Chapter Ten


I HAD THE OVERWHELMING urge to write. My fingers burned to put ink to paper to try to sort out everything that was on my mind.

I sat down at a small table along the wall, and Donna took the seat on the other side as we watched the guys prepare for their game of pool.

“You all right?” she asked as I drummed my fingers on the table.

“Just thinking of some lyrics.” I smiled politely at her as my eyes went back to the guys. E and Terry were on one team against Derek and Chris. They were already taking jabs at each other as Chris broke.

“I wish I could put words down on a paper and have it come out as a beautiful song.”

“Some of the most beautiful songs come from pain,” I said sullenly as my eyes danced over E, who was bent over the table and lining up his shot.

“You and E are close, huh?”

Her words caught me off guard, and I quickly looked down at the chipping black paint on my nails. “We’re just friends.” I regretted using the word just, but Donna ignored it.

She nodded and took a sip from her beer as her eyes followed E around the pool table. “I’m worried about him.”

“Why? What did he say?” My voice rose an octave.

“You know E.” Her eyes fell to mine and she smiled sadly. “He doesn’t say much. But when he gets down, it is nearly impossible to pull him out of it. He doesn’t open up.”

E walked over, pool stick in hand, and grabbed Donna’s beer from the table, winking at her as he picked it up and put it to his lips.

“You winning?” she asked,

He smiled with a quick nod. He glanced at me but quickly looked back to Donna and kissed her on the forehead. “I’m doing all right.”

She smiled and reached out to run the pad of her thumb over the small cut on Eric’s bottom lip. “That looks like it hurts.”

“You should see the other guy.” He winked as he tucked her hair behind her ear and turned around to watch the game.

I picked at the chipping paint from my pinkie nail and watched the flake flutter to the dirty wooden floor as I hummed to myself.

“I’ll be right back,” E called to Donna and disappeared into the main bar area.

A few minutes later he returned with a pen and a piece of paper from an order pad. He set them down next to me and his lips curved up slightly.

I stopped humming, realizing that he had heard me.

“Write it down,” he said quietly, and turned back to the pool game. My heart stuttered at how well he knew me.

I flipped the paper over in my hand before jotting down a few lines.

I drove all night trying to escape,

the truth of you I cannot take,

On E and broken-down,

why is that bad luck follows when you come around?

“Get me a beer?” My eyes shot up to Derek’s and I nodded as I crumbled the paper and tossed it on the table.

I slid off my stool and made my way into the crowded bar. Country music blared from the speakers and I bobbed my head to the beat as I waited for the bartender to notice me. Fingers trailed over my lower back, followed by the unmistakable smell of E’s cologne. My body stiffened but his hand fell away, an easy smile on his face.

He leaned in closer to my ear so I could hear him over the noise. “You all right?” His breath against my neck gave me a chill.

“I’m fine.” I stared ahead at the cash register.

“Nothing’s changed.” His voice was lower, and I knew exactly what he was referring to.

“I know. I promise I’m fine.” Everything seemed to have changed. He nodded and held up his hand to get the bartender’s attention. She made her way over to us, leaning over the wooden top toward E.

“Six buds, please.”

Her eyes drifted lower to where his shirt stretched tight over his chest. “Coming right up.” She turned to grab the beers from the fridge behind her and E laughed.

“What?” I snapped.

“Why do you look so pissed off?”

“I’m not. I was just thinking.” Why the hell was I pissed off? Women looked at E all of the time.

The bartender set the beers in front of us. I tried to grab money from my pocket, but E put his hand on my arm and slowly shook his head no as he pulled his wallet from his back pocket.

“I don’t need you to buy my beer.” I grabbed three of the bottles as he set money on the bar, and he grabbed the other three.

“I know you don’t.”

We made our way through the crowd and I managed not to spill beer all over myself. I gave a bottle to Chris and held one out to Derek. He took it without a glance and drank it half down.

“You could at least say thank you,” I snapped.

“Thank you.” His voice dripped with sarcasm but he was smiling sweetly.

“Not to me. To E. He bought it for you.” I rolled my eyes as I glanced over at the table. E was standing in front of Donna, his head bent down close to her, and I couldn’t tell if they were kissing. Derek’s gaze followed mine as he ran the chalk over the end of his stick.

“He looks happy.”

“Yeah . . . he does.”

His face studied mine for a moment. “So why don’t you?” His eyes were narrowed and his beer-laced breath blew across my face.

“I am.” I tried to hide my frustration with him from my voice, but I was sure he caught it. “I’m just exhausted.”

This caused him to smile and he pressed his body against my side. “We did have quite a workout earlier.” His lips pressed against my neck and I leaned into his touch, closing my eyes as his arm slipped around my waist.

“Want to play another game?” E asked, and I opened my eyes to see him standing behind Donna, his hands on her shoulders. “I think the twins gave up.” He motioned with his chin, and I turned around to see Chris and Terry in a deep conversation with the women at the table behind us.

“Couples?” Derek asked with an eyebrow cocked.

“I don’t even know how to play.” Donna shook her head, and E pressed his mouth against her hair and said something in her ear, but his eyes watched me.

“Just us,” E called out. “Unless you’re afraid I’ll kick your ass,” he added with a laugh, and Donna brought her elbow back into his side and shook her head.

Derek laughed humorlessly and shot him a pointed glare. I knew I would never hear the end of his hatred for E when we got back to our room. “Not afraid, man. Not as long as I got my good-luck charm beside me.” Derek kissed my neck again, but it wasn’t soft and sweet as it had been a moment ago. He was clearly marking his territory, keeping his glare squarely on E.

“Want to make it interesting?” E’s fingers moved softly against Donna’s shoulders, but tension was obvious in his grip, too.

“Name your terms.”
