Collinson P. The Religion of Protestants: The Church in English Society, 1559–1625. — New York, 1982; Idem. Archbishop Grindal, 1519–1583. The Struggle for a Reformed Church. — London, 1979; Idem. The Birthpangs of Protestant England. Religious and Cultural Change in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. — New York, 1988; Idem. Elizabethan Essays. — London, 1994; Idem. The Elizabethan Puritan Movement. — London-New York, 1982; Idem. English Puritanism. — London, 1984; Idem. Godly People: Essays on English Protestantism and Puritanism. — London, 1983; Idem. A Mirror of Elizabethan Puritanism. The Life and Letters of “Godly Master Dering”. — London, 1964.
