JESS APPLIED THE finishing touches to a dressing on the patient's arm. She leaned over and watched Terrell suture the man's other arm. The patient had suffered an unfortunate run-in with a power saw. "Nice suturing job, Dr. Johnson."

Terrell looked up with a smile. "Thanks, Dr. McKenna."

"Okay, Mr. Merrill, Dr. Johnson will take care of anything else you need."

"Thanks, Dr. McKenna."

Jess pulled off her soiled gown and tossed it into the marked trash bin. "I'll be in my office if you need me." She moved over to the door and pushed it open. "Don't forget to have the nurse give him the wound care handout and make sure he gets a tetanus shot before he leaves."

"Sure thing, Dr. McKenna," Terrell said.

Stepping outside the door, Jess allowed her fatigue to surface. She stretched her tight back. A quick glance at her watch made Jess groan. God, only three o'clock. Seems later. Jess's stomach growled, reminding her of her interrupted lunch with Kim. They had no more than sat down with their trays when she got paged back to the ER.

This week had been a turning point for Jess. She had gone to lunch with Kim several times. It had been hard. Jess had cut herself off from everyone at work for so long it was difficult to change. The gossip had been flying, but Jess had done her best to ignore it. We're just friends. Jess's rumbling stomach brought her back to the here and now.

Jess turned toward her office and then stopped. She remembered seeing some bagels in the lounge earlier. Changing course, she headed for the staff lounge. She pushed the door open and stepped inside. The sight before her stopped her dead in her tracks. Kim was sitting at the table with a pile of charts in front of her. Rodman was standing directly behind her, leaning over her shoulder. His eyes appeared locked on her cleavage.

Kim looked up. An expression of relief washed across her face.

A rush of anger so strong it took her breath away roared through Jess.

She didn't think. She just reacted.

Three long strides brought her across the room.

Rodman's eyes went wide at Jess's headlong rush.

He took an involuntary step back.

Kim used his momentary distraction. She pushed her chair back sharply and caught him in the groin.

"Watch it!" He growled, stumbling back several steps.

"Sorry," Kim said, sounding anything but. She stood and quickly stepped into the space between Jess and Rodman.

Jess gazed into Kim's worried blue eyes. She had been within seconds of shoving Rodman away from Kim. Christ! Are you out of your mind? She blew out a breath and forced herself to calm down. Donning her ER persona like a protective suit of armor, Jess once again turned her attention to Rodman. "What brings you to the ER, Dr. Rodman?"

Rodman glared at them before turning his attention to Jess. "As usual the quarterly patient numbers from the ER are late. They were due on Monday — today is Friday." He jutted his chest out and sneered. "Maybe it's time for a new ER chief... one who can actually do the job."

"The report was delivered to your office last Monday," Jess said in a calm measured voice.

"Good. Make sure it's on time next quarter."

Grinding her teeth, Jess resisted the urge to retort. She knew Rodman was just trying to get her goat. "Was there anything else?"

Rodman looked them both up and down.

Jess instinctively stepped closer to Kim. Their arms brushed.

"Figures," Rodman said, an ugly sneer twisting his face.

"Excuse me?" Jess said.

Rodman waved the question away. He turned away and headed for the door. "Great. Just what we need, another queer doctor. Like there aren't enough of them around here already," he muttered just loud enough for them to hear.

The door swung shut behind Rodman.

"How the hell does that man keep his job?" Kim asked.

Jess glanced over at Kim and realized just how close to her she was standing. She stepped away and propped her hip against the table. "Not that I'm defending him with this whole homophobic," Jess waved her hands vaguely in the air, "letch thing he has going on." She shook her head. "But he wasn't always like this."

"What happened to him?" Kim asked.

The door to the lounge swung open.

Bates stepped inside. His face lit up and he smiled widely when he spotted Kim. The smile vanished at the sight of Jess.

Jess struggled not to smile when Kim looked over and rolled her eyes. She quickly gathered up the charts on the table and offered half of them to Kim.

Kim took the charts without question.

Bates moved over to the coffee pot but continued to watch them.

"Dr. Donovan." Jess motioned toward the door. "After you."

They quickly made their escape.

* * *

Kim plopped the charts down on Jess's desk. She was grateful for the chance to avoid having to deal with Bates. The man just did not seem to understand that she was not interested in him. "Is the day over yet?"

"Soon." Jess motioned her toward the couch. "Relax while you can."

Kim dropped down onto the couch with an exaggerated sigh. "Thanks for the escape route."

Jess laughed. She put the charts she was carrying down on the desk. She leaned over and rummaged in the center desk drawer before joining Kim on the couch.

"Speaking of escapes," Jess said. She offered Kim a single key.

Eyebrow raised, Kim accepted the key. Is this what I think it is? Wow.

"That unlocks my office door. This way you can let yourself in when I'm tied up in a trauma or whatever." Jess shifted on the couch and looked away. "You won't have to put up with people bothering you in the lounge while you're working on charts."

Kim's brow furrowed. Does she feel guilty about what happened with Rodman? That wasn't her fault. Kim put her hand on Jess's arm. "Thank you."

Jess jumped, her eyes darting back to Kim.

Before Kim could pull her hand back, Jess covered it with one of her own and gave Kim's hand a quick squeeze.

Kim smiled. "So what is the deal with Rodman? I remember Philip mentioning that Rodman wasn't always as bad as he is now."

"I don't know much. It all started about two and a half years ago." Jess flushed and looked away again. "I was kind of busy with my own issues at the time." She scrubbed her hands over her face and looked back at Kim. "Anyway, up until then, Rodman had the typical arrogant surgeon personality. A driven go-getter. But he didn't chase anything in a skirt like he does now. And while not overly gay friendly, he was at least tolerant. Nothing like his current homophobic attitude."

"So what changed?" Kim asked.

"He separated from his second wife after only six months of marriage. I don't know who broke it off. It wasn't long after they split that he started hitting on every woman in sight." Jess raked her hand through her hair. "You know his brother is on the hospital board?"

Kim nodded.

"Well, his brother has done a great job of sweeping any complaints under the rug before they reach the formal stage. It's always a he said, she said type of thing."

"You mentioned before he wasn't so openly homophobic. What did that have to do with his divorce?" Although she disliked the man intensely, Kim couldn't help but be interested. Maybe if she could understand what motivated him, it would make ignoring his behavior easier.

"That part never made sense, but it happened around the same time." Jess scowled. "All the sudden he started going out of his way to make my life difficult. And I've heard the same thing from other gay staff."

Kim leaned back and contemplated all Jess had told her. She sat up suddenly when the pieces came together. Could it be? Would sure explain his behavior.

"What?" Jess asked.

"I was just thinking. Maybe his wife left him for a woman. That would explain his need to chase women — to prove is masculinity."

Jess's eyebrows rose. "And explains why he hates gays all the sudden." She shook her head. "I'll be damned. I never put it together." Jess met Kim's gaze. Her eyes held respect with just a hint of trepidation. "Damn. You're good."

"Thank you." Kim smiled and buffed her nails on her shirt. "It's just a theory, but you have to admit — it fits."

"I —" The loud grumbling of her stomach interrupted Jess.

"You didn't get anything to eat after our lunch got interrupted?" Kim asked.

"Nope. Too busy."

"Don't let me keep you. You should get something now while it's quiet."

Jess looked at her watch. "Shift is over in an hour. I'll just grab something out of the vending machines to hold me over." She stood and stretched. "You want anything?"

"No. I'm good. Thanks." Kim stood and moved over to the desk to gather up her charts.

Jess motioned Kim toward her desk chair. "Make yourself at home," she said with a smile.

Kim settled into Jess's chair. She looked up at Jess and smiled. I still can't believe she gave me a key to her office. "Thanks again for the key."

"No problem." Jess reached for the door and then stopped. She turned back to Kim. "I know it's Friday night and short notice, but would you be interested in going to dinner after work?"

Wow. Two invitations to lunch this week and now this. She is getting more comfortable. Didn't even hesitate. "That would be great. Want to hit that Mexican place again?"

Jess laughed. "You're just addicted to their flan."

Kim stuck out her tongue. "And that would be bad — why?" Curiosity piqued when Jess blushed. What was blush-worthy about that comment?

Momentarily flustered, it took Jess a moment to regain her composure. She cleared her throat. "Mexican it is."

"I can head over there and put our names on the wait list while you take care of Thor."

"Not necessary. Thor's with Sam this weekend. She's off today, so she drove up and got him," Jess said.

She's never mentioned him spending time at Sam's before, at least not without her. Kim waited, wondering if Jess would offer any further explanation.

Jess shifted, looking a little uncomfortable, then straightened and met Kim's gaze. "I um... really get a kick out of Halloween and all the kids dressed up. I get a lot of trick-or-treaters in my neighborhood. Thor gets kind of spun up with all the people coming to the door." Jess looked down. "He's not used to people coming to the house." She shrugged. "I don't like to have to confine him to my bedroom. He thinks he's being punished. So he goes and stays with Sam on Halloween."

Kim moved out from behind the desk and over close to Jess. Yep, definitely a softie. "I think it's great that you consider his feelings. Too many people don't give their companions that type of consideration." Meeting Jess's gaze, she smiled warmly. "Dogs have feelings too."

"Thanks," Jess said. An endearing blush covered her face. "So what do you have planned for Halloween? Going to the party at Blane's?" The ER department staff got together for a costume party at the local bar and grill every year.

"Kids in costumes are cute." Kim shook her head. "But adults in costumes, drinking too much and acting out — not my thing at all."

Jess laughed. "I'm with you on that one. So are you going to pass out candy at your place?"

Blond curls bounced when Kim shook her head. "One of the neighbors already let me know they don't do that at my complex. That was one of the things I enjoyed in Michigan. I spent Halloween at my mom's place. Her neighborhood gets a ton of kids on Halloween."

Indecision rippled across Jess's face.

Silence that quickly started to become uncomfortable surrounded them.

Kim ended the stalemate. "You should get something to eat while you've got the chance." She turned back toward Jess's desk.

"Kim." Jess reached out and touched Kim's arm, stopping her in her tracks.

Eyebrow raised in question, Kim turned back toward Jess.

Jess took a deep breath. "Why don't you come over to my place and help me pass out candy."

Things really are changing! Although they had met outside work quite a few times, they always met up at the park or wherever they were going. Kim searched Jess's eyes. She knew what a big step this was for Jess. And for herself if she was honest. "That would be great, Jess."

A delighted smile spread across Jess's face. "It'll be fun. I'll give you directions at dinner." Jess's pager shrilled. "Duty calls. I'll meet you after shift," she said before hurrying out.

Kim sank into Jess's chair. She had never expected Jess to invite her into her home. As much as she looked forward to spending the time with Jess, she was nervous as well. Her attraction to Jess continued to grow by leaps and bounds. It was getting harder and harder to ignore. Kim sighed. She had come to value their friendship too much to risk it with an ill-timed display of her desire. Don't screw things up now.
