Collinson P. The Religion of Protestants: The Church in English Society, 1559–1625. — New York, 1982; Parker K.L. The English Sabbath. A Study of Doctrine and Discipline from the Reformation to the Civil War. — Cambridge University Press, 1988; Tyacke N.R.N. Puritanism, Arminianism and Counter-Revolution // The Origins of the English Civil War / Ed. by C.S.R. Russell. — London, 1973. — P. 119–143; Fincham K. Lake P. The Ecclesiastical Policy of James I // JBS. — 1985. — Vol. 24. — P. 169–201; Fincham K. Prelate as Pastor: the Episcopate of James I. — Oxford, 1990; Lake P. Moderate Puritans and the Elizabethan Church. — Cambridge, 1982; Morrill J.S. The Religious Context of the English Civil War // TRHS 5th Series. — 1984. — Vol. 34. — P. 155–178.
