Visual Aids

HERE ARE PHOTOS and artifacts of some of the people and places that show up through the book:

This is a photo of our family home on Washington Street. I think the pillars on the front porch make it look more fancy that it really was.

Both of these photos are of Elinda, first as a little girl (probably around 1950) and the other when she was thirty-six

Matt towing me along in something that looks kind of dangerous. I’m always a little surprised when I see photos of me at this age because I look really chubby.

Dad when he was younger. I always thought he looked a little bit like Woody Allen. (Photo partially burned in fire.)

Me with my friend Todd playing air guitar with crutches.

Matt with the big teenage ’fro.

Two photos of Mom, first as a beautiful young woman in the ’40s and the other reading TV Guide in the ’90s. You can see why we called her “Fuzz.”

When I was home for Dad’s funeral, I found a couple of photos of our house on fire. It was so odd to find these. They almost look fake. Notice the early-’70s ambulance and the gawkers.

My dog Scooter at ten months old. Note the Cardinals sticker on the door.

Matt with his awesome green Kawasaki bike. He was the envy of the neighborhood.

A photo of the ceiling as we began installing it. This would become my favorite hiding place for porn.

This is one of those photos you find twenty years later and say, Oh my god! I believe this portrait of some of the Tri-Cities New Wave crowd (circa ’86) was taken at a dance somewhere. I’m in the back row, with the dangly earrings.

These are liner notes from a Neon Vomit cassette. I still have the tape if anyone wants to hear it.

Random note I found in one of Dad’s boxes after the funeral. It reads: I am a Catholic. In case of accident please call a priest. Thank you.

Me (left), Stephen (middle), and Vince (right) on the Oregon coast. A pit stop on our drive to Arkansas.
