Cargill Thompson W.D.J. Anthony Marten and the Elizabethan Debate on Episcopacy // Essays in Modern English History in Memory of Norman Sykes / Ed. C.V. Bennett, J.D. Walsh. — London, 1966. — P. 44–75; Idem. A Reconsideration of Richard Bancrofts Paul's Cross Sermon of 9 February 1588/9 // JEH. — 1969. — Vol. XX. — P. 253–266; Idem. Sir Francis Knollyss Campaign Against the lure Divino Theory of Episcopacy // The Dissenting Tradition: Essays for Leland H. Carlson / Ed. C.R. Cole, M.E. Moody. — Athens (Ohio), 1975. — P. 39–77.
