Haigh С. The Church of England, the Catholics and the People // The Reign of Elizabeth I / Ed. by C. Haigh. — P. 169–220; Boulton J. Neighbourhood,and Society: A London Suburb in the Seventeenth Century. — Cambridge, 1987. — P. 282; O'Day R. The English Clergy: The Emergence and Consolidation of a Profession 1558–1642. — Leicester, 1979; Lake P. Presbyterianism, the Idea of a National Church and the Argument from Divine Right // Protestantism and the National Church in Sixteenth Century / Ed. by P. Lake, M. Dowling. — London, 1987. — P. 193–213; Lament W. Godly Rule: Politics and Religion 1603–1660. -London, 1969. — P. 36–45.
