JESS RESTED HER chin on Kim's shoulder. "It really is a beautiful tree."

"Yes, it is." Kim patted Jess's hand that was resting on her belly. I can't wait to see your face when you find your present from Santa under it.

After an early Christmas Eve dinner, they had retired to the couch to relax until Jess had to leave. Kim was on her side with Jess spooned behind her. A dancing fire provided the only illumination besides the tree.

Kim looked over at Thor. She could just make out his form in the darkened room. He was curled up in a tight ball on his bed. "Although I don't think Thor is very fond of it."

Thor's tail had hit a glass ornament earlier. It exploded with a resounding pop when it hit the wood floor.

"Are you sure he's okay?" Kim asked. Jess had checked him out to make sure he had not cut his tail or his pads. But he had not moved out of his bed since the ornament broke.

"He's fine." Jess lifted up. "Come here, you big baby."

Thor jumped up and charged across the room. He tried to push his way onto the couch in front of Kim, all the while licking any spot he could reach on both women.

Laughing, they tried to fend him off.

He scored a direct hit on Kim's lips.

"Blech." Kim pushed on his broad chest. "Thor, off."

He got off the couch but stood right in front of Kim, panting in her face, his tail wagging non-stop.

"Okay. I believe you," Kim said.

Jess laughed. "Thor, down."

He flopped down right next to the couch.

Kim leaned down and patted him.

Jess settled in place behind Kim again and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Kim asked.

"Wish I didn't have to work."

That makes two of us. But she was determined not to make this any harder on Jess than it had to be. Kim captured Jess's hand and hugged it to her chest. "We'll celebrate after."

Jess lifted up and placed a kiss on Kim's temple. "Are you sure you don't mind looking after Thor? I could probably still get him in at the kennel."

It was a big responsibility. Kim knew Jess had never left Thor with anyone except Sam or at the kennel. Although she felt up to the task, maybe Jess was still uncertain of leaving him with her for an extended period alone in her house.

"I'm more than happy to have his company. But if you'd feel better with him at the kennel —"

"No." Jess's arm tightened across Kim's belly, pulling her more snuggly against her. "I just didn't want you to feel obligated. He loves you and would be much happier here with you. And I'd feel better too, knowing both of you are here together."

"Good. I shouldn't be more than a couple of hours helping out Sid and Alan tonight. They really try hard to make Christmas special for the teens at the halfway house." Kim tugged Jess's hand up to her lips and placed a kiss on her palm. "Then Thor and I are going to hang out the rest of the time and wait for you to come home."

Home? The realization shocked Kim. There was no denying it. Yes. Home. Her heart stilled as she waited for Jess's reaction.

Seconds ticked by like minutes.

Jess touched Kim's chin and urged her to look back at her.

Kim met warm silvery-blue eyes, and her heart started to beat again.

"I'll be counting the hours until I can come home to you," Jess said.

I'll be waiting. Kim leaned in and kissed Jess's lips. Her heart was filled with love and hope for their future.
