Johnny Banzai is not exactly crazy about Boone either when he walks into the precinct house with Dan and Donna Nichols in tow.

Not to mention Alan Burke.

It’s sort of like giving with one hand and taking back with the other. Here, Johnny my bro, here’s a suspect for you. And, oh, here’s someone who won’t let the suspect talk to you.

Thanks, Boone,

por nada.

“Are these the clients you were protecting?” Johnny asks Boone.

“Pretty much, yeah.”



“Don’t say anything more, Boone,” Alan Burke says. He doesn’t look his usual dapper self, in a pair of jeans and an old sweatshirt that he pulled on when he got Boone’s call. His hair is tousled and he’s unshaved.

“Are you representing Mr. Daniels?” Johnny asks him.


“Then don’t instruct him,” Johnny says.

“Am I out of here?” Boone asks.

“For now,” Johnny answers.

“I never thought I’d hear myself say this,” Harrington says, “but Daniels, don’t leave town.”

Boone nods and walks out the door. Technically, they could still jam him up on obstruction charges but it won’t go far, seeing as how he brought Dan Nichols in to be interviewed. So he’s free and clear. As for Dan and Donna, their problems are their problems. You got Dan a good lawyer, you’re out of this.

Forget about it.

Forget . . .

Oh, shit.


He gets on his phone.

It rings and rings and rings.

Clearly, she has caller ID.
