Список литературы

Глава 1

Chapoutier G., Kreutzer M., Menini C., 1980. Psychophysiologie — Le système nerveux et le comportment, Montréal, Études vivantes, Paris.

Chavaillon J. (1985). Les premiers habitants d'Ethiopie, La Recherche, n° 165, p. 449–451.

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Tinbergen N., 1953. L'étude de l'instinct, Paris, Payot.

Глава 2

Общие работы

Chatlan J., Gratiot-Alphandery H., Doron R., Cazayus P., 1977. Les grandes psychologies modernes, Bruxulles, Dessart.

Consier J., 1970. Clef pour la Psychologie, Paris, Seghers.

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Reuchlin M. (1974). Histoire de la psychologie (9eédition), Paris, P. U. F., Que sais-je? n° 732.

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Цитированная литература

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Zajonc R. B. (1965). "Social Facilitation", Science, n° 149, p. 269–274.

Глава 3

Общие работы

Cohen D., 1976. Psychologists on Psychology, New York, Taplinger.

Fourastie J., 1966. Les conditions de l'esprit scientifique, Paris, Gallimard.

Fraisse P., Piaget J., 1963. Traité de psychologie expérimentale, I — Historie et Méthodes, Paris, P.U.F.

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Цитированная литература

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Глава 4

Общие работы

Cartwright R. D., 1977. Night Life: Explorations in dreaming, Englewood Cliffs. N. J. Prentice Hall.

Cartwright R. D. (1979). "Des rêves sur commande: ce n'est pas un rêve", Psychologie, n° 110, p. 24–31.

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Цитированная литература

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Zucker I., 1980. "Behavior and biological rhythms", in: D. Krieger (Ed.), Neuroendocrinology, Sunderland, Massachusetts, Sinauer.

Глава 5

Общие работы

Bauer E. (1984). "Criticism and controversies in parapsychology. An overview", European Journal of Parapsychology, vol. 5, n° 2, p. 141–165.

Bélanger L., 1978. Psi au-delà de l'occultisme, Montréal, Québec-Amérique.

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Kurtz P. (Éd.), 1985. A skeptic's handbook of parapsychology, Buffalo, NY, Prometheus Books.

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Schmidt H. (1969). "Clairvoyance Test with a Machine", Journal of Parapsychology, 33, p. 300–306.

Schmidt H. (1969). "Precognition of a Quantum Process", Journal of Parapsychology, 33, p. 99–108.

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Thouless R. H., 1972. From anecdote to experiment in psychical research, London, Routhledge.

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Van De Castle R. L. (1969). "The facilitation of ESP throw hypnosis", American Journal of Clinical hypnosis, vol. 12, n° 1, p. 37–56.

Wolman B. B., 1977. Handbook of Parapsychology, New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company.

Цитированная литература

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Глава 6

Общие работы

Azrin N. H. R., Hutchinson R. R., McLaughlin R. (1965). "The Opportunity for Aggression as an Operant Reinforcer during Adversive Stimulation", Journal of Experimental Analysis of Behavior, n° 8, p. 171–180.

Bandura A., 1973. Aggression: A social learning analysis, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall.

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Kaplan R. M., Singer R. D. (1976). "Television violence and viewer aggression: A reexamination of the evidence", Journal of Social Issues, n° 32, p. 35–70.

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McCarthy E. D., Langner T. S., Gersten J. C., Eisenberg J. G., Orzeck L. (1975). "The effects of television on children and adolescents: Violence and behavior disorders", Journal of Communication, n° 25, p. 71–85.

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Smith D., King M., Hoebel B. G. (1970). "Lateral hypothalamic control of killing: Evidence for a cholinoreceptive mechanism", Science, n° 167, p. 900–901.

Цитированная литература

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Zillmann D., Katcher A. H., Milavsky B. (1977). "Excitation transfer from physical exercice to subsequent aggressive behavior", Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, n° 35, p. 587–596.

Глава 7

Общие работы

Breland K., Breland M. (1961). "The misbehavior of organisms", American Psychologist, n° 61, p. 681–684.

Brown P. L., Jenkins H. M. (1968). "Auto-shaping of the pigeons keypeck", Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, n° 11, p. 1–8.

Garcia J., Erwin F. E., Koelling R. A. (1966). "Learning with prolonged delay of reinforcement", Psychonomic Science, n° 5, p. 121–122.

Godefroid J., 1979. L'amassage de nourriture chez les rongeurs, Thèse de doctorat, Liège (ronèo).

Jenkins H. M., 1973. "Effects of the stimulus reinforcer relation on selected and unselected responses", in: R. A. Hinde et J. Stevenson Hinde (Eds.), Constraints on learning: Limitations and predispositions, London, Academic Press.

Seligman M. E. P., 1975. Helplessness: On depression, development and death, San Francisco, Freeman.

Smith R. F., Gustavson C. R., Gregor G. L. (1972). "Incompatibility between the pigeon's unconditioned response to shock and the conditioned keypeck response", Journal of the Experimental analysis of Behavior, n° 18, p. 147–153.

Цитированная литература

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