Salvatore had left Father Daniel's chamber at the first scream of the boat siren, running down the central passageway toward the landing. When he saw only the dark of the channel and heard nothing more, he came back.

They must leave immediately, he said. Other than Eros Barbu himself, only Edward Mooi knew how to bring a boat in through the channels, and the boat had not come. The siren had been a signal, a warning.

If it had been the police Mooi was warning them about, they would have been there by now – Roscani and an army of Gruppo Cardinale people with him – and the media close behind. But since the boat siren, there had been only silence. So Mooi was telling them something else.

'Salvatore is right.' Harry was suddenly looking at Elena. 'We have to get out. And now.'

'How? We can't take your brother up the elevator. Even if we could get him there, the cage is too small.'

'Ask Salvatore if there is another boat.'

'I don't have to ask. There is not. Luca and the others took the only one there was.'

'Ask him anyway!' Harry could feel time closing in. 'A raft. A float. Anything we can put Danny on to take him out by water.'

Elena looked to Salvatore and repeated Harry's plea in Italian.

'Forse,' Salvatore said. 'Forse.'

