Beckingsale B.W. Burghley — Tudor Statesman, 1520–1598. — London-New York, 1967; Idem. Thomas Cromwell, Tudor Minister. — London, 1978; Loades D.M. John Dudley, Duke of Nor thumberland, 1504–1553. — Oxford, 1996; Idem. The Reign of Mary Tudor: Politics, Government and Religion in England, 1553–1558. — London, 1979; MacCulloch D. Thomas Cranmer: A Life. — New Haven (Conn.), 1996; Ridley J. Henry VIII: The Politics of Tyranny. — New York, 1986; Idem. John Knox. — New York-Oxford, 1968; Idem. The Life and Times of Mary Tudor. — London, 1973; Idem. Thomas Cranmer. — London-Oxford, 1962; Idem. The Statesman and the Fanatic: Thomas Wolsey and Thomas More. — London, 1983; Idem. G. Elizabeth I: The Shrewdness of Virtue. — New York, 1988.
