jess's eyes had turned silvery and sparked with emotion. "You, of all people, know that you aren't responsible for another person's behavior. This is Penny's doing — not yours."

"But if I had handled her better —"

"No." Jess's hand slashed sideways in negation. "Remember, I've worked with Penny much longer than you have. I'm well aware of her strengths... and her weaknesses. Don't worry about it. I'll talk to her tomorrow."

Then Penny will feel that I talked about her behind her back. And it wasn't like that. This is going to make things worse. "Jess. I don't think —"

Jess held up her hand, stopping her. "I won't mention you telling me about her asking you out. It would just make things worse."

Took the words right out of my mouth. Jess was right. She wasn't thinking clearly about the whole situation. "Which one of us is the psychiatrist again?" Kim asked, her tone light and teasing.

Jess laughed. She rose from her chair and came around the desk to perch on the edge next to Kim's chair. "I could never do what you do every day. But I do have lots of practice handling ER personnel."

"And you're very good at it." And at reading me apparently.

"Thank you, ma'am," Jess said and gave a little bow, making Kim laugh. "Seriously, Penny's not the first staff member to run out of the ER because they had their feelings hurt. I appreciate you telling me so I wasn't worried all day that she was really sick."

Stuffing her hands into her lab coat pockets, Jess stood. A shy smile graced her face. "I um." She shuffled her feet. "I missed you on Sunday."

With those simple words, the tension and anxiety that had plagued Kim all morning vanished as if they had never existed at all.
