As Boone drives away, his ears are still ringing from the music and Boyd’s parting words.

“You’ll be back, Daniels! When you figure it all out, you’ll be back!”


Boone drives west until he spots a Starbucks sign—no big trick there—and pulls off. He digs out the laptop and Googles.

The fourteen words—“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”—were the Nathan Hale of one David Lane, founder of the neo-Nazi group the Order, who was sentenced to a buck ninety in prison for murder, bank robbery, and other happy crap. He tapped out in the joint in 1997.

So good things


happen in prison, Boone thinks.

He types in “5 + white supremacist.”

What comes up makes him sick to his stomach.

In white-supremo code, “5” stands for “the Five Words”:

I have nothing to say.
