connerie nf crap, bullsh*t, stupidity 4402

connexion nf connection 2154

conquérir v to conquer 3191

conquête nf conquest 3177

consacrer v to devote, consecrate 750

conscience nf conscience, consciousness 1124

conscient adj conscious, aware 1564

consécutif adj consecutive 3218

conseil nm advice, counsel, council 577

conseiller nm,v adviser, to advise 970

consensus nm(pl) consensus 3137

consentement nm consent 2907

consentir v to consent, agree 2735

conséquence nf consequence 617

conséquent nadj logical, rational, consistent 1703

conservateur nadj conservative 1927

conservation nf preservation, preserving, retention 3847

conserver v to keep, preserve 664

considérable adj(f) considerable, significant 1511

considérablement adv considerably, significantly, extensively 2915

considération nf consideration 1981

considérer v to consider 255

consigne nf deposit, orders, detention 4583

consister v to consist 1051

consolider v to strengthen, reinforce 4116

consommateur nm consumer, customer 1673

consommation nf consumption 1428

consommer v to eat, consume, drink, use, consummate 2048

constamment adv constantly, continuously, consistent 2564

constant adj constant 1762

constat nm report, statement 3922

constater v to note, notice; to establish, certify 705

constituer v to constitute 495

constitution nf constitution 1350

constitutionnel nadj constitutional 2249

constructeur nadj builder, manufacturer 3549

constructif adj constructive 4039

construction nf construction, building 976

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construire v to build, construct 793

consultatif adj advisory 3825

consultation nf consultation 1969

consulter v to consult 1595

contact nm contact 894

contacter v to contact, get in touch with 4241

contaminer v to contaminate, infect 3605

conte nm tale 4371

contemporain nadj contemporary 2557

contenir v to contain 1033

content adj glad, pleased, happy 1841

contenter v to satisfy, please 1078

contenu nadj contents 1501

contestation nf questioning, protest 3398

contester v to contest, question 1974

contexte nm context 1441

continent adj,nm continent 2388

continental adj continental 4846

contingent nadj contingent, draft, quota 4098

continu nadj continuous 3291

continuellement adv continually, continuously 4579

continuer v to continue 113

continuité nf continuity, continuation 3175

contourner v to bypass, go round 3178

contracter v to contract, take out, tense 3159

contradiction nf contradiction 2350

contradictoire adj(f) contradictory, conflicting 2738

contraindre v to compel, force 2144

contrainte nf constraint 2250

contraire nadj(f) opposite, contrary 619

contrairement adv contrary 1766

contrarier v to annoy, bother, thwart 4488

contrat nm contract 832

contre adv,nm,prep against 121

contredire v to contradict 3364

contrepartie nf counterpart, opposite, alternative 4826

contrer v to counter 3734

contrevenant nadj offender, offending 4118

contribuable nm,nf taxpayer 2658

contribuer v to contribute 1017

contribution nf contribution 1785

contrôle nm control 662

contrôler v to control, check, inspect, monitor 1069

contrôleur nm inspector, controller 4423

controversé adj much debated, controversial 4481

controverse nf controversy 4124

convaincant adj convincing 4050

convaincre v to convince 575

convenable adj(f) suitable, appropriate, correct, proper, acceptable 4410

convenir v to agree, be suitable 1106

convention nf agreement, convention 1513

conventionnel nadj conventional 3142

conversation nf conversation 1747

conversion nf conversion 3943

convertir v to convert 3297

conviction nf conviction, belief 2054

convoi nm convoy, train 4834

convoquer v to call, summon 2520

coopération nf cooperation 1496

coopérer v to cooperate 4026

coordination nf coordination 2669

coordonner v to coordinate 2852

copain nm friend, buddy, mate 3020

copie nf copy, replica, paper 2133

copier v to copy, reproduce 4637

corde nf rope, cord, string 3784

cordon nm cord, string, lead 4687

corps nm(pl) body 561

correct adj correct 2617

correctement adv properly 2930

correction nf correction 3005

correspondance nf correspondance, connection 2811

correspondant nadj correspondent 2645

correspondre v to correspond 1415

corriger v to correct 1639

corrompre v to corrupt, bribe 4166

corruption nf corruption 3264

costume nm suit, costume, dress 4419

côte nf coast 1385

cote nf rating, share index, quoted value 4093

côté nm side 123

coter v to quote, rate 3514

cotisation nf subscription 2294

coton nm cotton 4516

cou nm neck 3820

couche nf layer, coat 2485

coucher nm,v lie down, sleep 2160

coude nm elbow 4404

couler v to flow, run, sink 2536

couleur nf color 1211

coulisse nf backstage, wings, behind the scenes 4633

couloir nm corridor, aisle 2744

coup nm coup, blow, knock, stroke 299

coupable nadj(f) guilty 1442

coupe nf bowl, dish; cut 2925

couper v to cut 811

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couple nm,nf couple 1167

coupure nf cut, cutting 2579

cour nf yard, court 1554

courage nm courage 1431

courageux nadj(pl) courageous 2198

couramment adv fluently, commonly 4859

courant adj,nm current 314

courbe nadj(f) curve, curved 4108

courir v to run 1447

couronne nf crown, wreath 3700

couronner v to crown, award 4169

courrier nm mail, post 1935

cours nfpl,nm(pl) course 169

course nf race, shopping 1289

court adj,adv,nm short 545

cousin nm cousin 3387

coût nm cost 830

couteau nm knife 3737

coûter v to cost 984

coûteux adj(pl) expensive, costly 3149

coutume nf custom 3228

couvert nadj covered, overcast; place, seat, cutlery 3337

couverture nf blanket 1698

couvrir v to cover 682

craindre v to fear, be afraid of 500

crainte nf fear 1195

crâne adj(f),nm skull 4314

craquer v to creak, squeak, crackle, give in, strike 4893

créateur nadj creator 2613

création nf creation 634

créature nf creature 4407

crédibilité nf credibility 3611

crédible adj(f) credible 3845

crédit nm credit 1157

créer v to create 332

crème adji,nf cream 4748

crête nf crest, top, ridge 4895

creuser v to dig 2427

creux nadj(pl) hollow, empty, hole 3508

crever v to burst, puncture 3658

cri nm shout, cry 2380

crier v to shout, scream, cry out 1950

crime nm crime 819

criminalité nf crime 3854

criminel nadj criminal 1411

crise nf crisis 765

critère nm criterion, criteria 1923

critique nadj(f) criticism, critic, critical 909

critiquer v to criticize 1654

croire v to believe 135

croisé nadj twill; alternate; crusader; crossed 4650

croiser v to cross 2190

croisière nf cruise 4720

croissance nf growth 646

croissant nadj growing, crescent, crescent-shape 2069

croître v to grow, increase 2131

croix nf(pl) cross 3901

croyance nf belief 3293

croyant nadj believer 4332

cruauté nf cruelty 4769

crucial adj crucial, critical 2890

cruel adj cruel, ferocious, bitter 3357


cuire v to cook, bake, roast 4963

cuisine nf cooking, kitchen 2618

cul nm bum, arse, ass 2949

culpabilité nf guilt 2914

culte nm worship, cult 3630

cultiver v to cultivate, grow 2061

culture nf culture 913

culturel adj cultural 1495

curé nm parish priest 4422

curieux nadj(pl) curious 2424

curiosité nf curiosity 3506

cycle nm cycle 2462

cynique nadj(f) cynical, cynic 3547


d'abord adv first of all 326

d'accord intj okay, alright 736

d'ailleurs adv moreover, besides, for that matter 588

dame intj,nf lady 1983

danger nm danger 932

dangereux adj(pl) dangerous 713

danois nadj(pl) Danish, Dane 4809

dans prep in, into, from 11

danse nf dance, dancing 2964

danser v to dance 2934

danseur nm dancer 4309

d'après according to 596

date nf date 660

dater v to date 2486

d'autant since 1498

davantage adv more 718

de det,prep of, from, some, any 2

débarquer v to unload, land, disembark 3037

débarrasser v to clear, get rid of 2235

débat nm debate 628

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débattre v to discuss, debate 2254

débit nm debit, turnover, delivery, rate 4088

débloquer v to free, unfreeze, unjam, release, unblock 3904

déborder v to overflow, boil over, go out, go over 3071

débouché nm prospect, opportunity, opening 4649

déboucher v to unblock, uncork 2639

debout adv standing 2497

débrouiller v to untangle, sort out, manage, get by 3618

début nm beginning 364

débuter v to start 2426

décéder v to die, pass away, pass on 3809

déceler v to discover, detect 3561

décembre nm December 891

décennie nf decade 2361

décent adj decent, proper 4628

déception nf disappointment, let-down 2821

décerner v to award, give, issue 4732

décès nm(pl) death 2548

décevant adj disappointing 2603

décevoir v to disappoint 1302

décharger v to unload 4801

déchet nm scrap, waste, trash, garbage 2882

déchirer v to tear up, tear, rip 3172

décider v to decide 165

décisif adj decisive 2867

décision nf decision 370

déclaration nf declaration 1006

déclarer v to declare 503

déclencher v to trigger, release, unleash 2152

déclin nm decline, deterioration 4510

décliner v to decline, refuse, turn down 3751

décoller v to take off; to loosen, unstick 4979

décor nm scenery, décor, set 3698

découler v to ensue, follow 2866

découper v to carve, cut 4139

décourager v to discourage, dishearten, lose heart 3235

découverte nf discovery 1791

découvrir v to discover 681

décret nm decree 3252

décréter v to declare, decree 3589

décrire v to describe 1176

décrocher v to take down, take off, pick up, lift 3106

dedans adv,nm(pl),prep inside, indoors 3058

dédier v to dedicate 4008

déduire v to deduct, deduce, infer, figure out 3711

défaillance nf fault, failure, breakdown, blackout, weakness 3951

défaire v to undo, dismantle, strip, break up 2946

défaite nf defeat 2680

défaut nm fault, flaw, shortcoming 1276

défavorable adj(f) unfavorable 4910

défavoriser v to put at a disadvantage 4217

défendre v to defend, forbid 385

défense nf defence 938

défenseur nm,nf defender 3109

défi nm challenge 1728

déficit nm deficit 1657

défier v to challenge, defy, distrust 3718

défiler v to unthread, parade 3527

défini nadj definite 4458

définir v to define 916

définitif nadj definitive, final 1681

définition nf definition 1587

définitivement adv definitely, permanently, for good 2389

déformer v to bend, distort, deform 4386

dégager v to free, clear 1285

dégât nm damage 3492

dégradation nf degrading, damaging, erosion; demotion 3880

dégrader v to degrade, debase, damage, erode 4142

degré nm degree 1311

déguiser v to disguise 4104

dehors adv,nm(pl),prep outside 1217

déjà adv already 58

déjeuner nm,v lunch, to have lunch 2724

delà adv beyond, above, over 4367

délai nm delay 1522

délégation nf delegation 2441

délégué nadj delegate 4161

déléguer v to delegate 3447

délibération nf deliberation, debate, consideration 4540

délibérément adv deliberately 4096

délibérer v to deliberate, debate 3384

délicat nadj delicate, fine, gentle 1877

délinquant nadj delinquent, offender 4394

délit nm crime, offence 3166

délivrer v to set free, rid, relieve 2503

demain adv,nm tomorrow 871

demande nf request, demand 490

demander v to ask for 80

demandeur nm seeker, complainant 3189

démarche nf walk, process 1638

démarrage nm start, moving off 4897

démarrer v to start up 2851

déménager v to move 4611

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démentir v to deny, refute, contradict 3772

demeure nf residence, home 3524

demeurer v to remain, live 748

demi adji,adv,nm half 1117

demi-heure nf half an hour 3338

démission nf resignation 3358

démissionner v to resign 3474

démocrate nadj(f) democrat, democratic 3554

démocratie nf democracy 1279

démocratique adj(f) democratic 1380

démographique adj(f) demographic 4742

démon nm demon, fiend 4547

démonstration nf demonstration 2956

démontrer v to demonstrate 1519

dénoncer v to denounce 1450

dénonciation nf denunciation 4764

dent nf tooth 2784

départ nm departure 548

département nm department 2161

dépasser v to pass, go beyond 685

dépêcher v to dispatch, send, hurry 3771

dépendance nf dependence, dependency 3206

dépendant adj answerable, responsible, dependent 3308

dépendre v to depend 791

dépens nmpl expense 3654

dépense nf expense, expenditure 1555

dépenser v to spend 2051

dépit nm spite, heartache 1390

déplacement nm movement, displacement, trip, travel 2246

déplacer v to move, displace 714

déplaire v to displease, be unhappy 4587

déploiement nm deployment, spreading, unfurling, display 3978

déplorer v to deplore 2829

déployer v to deploy, open 1718

déposer v to deposit, put down 1034

dépôt nm deposit, depot 1980

dépouiller v to skin, strip away, deprive; to analyze 4982

dépression nf depression 3396

depuis adv,prep since, for 96

député nm deputy, parlementary delegate 424

déranger v to disturb, bother 2732

dérive nf drift 4157

dériver v to divert, derive 3427

dernier nadj last 87

dérober v to steal, hide 4580

déroulement nm development, progress 3024

dérouler v to unwind, enroll 1436

derrière adv,nm,prep last; behind 805

dès prep from, as soon 185

désaccord nm disagreement, discord, conflict 2843

désarmement nm disarmament, disarming 4180

désastre nm disaster 2397

désastreux adj(pl) disastrous 4714

descendant nadj downward, descending, descendant 3656

descendre v to go down, come down 1705

descente nf descent, raid, downward slope 3701

description nf description 2779

déséquilibre nm imbalance 4446

désert adj,nm desert, wilderness 2382

désespéré nadj desperate, hopeless 4493

désespérer v to despair 3929

désespoir nm despair 3187

désignation nf designation 4667

désigner v to designate 790

désir nm desire 1642

désirer v to desire 1384

désireux adj(pl) avid for, anxious to, desirous of 4592

désoler v to upset, sadden 2081

désordre nm disorder, confusion 3376

désormais adv from now on, henceforth 1025

desservir v to clear, go against, harm, serve 4400

dessin nm drawing, pattern, design 2624

dessiner v to draw, design 2086

dessous adv,nm(pl),prep underneath, below, bottom, underside 2628

dessus adv,nm(pl),prep above, on top 1629

destin nm fate, destiny 2337

destination nf destination 2301

destinée nf fate, destiny 2529

destiner v to intend, be used 1088

destruction nf destruction 1921

détachement nm detachment 4459

détacher v to untie, detach, remove 3239

détail nm detail 318

détailler v to detail 2667

détecter v to detect 4062

détendre v to release, slacken, loosen, relax 4213

détenir v to hold, detain 2056

détente nf release, relaxation, détente, loosening 4855

détenteur nadj holder, possessor, bearer 4657

détention nf detention, possession 3212

détenu nadj prisoner 2741

détérioration nf deterioration 4945

détériorer v to deteriorate 4998

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déterminant nadj determining, deciding, crucial 3776

détermination nf determination, resolution 1976

déterminé nadj determined, resolute, specific 3596

déterminer v to determine, find out, specify 961

détester v to hate, detest 2898

détour nm bend, curve, detour 4820

détourner v to redirect 2020

détresse nf distress 3704

détriment nm detriment 3049

détruire v to destroy 928

dette nf debt 1817

deuil nm mourning, grief 3540

deux det,nmi two 41

deuxième det,nm,nf second 427

deuxièmement adv secondly 3730

devant adv,nm,prep in front, ahead 198

développement nm development 384

développer v to develop 892

devenir nm,v to become 162

deviner v to guess, solve 2996

devise nf currency, motto, slogan 3249

dévoiler v to unveil, reveal, disclose 3025

devoir nm,v to have to, owe; duty 39

dévouer v to devote, sacrifice oneself 4753

diable intj,nm devil 3984

diagnostic nm diagnosis 3888

dialogue nm dialogue 1719

diamant nm diamond 4706

dictateur nm dictator 4258

dictature nf dictatorship 3041

dicter v to dictate, lay down 2515

dictionnaire nm dictionary 4094

dieu intj,nm god 2262

différemment adv differently 3843

différence nf difference 738

différencier v to differentiate 4620

différend nm disagreement, controversy 3797

différent adj different 350

différer v to differ, vary 2858

difficile nadj(f) difficult 296

difficilement adv with difficulty 3340

difficulté nf difficulty 564

diffuser v to diffuse, broadcast 1995

diffusion nf diffusion, spreading, circulation 2129

digne adj(f) dignified, worthy 2391

dignité nf dignity 2171

dilemme nm dilemma 4798

dimanche nm Sunday 1235

dimension nf dimension 1717

diminuer v to diminish, decrease 1507

diminution nf reduction, decreasing 2805

dîner nm,v dinner; to dine 2365

diplomate nadj(f),nm diplomat, diplomatic 3931

diplomatie nf diplomacy 3766

diplomatique nadj(f) diplomatic 2712

diplôme nm diploma, certificate 3328

dire nm,v to say 37

direct nadj direct 839

directement adv directly 888

directeur nadj director 640

direction nf direction, management 582

directive nf guideline 2708

dirigeant nadj leader 1343

diriger v to lead, direct 540

discipline nf discipline 2120

discours nm(pl) speech, talk, discourse 773

discret adj discreet, tactful, quiet 2635

discrétion nf discretion 3272

discrimination nf discrimination 2338

discussion nf discussion 882

discuter v to discuss, debate; to question 737

disparaître v to disappear, vanish 493

disparition nf disappearance 2077

dispenser v to exempt, avoid 3019

disperser v to scatter, spread, disperse 3171

disponibilité nf availability 4549

disponible adj(f) available 1205

disposer v to arrange, set 551

dispositif nm device, apparatus 2248

disposition nf arrangement, disposition 948

disputer v to dispute 2725

disque nm disc 2484

dissimuler v to conceal, hide 3077

dissiper v to dispel, disperse, clear away 4509

dissoudre v to dissolve, disband, break up 4425

distance nf distance 1502

distant adj far-off, distant, faraway 4902

distinct adj distinct 2698

distinction nf distinction 2031

distinguer v to distinguish 1807

distorsion nf distortion 4231

distribuer v to distribute, give out 1152

distributeur nadj distributor, machine 4140

distribution nf distribution 1911

dit nadj said, so-called; tale 2985

divergence nf divergence, difference 3210

divers adj(pl),det diverse, various 752

diversifier v to vary, diversify 4593

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diversité nf diversity 2537

divin adj,nm divine, heavenly 3787

diviser v to divide 1567

division nf division 1440

divorce nm divorce 2561

dix det,nmi ten 372

dix-huit det,nmi eighteen 3592

dixième det,nm,nf tenth 4602

dix-neuf det,nmi nineteen 4851

dix-neuvième det,nm,nf nineteenth 3997

dix-sept det,nmi seventeen 3812

dizaine nf approximately ten 1628

docteur nm doctor 2176

doctrine nf doctrine 4172

document nm document 997

documentation nf documentation, literature 4643

doigt nm finger 1938

dollar nm dollar 432

domaine nm domain, field 539

domestique nadj(f) servant, domestic 3585

domicile nm home, place of residence 2434

dominant adj dominant, prevailing 2968

domination nf domination, dominion, rule 3333

dominer v to dominate 1648

dommage nm damage, harm; too bad 1156

don nm gift 1800

donc conj so, then, therefore, thus 145

donnée nf fact, datum 1116

donner v to give 46

dont pro whose, of which 74

doré adj golden 4833

dorénavant adv from now on, henceforth 3857

dormir v to sleep 1836

dos nm(pl) back 1672

dose nf dose, amount 4229

dossier nm file, record; case 798

doter v to endow, provide 1784


douane nf customs, duty 3584

douanier nadj customs officer 4572

double nadj(f) double 574

doubler v to double, pass; to dub 1135

doucement adv gently, softly 3242

douceur nf softness, smoothness, mildness, gentleness, sweetness 3896

douleur nf pain 2013

douloureux adj(pl) painful, grievous, distressing 2543

doute nm doubt 362

douter v to doubt 1592

doux adv,nadj(pl) soft, sweet 2062

douzaine nf dozen 3133

douze det,nmi twelve 1664

dramatique nadj(f) dramatic, tragic, drama 2918

drame nm drama 2275

drapeau nm flag 2582

dresser v to draw up, put up, raise 2104

drogue nf drug 1659

droguer v to drug, take drugs 4771

droit adj,adv,nm right 143

droite nf right 1293

drôle adj(f),nm funny, strange 2166

duc nm duke 4804

dur adv,nadj hard 1029

durable adj(f) durable, long-lasting 1985

durant prep during, for 795

durée nf length, duration 1464

durement adv harshly, severely 3256

durer v to last 605

dynamique nadj(f) dynamic 2078

dynamisme nm dynamism 3924


eau nf water 475

ébranler v to shake, rattle 4313

écart nm space, gap 1743

écarter v to separate, move apart, keep away 1492

échange nm exchange 785

échanger v to exchange 1452

échantillon nm sample 3174

échapper v to escape 940

échéance nf expiration date, date of payment, deadline 3103

échéant adj if need be 4729

échec adji,nm failure 1039

échelle nf ladder, scale 1266

échelon nm rung, step, grade, echelon 3958

écho nm echo 2400

échouer v to fail 1383

éclaircir v to brighten up, clear up 4528

éclairer v to light up 2047

éclat nm splinter, fragment, brightness, burst 3515

éclater v to burst, explode 1942

école nf school 477

écologique adj(f) ecological 4206

économie nf economy 387

économique nadj(f) economic, economical 261

économiquement adv economically 4015

économiser v to save, save on, conserve 4319

économiste nm,nf economist 2943

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écouler v to sell, run off, flow out 2155

écoute nf listening 4097

écouter v to listen to 429

écran nm screen 2421

écrasant adj crushing, overwhelming 4918

écraser v to crush, grind 2334

écrier v to exclaim, cry out 4865

écrire v to write 382

écrit nadj writing 3253

écriture nf writing 2716

écrivain nm writer 1738

écrouler v to collapse, tumble 5000

écu nm ecu 3760

édifice nm building 3044

éditeur nm publisher, editor 2183

édition nf publishing, editing, edition 1298

éditorial nadj editorial 4431

éducation nf education 995

effacer v to erase, clean 2425

effectif nadj effective; size, workforce 1810

effectivement adv effectively 1550

effectuer v to carry out, undergo 990

effet nm effect 173

efficace adj(f) efficient, effective 1243

efficacement adv efficiently, effectively 4023

efficacité nf efficiency, effectiveness 1752

effondrement nm collapse, caving-in, falling-in, breaking-down 3709

effondrer v to collapse, cave in, fall down 3127

efforcer v to endeavor 2041

effort nm effort 388

effrayer v to frighten, scare 3828

égal nadj equal 1183

également adv also, too, as well, equally 246

égalité nf equality 1898

égard nm consideration, respect, regard 875

église nf church 1782

égyptien nadj Egyptian 4137

eh intj hey, uh 1692

élaboration nf working-out, development 3615

élaborer v to work out, develop 1937

élan nm momentum, surge, rush; elk, moose 3481

élargir v to widen, expand 1956

élargissement nm widening, letting-out, stretching, broadening 4141

électeur nm elector, voter 1957

élection nf election 862

électoral adj electoral 1714

électricité nf electricity 2469

électrique adj(f) electric 2067

électronique nadj(f) electronic 2195

élégant adj elegant, stylish 4747

élément nm element 621

élémentaire adj(f) elementary, rudimentary, basic 2982

élevé adj high, heavy, tall 3563

élève nm,nf pupil, student 1068

élever v to grow, lift, raise 459

élimination nf elimination 3052

éliminer v to eliminate 1454

élire v to elect 1465

élite nf elite 2726

elle pro she, her 38

elle-même pro herself, itself 1379

éloge nm praise 4711

éloigner v to move away, take away, distance 1541

élu nadj elected, elected member 2954

émaner v to issue from, emanate from, come from, radiate from 3119

embargo nm embargo 4450

embarquer v to embark, board, take on board, load 2719

embauche nf job vacancy, hiring 4849

embaucher v to hire 3743

embrasser v to kiss, embrace 3102

émerger v to emerge, rise up, come out 4099

émetteur nm transmitter, issuer 4903

émettre v to emit, issue 1787

émeute nf riot, rioting 4038

éminent adj eminent, distinguished 4629

émission nf transmision, broadcasting, programme 1074

emmener v to take 2098

emmerder v to bug, bother 4676

émotion nf emotion, feeling 1854

émouvoir v to move, touch 3870

emparer v to seize, grab, snatch 2783

empêcher v to prevent 306

empereur nm emperor 4508

empire nm empire 3367

emplacement nm site, location 4636

emploi nm employment, work, use 517

employé nm employee 1485

employer v to use, employ 724

employeur nm employer 2633

emporter v to take, remove 1128

empreinte nf imprint, print, mark, impression 3504

empresser v to bustle about, hasten to do 4927

emprisonner v to imprison, jail, put in jail, trap 3351

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emprunt nm loan 3422

emprunter v to borrow 1123

en adv,prep,pro in, by 7

encadrement nm training, framing, supervision 4610

encadrer v to frame, train 2831

encaisser v to receive, collect, cash 3710

enceinte adjf,nf pregnant; enclosure 2226

enchaîner v to chain up, connect, string together 4634

enchanter v to delight, enchant, rejoice 4738

enclin adj enclined, prone 4872

encontre n contrary to 2994

encore adv again, yet 51

encourageant adj encouraging 4200

encouragement nm encouragement 3193

encourager v to encourage 1434

endormir v to put to sleep, fall asleep 3788

endroit nm place, spot 650

énergétique nadj(f) energetic, vigorous 3727

énergie nf energy 720

énergique adj(f) energetic 4905

enfance nf childhood 2207

enfant nm,nf,adj(f) child 126

enfer nm hell 3001

enfermer v to shut 2315

enfin adv at last, finally 349

enfoncer v to ram, drive in, hammer in, sink in 2991

enfuir v to run away, flee 3804

engagement nm agreement, commitment 1042

engager v to hire, involve 408

engendrer v to father, breed, generate 2286

engin nm machine, tool, vehicle, device 4269

englober v to include, encompass, incorporate 4188

enjeu nm stake 2328

enlever v to remove 1201

ennemi nadj enemy 1715

ennui nm boredom, trouble, worry 3294

ennuyer v to bore, worry, bother 3480

énoncer v to state, set out, express 3541

énorme adj(f) enormous 663

énormément adv enormously 3039

enquête nf inquiry, enquiry, investigation 866

enquêter v to investigate, hold inquiry, conduct a survey 3811

enquêteur nm investigator, pollster 4526

enregistrement nm recording, registration, check-in, logging 3036

enregistrer v to record, check in 1238

enrichir v to expand, enrich, make somebody rich 2335

enseignant nadj teacher 2456

enseignement nm education, teaching 1626

enseigner v to teach 2134

ensemble adv,nm together 124

ensuite adv next 265

ensuivre v to follow, result, ensue 4942

entamer v to start 2325

entendre v to hear 149

entente nf understanding, agreement 2295

enterrer v to bury, lay aside 2870

enthousiasme nm enthusiasm, enthusiastically 2745

enthousiaste adj(f) enthusiastic 4287

entier nadj whole, full 455

entièrement adv entirely, completely 1316

entité nf entity 2983

entourage nm circle, entourage 4208

entourer v to surround 1509

entraînement nm training, coaching, drive 3070

entraîner v to carry along, train 550

entraîneur nm coach, trainer 4430

entraver v to hinder, hamper, get in the way of 4448

entre prep between 55

entrée nf entrance 808

entreprendre v to begin, start, undertake 1171

entrepreneur nm contractor, entrepreneur 2377

entreprise nf enterprise, business 298

entrer v to enter, go in, come in 337

entre-temps adv,nm(pl) meanwhile, in the meantime 3969

entretenir v to maintain 1185

entretien nm interview, discussion, maintenance 1433

entrevoir v to make out, catch a glimpse of, foresee 4517

entrevue nf meeting, interview 2860

énumérer v to enumerate 4848

envahir v to invade, overrun 2566

enveloppe nf envelope 3125

envelopper v to wrap, surround, veil 4604

envergure nf wingspan, breadth, scope 3774

envers nm(pl),prep towards 1151

envie nf envy 1237

environ adv,prep,nm about, thereabouts, or so 678

environnement nm environment 945

environnemental adj environmental 3548

envisager v to view, contemplate 850

envoi nm sending, dispatching 2960

envoler v to fly away, fly off, take off 4070

envoyer v to send 526

épais adj(pl),adv thick, pitch dark, thickly 3789

épanouir v to bloom, blossom 4724

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épargne nf savings, saving 3404

épargner v to save, spare 2354

épaule nf shoulder 2494

épidémie nf epidemic 4203

épisode nm episode 3238

époque nf era, period 465

épouser v to marry, wed 3136

épouvantable adj(f) terrible, appalling, dreadful 4150

époux nm(pl) husband, spouse 1953

épreuve nf test, ordeal, trial 1668

éprouver v to feel, experience 1872

épuiser v to exhaust, tire out, wear out, use up 2442

équation nf equation 4840

équilibre nm balance, equilibrium 1391

équilibrer v to balance 2510

équipage nm crew, gear 3632

équipe nf team 814

équipement nm equipment 1704

équiper v to equip, kit out, fit out, tool up 3043

équitable adj(f) equitable, fair 3304

équité nf equity, fairly 4101

équivalent nadj equivalent 2476

équivaloir v to be equivalent, amount to 4619

ère nf era 3079

ériger v to erect, set up 3942

erreur nf mistake, error 612

erroné adj erroneous 4074

escalier nm stairs, staircase 3705

esclave nadj(f) slave 3468

escompter v to discount; to expect 4717

espace nm,nf space 870

espagnol nadj Spanish 1666

espèce nf species 1049

espérance nf hope 3715

espérer v to hope 417

espoir nm hope 717

esprit nm mind, spirit 538

essai nm attempt, try, test 1475

essayer v to try 303

essence nf gas, petrol 1795

essentiel nadj essential 675

essentiellement adv essentially 1518

essor nm expansion, development, flight 4662

essuyer v to wipe, dry, mop, dust 3933

est nmi east 4603

esthétique nadj(f) aesthetics, attractiveness; attractive 4612

estimation nf appraisal, valuation, assessment estimate, 3464

estimer v to estimate; to consider, deem 649

et conj and 6

établir v to establish 529

établissement nm establishment, organization 1085

étage nm floor 2269

étaler v to spread, display, apply 3935

étape nf stage, step 1145

état nm state 333

état-major nm staff, staff headquarters 4186

etc etc., et cetera 1177

été nm summer 623

éteindre v to extinguish, put out, turn off 3033

étendre v to spread out, stretch out 1173

étendue nf area, expanse, duration, extent, range 3721

éternel nadj eternal, everlasting 3433

éthique nadj(f) ethical, ethics 2747

ethnique nadj(f) ethnic 3083

étiquette nf label, ticket, etiquette, sticker, tag 3890

étoile nf star 2776

étonnant nadj surprising, amazing, incredible 1627

étonner v to astonish, amaze 1778

étouffer v to suffocate, smother, muffle 3213

étrange nadj(f) strange, odd 2159

étranger nadj foreigner; foreign 305

être nm,v to be; being 5

étroit adj narrow, tight 1828

étroitement adv closely 3497

étude nf study 446

étudiant nadj student 1064

étudier v to study 960

euh intj er, um, uh 889

euro nm euro 1753

européen nadj European 445

eux pro them 161

évacuer v to evacuate, clear 3428

évaluation nf evaluation 2057

évaluer v to evaluate 1544

évasion nf escape, evasion 4372

éveiller v to arouse, stimulate, awaken 4330

événement nm event 573

éventail nm fan, range 4621

éventualité nf eventuality, possibility 4183

éventuel nadj possible 2023

éventuellement adv possibly 2767

évêque nm bishop 3446

évidemment adv obviously 1340

évidence nf evidence 1517

évident adj obvious 1488

éviter v to avoid 396

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évoluer v to evolve 1658

évolution nf evolution 1352

évoquer v to recall, evoke 1143

ex nmfi ex 3663

exact adj exact, correct 1133

exactement adv exactly 857

exagérer v to exaggerate, overdo 2547

examen nm exam 1448

examiner v to examine 1108

excédent nm surplus 3140

excéder v to exceed 4802

excellence nf excellence 2713

excellent adj excellent 1225

exception nf exception 1134

exceptionnel nadj exceptional 1255

excès nm(pl) excess, surplus, abuse 3132

excessif nadj excessive, inordinate 2410

exciter v to arouse, waken, excite, turn on 4914

exclu nm,adj outcast 4756

exclure v to exclude 1457

exclusif nadj exclusive, sole 2558

exclusion nf exclusion, expulsion 3280

exclusivement adv exclusively, solely 2739

excuse nf excuse, apology 1839

excuser v to excuse 1987

exécutif nadj executive 3261

exécuter v to execute, carry out 1909

exécution nf execution, accomplishment 1806

exemplaire nadj(f) exemplary; copy 1459

exemple nm example 259

exercer v to exercise, exert, practice, carry out 966

exercice nm exercise, 1290

exhorter v to exhort, urge 3667

exigeant adj demanding, difficult 3344

exigence nf demand, strictness 1312

exiger v to require, demand 733

exil nm exile 4010

exiler v to exile 4766

existant adj existing 2586

existence nf existence 1153

exister v to exist 269

exode nm exodus 4986

expansion nf expansion 2641

expédier v to send, dispatch 3863

expédition nf dispatch, shipping, shipment expedition, 3762

expérience nf experience 679

expérimental adj experimental 4616

expérimenter v to experiment 4997

expert nadj expert 1557

expertise nf expertise 4310

explication nf explanation 1418

explicite adj(f) explicitly 3798

explicitement adv explicitly 4078

expliquer v to explain 252

exploit nm exploit 4199

exploitation nf operation, exploitation 1834

exploiter v to exploit 1808

exploration nf exploration, investigation, examination 4860

explorer v to explore, investigate, examine 3204

exploser v to explode, blow up 2678

explosif nadj explosive 3558

explosion nf explosion 2121

exportateur nadj exporter, exporting 4196

exportation nf export 1644

exporter v to export 3934

exposé nadj account, statement, talk 3790


exposer v to display, exhibit, expose 918

exposition nf exhibition, show 2378

exprès adj(pl),adv deliberately, on purpose, intentionally 4999

expression nf expression 952

exprimer v to express 466

expulser v to expel, evict, deport, throw out 3695

extension nf extension, stretching, expansion 3126

extérieur nadj exterior 625

externe nadj(f) external, outer 3779

extraction nf extraction 4262

extraire v to extract, mine, quarry, pull out, remove 2797

extrait nm extract, excerpt 4283

extraordinaire adj(f) extraordinary 1234

extrême nadj(f) extreme 1270

extrêmement adv extremely 1545

extrémité nf end, extremity 2941


fabricant nm manufacturer 3081

fabrication nf manufacture, production 2308

fabriquer v to manufacture, invent, make 1231

façade nf front, façade 4029

face nf front, side, face 205

fâcher v to anger, make angry, get angry 4413

facile adj(f) easy 822

facilement adv easily 1194

facilité nf easiness, ease, aptitude 3624

faciliter v to make easier, facilitate 1813

façon nf way, manner 248

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facteur nm postman, mailman; factor 1264

facture nf invoice, bill 3007

faculté nf ability, right, option; faculty, university 2568

faible nadj(f) weak 723

faiblesse nf weakness 1944

faille nf fault 3430

faillir v to have almost, fail, fail to 3505

faillite nf bankruptcy, collapse, failure 3089

faim nf hungry 1986

faire nm,v to do, make 25

faisceau nm bundle, beam, stack 3490

fait adj,nm done, fact 141

falloir v to take, require, need 68

fameux adj(pl) famous 2060

familial adj family 1622

familier nadj familiar, informal 3672

famille nf family 172

famine nf famine 4864

fantastique nadj(f) fantastic, terrific, great, weird, eerie 4107

fantôme nm ghost, phantom 4075

farce nf joke, prank, hoax, farce 4285

fardeau nm burden 3954

fasciner v to fascinate 4797

fatal adj fatal, deadly, fateful 4238

fatigue nf tiredness, fatigue tired 4595

fatiguer v to tire, get 3229

faute nf mistake, error, fault 835

fauteuil nm armchair, seat 2743

faux adv,adj(pl),nm(pl),nf(pl) false; scythe 555

faveur nf favor 994

favorable adj(f) favorable 1443

favori nadj favourite, favorite 3831

favoriser v to favor 1407

fédéral nadj federal 828

fédération nf federation 1945

félicitation nf congratulation 4589

féliciter v to congratulate 1749

féminin nadj feminine 2381

femme nf woman, wife 154

fenêtre nf window 1604

fer nm iron 1621

fermé adj shut, closed, locked 3753

ferme adj(f),adv,nf farm; firm 1024

fermement adv firmly 3318

fermer v to close, shut 757

fermeté nf firmness, solidness, steadiness 4464

fermeture nf closing 2562

fermier nadj farmer 4685

féroce adj(f) ferocious, fierce 4888

ferroviaire adj(f) railway, rail 4981

festival nm festival 3858

fête nf holiday, celebration 1490

fêter v to celebrate 3275

feu adj(f),nm fire 786

feuille nf leaf, sheet, slip 2440

février nm February 1136

fiable adj(f) reliable, trustworthy 4147

fiche nf card, sheet, slip, form 4445

ficher v to file; to make fun of, not care, not give a damn 3905

fichier nm file 3176

fiction nf fiction 3612

fidèle nadj(f) faithful 1802

fidélité nf loyalty, faithfulness, accuracy, reliability 4348

fier adj,v to rely on; proud 1331

fierté nf pride 3237

fièvre nf fever 4105

figer v to clot, coagulate, congeal, set 4708

figure nf face; figure 1825

figurer v to represent, appear 841

fil nm thread, wire 1223

file nf line, queue 2615

filer v to spin, run, get out 2799

filet nm dribble, trickle, wisp, streak, thread, fillet, net 2656

filial adj filial; branch office 4126

fille nf girl, daughter 629

fillette nf little girl, girl 4737

film nm film 848

filmer v to film, shoot 4393

fils nm(pl) son 735

fin adj,adv,nf,nm end; gist, clever person 111

final nadj final 1461

finale nm,nf finale, final event 3147

finalement adv finally, eventually 843

finance nf finance 1677

financement nm financing 1671

financer v to finance 1772

financier nadj financial, financier 688

finir v to finish 534

firme nf firm 1955

fiscal adj fiscal 1637

fixation nf fixation, fixing 4609

fixe nadj fixed 2862

fixer v to fix, arrange, set 644

flagrant adj blatant, glaring 3925

flamme nf flame, fire, fervor, brilliance 3590

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fléau nm scourge, plague 4651

flèche nf arrow 4567

fleur nf flower 2305

fleuve nm river 2893

flic nm,nf cop 3559

flot nm floodtide, stream of, flood of 4291

flotte nf fleet 3234

flotter v to float, hang, stream 4520

flou adj blurred, fuzzy, vague 3823

flux nm(pl) flow 2501

foi nf faith 1368

foie nm liver 4817

foire nf fair 4746

fois nf(pl) time, times 49

folie nf madness, folly, insanity 2833

foncier adj land-related, land, fundamental 4601

fonction nf function 516

fonctionnaire nm,nf state employee, public servant 1631

fonctionnel adj functional 3966

fonctionnement nm operation, functioning 1598

fonctionner v to function, work 1144

fond nm bottom 553

fondamental adj fondamental 1291

fondamentalement adv basically, fundamentally, inherently 4698

fondateur nm founder 2899

fondation nf foundation 2414

fondé adj,nm,nf founded, justified; agent, clerk 2202

fondement nm foundation 3046

fonder v to found, set 963

fondre v to melt, merge 3959

fonds nm(pl) funds 983

football nm football, soccer 2602

force adv,nf force 222

forcément adv without question, inevitably 2188

forcer v to force 758

forestier nadj forest, forester 4937

forêt nf forest 1724

forger v to forge, contrive, make up 4779

formalité nf formality 4900

format nm format 3462

formation nf training 831

forme nf form 369

formé nm formed 3499

formel adj formal, definite 2505

former v to form 486

formidable adj(f) tremendous, considerable 2722

formule nf formula, expression 1334

formuler v to formulate 1949

fort adv,adj,nm strong 107

fortement adv strongly 1769

fortune nf fortune 2371

forum nm forum, newsgroup 3512

fossé nm ditch 3653

fou adj,nm mad, crazy 1357

foudre nf lightning 4874

fouet nm whip 4607

fouiller v to search, frisk, go through, rummage through 3431

foule nf crowd 1894

fournir v to provide, supply 731

fournisseur nm supplier, provider 3048

fourniture nf supply, provision 4743

foutre v,nm to f*ck, shove off 1890

foyer nm home, hearth 1579

fraction nf fraction 4521

fragile adj(f) fragile, delicate, frail 2107

frais adj(pl),adv,nm(pl) cool, fresh; fee, expense 691

franc adj,adv,adj,nm frank; franc 942

français nadj(pl) French 251

franchement adv frankly 2242

franchir v to get over 1487

franchise nf frankness, exemption, duty-free franchise, deductible, 3861

francophone adj(f) French-speaking, French speaker, francophone 3118

frappe nf strike, striking, stamp, impression, punch 4021

frapper v to hit, strike, knock 754

fraude nf fraud 4515

frein nm brake 3400

freiner v to brake, slow down 3027

fréquemment adv frequently 3410

fréquence nf frequency 2178

fréquent adj frequent 2684


fréquenter v to frequent, go around with 2367

frère nm brother 1043

froid nadj cold 1307

fromage nm cheese 4475

front nm front, forehead 1729

frontière nf border 1182

fruit nm fruit 896

frustration nf frustration 4490

frustrer v to frustrate 4853

fuir v to flee 1960

fuite nf escape 2053

fumée nf smoke 4047

fumer v to smoke 2623

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furieux nadj(pl) furious, raging, violent 4239

fusil nm rifle, gun 3269

fusion nf fusion, melting, merging 2401

futur nadj future 484


gâcher v to waste, spoil 4623

gagnant nadj winner, winning 3886

gagner v to win, earn 258

gai adj cheerful, merry, gay 4243

gain nm gain 2420

galerie nf gallery 3850

gamin nm kid 3439

gamme nf range, scale 3521

garage nm garage 4881

garantie nf guarantee 2117

garantir v to guarantee 1260

garçon nm boy 1599

garde nm,nf guard 901

garder v to keep 531

gardien nadj guardian, keeper 1924

gare intj,nf station, railway station; beware 2581

gars nm(pl) guy 2304

gâteau nadj cake 4845

gauche nadj(f) left 607

gaz nm(pl) gas 1551

géant nadj giant, gigantic 2283

gel nm frost, freezing, gel 4122

geler v to freeze, ice over, suspend 3526

gendarme nm,nf policeman 4438

gendarmerie nf police force, police station 4496

gène nm gene 2807

gêner v to bother, trouble 2460

général nadj general 147

généralement adv generally 1710

généraliser v to generalize 2939

génération nf generation 1386

générer v to generate 3620

généreux adj(pl) generous 2015

générosité nf generosity, generously 3418

génétique nadj(f) genetic 2259

génétiquement adv genetically 4497

génial adj inspired, great, brilliant 3872

génie nm genius 2162

génocide nm genocide 4148

genou nm knee 2967

genre nm type, kind, sort 556

gens nmpl people 236

gentil nadj nice, kind 2832

géographique adj(f) geographic, geographical 3389

gérer v to manage 1354

geste nm gesture 1261

gestion nf management 1140

gestionnaire adj(f),nm,nf administrator, administrative 4350

gigantesque nadj(f) gigantic, immense 3757

glace nf ice, ice cream; mirror 2580

glissement nm sliding, slipping, skidding 4553

glisser v to slide, slip 2544

global adj global 1155

globalement adv globally 4409

globe nm globe 3669

gloire nf glory, fame 3287

golf nm golf, golf course 4936

golfe nm gulf 4024

gonfler v to inflate, blow up, swell 3451

gorge nf throat 4194

gosse nm,nf kid 3631

goût nm taste 1829

goûter nm,v to taste, snack 4441

goutte nf drop 4337

gouvernement nm government 160

gouvernemental adj governmental 1908

gouverner v to govern, rule, steer, helm 2063

gouverneur nm,nf governor 2089

grâce nf thanks, grace, favor 238

grain nm grain, bean, bead; spot, mole 3323

grand adv,nadj great, big, tall 59

grand-chose nmi not very much 2884

grandeur nf size, greatness 3069

grandir v to grow, increase, expand 1936

grandissant adj growing, increasing 4559

grand-mère nf grandmother 3883

grand-père nm grandfather 3748

graphique nadj(f) graph, graphic 4782

gras adj(pl),adv,nm(pl) fatty, fat, greasy 4018

gratuit adj free, gratuitous, unwarranted 2470

gratuitement adv free, gratuitously 4818

grave adv,nadj(f),nm serious, grave 443

gravement adv seriously, solemnly, gravely 2957


gravité nf seriousness, solemnity, gravity 2596

gré nm liking 2627

grec nadj Greek 2026

grève nf strike 1803

grille nf railings, gate, grid, scale 3341

grimper v to climb, go up 2646

gris nadj(pl) grey 2769

gros adv,nadj(pl) big 419

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grossesse nf pregnancy 4136

grossier adj unrefined, crude, coarse, rude, rough 4054

grossir v to get larger 4189

groupe nm group 187

groupement nm grouping, group, categorization 3976

guère adv hardly 1591

guérir v to cure, heal, get better 3602

guerre nf war 266

guerrier nadj warrior; warlike 4707

guetter v to watch over, watch out for 4852

gueule nf mouth, trap 3015

guide nm,nf guide 2392

guider v to guide 2008

guise nf wish; like, by way of 3477


ha intj oh 4965

habiller v to dress, get dressed 3576

habitant nm inhabitant 1333

habitation nf residence, home, dwelling, housing 3616

habiter v to live 1186

habitude nf habit 1221

habituel adj customary, habitual 1347

habituellement adv usually, generally 3537

habituer v to accustom, get used to 2487

haine nf hatred, hate 2277

haïr v to detest, hate, abhor 3981

hall nm foyer, lobby 4792

handicap nm handicap 3937

handicapé nadj disabled, handicapped 3613

handicaper v to handicap 4392

hanter v to haunt 4686

harceler v to harass, plague 3999

harmonie nf harmony, 4584

harmonisation nf harmonization 4990

harmoniser v to harmonize, harmonize with 4646

hasard nm chance, luck 1882

hâte nf haste, impatience 3460

hâter v to quicken, hasten 4754

hausse nf rise, raise, increase 1572

hausser v to raise 2177

haut adv,nadj top, high 264

hautement adv highly 3420

hauteur nf height 1653

hé intj hey 3871

hebdomadaire nadj(f) weekly 3487

hein intj eh, huh 2076

hélas intj alas 3952

hélicoptère nm helicopter 2978

hépatite nf hepatitis 4877

herbe nf grass, herb 3562

héritage nm heritage 2193

hériter v to inherit 2981

héritier nm heir 3955

héroïne nf heroine 3467

héros nm(pl) hero 1883

hésitation nf hesitation 4323

hésiter v to hesitate 1606

heure nf hour 99

heureusement adv fortunately, luckily 2390

heureux nadj(pl) happy, lucky, fortunate 764

heurter v to strike, hit, collide 2601

hier adv yesterday 872

hiérarchie nf hierarchy 3463

hisser v to hoist, raise up 4974

histoire nf history, story 263

historien nm historian 3284

historique nadj(f) historical 902

hiver nm winter 1586

hommage nm homage, tribute 1904

homme nm man 136

homologue adj(f) counterpart, homologue 3196

homosexuel nadj homosexual 3501

honnête adj(f) honest, decent, fair 2405

honneur nm honor 1141

honorable adj(f) honorable, worthy 893

honorer v to honor, do credit to 2859

honte nf shame 1943

honteux adj(pl) ashamed, shameful 3995

hôpital nm hospital 1308

horaire nadj(f) schedule, timetable, hourly 3192

horizon nm horizon, skyline 2502

hormis prep save, but 4786

horreur nf horror 2565

horrible adj(f) horrible, terrible, dreadful, hideous 3190

hors adv,prep except, outside 865

hostile adj(f) hostile 3091

hostilité nf hostility, hostilities 3436

hôte nm host, guest 3780

hôtel nm hotel 1774

huile nf oil 2340

huit det,nmi eight 877

huitième det,nm,nf eighth 4778

hum intj um, uh 4938


humain nadj human 286

humanitaire adj(f) humanitarian 2319

humanité nf humanity 1525

humble adj(f) humble, lowly 4680

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humeur nf mood, temper 3188

humide adj(f) moist, damp, humid, wet 4841

humour nm humor 3950

hurler v to scream, yell 4016

hymne nm,nf hymn, anthem 4862

hypothèse nf hypothesis 1669


ici adv here 167

idéal nadj ideal 1429

idée nf idea 239

identification nf identification 3274

identifier v to identify 1426

identique adj(f) identical 2677

identité nf identity 1437

idéologie nf ideology 3185

idéologique adj(f) ideological 4272

idiot nadj idiot, fool, stupid 3556

ignorance nf ignorance 4055

ignorer v to ignore 639

il pro he, it 13

île nf island 1245

illégal adj illegal 2640

illusion nf illusion 2835

illustration nf illustration 4683

illustrer v to illustrate 1939

image nf picture, image 659

imaginaire nadj(f) imaginary 3471

imagination nf imagination 2705

imaginer v to imagine 840

imiter v to imitate 3742

immédiat nadj immediate 1254

immédiatement adv immediately 807

immense adj(f) immense 1759

immeuble nadj(f) building 1865

immigrant nadj immigrant 4352

immigration nf immigration 2255

immigrer v to immigrate 4470

imminent adj imminent, impending 3466

immobile adj(f) still, motionless 4463

immobilier nadj property, real estate, property business, real estate business 3603

impact nm impact 2032

impasse nf dead end, cul-de-sac 3363

impatience nf impatience 3675

impatient nadj impatient 4530

impératif nadj need, necessity, urgent, imperative 3680

implantation nf implanting, setting up, establishment, implantation, installation 4731

implanter v to implant, set up, establish 3655

implication nf implication 3747

impliquer v to imply, implicate 1113

importance nf importance 715

important nadj important 215

importation nf import 2260

importer v to import; to be important 354

imposer v to impose 469

imposition nf taxation 3619

impossibilité nf impossibility 4522

impossible nadj(f) impossible 652

impôt nm tax 1241

impression nf impression 825

impressionnant adj impressive, upsetting 2467

impressionner v to impress, upset 3055

imprimer v to print, print out 3092

improbable adj(f) unlikely, improbable 4525

improviser v to improvise 4492

impuissant nadj powerless, helpless 3979

impulsion nf impulse, pulse 3650

imputer v to impute to, attribute to 4397

inacceptable adj(f) unacceptable 2663

inattendu adj unexpected 3385

inaugurer v to unveil, open 4824

incapable nadj(f) incapable, incompetent 1605

incapacité nf incompetence, incapability 4477

incarner v to embody, incarnate 3574

incendie nm fire, blaze 2976

incertain nadj uncertain, unsure 3135

incertitude nf uncertainty 2169

inchangé adj unchanged 4701

incidence nf effect, incidence 4145

incident adj,nm incident 1885

incitation nf incitement, incentive 4429

inciter v to incite, encourage 2212

incliner v to tilt, tend towards 4368

inclure v to include 1998

incomber v to be incumbent upon 4617

incompatible adj(f) incompatible 3713

incompréhensible adj(f) incomprehensible 4819

inconnu nadj unknown 1451

inconscient nadj unconscious, thoughtless 4102

inconvénient nm snag, drawback, disadvantage, inconvenience 3399

incorporer v to incorporate, insert, merge 3903

incroyable nadj(f) incredible, unbelievable 2231

inculper v to charge 4638

indemnisation nf indemnification, compensation 3998

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indépendamment adv independently, irrespective of, regardless of 4296

indépendance nf independence 1651

indépendant nadj independent 954

indicateur nadj indicator 2592

indication nf indication 2546

indice nm indication, sign, clue 2138

indien nadj Indian 1679

indifférence nf indifference 4176

indifférent nadj indifferent, unconcerned, unimportant 4151

indigène nadj(f) native, local 4555

indiquer v to indicate, signal 590

indirect adj indirect 3769

indirectement adv indirectly 4557

indispensable adj(f) essential 1746

individu nm individual 1115

individuel adj individual 1812

induire v to infer, induce, result in, lead to 3440

industrialiser v to industrialize 4022

industrie nf industry 692

industriel nadj industrial 1131

inédit nadj unpublished; original, new 4590

inégalité nf difference, uneveness, inequality 3145

inévitable adj(f) unavoidable, inevitable 2488

inévitablement adv inevitably 4726

inexistant adj non-existent 4807

inférieur nadj inferior 1905

infini nadj inifinite, infinity 3377

infiniment adv infinitely 4550

infirmier nadj nurse 2049

inflation nf inflation 2312

infliger v to inflict 2730

influence nf influence 1083

influencer v to influence 2498

influer v to influence, have an influence on 4690

information nf information 317

informatique nadj(f) computer science, computing 2588

informé nadj informed 4727

informer v to inform 1356

infraction nf offence, infrigement, infraction 2958

infrastructure nf infrastructure 2287

ingénieur nm,nf engineer 2848

inhabituel adj unusual 2733

inhérent adj inherent 4672

initial adj initial 2137

initialement adv initially 4252

initiative nf initiative 1129

initier v to initiate, introduce 4503

injecter v to inject 4857

injuste adj(f) unfair, unjust 2575

injustice nf injustice, unfairness 2819

innocence nf innocence 4300

innocent nadj innocent 2059

innombrable adj(f) innumerable, countless 4588

innovation nf innovation 2402

inondation nf flood, deluge 4677

inonder v to flood 4928

inquiet nadj worried, anxious 1392

inquiétant adj worrying, disturbing 1997

inquiéter v to worry, disturb 1389

inquiétude nf worry, anxiety 1467

inscription nf registration, enrolment; engraving 3214

inscrire v to register, write down 1004

insensé nadj insane 4614

insensible adj(f) insensitive 4901

insérer v to insert 3970

insignifiant adj insignificant, unimportant 4978

insister v to insist 899

inspecteur nm inspector 2694

inspection nf inspection 3296

inspiration nf inspiration 3401

inspirer v to inspire 1314

instabilité nf instability 4596

instable adj(f) unstable 4110

installation nf installation, setup 2058

installer v to install 821

instance nf authority, proceedings, hearing 2278

instant adj,nm instant, moment 769

instaurer v to institute, introduce 2752

instinct nm instinct 4482

instituer v to introduce, impose, establish, institute 3461

institut nm institute 1372

instituteur nm school teacher 4630

institution nf institution 937

institutionnel adj institutional 3220

instruction nf instruction, direction 1632

instruire v to teach, educate, inform 4100

instrument nm instrument 1650

insuffisance nf inadequacy, insufficiency 4379

insuffisant adj insufficient, inadequate 2473

insulte nf insult 4005

insulter v to insult 3840

insupportable adj(f) intolerable 4484

intact adj intact 4361

intégral adj complete, unabridged 4641

intégration nf integration 2534

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intégrer v to integrate 1764

intégrité nf integrity 3665

intellectuel nadj intellectual 1794

intelligence nf intelligence 2788

intelligent adj intelligent, clever, bright 2509

intense adj(f) intense, severe, dense 2270

intensif nadj intensive 4718

intensité nf intensity 3068

intention nf intention 782

interaction nf interaction 4970

interdiction nf ban, banning 2734

interdire v to forbid, prohibit, ban 533

interdit nadj prohibited, banned 4451

intéressant adj interesting 1244

intéressé nadj concerned, involved 2721

intéresser v to interest, involve 559

intérêt nm interest 315

interface nf interface 3240

intergouvernemental adj intergovernmental 4539

intérieur nadj interior, inside 433

interlocuteur nm speaker 3085

intermédiaire nadj(f) intermediate, intermediary 2102

international nadj international 282

interne nadj(f) internal, interior, intern 1546

interpeller v to call out to, question 3409

interprétation nf interpretation 2005

interpréter v to interpret 1683

interrogation nf question, interviewing interrogation, questioning, test, 3154

interroger v to question, interrogate 1093

interrompre v to interrupt 1479

interruption nf interruption, break 3659

intervalle nm space, distance, interval 3226

intervenant nadj contributor, intervener 3732

intervenir v to intervene 734

intervention nf intervention; talk 746

interview nf interview 3186

intime nadj(f) intimate, close, secret, private 3434

intimider v to intimidate 4777

intimité nf privacy, intimacy 4839

intituler v to entitle, call 2453

intolérable adj(f) intolerable 4664

introduction nf introduction 2917

introduire v to introduce 1695

inutile nadj(f) useless 1614

invasion nf invasion 3911

inventer v to invent 1964

invention nf invention 3821

inverse nadj(f) opposite, reverse 2452

inverser v to reverse, invert 4155

investir v to invest 1506

investissement nm investment 898

investisseur nm investor 2674

invisible adj(f) invisible 3369

invitation nf invitation 2237

invité nm guest 2478

inviter v to invite 624

invoquer v to call upon 2345

irakien nadj Iraqi 1913

iranien nadj Iranian 3405

irlandais nadj(pl) Irish 3963

ironie nf irony 4376


ironique adj(f) ironic 4500

irrégulier adj irregular, uneven 4606

irréversible adj(f) irreversible 4237

islam nm Islam 4728

islamique adj(f) Islamic 3074

islamiste nm,nf Islamist 3542

isolé nadj remote, isolated, insulated 2753

isolement nm loneliness, isolation, insulation 4033

isoler v to isolate, insulate 1896

israélien nadj Israeli 1468

issu adj descended from 2044

issue nf exit, outcome 2014

italien nadj Italian 1477

itinéraire nadj(f) itinerary, route 4411


jadis adv formerly, long ago 4795

jamais adv never 179

jambe nf leg 2472

janvier nm January 939

japonais nadj(pl) Japanese 2097

jardin nm garden 2284

jaune adv,nadj(f) yellow 2585

je pro I 22

jet nm jet, throw, spray, nozzle 4454

jeter v to throw 1202

jeu nm game 291

jeudi nm Thursday 1112

jeune nadj(f) young 152

jeunesse nf youth 1609

joie nf joy 1984

joindre v to join 1320

joli adj pretty, attractive 2398

joue nf cheek 3932

jouer v to play 219

jouet nm toy 3498

Page 232

joueur nadj player 2003

jouir v to enjoy 2064

jour nm day 78

journal nm newspaper, paper 520

journaliste nm,nf journalist 1337

journée nf day 587

joyeux nadj(pl) merry, joyful, happy 3987

judiciaire adj(f) judiciary 1855

juge nm,nf judge 1323

jugement nm judgement 1037

juger v to judge 395

juif nadj Jew, Jewish 1510

juillet nm July 1326

juin nm June 931

t k

jumeau nadj twin 4357

jungle nf jungle 4891

jurer v to swear 3096

juridiction nf jurisdiction, court of law 4443

juridique adj(f) legal, judicial 1665

jury nm jury, board of examiners 3913

jusque adv,prep to, up to, until 134

juste adv,nadj(f) just, only; fair 304

justement adv exactly, rightly, precisely 1332

justesse nf accuracy, precision 4875

justice nf justice 637

justification nf justification, proof 3846

justifier v to justify 884


kilo nm kilo 3894

kilomètre nm kilometer 1435

kurde nadj(f) Kurd, Kurdish 4694


là adv,intj there, here 109

là-bas adv over there, out there 1777

laboratoire nm laboratory 2158

lac nm lake 3121

lâcher v to let go, release 2257

lacune nf gap, deficiency 4268

là-dedans adv inside, in it 3796

là-dessus adv on top, about it 2208

laisser v to leave 196

lait nm milk 2507

lampe nf lamp, light 4699

lance nf lance 4591

lancement nm launch 2429

lancer nm,v to throw, launch 514

langage nm language 1850

langue nf language, tongue 712

large adj(f),adv,nm wide, width 618

largement adv widely 1382

larme nf tear 2853

lasser v to tire, weary, grow weary 4689

latin nadj Latin 1844

laver v to wash, clean 3503

le det,pro the; him, her, it, them 1

leader nm,nf leader 1499

leadership nm leadership 4000

leçon nf lesson 1300

lecteur nm reader 2100

lecture nf reading 1016

légal adj legal, lawful 2247

légende nf legend, caption, key 3355

léger adj light 1321

légèrement adv lightly, slightly 2333

légion nf legion 4267

législatif nadj legislative 1404

législation nf legislation 2604

législature nf legislature 4954

légitime nadj(f) legitimate 2172

légitimité nf legitimacy 3421

léguer v to bequeath, hand down, pass on 4058

légume nm,nf vegetable 3117

lendemain nm next day 1258

lent adj slow 2572

lentement adv slowly 2637

lequel pro who, whom, which 92

lettre nf letter 480

leur det,adj(f),pro them, their, theirs 35

levée nf raising, levying, levee 4385

lever v to lift, raise 837

lèvre nf lip 2927

liaison nf liaison, connection 1968

libanais nadj(pl) Lebanese 3993

libéral nadj liberal 1080

libéralisation nf liberalization 4568

libération nf liberation 1250

libérer v to free, liberate, release 1190

liberté nf liberty, freedom 320

librairie nf bookstore, bookshop 4380

libre adj(f) free 344

libre-échange nm free trade 4830

librement adv freely 2444

licence nf licence, permit 2790

licenciement nm dismissal, sacking 4760

lien nm link, bond 880

lier v to link, join 498

Page 233

lieu nm place 117

lieutenant nm lieutenant 3767

ligne nf line 342

limitation nf limitation, restriction, limit 4236

limite nf limit 515

limiter v to limit 883

linguistique nadj(f) linguistic, linguistics 3907

liquide nadj(f) liquid 3520

liquider v to liquidate, sell off, clear 4511

lire nf,v to read; lira 278

liste nf list 924

lit nm bed 1837

litre nm,nf litre 3972

littéraire nadj(f) literary 2369

littéralement adv literally 3200

littérature nf literature 2083

livraison nf delivery 3509

livre nm,nf book; pound 358


livrer v to deliver 613

local nadj local 622

localité nf town, village 4363

location nf renting 4297

logement nm accommodation 1849

loger v to put up, accommodate, stay, find accommodation 3060

logiciel nm software, program, application 3676

logique nadj(f) logic, logical 1107

logiquement adv logically 4644

loi nf law 267

loin adv,nm far 341

lointain nadj distant, faraway 2933

loisir nm leisure 2772

long adv,nadj long, lengthy 202

longtemps adv a long time, a long while 312

longuement adv at length 3066

longueur nf length 2636

lors adv at the time of 411

lorsque conj when 256

lot nm share, prize, lot 3045

louer v to rent, praise 2303

loup nm wolf 3927

lourd adj heavy 1026

lourdement adv heavily 4335

loyal adj loyal, faithful 4325

loyer nm rent 4230

lui pro him, her 64

lui-même pro himself 522

lumière nf light 1059

lumineux adj(pl) luminous, illuminated; light 4562

lundi nm Monday 1091

lune nf moon 3346

lunette nf telescope, glasses 4207

lutte nf struggle, fight, conflict 759

lutter v to struggle, fight 1031

luxe nm luxury 3009

lycée nm high school 2816


machine nf machine 1294

madame nf madam, lady 294

mademoiselle nf Miss 3148

magasin nm store 1736

magazine nm magazine 2033

magique adj(f) magic; magical 3530

magistrat nm magistrate, judge 4282

magnifique adj(f) magnificent 2136

mai nm May 943

maigre nadj(f) thin, skinny, slim, lean 3534

main nf hand 418

main-d'œuvre nf manpower, labor, work force 3910

maintenance nf maintenance, servicing 4512

maintenant adv now 192

maintenir v to maintain 464

maintien nm holding, maintaining 1819

maire nm mayor 1876

mairie nf town hall, city hall 4045

mais adv,conj,intj but 30

maison nf house 325

maître nm master 1092

maîtrise nf mastery, command, control, master's degree 3442

maîtriser v to control, overcome, master 2351

majesté nf majesty 4174

majeur nadj major 1306

majoritaire adj(f) majority 4277

majorité nf majority 988

mal adji,adv,nm bad 277

malade nadj(f) ill, sick 1066

maladie nf illness, disease 973

malaise nm uneasiness, discomfort 3325

malentendu nm misunderstanding 3646

malgré prep despite, in spite of 406

malheur nm misfortune 2727

malheureusement adv unfortunately 1543

malheureux nadj(pl) unhappy, miserable 2372

malin nadj smart, shrewd, cunning 4960

maltraiter v to manhandle, ill-treat, misuse, slight 4837

Page 234

maman nf mom 2168

manche nm,nf handle, sleeve 3437

mandat nm term, mandate 1471

manger nm,v to eat 1338

manière nf manner, way 308

manifestant nm protester, demonstrator 3852

manifestation nf demonstration, event 1835

manifestement adv manifestly, clearly 3198

manifester v to show, demonstrate, display 968

manipulation nf handling, manipulation 3754

manipuler v to handle, manipulate 3483

manœuvre nm,nf manoeuvre, laborer 1931

manque nm lack 1038

manquer v to miss 583

manteau nm coat, overcoat 3746

manuel adj,nm manual 3158

manuscrit adj manuscript, handwritten 4460

marchand nadj merchant 2379

marchandise nf merchandise, commodity 2386

marche nf walk, step, march 906

marché nm market 280

marcher v to walk 1532

mardi nm Tuesday 1044

marée nf tide 3982

marge nf margin 1707

marginal nadj marginal 4031

mari nm husband 1589

mariage nm marriage 1210

marier v to marry 1686

marin nadj sea, marine, sailor 2101

marine adj,nf marine, navy 2891

maritime adj(f) maritime 2595

mark nm mark 4427

marocain nadj Moroccan 3469

marque nf brand, mark 1344

marquer v to mark 454

mars nm(pl) March; Mars 868

masculin nadj male, masculine 3741

masque nm mask 3856

masquer v to mask, conceal, put on a mask 3855

massacre nm massacre, slaughter 2887

massacrer v to slaughter, massacre 4184

masse nf mass 1826

massif nadj massive 1760

match nm match, game 1906

matériau nm material 3205

matériel nadj material, equipment 703

maternel adj motherly, maternal 2792

maternité nf maternity, motherhood 3795

mathématique nadj(f) mathematical; mathematics 3438

matière nf matter, subject, material 562

matin nm morning 442

matinée nf morning 3029

mauvais adv,nadj(pl) bad, wrong 274

maximal adj maximal 3182

maximum nadj maximum 1163

me pro me, to me, myself 61

mec nm guy 2358

mécanique adj(f) mechanical 2895

mécanisme nm mechanism 1573

méchant nadj nasty, wicked, mean 3184

mécontent nadj discontented, dissatisfied, displeased 4158

mécontentement nm displeasure, dissatisfaction 4823

médaille nf medal 3361

médecin nm physician, doctor 827

médecine nf medecine, medical science 2737

médias nmpl media 1585

médiation nf mediation, arbitration 4790

médiatique adj(f) media 4019

médical adj medical 1566

médicament nm medicine, drug, medication 1954

médiocre nadj(f) mediocre, second-rate 4125

méfiance nf distrust, mistrust, suspicion 4255

méfier v to distrust, mistrust 3496

meilleur nadj better, best 194

mélange nm mixing, mixture, blend 2986

mélanger v to mix, mix up, confuse 2989

mêler v to mingle, mix 1947

membre nm member 390

même adj(f),adv,pro same, even, self 42

mémoire nm,nf memory 926

menaçant adj threatening, menacing 4387

menace nf threat 1607

menacer v to threaten 969

ménage nm housekeeping, housework 2326

ménager nadj,v to handle, arrange; domestic 3597

mener v to lead 316

mensonge nm lie 2679

mensuel nadj monthly 4401

mental nadj mental 2182

mentalité nf mentality 4749

mention nf mention, note, comment, notice 3347

mentionner v to mention 1805

mentir v to lie 2683

menu adv,nadj menu, slender, slim, minor 3470

mépris nm(pl) contempt, scorn, disdain 3173

Page 235

mépriser v to scorn, look down, spurn, disdain 4270

mer nf sea 921

merci intj,nm,nf thank you; favor 1070

mercredi nm Wednesday 1168

merde intj,nf sh*t, crap 2376

mère adj,nf mother 645

mérite nm merit 2035

mériter v to deserve, merit 1122

merveille nf marvel, wonder 4545

merveilleux adj(pl) marvellous, wonderful 2209

message nm message 792

messe nf mass 4302

messieurs nmpl gentlemen 1549

mesure nf measure 262

mesurer v to measure 1110

métal nm metal 2793

météo nf weather forecast 4574

méthode nf method, procedure 1149

métier nm job, occupation, trade 1582

mètre nm meter 1534

métro nm underground, metro 3227

mettre v to put, place 27

meuble nadj(f) piece of furniture 3876

meurtre nm murder 1458

meurtrier nadj murderer, deadly, lethal 2681

mexicain nadj Mexican 4541

micro nm mike, micro, microphone 4844

midi nm noon 2483

mien nadj,pro mine 2165

mieux adji(pl),adv,nm better 217

milice nf militia 4745

milieu nm middle 479

militaire nadj(f) military 690

militant nadj militant 2479

militer v to militate 4890

mille det,nm,nmi a thousand 1008

millénaire nadj(f) millennium, thousand-year-old 3598

milliard nm billion, thousand million 497

millier nm thousand 1127

million nm million 307

mince adj(f),intj thin, slim, slender 3570

mine nf mein; appearance, look, mien 1403

miner v to mine, erode 3449

mineur nadj minor; miner 2233

minier adj mining 4311

minimal adj minimal, minimum 3652

minime nadj(f) minor, minimal 4040

minimiser v to minimize, play down 4725

minimum nadj minimum 1410

ministère nm ministry 910

ministériel adj ministerial; minister 3034

ministre nm,nf minister 204

minoritaire nadj(f) minority 4271

minorité nf minority 2073

minuit nm midnight 3453

minute nf minute 375

miracle nm miracle 2638

miroir nm mirror 3329

mise nf putting, placing 473

miser v to bet, stake 4382

misère nf poverty, misery 2332

missile nm missile 3452

mission nf mission 627

mixte adj(f) mixed 2875

mobile nadj(f) mobile, portable 2291

mobilisation nf mobilization 4042

mobiliser v to mobilize, call up 2830

mobilité nf mobility 4755

modalité nf mode, method, modality 2412

mode nm,nf mode, way, fashion 1137

modèle nm model 958

modéré nadj moderate, restrained, reasonable 4340

modérer v to restrain, moderate, reduce 4034

moderne nadj(f) modern 1239

modernisation nf modernization 3977

moderniser v to modernize 4615

modeste adj(f) modest 1540

modification nf modification 1583

modifier v to modify, adjust 1035

mœurs nfpl morals, customs, habits, manners, ways 4504

moi nm,pro me 131

moi-même pro myself 1527

moindre adj(f) lesser, least, slightest 1105

moine nm monk, friar 4339

moins adji(pl),adv,nm(pl),prep less 62

mois nm(pl) month 178

moitié nf half 470

moment nm moment 148

mon det my 60

monde nm world, people 77

mondial adj world, global 549

mondialisation nf internationalization, globalization 3141

monétaire adj(f) monetary 1739

monnaie nf currency, coin, change 1932

monopole nm monopoly 2974

monsieur nm mister, sir, gentleman 79

Page 236

monstre nadj(f) monster 3353

montage nm assembly, setting, pitching, putting, editing 4904

montagne nf mountain 1732

montant nadj upright, upwards, sum, total 1453

montée nf climb, ascent, rise, raising 3215

monter v to go up, rise, assemble 853

montre nf watch 4197

montrer v to show 108

monument nm monument 4113

moquer v to mock, make fun of 3335

moral nadj moral, morale 1226

morale nf ethics; moral 1973

morceau nm piece, bit 2118

mordre v to bite, overlap into 4292

mort adj,nf dead; death 276

mortalité nf mortality, death rate 4768

mortel nadj mortal, deadly, lethal 2500

mot nm word 220

moteur nadj motor 1164

motif nm motive, purpose 1369

motion nf motion 855

motivation nf motivation, application 3522

motiver v to justify, account for, motivate 3194

mou adj,nm soft 4655

mourir v to die 722

mouton nadj sheep 4175

mouvement nm movement 485

moyen adj,nm means, way; medium 186

moyenne nf average 4993

muet nadj mute, silent, dumb 4117

multinational adj multinational 3495

multiple nadj(f) multiple 2072

multiplication nf multiplication 4703

multiplier v to multiply 1982

municipal adj municipal 2204

municipalité nf municipality 3217

munition nf ammunition, supplies 4920


mur nm wall 1335

murmurer v to murmur 4730

musée nm museum 2216

musical adj musical 3168

musicien nadj musician 3100

musique nf music 1139

musulman nadj Muslim, Moslem 2245

mutation nf transfer, transformation, mutation 3465

mutuel adj mutual 2642

mutuellement adv mutually, one another 4266

mystère nm mystery 2777

mystérieux nadj(pl) mysterious, secretive 3312

mythe nm myth 2910


naïf nadj naïve, innocent 4298

naissance nf birth 1305

naître v to be born 667

natal adj native, home 3949

nation nf nation 576

national nadj national 227

nationaliste nadj(f) nationalist 4195

nationalité nf nationality 4068

nature nf nature 542

naturel nadj natural 760

naturellement adv naturally 2036

naval adj naval 4156

navette nf shuttle 4814

navigation nf navigation 4487

naviguer v to navigate, sail 4076

navire nm ship 1416

nazi nadj Nazi 3053

ne adv not 15

néanmoins adv,conj nevertheless 1271

néant nm nothingness 3707

nécessaire nadj(f) necessary, required 451

nécessairement adv necessarily 1975

nécessité nf necessity, need 930

nécessiter v to require, necessitate 2214

néerlandais nadj(pl) Dutch 4640

néfaste adj(f) harmful, ill-fated 4688

négatif nadj negative 1520

négligeable adj(f) negligible, trivial 4341

négliger v to neglect 2574

négociateur nadj negotiator 4883

négociation nf negotiation 941

négocier v to negotiate 1676

neige nf snow 1824

nerveux nadj(pl) nervous, irritable 3735

net adj,nm clear; Internet 1367

nettement adv clearly, distinctly 2055

nettoyage nm cleaning, cleansing 4873

nettoyer v to clean 3887

neuf det,adj,nmi nine; new 787

neutre adj(f) neutral 2785

nez nm(pl) nose 2661

ni conj nor 229

nier v to deny 1775

niveau nm level 328

noble nadj(f) noble 3486

Page 237

nocturne nadj(f) nocturnal, nocturne 4715

nœud nm knot 3551

noir nadj black 572

nom nm name 171

nombre nm number 249

nombreux adj(pl) numerous 366

nominal nadj nominal 3482

nomination nf appointment, nomination 3010

nommer v to call, name, appoint 601

non adv,nmi no, not 75

nord adji,nm north 1090

nord-est nmi north-east 4388

nord-ouest nmi north-west 3685

normal adj normal 833

normalement adv normally 2018

norme nf norm, standard 1897

notable nadj(f) notable, noteworthy 3785

notamment adv notably 439

note nf note, grade 1161

noter v to note, notice 541

notion nf notion 1570

notoire adj(f) notorious, well-known 4781

notre det our 73

nôtre nadj(f) ours, our own 2046

nouer v to knot, tie 4489

nourrir v to feed, nourish 1251

nourriture nf food 2285

nous pro we, us 31

nous-mêmes pro ourselves 3511

nouveau adj,nm new 52

nouveauté nf novelty, new release 3593

novembre nm November 982

noyau nm core, nucleus, pit 3832

noyer nm,v walnut; to drown, flood, blur, water down 4060

nu nadj naked, nude 3207

nuage nm cloud 3219

nuance nf shade, hue, nuance 4524

nucléaire adj(f) nuclear 1130

nuire v to harm 2703

nuit nf night 580

nul adj,det,pro nil, null 801

nullement adv not in the least 3902


numérique adj(f) numerical 2373

numéro nm number 766


obéir v to obey, comply with, respond to 3268

objectif adj,nm objective, aim, goal; lens 518

objection nf objection 3004

objet nm objective; object 401

obligation nf obligation, bond 1444

obligatoire adj(f) mandatory, compulsory 2524

obligé nadj necessary, required 2265

obliger v to require, force, oblige 499

obscur adj dark, vague, obscure 3819

obscurité nf darkness 4885

obséder v to obsess, haunt 4663

observateur nadj observer, observant 2687

observation nf observation 1863

observer v to observe, watch 788

obsession nf obsession 4913

obstacle nm obstacle 1393

obtenir v to get, obtain 334

obtention nf obtaining, achievement 4558

occasion nf chance, opportunity 423

occasionner v to cause, give rise to 4958

occidental nadj western 1536

occupant nadj occupant, occupier, occupying 4456

occupation nf occupation, pastime 2096

occuper v to occupy 159

occurrence nf instance, case, occurrence 3960

océan nm ocean 2513

octobre nm October 826

octroyer v to grant, bestow 4232

odeur nf smell, odor 3273

odieux adj(pl) hateful, odious 4713

œil nm eye 474

œuf nm egg 2685

œuvre nf work, task 331

œuvrer v to work 3392

offensive nf offensive, offence 4119

office nm office, bureau 1868

officiel nadj official 996

officiellement adv officially 2363

officier nm,nf,v officer; officiate 2039

offre nf offer 1346

offrir v to offer 224

oh intj oh 1361

oiseau nm bird 2435

olympique adj(f) Olympic 3199

ombre nm,nf shade, shadow 2001

omettre v to leave out, miss out, omit 4177

on pro one, we 29

oncle nm uncle 3628

onde nf wave 2764

onze det,nmi eleven 2447

opérateur nm operator 2824

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opération nf operation 763

opérationnel adj operational, operating 3026

opérer v to operate, carry out 1315

opinion nf opinion 777

opportun adj timely, 4485

opportunité nf opportunity, timeliness 2863

opposant nadj opponent, opposing 4128

opposer v to oppose 585

opposition nf opposition 972

opter v to opt, decide 3575

optimisme nm optimism 3250

optimiste nadj(f) optimistic 2751

option nf option 2156

optique nadj(f) optical, optic, perspective 3181

or conj,nm gold; hence, thus 300

orage nm storm, thunderstorm 4788

oral nadj oral 4114

orange adji,nf orange 3912

orchestre nm orchestra 4600

ordinaire adv,nadj(f) ordinary 1327

ordinateur nadj computer 2201

ordonnance nf prescription, organization, edict, ruling 2922

ordonner v to ordain, organize, order 1971

ordre nm order 197

oreille nf ear 1884

organe nm organ 2417

organique adj(f) organic 4752

organisateur nadj organizer, organizing 3849

organisation nf organization 570

organiser v to organize 701

organisme nm organism 1299

orgueil nm pride 4988

oriental nadj Oriental 2715

orientation nf orientation, trend 2025

orienter v to position, give advice, direct, orientate 2124

originaire adj(f) original, first, native to 3146

original nadj original 1814

origine nf origin, source 709

os nm(pl) bone 4092

oser v to dare 1634

otage nm hostage 3334

ôter v to remove, take away, take off, take out 4405

où adv,pro where 48

ou conj or 33

ouais intj yeah 1928

oubli nm forgetting, leaving behind, missing 4898

oublier v to forget 504


ouest adji,nm west 1690

oui adv,nmi yes 284

ours adji,nm(pl) bear 4800

outil nm tool 1725

outre adv,nf,prep besides 974

ouvert adj open 897

ouvertement adv openly, overtly 3061

ouverture nf opening 1455

ouvrage nm work 1740

ouvrier nadj worker 1861

ouvrir v to open 257


pacifique adj(f) peaceful, peace-loving 2590

pacte nm pact, treaty 2570

page nm,nf page 434

paiement nm payment 2243

pain nm bread 2802

pair adj,nm peer, pair, even 2143

paire nf pair 3926

paix nf(pl) peace 579

palais nm(pl) palace, palate 2794

pâle adj(f) pale 4433

palestinien nm Palestinian 1257

palier nm landing, level, flat 4416

panier nm basket 4461

panique nadj(f) panic 3230

panne nf breakdown, failure 3967

panneau nm sign, notice, panel 4248

pantalon nm trousers, pants 4670

papa nm dad, daddy 2458

pape nm pope 3413

papier nm paper 951

paquet nm packet 2413

par prep by 21

paradis nm(pl) paradise, heaven 2952

paradoxe nm paradox 4279

paragraphe nm paragraph 2126

paraître v to appear 519

parallèle nadj(f) parallel, similar 2196

parallèlement adv in parallel, similarly 3116

paralyser v to paralyze 3674

paramètre nm parameter 2626

parc nm park 1240

parcourir v to cover, travel 2065

parcours nm(pl) journey, course, route 2717

par-dessus adv over 3800

pardon nm forgiveness 2655

pardonner v to forgive, excuse 2962

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pareil nadj similar, likewise; peer, equal 1470

parent nadj parent 546

parenthèse nf parenthesis, bracket, aside 4381

parer v to adorn, put on; to ward off, parry 4390

parfait nadj perfect 1600

parfaitement adv perfectly 1148

parfois adv sometimes 410

parfum nm perfume, scent, fragrance 4479

pari nm bet 1688

parier v to bet 4205

parisien nadj Parisian 2549

parlement nm parliament 756

parlementaire nadj(f) parliamentary; member of parliament 1214

parler nm,v to speak 106

parmi prep among 389

parole nf word 552

parquet nm parquet floor, hardwood floor, prosecutor's office 4486

part nf share 86

partage nm division, cutting, sharing 2775

partager v to share 527

partenaire nm,nf partner 1077

partenariat nm partnership 2614

parti nadj party 400

participant nadj participant 2480

participation nf participation 1351

participer v to participate 670

particulier nadj particular, peculiar; person 381

particulièrement adv particularly 779

partie nf part 118

partiel nadj partial 1871

partiellement adv partly 4293

partir v to leave 163

partisan nadj partisan, supporter 2029

partout adv everywhere 581

parvenir v to reach, achieve 565

pas adv,nm(pl) not, n't; footstep 18

passage nm passage, way 674

passager nadj passenger, temporary 2329

passé nadj,prep past 501

passe nm,nf pass, channel 4295

passeport nm passport 3507

passer v to pass 90

passif nadj passive, liabilities 3153

passion nf passion 1866

passionnant adj fascinating, exciting 4467

passionner v to fascinate, grip 2936

pasteur nm minister, clergyman, pastor 4071

pâte nf paste, dough, pasta 3641

patience nf patience 3062

patient nadj patient 1569

patrie nf homeland, home country 3661

patrimoine nm heritage, assets 2530

patron nm boss 1706

patte nf paw, foot, leg 3944

pause nf break, pause 2647

pauvre nadj(f) poor 699

pauvreté nf poverty 1951

pavillon nm country house, villa, wing, pavilion; flag 3412

payer v to pay 537

pays nm(pl) country 114

paysage nm landscape, scenery, countryside 2634

paysan nadj farmer, peasant 2317

peau nf skin 2122

pêche nf fishing; peach 1790

péché nm sin 4437

pêcher nm,v to fish, go fishing; peach tree 4223

pêcheur nadj fisherman 2759

peindre v to paint, depict, portray 3552

peine nf effort, trouble 405

peiner v to toil, labor, struggle 3484

peintre nm painter 3528

peinture nf painting, paint, picture 2881

pénal adj penal 2942

pénaliser v to penalize, punish 4597

pencher v to lean, tilt 1796

pendant adj,prep,nm during; pendant 89

pendre v to hang down 4360

pénétrer v to penetrate 2597

pénible adj(f) hard, difficult, painful, tiresome 3690

pensée nf thought 1269

penser nm,v to think 116

pension nf pension; room and board, boarding school 1821

pente nf slope 2873

pénurie nf shortage 3606

perception nf perception, collection 3608

percer v to pierce, drill, break into 3644

percevoir v to perceive 1661

perdant nadj losing, loser 4395

perdre v to lose 250

perdu nadj lost, stray, wasted 2264

père nm father 569

performance nf performance 2559

performant adj productive, efficient 4961

péril nm peril 2969

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période nm,nf period 407

périr v to perish 4780

permanence nf permanence, duty, service 2808

permanent adj permanent 1322

permettre v to allow 158

permis nm(pl) license, permit, permitted 2988

permission nf permission, leave 3183

perpétuel adj perpetual, everlasting, never-ending 4889

perpétuer v to perpetuate, carry on 4171

persister v to persist, keep up, linger 2710

personnage nm character, individual 1449

personnalité nf personality 1963

personne nf,pro person, people, anybody, anyone nobody, 84

personnel nadj personnel, personal 398

personnellement adv personally 2366

perspective nf perspective, viewpoint 1275

persuader v to convince, persuade 1682

perte nf loss 1079

pertinent adj pertinent, relevant 3348

perturbation nf disruption, disturbance 4681

perturber v to disrupt, disturb 3626

pervers nadj(pl) pervert, perverse, perverted 4056

peser v to weigh 1584

pessimiste nadj(f) pessimistic; pessimist 4971

petit adv,nadj small, little 138

pétition nf petition 2920

pétrole nm crude oil, petroleum 2157

pétrolier nadj oil; oil tanker 2567

peu adv little 91

peuple nm people 378

peupler v to populate, inhabit 3688

peur nf fear 755

peut-être adv perhaps, maybe 190

phare nm lighthouse, headlight 3884

pharmaceutique nadj(f) pharmaceutical 4478

phase nf phase 1754

phénomène nm phenomenon 1776

philosophe nadj(f) philosopher 3609

philosophie nf philosophy 2173

philosophique adj(f) philosophical 4374

photo nf photo 1412

photographe nm,nf photographer 3992

photographie nf photography 3279

photographier v to photograph 4613

phrase nf sentence, phrase 2074

physique nadj(f) physical, physics 1146

physiquement adv physically 3651

piano adv,nm piano 4967

pièce nf piece, part, component; room 813

pied nm foot 626

piège nm trap 2868

piéger v to trap, booby-trap 4358

pierre nf stone 1767

pile nf pile, stack, battery, tails 3893

pilier nm pillar 3493

pilote nm,nf pilot, experimental 3002

piloter v to fly, pilot, drive 2840

piquer v to sting, bite, prick, be hot; to steal 3755

pire nadj(f) worse, worst 743

pis adv,nm(pl) worse 3579

piste nf track, trail 1902

pitié nf pity, mercy 3829

place nf room, space, square, place 129

placement nm investment, placing 3339

placer v to place 535

plafond nm ceiling, roof, maximum 2823

plage nf beach 2693

plaider v to plead 2576

plaie nf wound 4765

plaindre v to pity, feel sorry for, complain 1370

plainte nf moan, groan, complaint 1851

plaire v to please 804

plaisanter v to joke 4398

plaisir nm pleasure 797

plan adj,nm plan 164

planche nf plank, board 3610

plancher nm,v floor 3702

planer v to glide, soar 4006

planète nf planet 1875

planification nf planning 4710

planifier v to plan 3945

plante nf plant 2702

planter v to plant, pitch 2812

plaque nf plate, tag, plaque 2865

plastique nadj(f) plastic 2191

plat adj,nm dish, flat 2167

plateau nm plateau, tray, set, stage 2803

plate-forme nf platform 4692

plein adv,nadj,prep full 394

pleinement adv fully, thoroughly 2396

plénier adj plenary, full 4721

pleurer v to cry 2253

pleuvoir v to rain 4586

plier v to fold, fold up, fold back, bend 3195

plomb nm lead 4193

plonger v to dive 1958

Page 241

pluie nf rain 2217

plume nm,nf feather 3572

plupart most, the majority more 426

plus adv more, no 19

plusieurs det,adj,pro several 213

plutôt adv rather 272

pneu nm tire 4514

poche nf pocket 1940

poème nm poem 3031

poésie nf poetry 2938

poète nm poet 2307

poétique nadj(f) poetic, poetical, poetics 4399

poids nm(pl) weight 1102

poignée nf handful, fistful, handle 3208

poil nm hair, bristle 4723

poing nm fist, punch 3889

point adv,nm point 97

pointe nf point, tip 1907

pointer nm,v to mark off, clock in, clock out, aim 2749

poisson nm fish 1616

poitrine nf chest, breast, breasts, bosom 4168

pôle nm pole 3165

polémique nadj(f) controversial, controversy 4353

police nf police 829

policier nadj policeman 1265

politicien nadj politician 3371

politique nadj(f) politics; political 128

politiquement adv politically, diplomatically 3657

pollution nf pollution 3073

polonais nadj(pl) Polish 3660

pomme nf apple 2847

pompe nf pump 3397

pompier adj,nm fireman, firefighter 3295

ponctuel adj punctual 4457

pont nm bridge 1889

populaire nadj(f) popular 1349

population nf population 509

porc nm pig, pork 4036

port nm harbor, port 1304

portable adj(f),nm portable, wearable; cell phone 4002

porte nf door 696

portée nf range, reach, scope 1067

portefeuille nm wallet 2836

porte-parole nmi spokesperson, spokesman, spokeswoman 1722

porter nm,v to wear, carry 105

porteur nm carrier, holder 2430

portion nf portion, share 3806

portrait nm portrait, photograph 2666

portugais nadj(pl) Portuguese 3684

poser v to put, pose, ask 218

positif nadj positive 949

position nf position 383

posséder v to possess, own, have 702

possession nf possession, ownership 2454

possibilité nf possibility 725

possible adj(f) possible 175

postal adj postal, mail 3625

poste nm,nf post, position; post office 489

poster nm,v poster; to post, mail 3011

pot nm jar, pot 3648

potentiel nadj potential 1792

pouce nm thumb, inch 3298

poudre nf powder 4153

poule nf hen, chick 4321

poulet nm chicken 4222

poumon nm lung 4679

pour prep for, in order to 10

pourcentage nm percentage, commission, cut 2987

pourparler nm talk, discussion, negotiation 4144

pourquoi adv,conj,nmi why 193

poursuite nf chase, pursuit 2045

poursuivre v to pursue 463

pourtant adv yet, nonetheless, nevertheless 460

pourvoir v to provide, equip, supply, furnish 3113

poussée nf push, rise, upsurge 4338

pousser v to push 771

poussière nf dust 3236

pouvoir nm,v can, to be able to 20

pratique nadj(f) practice, practical 842

pratiquement adv practically 1633

pratiquer v to practice 1268

préalable nadj(f) prior, previous, preliminary, prerequisite 2431

précaire adj(f) precarious, makeshift 3838

précaution nf precaution 2218

précédemment adv previously 3555

précédent nadj precedent; previous 820

précéder v to precede 1413

précieux nadj(pl) precious 1277

précipitation nf haste, precipitation 4866

précipiter v to quicken, hasten, precipitate 2838

précis nadj(pl) precise 643

précisément adv precisely 1197

préciser v to state, specify, clarify 745

précision nf precision 1756

précoce adj(f) early, precocious 4003

préconiser v to recommend, advocate 3281

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prédécesseur nm predecessor 3948

prédire v to predict 2869

préférable adj(f) preferable 3518

préférence nf preference, preferably 2970

préférer v to prefer 597

préfet nm prefect 4131

préjudice nm loss, harm, damage 4858

préjugé nm prejudice, bias 3679

prélèvement nm imposition, levying, withdrawal, removal, deduction 3662

prélever v to impose, levy, withdraw, remove 4059

préliminaire nadj(f) preliminary, introductory 3414

prématuré nadj premature 3105

premier det,nadj first 56

premièrement adv first 3587

prendre v to take 43

prénom nm first name 3543

préoccupation nf worry, concern 1847

préoccuper v to worry, preoccupy 1979

préparation nf preparation 2451

préparer v to prepare 368

près adv,prep near, nearby, close by 225

prescrire v to order, command, prescribe, stipulate 3666

présence nf presence 365

présent nadj present 216

présentation nf presentation 1723

présentement adv at present, presently 4691

présenter v to present 209

préserver v to preserve 1903

présidence nf presidency 1735

président nm president 268

présidentiel adj presidential 2238

présider v to preside 2370

presque adv almost 481

presse nf press 986

presser v to squeeze, press 1946

pression nf pressure 845

prestation nf benefit 1830

prestigieux adj(pl) prestigious 3899

présumer v to presume, assume 2675

prêt adj,nm ready 422

prétendre v to pretend 1154

prétendu nadj so-called, alleged 4053

prétention nf claim 4259

prêter v to lend 915

prétexte nadj(f),nm pretext 2466

prêtre nm priest 2545

preuve nf proof 653

prévaloir v to prevail 3123

prévenir v to prevent, warn; to notify 1207

préventif adj preventive 4666

prévention nf prevention, custody 2521

prévisible adj(f) predictable, forseeable 4513

prévision nf forecast, prediction, expectation 1602

prévoir v to foresee, anticipate 437

prévu nadj planned 2240

prier v to pray 1645

prière nf prayer 2213

primaire nadj(f) primary 2527

prime nadj(f),nf free gift, premium, bonus 2094

primitif nadj primitive 3345

primordial adj primordial, basic, vital, primary 3744

prince nm prince 2610

princesse nf princess 3622

principal nadj principal 458

principalement adv principally, mainly, primarily 1965

principe nm principle 447

printemps nm(pl) spring 1288

prioritaire nadj(f) priority, having priority, having right of way 3259

priorité nf priority 1408

prise nf grip, hold, seizure, catch 444

prison nf prison 1010

prisonnier nadj prisoner, captive 1618

privatisation nf privatization 2810

privé nadj private 1401

priver v to deprive 494

privilège nm privilege 2474

privilégié nadj privileged 4473

privilégier v to favor 2482

prix nm(pl) price; prize 310

probabilité nf probability, likelihood 4447

probable adj(f) probable, likely 2186

probablement adv probably 903

problématique nadj(f) problematic; problem 4066

problème nm problem 188

procédé nm processus 2758

procéder v to proceed 1101

procédure nf procedure 993

procès nm(pl) trial, proceedings 1561

processus nm(pl) process 689

procès-verbal nm minutes, statement 4899

prochain nadj next 380

prochainement adv shortly, soon 4417

proche adv,nadj(f),prep nearby, close 838

proclamer v to proclaim, declare 2966

procurer v to get, bring 2038

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procureur nm prosecutor 2587

producteur nadj producer 1259

productif adj productive 3975

production nf production 638

productivité nf productivity 2901

produire v to product 367

produit nm product 373

professeur nm,nf professor, teacher 1150

profession nf profession 2163

professionnel nadj professional 1000

profil nm profile, outline, contour 2552

profit nm profit, benefit 1032

profiter v to take advantage, profit 632

profond adv,nadj deep 1175

profondément adv profoundly, deeply 1612

profondeur nf depth 1786

programmation nf programming 3844

programme nm program 340

programmer v to program, schedule 2432

progrès nm(pl) progress 919

progresser v to progress 1856

progressif adj progressive 2664

progression nf progression 2660

progressiste nm,nf progressive 4799

progressivement adv progressively 2659

proie nf prey 3332

projection nf projection, ejection, discharge 3244

projet nm project 228

projeter v to plan, project, throw out 2368

prolonger v to prolong, extend 1515

promener v to take for a walk, go for a walk 2928

promesse nf promise 1184

prometteur nadj promising 3635

promettre v to promise 854

promoteur nm promoter, instigator, developer 4911

promotion nf promotion, advertising 2139

promouvoir v to promote 2399

prôner v to laud, extol, advocate, commend 3859

prononcer v to pronounce 706

propagande nf propaganda 3374

propagation nf propagation, spreading 3740

propager v to propagate, spread 3865

prophète nm prophet 4843

propice adj(f) favorable, auspicious, propitious 3202

proportion nf proportion 1918

proportionnel adj proportional 4827

propos nm(pl) remark 505

proposer v to propose 338

proposition nf proposition, proposal 799

propre nadj(f) clean, proper 237

proprement adv cleanly, neatly, properly 2990

propriétaire nm,nf owner 1406

propriété nf property 1460

prospérité nf prosperity 3815

prostitué nadj prostitute 4561

prostitution nf prostitution 4444

protecteur nadj protective, protector, guardian 4305

protection nf protection 953

protégé nadj protected, protégé 3764

protéger v to protect 739

protestant nadj Protestant 3489

protestation nf protest, protestation 3523

protester v to protest 2423

protocole nm etiquette, protocol 2418

prouver v to prove 635

provenance nf origin 2622

provenir v to be from, come from 1562

province nf province 861

provincial nadj provincial 2184

provision nf stock, supply 4536

provisoire adj(f) temporary, provisional 2075

provisoirement adv temporarily, provisionally 4991

provocation nf provocation 4132

provoquer v to provoke 1095

proximité nf proximity, nearness, closeness 2977

prudence nf prudence, care, caution 1966

prudent adj prudent, careful, cautious 1529

psychologie nf psychology 4836

psychologique adj(f) psychological 2550

public nadj public, audience 285

publication nf publication 1421

publicitaire nadj(f) advertising, promotional 3573

publicité nf advertising, advertisement, publicity 2110

publier v to publish 768

publique adj,nf public 554

publiquement adv publicly 3014

puis adv then, so 230

puiser v to draw, take 3388

puisque conj since 528

puissance nf power 1076

puissant nadj powerful 1229

puits nm(pl) well, shaft, pit 4838

punir v to punish 2149

punition nf punishment 4322

pur nadj pure 1643

purement adv purely 2327

purger v to purge, bleed, drain 4412

putain nf whore, bitch; stupid 2704

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quai nm platform, quay, embankment 3354

qualification nf qualification 4004

qualifier v to qualify 1283

qualité nf quality 606

quand adv,conj when 119

quant adv as for 275

quantité nf quantity 1680

quarantaine nf about forty 4288

quarante det,nmi forty 2436

quart nadj quarter 1575

quartier nm district, quarter 1187

quasi adv,nm almost, nearly 2778

quasiment adv almost, early 3538

quatorze det,nmi fourteen 3359

quatre det,nmi four 253

quatrième det,nm,nf fourth 1603

que adv,conj,pro that, which, who, whom 9

québécois nadj(pl) Quebecker, Quebecer, Québécois 1970

quel det,adj,pro which, what 146

quelconque adj(f) any, some 1934

quelque adv,adj,det some 70

quelquefois adv sometimes 3170

quelques-uns pro some, a few 2514

quelqu'un pro somebody, someone 772

querelle nf quarrel 3557

question nf question 144

questionner v to question 4856

quête nf quest, pursuit, collection 2672

queue nf tail, handle, stalk, stem, rear 3255

qui pro who, whom 14


quiconque pro whoever, anyone who 3222

quinzaine nf about fifteen, two weeks 3673

quinze det,nmi fifteen 1472

quitter v to leave 507

quoi pro what 297

quoique conj although, though 3243

quota nm quota 3801

quotidien nadj daily 1318

quotidiennement adv daily, every day 4181


raccrocher v to hang up 4952

race nf breed, race 2490

racheter v to repurchase, buy back, redeem 3475

racial adj racial 4941

racine nf root 2593

racisme nm racism 4044

raciste nadj(f) racist 4805

raconter v to tell 890

radical nadj radical 2127

radicalement adv radically 3860

radio adji,nm,nf radio 1526

radioactif adj radioactive 4294

rage nf rage, fury, rabies 3035

raide adj(f) stiff, straight 3533

rail nm rail, track 4697

raison nf reason 72

raisonnable adj(f) reasonable, fair 2021

raisonnement nm reasoning 3352

ralentir v to slow down 2297

ralentissement nm slowing down 4041

rallier v to rally, win over, join 3915

ramasser v to pick up, collect, gather 3370

ramener v to bring back, return, take back 1097

rang nm rank, row 1484

ranger nm,v to tidy up, put away 2774

rapide nadj(f),nm fast, quick 672

rapidement adv quickly, rapidly 593

rapidité nf speed, quickness 4362

rappel nm reminder, summary, recall, return, remember 3080

rappeler v to recall, call back 208

rapport nm relationship, report 189

rapporter v to bring back, report 922

rapporteur nadj telltale, rapporteur 3996

rapprochement nm bringing together, coming closer, parallel 3877

rapprocher v to bring closer, get closer 1329

rare adj(f) rare 1233

rarement adv rarely, seldom 2535

raser v to shave, raze 4964

rassemblement nm gathering, collecting, assembling 3645

rassembler v to gather together 1635

rassurant adj reassuring, comforting 4012

rassurer v to reassure, calm down 1842

rat adj(f),nm rat 4290

rater v to miss, misfire 2553

ratification nf ratification 4635

ratifier v to ratify 4198

rationnel nadj rational 3786

rattacher v to attach, join, tie 3157

rattraper v to recapture, recover, catch up, make up for 3028

ravager v to ravage, devastate 4939

ravir v to delight, rob 2654

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rayer v to scratch, streak, stripe; to erase, strike out 4631

rayon nm ray, beam, radius; department, section, shelf 2926

rayonnement nm radiance 4306

réacteur nm reactor, jet engine 3390

réaction nf reaction 947

réaffirmer v to reaffirm, reassert 3918

réagir v to react 1052

réalisateur nadj director 4333

réalisation nf realization, achievement 1636

réaliser v to realize, achieve 409

réaliste nadj(f) realist, realistic 2630

réalité nf reality 532

rebelle nadj(f) rebel, rebellious 2621

rébellion nf rebellion 4665

récemment adv recently 1222

récent adj recent 1178

récepteur nm receiver, receiving 4552

réception nf reception 1926

récession nf recession 4049

recette nf recipe 1709

recevoir v to receive 199

recherche nf research, search 357

rechercher v to search for 1256

réciproque nadj(f) mutual, reciprocal, the opposite 4185

récit nm account, narrative 2229

réclamer v to ask for, call for; to claim 1220

récolte nf harvest, crop 4307

récolter v to harvest, gather 3792

recommandation nf recommendation 1050

recommander v to recommend 1988

recommencer v to resume, start again 2489

récompense nf reward, award 3720

récompenser v to reward, recompense 2577

réconciliation nf reconciliation 4082

réconcilier v to reconcile 4673

reconduire v to renew, drive back 3936

reconnaissance nf recognition, gratitude 1432

reconnaissant adj grateful 3383

reconnaître v to recognize 221

reconstituer v to reconstitute, restore, reconstruct 3763

reconstruction nf reconstruction 3111

reconstruire v to rebuild, reconstruct 3580

record nm record 2409

recourir v to turn to, run again 2281

recours nm(pl) resort, recourse 1693

recouvrir v to cover, hide, conceal 2872

recrutement nm recruiting, recruitment 4212

recruter v to recruit 3380

rectifier v to rectify, correct 3866

reçu nm receipt, accepted 4226

recueillir v to collect, gather 1230

recul nm backward movement, setback, slip 2499

reculer v to move back, back up 1922

récupération nf recovery, retrieval, salvage 4364

récupérer v to get back, recover, recuperate 1783

rédacteur nm editor, writer, drafter, compiler 4260

rédaction nf writing, composition 2225

redevenir v to become again 2889

rédiger v to write, draw up 2135

redire v to say again, repeat 3824

redonner v to give back, return, give more 3319

redoutable adj(f) fearsome, formidable 4351

redouter v to dread, fear 3360

redressement nm straightening up, upturn, righting 4278

redresser v to straighten, set right, redress, turn around 3368

réduction nf reduction 1494

réduire v to reduce 595

réduit nm reduced, scaled-down, cut-down, tiny room, hideout 3873

réel nadj real 665

réellement adv really 1563

refaire v to redo, make again 2252

référence nf reference 1424

référendum nm referendum 2263

référer v to refer, consult, refer to 3267

refermer v to close again, shut again, close up 3759

réfléchi adj thoughtful, well thought-out 4996

réfléchir v to reflect 1058

reflet nm reflection, glint, highlight 3749

refléter v to reflect 1892

réflexe nadj(f) reflex 4250

réflexion nf reflection 1394

réforme nf reform 980

réformer v to re-form, reform, discharge 3725

réformiste nadj(f) reformist 2146

refuge nm refuge 2871

réfugier v to take refuge 1508

refus nm(pl) refusal 1615

refuser v to refuse 271

regagner v to win again, regain, get back, make up 3491

regard nm look, glance 1206

regarder v to look, watch 425

régime nm regime 543

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régiment nm regiment 4624

région nf region 241

régional nadj regional 1169

régir v to govern 3030

registre nm log, register, registry 2556

réglé adj regular, steady, well-ordered, ruled 4934

règle nf rule 488

règlement nm rule, regulation 1166

réglementaire adj(f) regulation, control, statutory 4418

réglementation nf regulation 2828

réglementer v to regulate, control 4929

régler v to pay, adjust, settle 957

règne nm reign 3649

régner v to reign 1831

regret nm regret, regretfully 2761

regrettable adj(f) unfortunate, regrettable 4770

regretter v to regret 1048

regroupement nm regrouping, reassembly 4712

regrouper v to group together, regroup 2477

régulier adj regular 1770

régulièrement adv regularly 1888

reine nf queen 2809

réitérer v to reiterate, repeat 4847

rejet nm rejection 2455

rejeter v to reject 981

rejoindre v to rejoin, reunite 1007

réjouir v to delight, rejoice 2148

relâcher v to loosen, release, let go 4434

relais nm(pl) shift, relay 4127

relance nf boost, reminder, recovery 4228

relancer v to throw back, restart, relaunch 3008

relater v to relate, recount 4627

relatif nadj relative 1160

relation nf relationship 356

relativement adv relatively 1559

reléguer v to relegate 3728

relevé nadj statement, list; relieved; put in relief; rolled up 4943

relever v to raise 376

relier v to connect 1670

religieux nadj(pl) religious 1203

religion nf religion 1699

relire v to reread, proofread 4170

remarquable adj(f) remarkable, outstanding 2040

remarque nf remark 2019

remarquer v to remark; to notice, point out 874

remboursement nm reimbursement 3957

rembourser v to reimburse, pay back, pay off, repay 3107

remède nm cure, remedy 4013

remédier v to cure, remedy, put right 4519

remercier v to thank 1218

remettre v to deliver, replace, set, put 156

remise nf presentation, delivery 2357

remonter v to go back up 1020

remplacement nm replacement, standing in 3248

remplacer v to replace 448

remplir v to fill, fulfill 751

remporter v to take away, win 2267

rémunération nf remuneration, payment, pay 3088

rémunérer v to remunerate, pay 4796

rencontre nm meeting 1045

rencontrer v to meet 329

rendement nm yield, output 2394

rendez-vous nm(pl) appointment 1873

rendre v to render, return, yield, give up 85

renfermer v to contain, shut, lock, enclose 4812

renforcement nm reinforcement, strengthening 3600

renforcer v to reinforce, strengthen 1280

renfort nm help, back-up, support 4326

renier v to disown, repudiate, go back on 4442

renoncer v to give up, renounce 1363

renouveau nm renewal 4639

renouveler v to renew 1359

renouvellement nm replacement, recurrence, repetition 3485

rénovation nf renovation, restoration 4123

renseignement nm information 1596

renseigner v to give information, get information 2921

rentabilité nf profitability 4366

rentable adj(f) profitable 4324

rente nf annuity, pension 4876

rentrée nf reopening, return, start 2972

rentrer v to go in, come in, come back, return 925

renverser v to knock down, turn over, overturn 2079

renvoi nm dismissal, expulsion, suspension, crossreference 3681

renvoyer v to send back, dismiss 1047

répandre v to spread, spill 2320

réparation nf repair, repairing, correction, compensation 3445

réparer v to repair, fix, correct, make up 2583

répartir v to distribute, spread out, share out, divide up 2197

repartir v to set off again, start up again 2150

répartition nf distribution, spreading 2648

repas nm(pl) meal 2948

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repasser v to cross again, retake, show again, iron 4414

repenser v to rethink 3834

répercussion nf repercussion 3627

repère nm reference, benchmark, landmark 4373

repérer v to spot, pick out, locate, find 2707

répéter v to repeat 630

répétition nf repetition, rehearsal 2804

replacer v to replace, put back 4733

repli nm bend, twist, wrinkle, fold, fallback 4825

replier v to fold, roll up, fold up, withdraw 4256

réplique nf reply, retort; replica 3224

répliquer v to reply 4466

répondre v to answer 200

réponse nf answer, response 456

report nm postponement, deferment 4406

reportage nm report, reporting 2820

reporter nm,nf,v to report; to postpone 2028

repos nm(pl) rest 2731

reposer v to rest 776

repousser v to push away, postpone 2700

reprendre v to resume, recover, start again, take back 313

représentant nm representative 1232

représentatif adj representative 3617

représentation nf representation 1469

représenter v to represent 293

répression nf repression, suppression, crack-down 3425

réprimer v to suppress, repress 4791

reprise nf resumption, renewal; time 985

reproche nm reproach 4421

reprocher v to blame, reproach 1581

reproduction nf reproduction 3201

reproduire v to reproduce, repeat 2125

républicain nadj republican 2718

république nf republic 1028

réputation nf reputation 1741

réputé adj famous, renowned 3768

requérir v to require 2300

requête nf request, petition 3750

réseau nm network 721

réserve nf reserve 1162

réserver v to reserve, keep 695

réservoir nm tank, reservoir 4674

résidence nf residence, block of flats 3057

résident nm foreign national, foreign resident 4926

résider v to reside 2084

résistance nf resistance 1330

résistant nadj robust, sturdy, resistance fighter 4218

résister v to resist 1611

résolument adv resolutely 4882

résolution nf resolution 1342

résoudre v to solve, resolve 767

respect nm respect 818

respecter v to respect 673

respectif adj respective 2554

respectivement adv respectively 3432

respectueux adj(pl) respectful 4086

respirer v to breath 3040

responsabilité nf responsibility 694

responsable nadj(f) responsible 511

ressembler v to look like, resemble 1398

ressentir v to feel 1593

resserrer v to tighten up, strengthen 3696

ressort nm spring; resort; spirit 2861

ressortir v to go out again, come out again, take out again 1833

ressource nf resource 852

restant adj,nm remaining, the rest, the remainder 3211

restaurant nm restaurant 2336

restauration nf restoration; catering 3980

restaurer v to restore, feed 3326

reste nm rest 363

rester v to stay 100

restituer v to return, restore, refund 4546

restreindre v to restrict, cut down, decrease 2360

restriction nf restriction 2589

restructuration nf restructure, restructuring 3331

résultat nm result, follow-up 428

résulter v to result 2095

résumer v to summarize, sum up 1601

rétablir v to restore, re-establish 1864

rétablissement nm restoring, re-establishment, recovery 3546

retard nm delay 1278

retarder v to delay, hold up 2147

retenir v to retain, hold back, remember 557

retenue nf deduction; restraint, self-control 4762

réticence nf reluctance, hesitation 4135

retirer v to remove, withdraw 657

retombée nf fallout, consequences, effects 4618

retomber v to fall again, fall down again 3112

retour nm return 421

retourner v to return, go back 999

retrait nadj withdrawal 2416

retraité nadj retired 4299

retraite nf retirement, pension 1180

retrancher v to deduct, remove; to entrench 4811

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retrouver v to find, recall 244

réunion nf meeting 971

réunir v to gather, reunite, raise 824

réussi adj successful 3544

réussir v to succeed 279

réussite nf success 1641

revanche nf revenge; return 1397

rêve nm dream 1313

réveil nm waking up, awakening, alarm clock 4940

réveiller v to wake up 2199

révélation nf diclosure, revelation 3301

révéler v to reveal 810

revendication nf claim, demand 2230

revendiquer v to claim 2754

revenir v to come back 184

revenu nm income 1012

rêver v to dream 1678

revers nm(pl) back, reverse, setback 4083

revêtir v to take on, assume 2688

réviser v to review, revise, overhaul 2551

révision nf review, revision, overhaul 2748

revivre v to live again, come back life, revive 4966

revoir v to see again, revise 1274

révolte nf revolt 2720

révolter v to revolt, rebel, outrage 4370

révolution nf revolution 1617

révolutionnaire nadj(f) revolutionary 2471

revue nf review, magazine, journal 1822

rhétorique nadj(f) rhetorical, rhetoric 4932

riche nadj(f) rich 599

richesse nf wealth, richness 1880

rideau nm curtain 3752

ridicule nadj(f) ridiculous, silly 2411

rien adv,nm,pro nothing 168

rigide adj(f) rigid, stiff 4741

rigoler v to laugh, 4994

rigoureux adj(pl) rigorous, harsh, strict 2682

rigueur nf harshness, severity, rigidness, rigor, strictness 2791

rire nm,v to laugh 1193

risque nm risk 647

risquer v to risk 322

rival nadj rival 3758

rive nf shore, bank 3314

rivière nf river 2223

robe nf dress 2864

rocher nm rock, boulder 4767

rock nm rock music 4081

roi nm king 1364

rôle nm role 371

romain adj Roman 3144

roman adj,nm novel 1262

romancier nm novelist 4581

romantique nadj(f) romantic 4884

rompre v to break 2087

rond adv,nadj round 2268

rose nadj(f),nf rose; pink 2671

roue nf wheel 3916

rouge nadj(f) red 987

rouler v to roll 2599

route nf road 512

routier nadj road, long-distance lorry or truck driver 3101

routine nf routine 4120

rouvrir v to reopen 4648

royal adj royal 2290

royaume nm kingdom 2620

rubrique nf column, heading, rubric 4130

rude nadj(f) rough, harsh, hard, tough 4247

rue nf street 598

ruine nf ruin, ruins 3643


ruiner v to ruin, bankrupt oneself 3900

rumeur nf rumor 2164

rupture nf break, rupture 1867

rural nadj rural 2709

russe nadj(f) Russian 1325

rythme nm rhythm, rate 1662


sable adji,nm sand 3263

sac nm bag, sack 2343

sacré nadj sacred 2341

sacrifice nm sacrifice 2437

sacrifier v to sacrifice, give away 2649

sage nadj(f) wise, good, sound, sensible 2643

sagesse nf wisdom, moderation 2998

sain adj healthy, sane 1763

saint nadj saint, holy 1702

saisir v to take hold of, grab 719

saison nf season 1667

saisonnier adj seasonal 4543

salaire nm salary, wage 1015

salarial adj salary 3639

salarié nadj wage-earning, employee 2119

salaud nadj bastard 4869

sale nadj(f) dirty 2906

salle nf room 812

salon nm lounge, living room 2729

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saluer v to greet, salute 1620

salut intj,nm salute, hi, bye 2205

samedi nm Saturday 1355

sanction nf sanction 2282

sanctionner v to sanction, punish, approve 4211

sang nm blood 1126

sanglant adj bloody, cruel, covered in blood 4403

sanitaire nadj(f) health, sanitary, medical 4501

sans prep without 71

santé nf health 641

satellite nm satellite 2200

satisfaction nf satisfaction 2108

satisfaire v to satisfy 781

satisfaisant adj satisfactory, satisfying 2540

sauf adj,prep except 476

saut nm jump, leap 3841

sauter v to jump 2114

sauvage nadj(f) savage, wild 2464

sauver v to rescue, save 1213

sauvetage nm rescue, salvaging 4048

savant nadj scientist, scholar; learned, scholarly clever, skilful, 3378

savoir nm,v to know 67

savoir-faire nmi know-how 4916

scandale nm scandal, uproar 1912

scandaleux adj(pl) scandalous, outrageous 3478

scandaliser v to shock, scandalize 4924

scénario nm scenario, script 2468

scène nf scene 794

scepticisme nm scepticism 4719

sceptique nadj(f) sceptical, sceptic 4064

schéma nm diagram, outline 3305

science nf science 1114

scientifique nadj(f) scientific 950

scolaire adj(f) school, educational, academic 1993

score nm score 4440

scrutin nm ballot, poll 2913

se pro oneself, himself, herself, itself, themselves 17

séance nf session, meeting 1463

sec adj,adv,nm dry 2313

sécheresse nf dryness, drought 4439

second adj,det,nm second 379

secondaire nadj(f) secondary 2027

seconde det,nf second 1542

secouer v to shake 2755

secours nm(pl) help, aid, assistance 1857

secret nadj secret 796

secrétaire nm,nf secretary 920

secrétariat nm secretaryship, secretariat, secretarial offices, secretary's office 4654

secteur nm sector 566

section nf section 2141

sécuritaire adj(f) safe 4863

sécurité nf security, safety 478

séduire v to seduce, charm, captivate, appeal to 2837

seigneur nm lord 4542

sein nm breast, bosom 563

seize det,nmi sixteen 3285

séjour nm stay 2007

sel nm salt 4276

sélection nf selection 2403

sélectionner v to select 3671

selon prep according to 240

semaine nf week 245

semblable nadj(f) similar 1978

semblant nm semblance, pretence 4794

sembler v to seem 180

semer v to sow, scatter, spread 2612

semestre nm semester, six-month period 4331

séminaire nm seminar, seminary 3733

sénateur nm senator 684

sens nm(pl) sense, meaning 243

sensation nf sensation 3415

sensibilité nf sensitivity, sensibility 2584

sensible nadj(f) sensitive 1063

sensiblement adv approximately, more or less, noticeably 4057

sentiment nm feeling 886

sentir v to feel, smell 536

séparation nf separation 1613

séparatiste nadj(f) separatist 4190

séparer v to separate 946

sept det,nmi seven 905

septembre nm September 944

septième det,nm,nf seventh 4028

séquence nf sequence 3099

serbe adj(f) Serbian 2780

sérénité nf serenity, peacefulness 4962

série nf series 836

sérieusement adv seriously 1252

sérieux nadj(pl) serious 412

serment nm oath, vow 4069

serré adj,adv tight, packed, crowded 3810

serre nf greenhouse 4832

serrer v to tighten, squeeze 2449

serveur nm waiter, server 4377

service nm service 203

Page 250

servir v to serve 177

session nf session 2324

seuil nm doorstep, threshold 2068

seul adj alone, only 101

seulement adv only 130

sévère adj(f) severe 1733

sévèrement adv severely, harshly 4917

sévir v to act ruthlessly, be rife 4356

sexe nm sex 1691

sexuel adj sexual 1594

si adv,conj,nmi if, whether 34

siècle nm century 603

siège nm seat, bench 1571

siéger v to sit 2883

sien nadj his, hers 2210

signal nm signal 978

signaler v to indicate, signal 1439

signataire nm,nf signatory 4570

signature nf signature 2187

signe nm sign 707

signer v to sign 809

significatif adj significative 2292

signification nf significance 2798

signifier v to mean 586

silence nm silence 1281

silencieux nadj(pl) silent, noiseless, silencer 3290

sillage nm wake, slipstream 4972

similaire adj(f) similar 2632

simple nadj(f) simple 212

simplement adv simply 615

simplicité nf simplicity, straightforwardness 4907

simplifier v to simplify 2903

simultanément adv simultaneously 4090

sincère adj(f) sincere 3180

sincèrement adv sincerely 3516

sincérité nf sincerity 4831

singe nm monkey 4739

singulier nadj unique, singular 3567

sinistre nadj(f) disaster, sinister 3578

sinon conj otherwise, or else 1170

site nm site 1462

situation nf situation 223

situer v to situate, locate 815

six det,nmi six 450

sixième det,nm,nf sixth 3124

ski nm ski, skiing 4571

slogan nm slogan 4474

social nadj social 301

socialisme nm socialism 4989

socialiste nadj(f) socialist 1768

société nf society 295

sœur nf sister 1558

soi nmi,pro one, oneself, self 1365

soi-disant adji so-called, supposedly 3637

soif nf thirst 4659

soigner v to treat, look after, take care over 2228

soigneusement adv tidily, neatly, carefully 3647

soin nm care 1109

soir nm evening 397

soirée nf evening 1530

soit adv,conj either...or 166

soixante det,nmi sixty 3151

soixante-dix det,nmi seventy 4887

sol nm floor, ground 1491

solaire adj(f) solar 4653

soldat nm soldier 1098

solde nm,nf balance; pay; sale 4622

soleil nm sun 1713

solidaire adj(f) interdependent, jointly dependent 4980

solidarité nf solidarity 2359

solide nadj(f) solid 1414

solitaire nadj(f) solitary, lone, lonely 3560

solitude nf solitude, loneliness 3448

solliciter v to request, solicit, appeal 2519

solution nf solution 608

sombre adj(f) dark 2348

sombrer v to darken; to sink, lapse 3991

sommaire nadj(f) summary, brief, cursory 4133

somme nm,nf amount, sum; nap 912

sommeil nm sleep, sleepiness 3393

sommet nm summit 1486

son det,nm his, her, its; sound; bran 26

sondage nm poll 2232

sonder v to probe, poll, sound out 4930

songer v to dream 2206

sonner v to ring 2422

sonore nadj(f) sound, resonant, sonorous, voiced 4502

sorcier nm sorcerer, witch 4582

sort nm fate, curse 1780

sortant nadj outgoing 4192

sorte nf sort, kind 351

sortie nf exit 1174

sortir v to go out, leave 309

sou nm penny 4051

souci nm worry, concern 1556

soucier v to care about, show concern for 2822

soucieux adj(pl) concerned, worried 3586

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soudain adj,adv sudden, suddenly 2310

souffle nm breath, puff 3120

souffler v to blow, puff 2984

souffrance nf suffering 1862

souffrir v to suffer 642

souhait nm wish 3122

souhaitable adj(f) desirable 3920

souhaiter v to wish 403

soulagement nm relief 4424

soulager v to relieve, soothe, ease 2912

soulever v to lift up 1339

souligner v to underline, stress 816

soumettre v to submit 687

soumission nf submission 4578

soupçon nm suspicion 3921

soupçonner v to suspect 2375

soupe nf soup 4563

souple adj(f) supple, agile, soft, floppy, flexible 3087

souplesse nf suppleness, flexibility 4085

source nf source, spring 817

sourd nadj deaf 2854

sourire nm,v smile; to smile 1476

souris nf(pl) mouse 4328

sous prep under 122

souscrire v to subscribe 3983

sous-estimer v to underestimate 4449

sous-marin nadj submarine, underwater 3777

sous-sol nm basement, lower ground floor, subsoil, underground 4289

soustraire v to substract, remove, shield, escape from 4109

soutenir v to sustain, support 578

souterrain nadj underground, underground passage 4544

soutien nm support 1198

souvenir nm,v memory; to remember 616

souvent adv often 287

souverain nadj sovereign, supreme ruler, monarch 2697

souveraineté nf sovereignty 2353

soviétique nadj(f) Soviet 1674

spatial adj spatial, space 2765

spécial adj special 726

spécialement adv especially, particularly 2130

spécialiser v to specialize 2009

spécialiste nadj(f) specialist 1588

spécialité nf specialty 3356

spécification nf specification 4642

spécifier v to specify 3086

spécifique adj(f) specific 2175

spectacle nm sight, show 1687

spectaculaire adj(f) spectacular 3330

spectateur nm member of the audience, spectator, onlooker 2877

spectre nm spectrum, ghost 4645

spéculation nf speculation 3808

sphère nf sphere 4209

spirituel nadj witty, spiritual, sacred 3047

spontané adj spontaneous 3986

sport adji,nm sport 2011

sportif nadj sports, athletic, competitive 2670

stabilisation nf stabilization 4265

stabiliser v to stabilize 4160

stabilité nf stability 2302

stable adj(f) stable 2517

stade nm stadium, stage 1967

stage nm internship, training course 4007

standard adji,nm standard, switchboard 4234

star nf star 3322

station nf station 1399

statistique nf statistics, statistical 1901

statue nf statue 4020

statut nm status 1474

stimuler v to stimulate 3063

stipuler v to state, stipulate, specify 4518

stock nm stock, to supply 2344

stopper v to stop, halt 4693

stratégie nf strategy 1286

stratégique adj(f) strategic 2181

stress nm(pl) stress 4806

strict adj strict, absolute 1859

strictement adv strictly 2813

structure nf structure 964

structurel adj structural 3018

studio nm studio, studio apartment 3664

stupéfiant nadj drug, narcotic; stunning, astounding 4383

stupide adj(f) stupid, silly, bemused 3407

style nm style 1999

subir v to undergo, be subjected to, suffer 677

subit adj sudden 3930

subsister v to subsist, remain 3161

substance nf substance 2227

substantiel adj substantial 3276

substituer v to substitute 4344

substitution nf substitution, mix-up 4389

subtil adj subtle, nice 4345

subvention nf subsidy 2504

succéder v to succeed, take over 2619

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succès nm(pl) success 620

successeur nm successor 4254

successif adj successive 3197

succession nf succession 2902

successivement adv successively 4534

sucre nm sugar 3258

sud adji,nm south 1242

sud-est nmi south-east 3309

sud-ouest nmi south-west 3773

suédois nadj(pl) Swedish, Swede 4647

suffire v to be sufficient, suffice 716

suffisamment adv sufficiently 1727

suffisant adj sufficient 1537

suffrage nm vote 3985

suggérer v to suggest 1478

suggestion nf suggestion 3254

suicide nm suicide 2222

suicider v to commit suicide 3678

suisse adj(f) Swiss 2241

suite nf result, follow-up, rest 93

suivant nadj,prep following 1121

suivi nadj follow-up; consistent, continuous 3973

suivre v to follow 120

sujet nm subject, topic 353

super adji,nm great 2993

superbe nadj(f) superb, magnificent, handsome, gorgeous 3450

superficiel adj superficial, shallow 4740

supérieur nadj superior 876

supplément nm supplement, extra 3179

supplémentaire adj(f) additional 1267

supplier v to beg, implore 4702

support nm support, stand 3708

supporter nm,v to support, endure 1400

supposer v to suppose, assume 730

suppression nf deletion, suppression 2578

supprimer v to remove, withdraw 1590

suprême nadj(f) supreme 2022

sur adj,prep on, upon 16

sûr adj sure 270

surcroît nm extra, additional 4191

sûrement adv surely 1750

sûreté nf safety, reliability 3459

surface nf surface 1748

surgir v to spring up 2609

surmonter v to overcome, top, surmount 2385


surplus nm(pl) surplus 3104

surprenant adj surprising 2951

surprendre v to surprise 1053

surpris adj(pl) surprised, amazed 3408

surprise nf surprise 1815

sursis nm(pl) reprieve, deferment 4089

surtout adv,nm especially, above all 235

surveillance nf surveillance, monitoring 1745

surveiller v to watch 1297

survenir v to occur, take place, appear 2109

survie nf survival 2699

survivant nadj survivor, surviving 3302

survivre v to survive 1348

susceptible adj(f) sensitive, touchy 1827

susciter v to arouse, provoke 1027

suspect nadj suspicious, suspect 2571

suspendre v to suspend, postpone 1730

suspens nm(pl) suspension, abeyance 3879

suspension nf hanging, suspending, breaking off, postponement, suspension 3569

symbole nm symbol 1427

symbolique nadj(f) symbolic 3411

symboliser v to symbolize 4343

sympathie nf liking, warmth, friendship, sympathie 3017

sympathique nadj(f) likeable, nice, pleasant 4164

symptôme nm symptom 4095

syndical adj (trade-) union 2995

syndicat nm union 1528

syndrome nm syndrome 4573

synonyme nadj(f) synonymous; synonym 4973

synthèse nf summary, synthesis 3716

syrien nadj Syrian 4453

systématique nadj(f) systematic 3114

systématiquement adv systematically 3038

système nm system 289


tabac nm tobacco 2393

table nf table 1019

tableau nm frame, picture, painting, panel 1456

tache nf stain, spot, mark 4471

tâche nf task 887

tâcher v to endeavor 4043

tactique nadj(f) tactics, tactical 2606

taille nf size, height 1500

tailler v to cut, carve, engrave, sharpen, trim 3802

taire v to keep quiet 1853

talent nm talent 2017

tandis while 975

tant adv so much, so many 181

tante nf aunt 3891

Page 253

tantôt adv this afternoon, sometimes 3013

taper v to beat, slam, bang, type 3270

tapis nm(pl) carpet, mat, covering 3783

tard adv late 348

tarder v to delay 2251

tardif adj late 3947

tarif nm price, rate, fare, tariff 3247

tas nm(pl) pile, lots of 2723

taux nm(pl) rate 700

taxe nf tax 2446

taxer v to tax 4744

taxi nm taxi 4235

tchèque nadj(f) Czech 3793

te pro you, to you, from you 207

technicien nm technician 2461

technique nadj(f) technique, technics, technical 592

techniquement adv technically 4091

technologie nf technology 1388

technologique adj(f) technological 2600

tel adj,det,pro such 142

télé nf TV 2746

télécommunication nf telecommunication 2842

téléphone nm telephone 1366

téléphoner v to telephone, phone, call 2448

téléphonique adj(f) telephone 2356

téléspectateur nm TV viewer 4935

téléviser v to televise 4115

télévision nf television 1179

tellement adv so much 869

témoignage nm testimony 1548

témoigner v to testify 1212

témoin nm witness 1055

température nf temperature 2924

tempête nf storm, gale, turmoil 2695

temple nm temple 3441

temporaire adj(f) temporary 2885

temps nm(pl) time 65

tenant nadj tenant; incumbent, holder 2516

tendance nf tendency, trend 1158

tendre nadj(f),v to tighten; to extend, stretch, tender 1138

tendresse nf tenderness, fondness 4472

teneur nf content 4154

tenir v to hold 104

tennis nmi tennis 3867

tension nf tension 1799

tentation nf temptation 3286

tentative nf attempt 1381

tente nf tent 4336

tenter v to tempt, try 347

tenue nf dress, outfit 1899

terme nm term, deadline 311

terminal nadj terminal 2525

terminer v to finish, end, 415

terrain nm ground, terrain 867

terre nf earth, world, soil, land 430

terrestre adj(f) land, earth 2522

terreur nf terror, dread 3379

terrible adj(f) terrible, dreadful 1310

terriblement adv terribly, awfully 3909

terrien nadj earthling; landowner, countryman 4835

territoire nm territory 698

territorial adj territorial, land 3160

terrorisme nm terrorism 2834

terroriste nm,nf terrorist 2415

test nm test 1788

tester v to test 2965

tête nf head 343

texte nm text 631

textile nadj(f) textile 4785

thé nm tea 3517

théâtre nm theater 1701

thème nm theme, topic 1720

théologie nf theology 4468

théorie nf theory 1773

théorique adj(f) theoretical 3476

théoriquement adv theoretically 4808

thérapie nf therapy 4420

thèse nf thesis, argument 2607

tiens nadjpl,intj ah, well 3722

tiers nadj(pl) third 1533

timbre nm to stamp 4138

timide nadj(f) timid, shy, bashful 3835

tir nm fire, shot, launch 2959

tirage nm drawing, circulation, run 3607

tirer v to pull, fire 391

tisser v to weave 4320

tissu nadj fabric, material, cloth, tissue, woven 2696

titre nm title 399

titulaire nadj(f) holder, with tenure, occupant 4264

toi nm,pro you, yourself 510

toile nf cloth, canvas, web 3502

toilette nf washing, toilet, lavatory, bathroom, restroom 4215

toit nm roof 2894

tolérance nf tolerance 3315

tolérer v to tolerate, access, put up, bear, endure 2132

tombe nf grave, tomb 3426

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tomber v to fall 547

ton det,nm your; tone 330

tonne nf ton 2261

tort nm wrong 1652

torture nf torture 4304

torturer v to torture 3826

tôt adji,adv early 513

total nadj total 658

totalement adv totally 1353

totalité nf totality, entirety 1779

touchant adj,prep with regard to, concerning, touching, moving 3090

touche nf button, key, touch, touchline 3775

toucher nm,v to touch 231

toujours adv always 103

tour nm,nf tower; turn; tour 523

tourisme nm tourism, sightseeing 2955

touriste nm,nf tourist 2653

touristique adj(f) holiday, tourist 3818

tournant adj,nm revolving, swivel, encircling, bend turning point, 2406

tournée nf tour, round 2691

tourner v to turn 669

tournoi nm tournament 3582

tout adv,det,nadj,pro all, very 24

toutefois adv,conj however 770

toxique nadj(f) toxic, toxin 4476

trace nf trace, mark, track 1848

tracer v to draw, write, mark out 2997

tradition nf tradition 1371

traditionnel adj traditional 1574

traditionnellement adv traditionally 4815

traduction nf translation 2826

traduire v to translate 1125

trafic nm traffic, circulation 1577

tragédie nf tragedy 1910

tragique nadj(f) tragic 2042

trahir v to betray, give away 2787

trahison nf betrayal, treachery, treason 4087

train nm train 232

traîner v to drag, pull 2433

trait nm line, feature 1423

traite nf trade, draft, stretch, milking 4896

traité nm treaty 1249

traitement nm treatment, salary, wage 1111

traiter v to treat, handle, deal with 589

trajet nm journey, route 3577

trame nf weft, framework; tram 3457

tranche nf slice, edge, section, bracket, slot 2692

trancher v to cut, sever, settle, decide 2145

tranquille adj(f) quiet 2555

transaction nf transaction 2940

transférer v to transfer 2128

transfert nm transfer 1362

transformation nf transformation, change 2330

transformer v to transform 1041

transit nm transit 3848

transition nf transition 2318

transitoire adj(f) transient, interim, provisional 3946

transmettre v to forward, transmit 1419

transmission nf transmission 1933

transparence nf transparency 2896

transparent nadj transparent, see-through, evident 2953

transport nm transportation 935

transporter v to transport, carry 1929

travail nm work 153

travailler v to work 290

travailleur nadj worker 1341

travers nm(pl) breadth, across; fault, amiss 661

traversée nf crossing 4652

traverser v to cross, traverse 1040

treize det,nmi thirteen 3245

tremblement nm shiver, trembling, shaking 4696

trembler v to shiver, tremble, shake, flicker 4225

trentaine nf about thirty 3703

trente det,nmi thirty 1646

très adv very 66

trésor nm treasure, treasury 3097

trêve nf truce 4455

tribu nf tribe 3668

tribunal nm court 1336

tribune nf platform, forum, gallery 3282

trimestre nm quarter, three months 2763

triomphe nm triumph 4829

triompher v to triumph, beat 4576

triple nadj(f) triple 4700

triste adj(f) sad 1843

tristesse nf sadness, gloominess, dreariness 3989

trois det,nmi three 115

troisième det,nm,nf third 506

tromper v to deceive 1539

trône nm throne 3839

trop adv too much, too many 195

trottoir nm pavement 4735

trou nm hole 2180

Page 255

troublant adj disturbing 4605

trouble adj(f),nm turmoil, agitation, blurred, cloudy, trouble 2080

troubler v to disturb, disrupt, cloud 3416

troupe nf troup 1282

troupeau nm herd, flock 4495

trouver v to find 83

truc nm trick; thingamajig 1991

tu pro you 112

tube nm tube 4775

tuer v to kill 591

tueur nm killer, hit man 3581

tunnel nm tunnel 3386

turc adj,nm Turk, Turkish 3134

type nm type; guy 440

typique nadj(f),nf typical 4178



ultérieur adj later, subsequent 3862

ultime adj(f) ultimate 2533

un adj,det,nm,pro a, an, one 3

unanime adj(f) unanimous 3050

unanimité nf unanimity 3143

uni nadj united 2153

uniforme adj(f),nm uniform, steady, regular 1801

unilatéral adj unilateral 4317

union nf union 729

unique adj(f) unique 402

uniquement adv only 1395

unir v to unite 1483

unité nf unity; unit 571

univers nm(pl) universe 2112

universel nadj universal 1608

universitaire nadj(f) university, academic 2782

université nf university 1192

uranium nm uranium 2844

urbain adj urban 2215

urgence nf emergency 1199

urgent adj urgent 2179

usage nm use, usage 863

usager nm user 3167

user v to wear out, wear away, use up 3000

usine nf factory 1482

utile adj(f) useful 1003

utilisateur nadj user 2523

utilisation nf use 1345

utiliser v to use 345

utilité nf use, usefulness 3082


vacance nf vacancy; vacation 1726

vache adj(f),nf cow 2768

vague nadj(f),nf vague; wave 1493

vain adj vain 2971

vaincre v to beat, defeat, overcome, conquer 2919

vainqueur nm,nf winner 3307

vaisseau nm ship, vessel 4969

valable adj(f) valid 2668

valeur nf value, worth 453

valise nf suitcase 4308

vallée nf valley 2856

valoir v to be worth 431

vanter v to vaunt, boast, brag 3288

vapeur nm,nf vapor, steam, steamer, steamship 4111

variable nadj(f) variable 2736

variation nf variation, change 3974

varier v to vary, change 1962

variété nf variety 3232

vaste adj(f) vast, immense 1142

vedette nf star, patrol boat 3731

véhicule nm vehicle 1959

véhiculer v to transport, convey 4465

veille nf the day before, the eve of, night watch 1840

veiller v to look after, stay up 1816

vélo nm bike, bicycle 4594

vendeur nm salesman, seller 3223

vendre v to sell 710

vendredi nm Friday 1086

vendu nadj sold, bribed 4919

vengeance nf revenge 3869

venger v to avenge, take revenge 4656

venir v to come 88

vent nm wind 1387

vente nf sale 1096

ventre nm belly, stomach 3150

venu nadj come 4499

venue nf coming 3691

verbal adj verbal 4240

verdict nm verdict 4850

vérificateur nadj checker, inspector, auditor 4257

vérification nf check, verification 3094

vérifier v to check, verify 1236

véritable adj(f) real, true 654

véritablement adv truly, really 3115

vérité nf truth 907

verre nm glass 2174

vers nm(pl),prep toward; verse 182

versant nm hillside, mountainside 4134

Page 256

versement nm payment 4531

verser v to pour, deposit, shed 1516

version nf version 1165

vert nadj green 1060

vertu nf virtue 1497

vêtement nm garment, item or article of clothing 2383

vêtir v to clothe, dress, put on 4734

veuf nadj surviving spouse 3455

via prep via 3513

viable adj(f) viable, workable 4946

viande nf meat 2625

vice nm fault, defect, vice 4342

vice-président nm vice-president 1789

victime nf victim 697

victoire nf victory 1373

vide nadj(f) empty 1473

vidéo adji,nf video 2611

vider v to empty, vacate 2849

vie nf life 132

vieillard nm old man 4736

vieillesse nf old age 4813

vieillir v to grow old 3342

vierge nadj(f) virgin 3875

vieux adj(pl),nm(pl) old 671

vif nadj lively 1132

vigilance nf vigilance, watchfulness 4080

vigilant adj vigilant, watchful 4931

vigoureux adj(pl) vigorous 4365

vigueur nf vigor 1711

village nm village 1295

ville nf city 260

vin nm wine 2309

vingt det,nmi twenty 1273

vingtaine nf about twenty 3098

vingt-cinq det,nmi twenty five 4436

vingtième det,nm,nf twentieth 3881

vingt-quatre det,nmi twenty four 4436

viol nm rape 3629

violation nf violation, transgession 2814

violence nf violence 602

violent nadj violent 1119

violer v to rape, infringe 2352

virer v to turn, change, transfer, kick out 3623

virtuel adj virtual, potential 3885

virus nm(pl) virus 3382

visa nm visa, stamp 4435

visage nm face 1292

vis-à-vis nmpl,prep face to face, regarding 1376

visée nf aim, design, sighting 4763

viser v to aim 656

visible adj(f) visible, obvious 2276

visiblement adv obviously, clearly, visibly 3677

vision nf vision, view 1505

visite nf visit 1072

visiter v to visit 1378

visiteur nm visitor 2266

visuel adj visual 4793

vital adj vital 2528

vite adv fast, quickly 711

vitesse nf speed 1065

vitre nf pane, window 4106

vitrine nf window, display cabinet 4312

vivant nadj alive, living 1191

vivement adv sharply, brusquely, lively 2491

vivre nm,v to live 201

vocabulaire nm vocabulary 4159

vocal adj vocal 4316

vocation nf vocation, calling 3006

vœu nm vow, wish, will 2103

voici prep here is, here are, this is, these are 1103

voie nf road, lane, route, track, way 609

voilà prep right, there, here 524

v w


voile nm,nf veil, sail 3155

voiler v to veil 4067

voir v to see 69

voire adv even, indeed 1547

voisin nadj neighbor 979

voisinage nm neighborhood 4915

voiture nf car 881

voix nf(pl) voice 414

vol nm flight, theft 1531

volant adj,nm steering wheel 4035

voler v to steal, rob 1610

volet nm shutter 2092

voleur nadj thief, light-fingered 3163

volontaire nadj(f) volunteer; voluntary 1675

volontairement adv voluntarily, willingly 3529

volonté nf will 525

volontiers adv with pleasure, willingly, gladly 2742

volume nm volume 1640

vote nm vote 1046

voter v to vote 1248

votre det your 214

vôtre nadj(f) yours 4065

vouer v to devote, dedicate to, vow to 2950

vouloir nm,v to want 57

vous pro you 50

voyage nm trip, journey 904

Page 257

voyager v to travel 2194

voyageur nadj traveler 2629

vrai adv,nadj true 292

vraiment adv truly, really, very 361

vraisemblablement adv most probably 3739

vue nf view 191

vulgaire nadj(f) vulgar, common, popular 4886

vulnérable adj(f) vulnerable 3479


week-end nm weekend 2475


y adv,nmi,pro there 36

yen nm yen 4017

yougoslave nadj(f) Yugoslav, Yugoslavian 4077


zéro nm zero 2274

zone nf zone, area 860

Page 258

Part of speech index

Rank frequency (501, 502...),headword, English equivalent

Function words


6 et and

9 que that, which, who, whom

30 mais but

32 comme like, as

33 ou or

34 si if, whether

44 aussi too, also, as

119 quand when

145 donc so, then, therefore, thus

166 soit either...or

176 car because

193 pourquoi why

229 ni nor

234 comment how

256 lorsque when

300 or now

352 cependant however

528 puisque since

770 toutefois however

800 combien how much, how many

1170 sinon otherwise, or else

1271 néanmoins nevertheless

3243 quoique although, though


1 le the

2 de some, any

3 un a, an, one

12 ce this, that

24 tout all, very

26 son his, her, its

28 autre other

35 leur them, their, theirs

41 deux two

56 premier first

60 mon my

63 aucun none, either, neither, not any

70 quelque some

73 notre our

110 certain certain

115 trois three

142 tel such

146 quel which, what

151 chaque each

213 plusieurs several

214 votre your

253 quatre four

288 cinq five

330 ton your

372 dix ten

379 second second

427 deuxième second

450 six six

506 troisième third

704 cent one hundred

752 divers diverse, various

787 neuf nine

801 nul nil, null

877 huit eight

905 sept seven

1008 mille a thousand

1273 vingt twenty

1472 quinze fifteen

1542 seconde second

1603 quatrième fourth

1646 trente thirty

1664 douze twelve

2030 cinquième fifth

2273 cinquante fifty

2436 quarante forty

2447 onze eleven

3124 sixième sixth

3151 soixante sixty

3245 treize thirteen

3285 seize sixteen

3359 quatorze fourteen

3592 dix-huit eighteen

3812 dix-sept seventeen

3881 vingtième twentieth

3997 dix-neuvième nineteenth

4028 septième seventh

4149 vingt-quatre twenty four

4436 vingt-cinq twenty five

4602 dixième tenth

4778 huitième eighth

4851 dix-neuf nineteen

4887 soixante-dix seventy


30 mais but

75 non no

94 bon good

109 there, here

234 comment how

284 oui yes

736 d'accord okay, alright

889 euh er, um, uh

1070 merci thank you

1361 oh oh

1405 ah ah, oh

1692 eh hey, uh

1928 ouais yeah

1979 bonjour hello

2076 hein eh, huh

2205 salut hi, bye

2262 dieu god

2376 merde sh*t, crap

2581 gare look out!

3570 mince rats!

3722 tiens ah, well

3871 hey

3952 hélas alas

3968 adieu goodbye, farewell, adieu

3984 diable devil

4564 bravo bravo, well done

4938 hum um, uh

4965 ha oh

Page 259


2 de of, from, some, any

4 à to, at, in

7 en in, by

10 pour for, in order to

11 dans in, into, from

16 sur on, upon

21 par by

23 avec with

40 avant before

55 entre between

62 moins less

71 sans without

82 après after

89 pendant during

96 depuis since, for

121 contre against

122 sous under

134 jusque to, up to, until

182 vers toward

185 dès from, as soon

198 devant in front, ahead

206 chez at, with

225 près near, nearby, close by

240 selon according to

389 parmi among

394 plein full

406 malgré despite, in spite of

476 sauf except

501 passé past

524 voilà right, there, here

678 environ about, thereabouts, or so

795 durant during, for

805 derrière behind

838 proche nearby, close

865 hors except, outside

974 outre besides

1103 voici here is, here are, this is, these are
