"DO YOU WANT TO stop and get something to eat before we drop off the car or wait and eat at the hotel?" Sam asked. They were headed to San Francisco to spend the night before flying out the following morning for Los Angeles.

Silence reigned.

Sam took her eyes off the road long enough to glance at her sister.

The lights of a passing car splashed across her face. Her brow deeply furrowed, Jess stared morosely out the window. She had not done more than grunt in response to Sam's attempts at conversation since leaving their parents' house an hour ago.

"Earth to Jess," Sam said as she gently touched Jess's shoulder.

Jess's head swung around. "What?"

"No need to bite my head off."

"Sorry." Jess arched her back and stretched as best she could within the confines of the rental car. "I'm just tired. What were you saying?"

"Did you want to stop and get something to eat or wait until we get to the hotel?"

"Either way is fine with me." Jess resumed her contemplation of the windshield.

Reaching up to knead tight neck muscles, Sam sighed. Jess had been subdued during the visit home to celebrate Thanksgiving with the family. She had put on a happy face for the relatives, but her smile had never quite reached her eyes. With the crowd that had been at their folks' house, Sam had not been able to get Jess alone and find out what was bothering her. "What's going on with you?"

Jess shrugged.

"Come on. Talk to me, sis. Why are you so down all the sudden? I thought things were going well for you. You've seemed happier than you have been in a long time, especially these last few weeks." Sam had only seen Jess once since Halloween. Jess had been spending all her time off with Kim.

Raking her hands through her hair, Jess said, "I've got some things on my mind, that's all."

Like maybe a beautiful psychiatrist? Kim was all Jess talked about these days. Sam had never heard her talk so much or so enthusiastically about any woman. Even more unusual was the fact that Jess appeared totally unaware that she was doing it. That was what made it so strange that she had not mentioned Kim once since leaving Los Angeles three days ago. "So tell me what's bugging you and —"

"Look, there's our exit," Jess said. She opened the glove box and pulled out the rental papers. "We should go ahead and drop off the car. We can grab something to eat at the hotel."

Sam shot Jess a sharp look before taking the indicated exit. Jess was doing her best to appear totally engrossed in the rental car documents. This conversation is so not over!

* * *

Lying on one of the beds in their hotel room, Sam waited for Jess to finish her shower. She was bound and determined to get Jess to open up about what was bothering her. Keeping things bottled up inside was a trait they shared.

The bathroom door swung open and a cloud of steam wafted into the room. Jess stepped out, wearing scrub pants and a T-shirt.

"I thought we were going to go out and get something to eat?" Sam asked.

Jess walked over and picked up the room service menu. "Heads up." She tossed it toward Sam. "Order what you want. My treat." She flopped down on the empty bed. "And you can pick a pay-per-view movie too."

"Cool!" As Sam flipped open the menu, she caught a glimpse of the satisfied expression on Jess's face. That's when she recognized the offer for what it was — a subtle bribe. Or at the very least, an attempt to keep her mind off their earlier conversation. Nice try, Jess. "Great, if we're staying in, then we'll have lots of time and privacy to talk about what's been bothering you."

Eyes narrowing to slits, Jess sat up on the side of the bed. "You're not going to let this go — are you?"

Sam sat up directly opposite Jess. She met Jess's eyes and held her gaze. "I love ya, sis."

Jess muttered something that sounded like "no fair" as she dropped backward onto the bed. She flung her arm over her eyes. "You'll think I'm being stupid... and pathetic."

"I won't." Sam slid her foot across the distance between them and nudged Jess's foot. "When have I ever told you I thought you were stupid?"

With an exaggerated huff, Jess sat up again. She closed her eyes and her face contorted.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm thinking. Hush."

"You're a nut." Sam laughed.

"Shh..." Jess's eyes popped open. "Ah..." A little half smirk twitched at the corner of her mouth. "We were at Dovers for your birthday, and you told me I was stupid."

Racking her brain, Sam tried to remember the incident Jess was talking about. When the memory hit, she burst out laughing. "Jess, I was eight!"

Crossing her arms over her chest, Jess said, "Still. You did call me stupid." The struggle to keep up the stern demeanor clearly showed on Jess's face.

Sam tried to put as much righteous indignation into her voice as she could, which wasn't much. "I did not." Sam mirrored Jess's stance. "I called you a stupidhead because you wouldn't let me use my birthday money to buy that five pound block of chocolate."

They both dissolved into laughter.

Sam wiped tears of laughter from her eyes. "Seriously. What's got you so down?"

Jess's gaze dropped. The bedspread was suddenly fascinating. She picked at a loose thread. "I miss her," she said, her voice almost a whisper.

There was no need for Sam to pretend she didn't know Jess was talking about Kim. "What's wrong with that? You guys have become good friends. Right?"

"Yeah. I just..." Jess looked up, her expression open and vulnerable. "I just didn't expect it to be this hard." She sighed. "I hate the fact that I wasn't there to spend Thanksgiving with Kim. She said she didn't mind. And that she was just going to hang out and catch up on her journals. But still, I keep thinking about her, wondering how she's doing."

Shock rendered Sam momentarily speechless. If Jess could see the look on her own face, she would freak. Sam knew despite Jess's continued insistence that it could never happen, she wanted more than friendship with Kim. She just hadn't realized until this moment how far gone Jess was. This went way beyond friendship. I hope like hell Kim feels the same way about Jess. I've got to talk Jess into introducing us. Sam was thrilled that her sister was finally opening her heart to someone, whether Jess realized it or not.

"There is nothing wrong with caring about someone, Jess. It feels good, doesn't it?"

A bright smile spread across Jess's face. "You're right. It does."

"So call her and see how she's doing. Have you called her at all while we've been gone?"

Jess's smile dimmed. "I tried twice on Thanksgiving." Her brow furrowed. "She wasn't home."

"Maybe she got a last-minute invitation."

"That's kind of what I figured."

"Did you try her cell?"

"No." Jess's shoulders slumped. "I didn't want to be... I mean if she... I thought..." She scrubbed her hands over her face.

It took a minute to sink in just what Jess was trying to avoid admitting, but Sam was pretty sure she had figured it out. "You're worried she was out with another woman, because you weren't there."

Jess's head snapped up. "That's not true. I have no claim like that on Kim. She can see whoever she wants. We're just friends."

"Whoa. Easy." Sam held up her hands. "My mistake." You are so gone on this woman, Jess.

"I'm sorry, Sam." Her breath blasted from her in an audible huff as Jess flopped back onto the bed. "I don't know what the hell is wrong with me."

I do. The question was how could she help Jess realize the depth of her feelings for Kim without making her panic and run for the hills. She would have to think on that one. Right now, she would be happy just to get Jess's mind off her troubles for a little while. "Well, I don't know about you but I'm starving. Let's go out and hit Chinatown. It'll be fun. We haven't spent much time together recently."

"Okay." Jess stood, her expression contrite. She offered Sam her hand. Sam clasped her wrist, and Jess tugged her off the bed. "I'm sorry about that too. I know I haven't been around much, especially lately. I'll start making more frequent trips to San Diego again. I promise."

Sam bumped shoulders with Jess. "Don't worry about it. Maybe you and Kim could come down and we'll hit the zoo or, better yet, the botanical gardens. That way the big guy can come too."

Some of the tension left Jess's face and she smiled. "Maybe we'll do that."

Sam tried hard to hide her shock. She never expected Jess to agree so readily.

Jess walked across the room to her suitcase and pulled out a pair of jeans. "You still remember any good places in Chinatown? It's been years since you lived here."

Rubbing her hands together, Sam said, "I know just the place."

* * *

Jess sat at a small table in a dark corner and sipped her beer. How in the hell did I let Sam talk me into this? After leaving the restaurant in Chinatown, Sam had led them to a bar she remembered from her college days. A heavy bass beat pulsed through the room. Strobe lights overhead bathed the gyrating bodies on the dance floor in random patterns of shadow and light.

Sam was out on the dance floor. Jess had already turned down several invitations to dance. She wasn't even vaguely tempted. Sighing, she leaned back in her chair, determined to finish her beer and then find Sam. When she spotted Sam making her way toward the table, Jess pushed to her feet.

Sam stepped out of the crowd, carrying two beers.

"I thought we agreed to one beer," Jess said when Sam reached the table.

"One more round, then we'll go." Sam's cheeks were flushed, and sweat glistened on her forehead. She took a big swig of one beer and offered the second to Jess.

Jess grumbled under her breath, then accepted the beer.

Sam glanced over Jess's shoulder, and her eyes widened. "Wow," she mouthed.

A hand landed on Jess's shoulder.

Jess turned and her breath caught in her throat. The woman standing before her was beautiful — tall and lithe with long blond hair.

The blonde looked Jess up and down and, judging by her wide smile, liked what she saw. "Dance with me?"

Jess hesitated.

Sam bumped her arm. She leaned close and whispered, "Go on. What will one dance hurt?"

The fact that the woman's coloring and body type bore a resemblance to Kim's was not lost on Jess. What the hell. Why not? Jess could not remember the last time she had danced with a woman. She nodded and held out her hand to the blonde.

The woman led them to the dance floor. Without preamble, she stepped into Jess's arms and pressed their bodies together.

As they moved against each other, Jess's arousal soared. It had been way too long since she had felt a woman against her like this. Heat rushed through her. When the woman tightened her arms around Jess's neck, she gave in to her rapidly growing excitement and pressed her leg between the woman's thighs. Jess slid her hands down and squeezed the woman's ass, drawing her closer.

The blonde groaned and began to move against her.

Jess moved her own hips in counter point. The woman's hand came up and palmed her breast, then gave it a firm squeeze. Whoa! She grasped the offending hand and removed it from her breast. Oh, no, you don't.

The woman leaned close and whispered in her ear, "Let's go in the back."

Huh? The woman's hot breath against her sensitive ear added to the already pounding pulse between Jess's thighs and made it hard to think clearly. She allowed the blonde to lead her toward the back of the room.

They stepped into a hallway that had doors lining each side. One of the doors opened, and a couple stumbled out laughing and hastily straightening their clothes.

Realization dawned.

Jess's feet felt as if they were suddenly glued to the floor.

The woman tugged at her hand. Her dark brown eyes were filled with desire. "Come on, baby." She cupped her own breast.

Jess's long-denied libido surged. Fuck it. I'm not hurting anyone. We're both adults. Jess grinned. She grasped the woman's hand and pulled her into the first open doorway she found. It turned out to be a small bathroom.

Once inside, Jess began to fondle the woman's breasts. After Jess pulled the woman's hand off her breast again, she seemed to get the hint and allowed Jess to lead. Finally unleashed, Jess's libido was firmly in control. Continuing to kiss the blonde's neck, she quickly unzipped the woman's pants. Jess closed her eyes as she slipped her hand inside the woman's underwear. Oh yeah. Her hand stroked down a tight abdomen, heading for her heat. Just before Jess reached her goal, an image formed in her mind's eye.

Warm caring blue eyes held her captive.

Oh God. Kim.

Jess froze.

"Don't stop."

The woman's voice brought her back to reality.

A wave of nausea washed away every trace of arousal. Jess jerked her hand out of the woman's pants. "I'm sorry. I can't —" Heartsick at what she had almost done, Jess fled.

* * *

Sam stepped out of the bathroom just in time to see Jess do the same a little farther up the hall. "Hey, Jess!"

Jess glanced back.

Sam got a brief glimpse of her stricken expression before Jess turned and took off at a trot. Before Sam could react, the door opened again and the woman Jess had danced with stepped out, tucking her shirt into her pants. The implications were staggering. Holy shit! No way! Sam took off after Jess.

Sam scanned the bar, trying to spot Jess. She moved to the back corner where they had been sitting. The table was occupied, but not by Jess. Where the hell did she go? Worry ratcheted up a notch.

Going on a hunch, Sam headed for the bar entrance. She stepped outside and quickly spotted Jess. She was sitting on the short concrete wall that separated the bar's parking lot from the one next door. Jess's head was down, and she had her face buried in her hands.

"Hey, sis," Sam said as she moved to sit next to her. "What's wrong?"

Jess remained immobile.

"I saw the blonde."

With a heavy sigh, Jess looked up.

Oh Jess. Shock rippled through Sam at the despair etched on Jess's face. Sam wrapped a consoling arm across Jess's shoulders. "Hey now. It can't be that bad. What happened?"

"It doesn't make any sense. It's stupid." Jess's hands dropped to her thighs. She kneaded the material of her jeans.

Giving Jess's shoulder a comforting squeeze, Sam said, "Let's not go there again." Relief loosened the tightness of her chest when a smile ghosted across Jess's face. "You know you can tell me anything."

"I know." Jess sighed. She straightened up, and Sam removed her arm. "I got hot dancing with the blonde. We went into one of the bathrooms." Jess rubbed her face. "Christ, Sam, I had my hand in the woman's pants!" She shot her sister an embarrassed look.


"Just before I touched her, I got this picture of Kim in my mind. It was so clear it was like she was in the room with us. I couldn't go through with it." Jess shook her head roughly. "It felt like I was cheating."

"But, Jess, you're not —"

"You think I don't know that?" Jess fisted the hair at her temples. "I know it's ridiculous. We're just friends."

"But you want to be more," Sam said.

Jess slumped. "You know I can't..." She sighed heavily.

The defeated look in Jess's eyes kept Sam from protesting. There has got to be more to it than the fact that they work together holding Jess back. As she had many times in the past, Sam wondered about Jess's trust issues. "What are you going to do, Jess?"

A single tear trailed down Jess's face. "I wish to God I knew."
