It seems like an hour later when she pulls away from him, sits up, and says, “Thank you for that.”

“No worries.”

“You’re a good man, Boone Daniels,” she says. She gets up. “I’m just going to splash a little water on my face and freshen up.”

“Are you hungry?” he asks. “You want some tea . . . something to eat?”

“Thank you, no,” she answers. “I think I’d just like to turn in.”

“You take the bedroom,” Boone says. “I’ll take the couch.”

She goes into the bathroom. Boone picks up the beer bottle, pours the remnant into the sink, and looks out the window. There’s something that still doesn’t make sense. The big money behind Paradise Homes came from the Baja Cartel, fine, but . . .

Petra comes out clad only in one of his T-shirts. She’s brushed her hair to a shine, put on fresh makeup, and looks beautiful.

She reaches her hand out and says, “I wanted this to be with a lovely, filmy negligee I bought for the occasion, and perfume and soft music and scented sheets, but I’ve done the best I could with what was to hand.”

“You’re beautiful.”

“Come to bed.”

He hesitates.

“Pete,” he says, “you’ve been in shock, maybe you still are. You’re emotionally vulnerable . . . I don’t want to take advantage.”

She nods. “I’ve been terrified, I’ve seen horrible things, I’ve taken a life and I don’t know how that’s going to work out, but right now I need life, Boone. I want you inside me and I want to move under you like that ocean you love so much. Now come to bed.”

He takes her hand and she walks him into the bedroom.
