Jean heard a little squeak just as Katie and Ray were beginning their vows. She turned round and saw Jamie slip into the room and stand behind that nice young lady in the wheelchair.
Now everything was perfect.
“Why I, Katie Margaret Hall,” said Katie.
“May not be joined in matrimony,” said the registrar.
“May not be joined in matrimony,” said Katie.
“To Ray Peter Jonathon Phillips,” said the registrar.
Jean turned to look at Jamie for a second time. What on earth had happened to him? He looked as if he’d been dragged through a hedge backward.
“To Ray Peter Jonathon Phillips,” said Katie.
Jean’s heart sank a little.
“Now the solemn moment has come,” said the registrar, “for Ray and Katie to contract their marriage before you, their witnesses, families and friends.”
Then Jean remembered that her heart was not allowed to sink. Not now. Jamie had been doing a good thing. And these people were good people. They would sympathize.
“So can I ask you all to stand,” said the registrar, “and join together for the celebration of their marriage.”
Everyone stood.
They would get home and Jamie could change into new clothes and everything would be perfect again.
“Ray,” said the registrar, “will you take Katie to be your wedded wife, to share your life with her, to love, support and comfort her whatever the future may bring?”
“I will,” said Ray.
“Katie,” said the registrar, “will you take Ray to be your wedded husband, to share your life with him, to love, support and comfort him whatever the future may bring?”
“I will,” said Katie.
From several rows back, Jean heard Douglas say, “You go, girl.”