California, shows that those who run states make splendid foreign- policy leaders, especially those with experience of biffing unions — ударять (кулаком).

A bifurcated structure; this bifurcation occurred ar every level — вилкообразный, раздвоенный.

Her bigamist husband's second wife, Mary Wambui, persecuted her — двоеженец.

Bigotry and social graces aren't necessarily correlated with each other; he dismissed Evangelicals as backwoods bigots фанатизм; нетерпимость.

The bijou capital of Vermont, with its little gold-domed capitol backed by woods, is not opposed to commerce — маленький и изящный.

Gram for gram, bear-bile flakes or powder sell in Japan for more than cocaine in Asia — желчь.

That Mr Bakiyev bilked the country is not in doubt — потерпевший от жульничества.

Using his Microsoft riches, Mr Allen has also accrued some of the typical trappings of billionairedom: professional sports teams, famous friends such as Bono, and a mega-yacht, the Octopus — стиль жизни миллиардера.

The bilious argument over American health care has not helped —


Britons bin food — хранить в закромах.

It would be idiotic to claim that Britain is perfect. The vomitous binge-drinking mainly by the young — кутеж, попойка.

Vincent Van Gogh seemed made for a bittersweet Hollywood bio- pic — байопик (фильм-биография, биографический фильм).

He was an unrelenting thorn in the hierarchy's side, a lifelong crusader against the rigid canon lawyers and "mitred birdbrains" — придурок.

Police attacked them with tear-gas and birdshot — smallest size of shot for sporting rifles or other guns.

To Mr Tata's right, watching it all, was Cyrus Mistry, twirling a biro and wearing a poker face — шариковая ручка (по названию торговой марки).

And further east in Asia, though ties with Japan have improved, India has been a bit-player — актер, исполняющий эпизодическую роль; статист.

The people who will vote for The Donald are the disaffected bit- ter-clingers whom the last candidate you passionately begged us to vote — фанатики.

Bizarrely, each side, in some respects, feeds the other's appetite — очень странно.

By now proving immune to Mr Sanders's left-wing blandish­ments, they appear to have done Mrs Clinton much the same service — упрашивание, обольщение.

Let us hope that blabbermouth politicians, bureaucrats, media 'moguls' and, more than any other, the UNO, appreciates and follows the craft of 'economics'; sit next to tedious blabbermouths — нудный, скучный трепач.

How long after exposure to blackleg would you expect to see symp­toms? — черная ножка (болезнь крупного рогатого скота, растений).

Some backbenchers also blanched at the micro-managing zeal with which Mr Osborne announced a slew of infrastructure projects both large and tiny — бледнеть (от страха, холода, голода).

Beer flows cheaply, but I see little else to cheer in their deliberate blandness — банальность.

Mr Moon knew he was mocked, but smiled blandly through it — любезно, обходительно.

Your flirtation with Mr Dworkin's elitist theories suggests that you are susceptible to anti-democratic and Utopian blarney подхалимство, низкопоклонство.

Morris Chang, the master of contract chip manufacture, is bla­se about the semiconductor crash — пресыщенный, утративший вкус к жизни.

Blatancy is a means of weeding out all but the most credulous respondents — вульгарность.

They see it less as an example to be copied than as a tiresome nag, forever blathering about fiscal probity — болтовня, пустой раз­говор.

The agreement on the EU reform treaty may have left Europe's lea­ders bleary eyed with its late finish — с затуманенным взором.

And so far the world has made barely a bleat of protest — блеяние; мычание.

The Republicans who have been bleating about the border are far from satisfied — говорить глупости.

Instead, the death of old television has been a slow bleed — исте­чение кровью.

But here's a question: should it still be a blemish? — деффект, не­совершенство, изъян.

A world where there may soon be no way to disconnect, Blimey! Что б мне провалиться! Иди ты!

China's domestic market for bling will be bigger than Japan's — дорогие, броские ювелирные украшения.

Only a blinkered partisan would believe any of these charges — ограниченный, зашоренный.

For months financial markets have been speculating about the size of the capital hole in Slovenia's blitzed-out banks стремительно и неожиданно атаковать, разрушать.

Yet the blithe premise of Mr Cameron's decision to call a refer­endum — that the vote would "clear the air" in the Conservative Party — жизнерадостный, счастливый.

They're assuming another 1994, when a blithering Democratic president got shredded on his controversial proposals — несущий чепуху; законченный, полный.

The public has seemed blithely confident that the share of the nation's wealth taken by government has been more or less correct — веселый, жизнерадостный.

A bloated state saps public finances — swollen, take away some­body's energy — жирный, обрюзгший.

The party's president Tim Farron — a blokeish populist who, giv­en a guitar, would make a fine youth-club leader — поведение, вкусы и пристрастия, которые принято считать традиционно мужским.

Everyone's copybook has thus been blotted over the past few years — ложка дегтя в бочке меда.

To impose sanctions on those who deliberately attack hospitals, or otherwise treat the Geneva conventions as blotting paper — промокашка.

Britain has a big drink problem and like most chilly north European countries, it has an ancient tradition of getting blotto — одурманенный, пьяный.

A former general, John Kelly started well by using his first day to fire the bloviating Mr Scaramucci — рассуждать с видом знатока.

Mr Trump is a blowhard who even now seems unaware of the magnitude and complexity of the office he holds — хвастун.

What bothers the Fed is the price it paid: political blowback from foreign governments, Republicans on Capitol Hill, and even from inside the Fed itself — непредусмотренный результат.

It took two months of verbal bludgeoning by senior European politicians and central bankers; Juan Jose Gerardi was bludgeoned to death two days after its publication — бить дубинкой.

This blunderbuss of innovation produced such products as camphene, derived from turpentine, an oil from trees — мушкетон (короткоствольное ружье с раструбом).

The only unkind word that experts have for such green taxes is that they are too often blunted by blanket exemptions or rebates — притуплять.

In his blustery speech to parliament on May 9th Prime Minis­ter Yusuf Raza Gilani struck out on an odd tangent to praise China — хвастливый, шумливый.

The expected purchase by BA (a oneworld member) of a smaller rival, bmi, from Lufthansa (a Star member), may boost oneworld's po­sition by adding bmi's Heathrow slots to oneworld's already dominant position — индекс массы тела (соотношение веса и роста человека).

When a friend boasted he had been playing football when his wife gave birth (some men in the Valley are rather hands-off), Mr Goldberg scolded him for his inattentiveness — кичиться, похваляться.

Mr Aquino, whose family, huge landowners, is not short of a bob, has made a stand against corruption — обеспеченная.

Some oil experts now think the oil price, currently bobbing around the $30 mark, could climb as high as $35 — движение из стороны в сторону, колебание.

London has black cabs, New York its yellow ones. Bangkok has tuk- tuks and Hanoi has rickshaws. In Kampala, the boda-boda motorcycle taxi is the Ugandan capital's defining symbol (across the no-man's-land between the borders of Uganda and Kenya — от границы до границы, местное произношение.

They're being killed on an industrial scale because it's believed by some that the bodger on their bonce has medicinal properties — a person who makes or repairs something badly or clumsily — неуклюжий человек.

Offered a choice between political suicide and a crippled half-life as a legal party, Myanmar's main opposition, unlike Hamlet, reached for the bare bodkin — шило, длинная шпилька для волос.

Boffins flock to America because its universities are the best — исследователь, ученый.

Why the online giant has become the country's bogeyman and why this matters — чудовище, монстр.

Bogus degrees from non-existent colleges cause headaches for employers — поддельный, фальшивый.

The claims and junk studies they do are easily shown to be noth­ing but normal physiological changes any healthy bogy goes thru dai­ly — страшный человек.

A bunch of ideological claptrap — boilerplate answers couched as assertions without any supporting; this could well be boilerplate — избитое или трафаретное выражение; трюизм.

The reaction from the continent was as trepidatious as that from the Tory Party was boisterous бурный, неистовый, яростный.

There are already signs that the German economy may be coming off the boil — ослабнуть, уменьшиться.

Another is between civilian leftist idealists and the "boligarchs" — бывшие офицеры армии, обогатившиеся со времени правления коррумпированного режима Чавеса.

Both resorted to higher public spending and debt as an easy op­tion to buy off bolshy voters — I asked her to help me but she's being a bit bolshy about it — большой.

But he had not anticipated that the currency would so soon be­come a bolt-hole for panicky investors fleeing turmoil in world financial markets — прибежище, пристанище, убежище.

When Disney's "Johnny Carter", an adventure flick, bombed last year, the entertainment giant suffered a $160m write-off — фиаско, провал.

Dmitry Rogozin, a bombastic, anti-Western politician who is now a deputy prime minister in Mr Putin's government — напыщенный, помпезный.

As for hiring a single sex, the key is whether that sex is a "bona fide occupational qualification" — добросовестный; подлинный.

As soon as he collapses on the job he is carted off to the knacker's yardto be turned into glue and bonemeal — костная мука (удобрение или корм).

Mr Gomez is advising his friends back home in Spain to bone up on the language and then "leave, get out" — зубрить, долбить.

Several cheered any chance to cut spending, even bone-headed- ly — тупоголово.

Half a dozen bonbons, or a dozen bottles, are easier to pick be­tween than 30 or 40 and an internet dating site may come up with not just a few dozen, but thousands of allegedly suitable matches — конфета; леденец.

For Mr Bersani encouraging tax evasion would be like pouring gasoline on a bonfire — костер.

Men in suits swarmed everywhere, but not one spliff or bong could be seen — кальян для курения марихуаны.

The bonhomie has gone, but the Conservatives and the Liber­al Democrats have together begun remaking the state; the bonhomie could disappear when Mr Trump defines his policies more clearly — добродушие, дружелюбие.

I need a brain transplant because I can drive myself absolutely bonkers — сумасшедший.

Lift the bonnet of the economy and it emerges that the fastest-im­proving part is the transport-manufacturing industry — детский чепчик.

There is probably not a person alive who does not have some bee in his bonnet about the way other people speak and write — при бабах.

McCain tried to serve boob bait to Bubba — болван, олух, дуралей.

Though he played the boofhead both onscreen and off, he was serious about wildlife — дурак.

By doing this they help restrain political short-termism, avoiding fiscal boom and bust — бум и крах.

The latest is a boomlet in state laws requiring — ажиотаж, шумиха.

For a country whose tax receipts total around 11% of GDP, that is a sizeable boon — благо, благодеяние.

The Rams' move to Los Angeles does not mean the boondoggle is over — зряшный труд.

Rural medics make more, because few doctors want to live in the boondocks — глушь, захолустье, дебри, джунгли.

History suggests that those boorish politicians are misjudg­ing a country that is better-mannered than this — невоспитанный, неучтивый.

But despite the Tito boosterism, the hotel's employees say they "don't care much for politics" — энергичное и активное продвижение чего-л.

In the beginning it was bootstrapping and rowdy — пробиваться, добиваться (чего-л. без посторонней помощи).

When Moon Su-jong, a web designer at a mid-sized South Korean chaebol, or conglomerate, joined a late-night company booze-up and declined alcohol, her bosses guessed that she was pregnant. What other reason could there be for not drinking? — попойка.

Comatose teenagers line every gutter in the boozy Britain of popu­lar imagination — пьющий, выпивающий.

Jazz band in front of the state capitol building in Tallahassee sung a boppy little number with a chorus of "Goo-goo, ga-ga, those Democrats cry like babies" — бибоп (род джазовой музыки).

Paying for boreholes in Namibia rather than reconnaissance drones in Lithuania sounds like special pleading to America — буровая скважина.

The two countries, cold and distant in the past, have suddenly be­come bosom friends — закадычный.

We need the French, or else this will be seen as Germany bossing everybody else — хозяйничать.

Robotics firms are working on friendly bots — роботы.

The government has wasted huge amounts of money on botched IT projects — плохо сделанная работа.

Investigations traced cyber attacks only to Russian "hacktivists" and criminal botnets — группа роботов, работающих в автономном режиме на одной программе.

In court he tops his billowy white boubou, the traditional mens- wear of west Africa, with aviator sunglasses and an elaborate turban — длинное цветное платье, популярное в Африке.

His strongman shtick, enthusiasm for waterboarding and noncha­lance over the beating of a protester at a recent rally give off an incipient whiff of a kind of bouffant fascism — пышный (о прическе).

The election was certainly a bouleversement, but less in the di­rection of a two-party system — serious uproar: a scene of shouting and anger (formal) — насильственная перестановка; изменение порядка.

European elites once assumed that national identities would eventually blend into a continental bouillabaisse — буйабес (рыбная похлебка с чесноком, овощами и пряностями), попурри.

The undiscovered country, from whose bourn no traveller returns is a worry for many people other than Hamlet — ручей; поток.

With the Brazilian, Chinese and Indonesian bourses all more than doubling, in dollar terms фондовая биржа (в каком-л. европейском центре, кроме Лондона).

Nonetheless, he still loved to watch film of his old bouts — "Soooh fast! Soooh pretty!" — схватка; встреча.

Whether bovine or equine, the bill is belated — коровий, бычий, как корова.

Obama had persuaded allies to impose "unprecedented" sanctions that have left Iran boxed-in and isolated — загнанный в угол.

Many complained about the salacious scenes that previous bowdlerised editions had omitted — выбрасывать из книги все неже­лательное, одиозное (по имени проф. Т. Боудлера; выпустил в 1818 г.

особое издание пьес Шекспира, в котором были опущены «слова и выражения, которые нельзя произносить вслух при детях»).

Yes, the people will go back to the streets if another puppet, bozo, or fool like Morsi is elected to office — тупица, болван.

The economy was braced for disaster and capital controls were in place for the first time in the euro zone's history — охватывать, опоясывать.

Socialist China has the world's brashest capitalist economy — дерзкий, наглый.

In its quest for nuclear weapons, North Korea is a master of brag­gadocio — хвастовство, бахвальство.

The party's 2016 presidential nominating contest is a brag-a-thon, dominated by such Washington-bashing outsiders as the businessman Donald Trump, who delights in telling crowds that he is "really smarf' and "really rich" — суффикс в словах наподобие слов marathon, waskathon, readathon.

Mr Havel led a bunch of friends in the summer of 1978 to meet a group headed by Adam Michnik, the brainbox of the Warsaw opposi­tion — умный, сообразительный человек.

One no-brainer measure to reduce the deficit and improve growth would be to move the retirement age up to 70 — небином Ньютона (что-л., не требующее большого ума, простое, очевидное).

Lots of brainteasers of a sort favoured by interviewers at Goog­le — умственная загадка.

In earlier life a brainy academic with a liberal, bohemian streak — мозговитый, умный, способный, понятливый.

The field was all brambles, and the cattle struggled — ежевика.

Russia has in the past shown a willingness to brandish its natu­ral-gas reserves as a weapon — махать, размахивать.

The top brass are not exempt according to an official report last year on a meeting of the Central Military Commission — «шишка», заправила.

But so far there have been few other signs that the authorities are ready to brave the wrath of the incumbents — мужественно встречать, смотреть в лицо.

Days after his quarrel over the 1967 borders with Mr Obama, Isra­el's prime minister turned in a bravura performance in the absent presi­dent's backyard — бравурный пассаж, бравурная пьеса.

It requires more brain and brawn мускулы; мускульная сила.

And as they say in Chicago, politics is a bare fisted brawl шумная ссора, перебранка.

As the coffers emptied, the critics brayed — кричать, вопить.

The traffickers are getting ever more brazen; He reached the lows of brazenness — держаться дерзко; нахально.

So every single person who is not filthy rich is on the breadline? — очередь безработных за бесплатным питанием.

Ronald Reagan breezed that with their family values and work ethic, "Latinos are Republicans, they just don't know it yet" — легкое за­мечание.

Yet the breakneck growth of the recent past is unlikely to resu­me — с головокружительной быстротой.

Despite Mr Biden's breezy optimism, the politics of Iraq remain as volatile as gelignite — веселый, оживленный.

Chuck Hagel, Barack Obama's nominee for defence secretary, is attracting brickbats because he joined a campaign to eliminate nuclear weapons — нелестная критика; резкое замечание.

Lebanon, a country carpeted in historical bric-a-brac, is still re­covering from its 1975-91 civil war — безделушки; старинные вещи.

Dinosaurs of the bricks-and-mortar age — классическое время до появления интернета.

Office collections for the umpteenth bridal or baby shower have destroyed the sense of boundaries that characterises professional be­haviour — вечеринка в доме невесты накануне свадьбы с вручением невесте свадебных подарков.

Now that they are in power, the region's far-left populists bri­dle at any criticism, domestic or foreign — возмущаться, выражать негодование.

Truly well-governed countries produce few brigands — бандит, разбойник.

His plan for fishing the company out of the freezing briny rests largely on making smartphones that use Microsoft's Windows — соленые воды моря.

Austria has had some lucky breaks and has used them with brio — живость, оживление.

The Middle East pot is brimful with problems — полный до краев.

Young men bristling with guns careen in pickups along pave­ments — ощетинившийся.

Inherited grudges may complicate brittle international relations in North-East Asia — ломкий, хрупкий.

Ireland shortly surprise themselves with the half-brogue they start producing — провинциальный акцент.

A month after the Americans declared a pause in their efforts to broker peace between the Israelis and Palestinians — быть посредником.

I guess it was the public display of the bromance — близкие, но не интимные, отношения между двумя мужчинами.

Why get together just to produce a lot of happy-clappy bro­mides about how the United States and Europe are working together — несколько общих фраз.

He behaves like a bucking bronco — полудикая лошадь.

It riles Koreans struggling to pay for their own brood — толпа, род.

Mr Obama broods about possible unintended consequences when he hears calls to intervene — размышлять; вынашивать.

The issue hangs broodingly over Westminster — нависший, по­груженный в раздумья.

Oddly, this brouhaha could redound to Mr Brown's advantage — шумиха; сенсация.

The king brooks no criticism — выносить, допускать (в отрица­тельных предложениях).

He was a perennial thorn who used state pension plans to brow­beat bosses; Keep browbeating the "fascist" Marathas and "Gujjus", even while sneering at the Tamils, Malayalees, Telugus, etc — запугивать; на­водить страх.

Today such rumours, scurrilous or not, are not so much whis­pered as bruited by megaphone by Chinese citizens — разносить, рас­пространять слухи.

Small wonder then that Tim Geithner, America's treasury secre­tary, visiting Beijing this month to seek China's help in curbing Iranian oil exports, received a polite brush-off отказ; неприятие.

Commerzbank, one of the leading lenders, brusquely noted that Babcock was no longer "capable" or "worthy" of being restructured — бесцеремонный, бестактный, грубый.

But as ever, it is Liberia's poor majority who really bear the brunt — главный удар, основная тяжесть.

Steve Jarding and Dave "Mudcat" Saunders, two consultants, think that if Democrats are to win elections, they need to woo "Bubba", short­hand for a white, rural and especially Southern working-class voter who has been told by Republicans that "Democrats are nothing but a bunch of anti-gun, anti-God, tax-and-spend wimps" — деревенщина, неотесан­ный человек.

The spectre of a stronger yuan will, temporarily at least, worsen China's asset-price bubbliness — оживление, шипучий напиток.

Housing markets in several countries are looking decidedly bub­bly — живой, оживленный.

Cutting emissions may, however, mean scarring bucolic land­scapes with wind farms, nuclear plants — буколический; пасторальный.

Politicians these days only know buck passing, shy away from their responsibilities and try their best to take the credit they don't de­serve — перекладывание ответственности на других.

What distinguishes the companies that have bucked Japan's cor­porate downturn? — противиться, сопротивляться.

A euro-zone bail-out mechanism was agreed and the European Central Bank started buying government bonds by the bucketload — ведрами.

Examples of whole grains include quinoa, amaranth, millet, barley, rye, buckwheat, whole-grain rice and whole-grain wheat — гречневая крупа, гречка.

A dictatorship has budded amazingly into a mature demo­cracy, a country with stable institutions and impressive prosperity — расцветать.

After several weeks of electioneering, the opinion polls have barely budged — пошевельнуть, сдвинуть с места.

The economy has been buffeted by the conflict next door in Syria, Lebanon's only neighbour other than Israel — наносить удары; ударять.

International shows of Brazilian artists, including young ones, nowadays attract art buffs from Warsaw to Taipei — любитель, по­клонник.

A big bugbear in India's relations with its neighbours is its habit of announcing cross-border infrastructure projects without consulting them — бука, пугало.

Either someone told the agency to bug the highest judge in the land, or the senator's phone was bugged — привязываться; надоедать.

His fascination of art turned into a collecting bug — поветрие, повальное увлечение.

I don't give a bugger what grown-ups think about it — гомосек­суалист, мужеложец.

One of the bugaboos that authors of science fiction sometimes use to scare their human readers is the idea that ants may develop intel­ligence and take over the Earth — страшилище, жупел.

The air force reservist chosen to introduce Mrs Clinton in Tampa was a shy former boss of an aircraft maintenance squadron, rather than a bullet-chewing warrior-type — воинственный.

Mr Rubio had a point, but Mr Obama has a much bigger bullhorn — рупорный громкоговоритель.

Germany bulldozed aside all doubts; Turkey needs to become more open and pluralistic, but Mr Erdogan's blustering, bulldozing style does not augur well for that — грозить насилием; принуждать.

Gold can be viewed as a currency, and with most countries happy to see their currencies decline, one might think bullion would benefit, not suffer — слиток золота или серебра.

As president he dispatched 13,000 militiamen to suppress an anti- tax uprising by whiskey-making farmers (putting modern grumbles about bullying by the IRS into perspective) — запугивание.

Corporate America is not bulimic any more — страдающий повы­шенным чувством голода.

A new study offers hope in the battle against bulging waistlines — разбухший; набухающий.

The country's secularists consider the office a bulwark against a shift — оплот; защита.

Kirchner's cunning conspiracy or bumbling incompetence; The public seems now increasingly convinced... that scientists as a group are chiefly liars, bumbling idiots, and/or conspirators — неуклюжий, неповоротливый, неумелый.

Little is published on the Maldives, travel bumf aside, so it can be hard for analysts to judge whether gloom or hope is ascendant there — бумаги, туалетная бумага, документы.

And the policies seem good for bumiputra civil servants: the civil service is now 85% Malay, if one excludes teachers — коренного малазийского происхождения.

Analysts also expect its rivals to report bumper earnings for the most recent quarter — необычайно большой; изобилующий.

Toby Young is the most bumptious Englishman you are ever likely to meet — самоуверенный, надменный.

Politicians in all parts of the world want bung s, but Nig erian lead­ers are so greedy that they have subverted the entire machinery of state to serve their needs — взятка, подкуп.

At the moment, these markets are well and truly bunged up — закупоривать, затыкать.

A bungled rescue of Hong Kong hostages sparks a diplomatic row — плохо сделанная работа.

Called for him to resign as Israel's prime minister after dubbing him a serial bungler — плохой работник, растяпа.

I think your post is entirely bunk, but I am keen to know how you got to your conclusions чушь, ахинея.

Global trade in trinkets and bunkum financial products be damned — болтовня, чепуха.

You won't find me defending the disgusting, bungling US outrages that have been perpetrated in the ME — неумелый, безрукий; неловкий.

MP's claiming illegitimate expense, NHS consultants taking bungs to move people up the queue взятка, подкуп.

He knew that corpses are insensate matter, nothing more; loam, as Hamlet said later, with which to stop a bunghole — отверстие во фляжке.

The streets of Port-au-Prince are decked out in campaign bunt­ing — материя для флагов, праздничных декораций.

For a perfect balance of titillation and wistfulness, take a moment to watch this reunion of burlesque dancers; Berlusconi's burlesque — бурлеск, пародия; карикатура.

Underwriting and fixed-income trading were buoyant, equity trad­ing and advice were flattish — бодрый, жизнерадостный.

And Goldsmith's team then burnished the pages into a glossy, full-colour hardback — чистить, полировать.

Now, Mexicans are coming up in the world, owning their own homes and Mexico City hasn't seen a burro in a generation — ослик.

Both winners will receive a bursary of £ 6,000 to cover accommo­dation and travel — стипендия, грант.

Ms Palmer says that six years of busking, often as a living statue called "The Eight-Foot Bride", led her to realise that people willing to toss money in a hat do so according to their means and interest rather than in response to a specific reward — выступать перед прохожими (чтобы заработать на жизнь).

In this part of the port, there is no hustle and bustle — суета, су­матоха.

Many firms are reluctant to answer probing questions from West­ern busybodies: Gazprom, Russia's state-owned gas giant, scores zero on the first and third measures — пытливый.

Her Gestapo pursuers assumed any woman as skillful in evading them must be a butch matron — мужеподобная матрона.

Sir John and his committee have been the butt of much criticism, including from Mr Cameron himself — мишень, цель.

The aim was to butter up Red China, which Richard Nixon want­ed as an ally in the cold war against the Soviet Union — подлизываться, умасливать.

Many companies buttress their mission statements with a catchy slogan, something that acts as a quick and easy guide — усиливать, укреплять.

To get to a neighbour's house in Wales to watch the Thames Ju­bilee pageant this summer — and to enthuse about how he had just seen a buzzard circling overhead — американский гриф.

Any efforts to either restructure entitlements or raise the tax­es needed to pay for them have run into a buzz-saw of hostility — электропила.

Dante is more than a revered but bygone giant — прошлый, вы­шедший из моды.

It was a byword for conformity — the Church Courts were a by­word for iniquity in every country in Europe; Toyota is a byword for ex­cellence — олицетворение.

A a casualty of arbitrary laws, Draconian contractual terms and Byzantine bureaucracy — византийский.

The usual way bills are reconciled in Congress is by cabal; impe­rial ambitions of Washington's inner cabal; He was relying on a cabal of personal advisers — политическая клика; группа заговорщиков.

They do not wear kilts or toss the caber кейбер (бревно из ствола молодого дерева, используется при «метании ствола»).

The whole kit and caboodle of them; from Albania to Britain, and China; from the United States to Spain; from Nigeria to Zimbabwe, and all others in between — компания, орава.

In their dreams, election campaigns might still involve addressing crowds from the flag-draped caboose of a private train — служебный вагон в товарном поезде; тормозной вагон.

It raises their cachet and helps them move into TV ads, where the real money is — показатели, шкатулка.

Cack-handed Russian tactics are boosting NATO in eastern Eu­rope — неловкий, неуклюжий.

Christmas is the season of frenzied last-minute shopping, and ca­cophonous sales pitches aimed at impulse buyers — какофонический.

Sir James Goldsmith, tycoon, politician and cad, died on July 19th aged 64 — грубиян, хам.

In measured, musical, majestic cadences, he delivered his chal­lenge to Ronald Reagan's vision of America as "a shining city on a hill" — модуляция; понижение голоса.

"You still have to have a cadre of people who at the end of the day are able to go out there," explains Ian Lipkin of Columbia University — кадры, кадровый состав.

"We are sure they will respect Palestinian traditions and culture," says the culture minister cagily — сдержанно; осмотрительно.

It is entirely possible that another strongman, perhaps in ca­hoots with the army, will emerge to replace today's pluralistic free- for-all; Many related to the expropriation of peasants' land by corrupt local officials in cahoots with property developers — сообщничество, соучастие, сговор.

China should be condemned whenever it bribes or cajoles; He has the power to cajole and persuade leaders and guide them, gently, towards a consensus обхаживать; вводить в заблуждение.

It suits outsiders to have Mr Sarkozy play the role of cajoler-in- chief — верховный льстец.

The presidential election in Sri Lanka on January 26th should have been a cakewalk for the incumbent — увеселительная прогулка; кекуок, танец афро-американского происхождения.

Republican mid-term win complicates calculus in Iran talks — исчисление.

It looked like a calibrated insult to South Korea and Japan — вы­верять.

Her family made their money building the biggest calico printing company in the world, but quickly left their roots behind — набивной ситец.

In Sydney the number of local ambulance call-outs for overdoses fell by 80% in the places where shooting galleries opened — вызов.

When I stop to think about it I feel it must have been a very close call — чудом.

The current show includes his Olivier-nominated "Mambo 3XXI", in which dancers morph from synchronised callisthenics to joyful self- discovery in solos and duets — ритмическая гимнастика.

The callous young reporter assumes that all business executives are rich crooks who need to be exposed — черствый, бессердечный.

The need for change in Japan is pressing, but the callow opposi­tion hardly seems up to the job — незрелый, неопытный.

Might her calvary be about to end? — изображение крестных мук (в церкви).

Short-sellers perform a valuable function in financial markets, ex­posing managerial incompetence, corporate fraud or plain overvaluation, but their reward, all too often, is calumny — клевета; ложное обвинение.

He even got the cantankerous legislature to agree — придирчивый, сварливый.

The story rolls on, Bobby Fischer and Anatoly Karpov make cameo appearances, but then he decides to try his hand at university — эпизодическая роль.

As the capital floods, its government carries the can — быть козлом отпущения, расхлебывать кашу.

Its retreat comes on the heels of Boston, Rome and Hamburg can­ning their bids within the past two years — прекратить; консервировать.

Too much of the "competitiveness" talk is a canard — one that justifies misguided policies, such as subsidies for green technology — ложный слух, утка.

But this is not a problem American can-do-ishness can fix — го­товность сделать.

David Cameron's holiday was plainly in the soft category: canood­ling on a Cornish beach — ласкать, нежить.

Mr Cutting found that participants ended up preferring the lesser known pieces to the canon merely through exposure — закон, канон.

Plenty of standard populist cant — лицемерие, лицемерная фра­зеология.

Is Germany's desire to keep talking to Russia born of a genuine belief in diplomacy, or is it cant to protect its commercial interests? — наклоняться; накрениться.

A a prison-camp veteran who was by then a deaf and cantanke­rous but still eloquent old man; a weak mayor who shares power with a cantankerous city — придирчивый, сварливый.

First the dollar took a battering, then the euro got pummelled and finally sterling hit the canvas — послать в нокаут на ринге.

Other ideas being canvassed include extending the penalties — обсуждать; дебатировать.

For Spaniards old enough to remember Franco, joining the Eu­ropean Union felt like the capstone on a long process of liberation; It is the capstone of his career — высшая точка, вершина, кульминация.

Think more profoundly about how to avoid the destructive ca­prices of unrestrained power — каприз; чудачество.

A non-caprine version is already approved for use in Europe and Japan, where the combined market is worth $250m a year — относящийся к козлам.

If the court overturned Prometheus's patents, hundreds of others would capsize too — опрокидываться.

They know that they are not being brought back to captain the ship for another long spell — руководить; быть начальником.

Eric Goode, who heads the Turtle Conservancy, says the turtles do not appear to have been bred in captivity — в неволе.

Even the cracking carapace of clerical tyranny — щиток черепахи или ракообразных.

Serai Mushir is a string of souvenir shops that started life as a ca­ravanserai — большая гостиница.

That was Mr Balls, carbuncles and all, and your columnist is glad of him — сибирская язва.

When Mariner 10 careened past Mercury in 1974 and 1975, some impressive data was collected — быстро двигаться, нестись.

The careworn but anonymous-looking types slipping in and out of the riverside ziggurat — измученный заботами.

"I have no concern but carousing and rapture," wrote Rumi, Su- fism's greatest poet, whose followers, of the Turkey-based Mawlawi order, remember him in a whirling dance — пировать; кутить, пьянствовать.

Drive their fellow executives to carpet-chewing fury — терять эмоциональный контроль над собой.

Israeli ambassadors were called in and carpeted in London, Can­berra and Dublin over stolen passports and identities used by the team that killed Mahmoud al-Mabhouh — вызывать, чтобы сделать выговор, нагоняй.

A personality cult of Ataturk that carpets the country with busts and portraits of the great man was nurtured by Turkey's generals — устилать, покрывать (чем-л.).

She has proved that she is more than just a caretaker and can ac­tually win elections — ухаживающий за престарелым, больным.

Republicans are wrong to carp at quantitative easing when the Fed has, as instructed, kept inflation close to its target — придираться, находить недостатки.

With his attitude, Turkey Vulture would definitely have more car­rion to feast upon — падаль; мертвечина.

Instead of being carted off to The Hague, could Sudan's president be tried at home? — уводить; забирать.

For much of the current term the Conservative Party has seemed cartoonishly ungovernable — смехотворно.

It is here that some carve-outs from liability could perhaps be negotiated — выделенные услуги.

A sketch after Michelangelo's ''David,'' made shortly before Rapha­el left Florence for Rome, transforms the hero into an ancient caryatid — кариатида (столба, колонны, скульптурная опора в виде женской фигуры, поддерживающая антаблемент или другой архитектурный элемент).

More than a century on, the illegal cashiering in France of Cap­tain Alfred Dreyfus shows what can happen to basic liberties when na­tional security is invoked — увольнять со службы (за недостойное поведение).

For adults in 1960s Britain, they were Nazis on castors — касто­ровая шляпа.

The Supreme Court steps into a sea of casuistry when it hears a case involving public prayer казуистика; игра словами; софистика.

Не castigated President Barack Obama for meeting the Dalai Lama — подвергать наказанию.

Gordon Brown's premiership, seemingly cast-iron a year ago, is now so vulnerable — жесткий, непреклонный.

Two history's most famous castrati: Caffareli and Farinelli — евнух, кастрат.

Indeed, after the daring raid that killed Osama bin Laden, America has discovered that its commander-in-chief is one cool cat отличный парень.

In Argentine cities, piropos, or catcalls, are as common a sound as honks and sirens — свист, освистывание.

He thought of those as his catacomb days — сложные, запутанные.

It was a cataclysmic event for scholars, who believed at the time that the universe was unchanging — катастрофический, разрушительный.

He successfully defended a libel action against him by Lord Al­fred Douglas, Oscar Wilde's former catamite катамит (мальчик, состоящий в половой связи со взрослым мужчиной).

Hopefully the Chinese version will solve the catatonic state de­mocracies often fall in to — оцепеневший, неподвижный.

The lady was catechised in the communist faith and continues to be unabashedly delighted to preside over the complete socialization — тщательно выспрашивать.

The burqa, imposed on Afghan women by the Taliban, has become a catchall term for headgear in which the face is wholly or mainly con­cealed — очень обобщенное, туманное обозначение.

They can also charge high fees from students from outside their official catchment areas — дренаж, дренирование.

An orgasm is a form of catharsis, le petit mort as some may call it — катарсис, очищение (кишечника при помощи слабительных средств).

Outlets that cater to America's squeezed middle are coming un­der pressure from activist shareholders — принимать во внимание, учитывать.

That is catnip to Tories who want to teach children patriotic his­tory — котовник кошачий (Nepeta cataria).

"It is amazing how history accelerates," was the catty remark of a prominent defector from the Brotherhood — злобный, язвительный.

Its product launches are choreographed like catwalk shows - подиум.

With precious few weeks remaining before the Iowa caucus; When the party's parliamentary caucus gathers on August 30th there will be no repeat of Mr Ignatieff's bold call at the same event last year закрытое собрание членов политической партии или фракции, фракционное совещание (для выдвижения кандидатов на предстоящие выборы или выработки политической линии).

Yet he seems bent on emulating Hugo Chavez, the caudillo of Cara­cas — каудильо, диктатор (политический лидер или государственный деятель в ряде стран Латинской Америки).

The business world has always been a cauldron of personal an­imosity; when the internet took off in the 1990s, it was demonised as a steaming cauldron of porn — кипение (эмоций, страстей).

Lyndon Johnson's caustic tongue; You've certainly heard the caus­tic joke, "Pakistan can have Kashmir, but only if they'll take Bihar along with it!" язвительный; колкий.

Mr Shein has become a cause celebre of the Moscow-based op­position — знаменитость.

Events in Bahrain, an island kingdom that is linked to Saudi Arabia by a causeway and whose Sunni royal family has long been buttressed by Saudi aid, have understandably alarmed Prince Nayef — насыпная дорога.

Congress approves austere budget, but caveats remain — предостережение, предуведомление.

Adding a few caveats would have provided some foundation to think critically about what they were seeing; Caveat investor; There is a caveat down there — предостережение, предуведомление.

When the tribal council cavilled about her disregard for ceremony, she turned off their microphones — находить недостатки, придираться.

The brand damage done by Mr Sarkozy's early blunders — celebrat­ing victory in a fancy restaurant on the Champs-Elysees, cavorting on a illionaire friend's yacht — has proved lasting in French minds — вести себя легкомысленно, забавляться.

Completing his misery, cavilling over chemical weapons in Syria places in peril Mr Obama's credibility — находить недостатки, придираться.

The elite fly about, cavort in hot tubs and leave the lights on — вести себя легкомысленно, резвиться.

Keen to bring back stability and to persuade people that he sin­cerely wants to cede power as soon as possible, General Sisi moved fast — уступать, передавать.

China's cultural commissars, rarely open-minded at the best of times, have been in an unusually censorious mood — склонный осуж­дать, придирчивый.

Three powerful centripetal forces are at play: politics, regulation and deleveraging — центростремительный.

The new centerfold model for payola fraud in American, with metastasis throughout the world of research funding "for the common good" — разворот с вклейкой (вставкой).

One of the most pernicious proposals that have seen the light of day at that cesspit of an organisation — помойная яма; выгребная яма.

Mr Uribe is both intense and folksy, whereas Mr Santos is cerebral and urbane — высокоразвитый интеллект.

Eeager not to antagonise China, even if they chafe at its foot-drag­ging — сердиться, раздражаться.

To separate the wheat from the chaff; winnowed the technologi­cal wheat from the chaff — нарезанное сено или солома (для корма скота); ерунда, дрянь.

Although English was one of India's official languages, writers in it were often mocked as colonial remnants, "caged chaffinches and pol­yglot parrots" — зяблик.

Before raising a glass to the new global health supremo, though, consider that she may have a poisoned chalice — потир, чаша (сосуд для причащения).

But we mustn't get misdirected by these shows of ineptitude be­cause, underneath the charivari, the most pernicious and anti-democrat­ic agenda is unfolding in a frightening manner шум, гам, шуточная серенада новобрачным.

To the chagrin of the United States and eastern Bolivia, Evo Morales seems set to win the presidency досада; огорчение; разо­чарование.

Twenty-one-year-old Arthur, between chamfering and drilling to

produce 1,400 parts a day at the Raleigh bicycle factory in Nottingham — бороздка, небольшая выемка.

Harper's champagne moment — триумф.

This invited chancers, including a convicted rapist and a man who used taxpayers' money to buy himself a pair of Mercedes-Benz cars — проходимец.

The story is magnificently told by that interesting change­ling, the man who calls himself Ted Morgan — слабоумный, перебеж­чик.

A "financial oversight board" will chaperone the island through the process and also monitor its budget, rewriting it if that is deemed nec­essary — сопровождать, быть компаньонкой.

The joke was clear: summits are empty charades, only Mrs Mer- kel matters and Mr Sarkozy is her comical servant — an absurd pretence intended to create a pleasant or respectable appearance — шарада.

Read charitably, Mr Duncan Smith's remarks were less inflam­matory than the headlines снисходительно, терпеливо.

Egypt's revolution could go sour, Syria is a charnel-house and Iran is prone to sudden eruptions — покойницкая; склеп.

Businesses, for their part, are chary of saying just what they pay

to produce in prisons — осторожный, действующий с оглядкой.

The already-vast economic chasm between the two Koreas wi­dened further — глубокая трещина, расщелина.

They were usually married to men they did not know, could inherit nothing, and could even be bought and sold, like chattels — движимое имущество.

A chatbot lacks motive: it has no particular reason to say what it says and it speaks without really listening — разновидность робота, который может участвовать в чатах.

This seems cheeky, given that the firm has been bleeding red ink — наглый, бесстыдный.

These cheery figures may not offer much comfort in the long term — оживленный, радостный.

It is likely to cheese off a big swathe of the British public — злить, раздражать.

But now chemurgy is back with a vengeance, in the shape of modern industrial biotechnology — промышленное использование органического и сельскохозяйственного сырья.

The cheongsam modelling contest starts at 7pm and at 8pm it is group dances in the style of ethnic Uighurs from China's far west — приталенное женское шелковое платье в Китае и Индонезии.

The other, thornier problem is that insurers will cherry-pick the good risks, leaving some people without a safety net — снимать сливки.

With his famous name and war chest of over $100m, whistled up from Bush family benefactors in a matter of months — средства на случай войны.

The congressional watchdogs will even unearth that old chest­nut; The old chestnut that Shakespeare wasn't the man who wrote the works избитый анекдот, банальность.

In the morning she had glimpsed the blond chevelure of Donald Trump himself, who sometimes stays in his hotel — шевелюра.

Every shop was shuttered and market stall packed away on Co- laba Causeway, the main strip in a chic district of south Mumbai — роскошный, шикарный.

The same hall cheered a chin-jutting keynote address by the New Jersey governor, Chris Christie — выступающий подбородок.

If India has to militarily confront China, it has to take on 'Chimer- ica' first — Китай и Америка (China & America).

They all came to dinner chez Jim when they graced Bangkok — at the home of (used in imitation of French, often humorously) — домашний, в доме.

Awkwardly, Britain's central bank has gone from inquisitor to a possible protagonist in the latest episode of financial-market chican­ery — крючкотворство; бюрократические придирки.

One of London's most chichi shopping streets, this area is better known for its boutiques than for bloodletting — с претензией.

Mr. Modi will still be getting the full works: a Buckingham Palace banquet, an address to Parliament and even a chance to chillax with Mr Cameron in the prime minister's country house, Chequers — расслабиться.

Some people suspect that these deals chime with China's indus­trial policy more than HNA's own — гармонировать.

And if they would rather avoid the chintzy bells and whistles, they can leave messages on their friends' Facebook profiles; amid struggling towns and former pit communities, there are farms and chintzy tourist villages — сделанный из чинца; низкого качества.

Factory owners and their customers took the higher costs on the chin: in those less globalised times there was nowhere else for them to go — не падать духом.

Mr ElBaradei is also fortunate that one of the few chinks in the armour of Mr Mubarak's state is a relatively free press — узкая полоска света, тонкий луч.

Supporters love his message of chin-jutting, heavily armed iso­lationism — скуластый.

The mayors who gathered in a Los Angeles hotel for their annual chin-wag — болтовня, треп.

An unfurled bolt of chintz is draped overhead down the room's whole length — английский ситец.

He saw the potency of the insult once flagged to the ever-chippy British press — воинственный; агрессивный.

Wolfgang Schiissel, Austria's chirpy foreign minister — живой, радостный.

It took a new president in Washington, and much chivvying by China, to get America moving — изводить; докучать.

But after chiselling away at public debt during the boom years, insists Mr Darling, the government can now safely borrow a bit more — обман, мошенничество.

KitKats are Parliament's choc of choice, accounting for one in six snacks — шоколадный.

Developing countries — many chock full of talented scientists — will help to fill their bare pipelines with new drugs — битком.

Chocoholics need not hugely fear steeper prices, for chocolate is driven more by the price of milk and sugar than by the price of cocoa любитель шоколада.

These days the corruption allegation is a choicer method to de­stroy an enemy than the ideological attacks of old — лучший выбор.

To break Moscow's chokehold on supplies to Europe — удуша­ющий захват.

Such computers will be able to chomp their way through calcu­lations that would take today's best supercomputers millennia — брать кусок не по зубам.

Small asteroids (a few of which have been visited already by space probes) are often little more than piles of dust and chondrules — небольшие гранулы астероидов.

Things that are good for children — such as vegetables, maths, chores and looking both ways before crossing the road — are no fun — рутинная работа.

Perhaps it is just as well that the White House has got better at choreographing diplomatic events since the advent of the television age — быть балетмейстером, хореографом.

Conservatives chortled that Mr Cameron had hailed the end of multiculturalism — фыркать, сдавленно смеяться.

The structure inside which this piece of theatre is set into motion is an elongated glass atrium that looks suggestively like a chrysalis — хризалида, куколка насекомых.

Although the ANC still has no obvious alternative leader, the par­ty should look to chuck out Mr Zuma when it holds a party election — выгнать, выставить.

A lot of them were quite chuffed by the sight of turmoil in Iran, since they have long felt edgy about their big neighbour's rising ambi­tion — довольный; вне себя от радости.

Like medieval peasants watching knights joust, the yokels and churls of the political village — lobbyists, consultants or (hold your nose) journalists — may nod and gawp at the mighty, but their hope is to see one grandee thwack another into the mud — грубиян.

The world's biggest emitter appeared churlish — неучтивый; не­приветливый.

He also left out the lobbyists bonanza that has taken place as Oba- ma Chums — близкий друг, приятель.

Once in office, he seems to have calculated that Japan would chug happily along, leaving him to pursue pet nationalist themes such as in­culcating patriotism in schoolsMore shipschug upthe coast — двигаться с пыхтением (о машине).

Mr Fico is particularly chummy with Russia, as is the would-be Czech leader, Mr Paroubek — коммуникабельный, контактный.

The chairman of its council had been arrested in June, accused of chumminess with a band of alleged gangsters — близкая дружба.

Most simply, experience has taught the British that to cheer a roy­al wedding today is to risk feeling a chump tomorrow — болван, дурак, дубина.

Even by its own notoriously cyclical standards, investment banking has been on a stomach-churning ride in the past five years — вызывающий тошноту.

The press has churned out many an unquestioning paean to her; this coming and going is called "churn" — встряхивать, трясти, взбалтывать.

If there were an Oscar for chutzpah, Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadine- jad would be a shoo-in; foreign activists were astonished by the president's chutzpah; you have to admire Apple's chutzpah as much as its creativ­ity — наглость, нахальство.

Foreign brands are relegated to a niche market in China but the ciggy bigwigs now have their eyes on global expansion — сигарета; папироса.

Guantanamo's release of prisoners seemed like a cinch on the campaign trail — верное дело.

The frustrated cineaste was left cooling his heels in his hotel for over a week — киноман, кинолюб.

Indonesian cinephiles may be in for a disappointing year — кино­любы.

Of all interior clocks, the circadian is perhaps best understood — циркадианный, околосуточный.

Like female circumcision, male circumcision clearly is a custom, which, like its female counterpart "has little to do with Islam — обрезание, обряд обрезания.

Muslims circumambulate the Kaaba, the black cube in the Grand Mosque, both on the ground and on a platform above it — ходить вокруг, обходить.

This forces Iranian merchants and businesses into more circui­tous and thus costly ways — кружный, окольный.

The tired joke on the Ankara cocktail circuit is that Turkey now has lots of problems — with all its neighbours — череда приемов.

Thein Sein, the former general who donned civvies to become president, met her in August, and persuaded her of the sincerity of his reformism — гражданская одежда, штатское платье.

Patients will clamour for more data about their health — выдви­гать требования; протестовать.

Most commentators idolize Mandela but he set South Africa down this road of ideological marxist based claptrap — трескучие слова; не­что, рассчитанное на дешевый эффект.

New industries that had largely escaped the bureaucracy, such as mobile telecoms, now feel its clammy grip — влажный; прилипающий, липкий.

The proposed opening of the energy industry, which will hurt the pro-PRI oil workers' union, and the clampdown on electioneering, could mean Mr Pena will "crash headlong into the model of the old PRI" — подавление, запреты.

Even during the chill of the cold war, the old Soviet Union always had its claque — группа клакеров.

Not so very long ago, Oman's borders were sealed to the outside world and Muscat's gates clanged shut at sunset — ударять головой, бодать.

Now Denmark has staked a claim to the North Pole, too — требо­вать; предъявлять требования.

Economic growth helps investors only if they are clairvoyant

обладающий даром ясновидения; ясновидец.

The Saudi deputy minister of interior, who led a clampdown on terrorism that has brought relative calm — строгие меры (против кого-л., чего-л.).

Craig Oliver, began clambering about on a cramped flight out of Kabul on July 5th — карабкаться; цепляться; взбираться.

Illinois joins the clamour for cheap medicine from the north — шум, крик.

After a read of Mr Martin's book, the answer would seem to be a resounding "no": clanking and shunting wake him up time and again — лязг; бряцание.

They are bright, clannish and almost exclusively male — клано­вый, родовой.

His clarion call for growth is doing much to change what some call Indonesia's "acceptance of mediocrity" — громкий, чистый.

Today's Russia, which lavishly celebrates Poltava, cannot help but reflect that the same powers are trying to claw away Ukraine — вырвать когтями.

Those who cleave to the latter view include many conservative American politicians — привязаться (к кому-л., к чему-л.), хранить верность.

Since the well is 40 miles offshore and the weather has been rela­tively clement — милосердный, гуманный.

She clerked for Justice Thurgood Marshall, a liberal hero — слу­жить клерком, быть чиновником.

The picture he paints of Africa — with a leopard calmly surveying the world from its grassy hillock — is cliched enough — клише, избитое выражение.

That, along with legal changes making it easier to repossess collat­eral that goes clickety-clack, may soon have investors funnelling cash — равномерный звук, напоминающий стук колес вагона.

The national team won a cliffhanger against Iran last Novem­ber, and secured its first-ever place in the World Cup after 43 years of trying — a dramatic and exciting ending to an episode of a serial, leav­ing the audience in suspense and anxious not to miss the next episode — захватывающая, интригующая ситуация.

Ehud Olmert, the prime minister, clinched a deal to bring Avigdor Lieberman's right-wing Yisrael Beiteinu into the governing coalition — окончательно решать, улаживать.

And for years the Apulia region has grown at a healthy clip

быстро двигаться, быстро бежать.

Like Elites throughout history, the post-modern Elite still like to weave a mantle of virtue to cloak the ugly nakedness of their self-inter­est — прикрывать, прятать, скрывать.

But any Western belief that Colonel Qaddafi would be quickly clobbered on the battlefield has, for the moment, been shaken — нанести поражение; разгромить.

The Voyager spacecraft have not only clocked up a far better un­derstanding of the outer planets — отмечать пройденное расстояние.

The government is also encouraging people to clock off at 3pm on the last Friday of each month — заканчивать работу.

Swanning off to his chateau in France was the act of a political clodhopper — неповоротливый, неотесанный парень.

Karzai in Afghanistan is cut from the same cloth as Maliki in Iraq — из одного теста сделаны.

But, by the same margin, Democrats were unable to impose clo­ture on a bill to extend for 30 days the stopgap — прекращение прений.

This is a book that some readers may find sentimental or cloy­ing — пресыщать.

In today>s politics everything is a weapon with which to club the opposition — бить (дубиной, прикладом).

The sense of being alone made her see herself as a permanent outsider, unable to share the clubbable social lives and experience — общительный, компанейский.

All this clubbiness has consolidated a fragmented industry — коммуникабельность.

Boardroom bust-ups are a rare occurrence in the clubby world of Spanish business — контактный, общительный.

A third problem is that government websites of this sort are often clunky — неуклюжий; тяжеловесный.

Who else is going to protect the public from what could be a $700 billion clusterfuck of fraud? — секс с двумя партнерами.

A clutch of navy ships is waiting off the coast of Borneo — ap­parently ready to serve as floating shelters for women and children — выводок, потомство.

And they are drawn to familiar titles that stand out from the clut­ter — беспорядок, хаос.

He needs to show that his party can coalesce around principles and policies, not just power — объединяться, образовывать единое целое.

In 2004, Mr DeLay, then the House majority leader, coasted home with 55% of the vote — делать что-л. без особых усилий.

Giorgio Napolitano asked Enrico Letta (pictured), a member of the centre-left Democratic Party, to cobble together a governing coalition — делать что-л. кое-как, на скорую руку.

Netanyahu decided to cock a snook at them after the UN vote by saying he planned to do just that — показать длинный нос (кому-л.).

Mr Gingrich is pushing a cockamamie claim that unbridled drill­ing could swiftly cut the price to $2.50 — сумасбродный.

Chinese are cock-a-hoop at a concession; European communists are cock-a-hoop — бурно радующийся; в восторге; ликующий.

Mr Obama is better at warming cockles than thumping tubs — согревать сердце.

With a 19-point lead, the Kukuriku ("Cock-a-doodle-doo") coali­tion, dominated by the Social Democrats (SDP), will take power — громкий крик «кукареку».

The cock-up theory of history; The deadliest police cock-up — ис­портить; напортачить.

Mr Goodwin had a cocksure management style that made him the dominant figure at RBS — самоуверенный.

Some Burmese may wish that their country will not become a new cockpit of superpower rivalry — арена борьбы.

The Japanese have a word for the 700,000 young people who have withdrawn from society into domestic cocoons: hikikomori кокон.

The American elite might celebrate diversity in dinner-table con­versation, but in practice Americans are cocooning themselves in en­claves of like-minded folk — пребывание в коконе.

The grim tale now turns out to have a horrible coda кода, за­ключительный аккорд.

Tariffs are not the only means to coddle farmers but also the subsidies on exports of agricultural products are — обращаться как с больным; нянчиться.

Now, alas, you have joined the coddlers — няньки.

Cases, clauses and codicils tumbled from his lips — дополни­тельное распоряжение.

Most of the main groups of the animal kingdom are arthropods, brachiopods, coelenterates, echinoderms, molluscs and even chor- dates — кишечнополостные.

The hydrates did not just clog the pipes, they also buoyed up the 125-tonne cofferdam that had been lowered over the leak — кессон для подводных работ; коффердам.

Still, the underlying reasons for it have some cogency — неопро­вержимость, неоспоримость.

In the rest of the world elite universities serve as incubators of the country's cognitive elite — когнитивный, познавательный.

Fannie and Freddie are vital cogs in the housing market — зубья.

Guild minimums are set in a provision of the Screen Actors Guild contract that Hollywood cognoscenti refer to as Schedule F — знаток.

Asymmetric information is a problem in finance — you need to be cognizant of the facts to make critical decisions — осведомленный, информированный.

Focus is shifting, though; the cogwheels in Brussels are slowly shifting into reverse, turning inwards — зубчатое колесо.

Strengthen the cohesion of those forces — связь, сочленение.

Humans have been cutting and coiffing their hair for at least 25,000 years — укладывать (волосы) в прическу.

One of whom sports an authentically Jacksonian coiffure to match his Jacksonian politics — прическа.

Unsurprisingly, then, the country's four biggest airlines — Southwest, Delta, American and United — are coining it — зарабатывать много денег.

For male spiders, the equivalent of a post-coital cigarette is not a sensible option. Making straight for the door is much wiser, since he who hangs around risks being eaten by his consort — после совокупления.

It was a military-style operation, of the kind you would mount to collar a dangerous drug lord — схватить, задержать, арестовать.

Generations of Mississippians grew up on farms where everything even collards and turnip greens, were cooked with bacon grease, ham hock or lard — листовая капуста.

The arrival in November of a technocratic government led by Mario Monti, a former European commissioner, promising lots of economic reforms, has soothed investors' collywobbles — урчание в животе.

Muslims fear that their Christian neighbours are fifth-columnists for hostile western powers — пятая колонна.

She ranged from the highest coloratura parts, such as the Queen of the Night in Mozart's "Die Zauberflote" — колоратура (технически трудные пассажи в пении, а также способность их исполнять).

A short Swedish film of her life showed a grim colliery scene, with belching chimneys — каменноугольная копь.

Once prices are being set collusively, a cartel may not want to raise them further for fear of being caught улаженный тайным сговором.

Using that as collateral for additional financing or as a way to sell more equity — гарантия, поручительство.

With only a few traders at each mandi, they can easily collude to en­sure that they pay less than the fair market price участвовать в заговоре.

Public columbaria — drab, windowless buildings lined floor to ceiling with small niches — are running short of space for the urns — колумбарий (хранилище урн с прахом после кремации).

He asked the Funda^ao Getulio Vargas, a university, to run a comb through departmental payrolls — причесать.

Com — 224 years ago a bunch of Brits got their comeuppance from a rabble of Americans who'd had enough of their top-down rule — заслуженное наказание.

When Morsi commandeered extra-constitutional powers for him­self on November 22 he lost all legitimacy — принудительно забирать.

A similarly martial mood seems to have taken Britain's Eurpscep- tic commentariat in its grip — политические обозреватели.

German firms are facing accusations of collusive behaviour, in­cluding claims of more widespread rigging of emissions tests for diesel engines — заговорщицкий.

A muscular presence commensurates with huge economy — соответственный; соответствующий.

Forces such as globalisation and the spread of advanced tech­nologies, for example, are commoditising talent faster than ever — превращать в предмет потребления.

Other managers were either complicit or turned a blind eye — со­участие в преступлении.

The Coffee houses particularly are very commodious for a free conversation — удобный (для пользования).

Chief Pleas agreed to limit landowners to 12 seats and beefed up the commoners' share to 16 человек из толпы, простой человек.

It was commonplace, in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, to de­clare that the world had changed forever — привычное дело, типичный случай.

The worst you can say about his approach is that it is merely com- monsensical: decide the issues case-by-case while holding some idea of values and interests in mind — соответствующий здравому смыслу, вполне понятный.

A famous San Francisco psychic who has taken a job in a factory to escape his gift of communing with the dead — общение; дружеская беседа.

Ulaanbaatar — a veritable Bangkok of the steppes — at least if your comparators are Kabul and Mogadishu — компаратор, программа сравнения.

Elected senators, on the other hand, would feel no compunction about delaying legislation from the much more representative Com­mons — угрызения совести; терзания.

The days when a visiting British minister could command head­lines in a place like Brazil are over — вселять, внушать (уважение), пользоваться (особым вниманием).

Britain's "green" budget combines commendable prudence with shallow populism — похвальный.

There are obviously people in the economics commentariat who feel very strongly that nationalisation of insolvent banks is the best op­tion — обозреватели.

So long as commodifying desire remains the route to success in the free market, the future of the adult industry seems assured — превращать в товар.

Silicon Valley, for its part, is pushing for more of the spectrum to become a commons for everybody to use, which is what happens with WiFi — общее достояние.

Не comforts the afflicted, commiserating with the Tammany boss — сочувствовать, соболезновать.

The M5S's programme is a compendium of mostly well-inten­tioned aspirations, studded with yawning gaps — компендиум, собрание, сборник.

Seems that Canada has gotten too complaisant under the protec­tion of the American Nuclear Umbrella — обходительный; любезный.

The long smoldering disenchantment of the voters with the com­placent Liberal Democratic Party had flared up into condemnation самодовольный.

The complementarities between efficient services provision and competitive supplies of goods on regional and world markets must not be overlooked — комплементарность.

The other "comprehensives" are means to this end: deepen­ing economic reform; governing according to the law — комплексный, всеобъемлющий.

The most compelling feature of Mormon teaching — захватыва­ющий, интригующий.

One of Obama's chief exhibits is the Republicans' comportment during the past year of divided government — поведение.

It would take a miraculous concatenation of improbable events to make Sarah Palin president — цепь, последовательность событий.

Without concerted action at least as many are expected to try to follow them this — согласованный.

Concocting the offbeat blend of genre and milieu; Plots have been concocted сфабриковать, состряпать компрометирующий материал.

Civil services are congenitally inward-looking organisations — врожденный, природный.

And there are powerful reasons for seeking to avoid the de­struction of wilderness and the concomitant extinction of species — сопутствующее обстоятельство.

In a separate concurrence, four of the court's liberals took a slight­ly softer tack — согласие; согласованность.

On July 15th "Fox & Friends", a show on Fox News, condescend­ed to cover the scandal that is mesmerising the world — вести себя покровительственно, свысока.

I can only assume that the heady atmosphere of the current Pre- preelection session is not very conducive to mudslinging over party funds — подходящий; способствующий.

A second delusion — still lingering in some church circles — was the conflation of paedophilia and homosexuality; He never conflated the Germans, whose language and culture he loved, and the Hitlerites — соединение; объединение.

Democrats loyal to the Clintons closed ranks, telling media outlets that partisans are confecting allegations out of nothing — изготавливать, создавать.

This interesting confab between Barack Obama has been called a victory by Republicans — болтовня, дружеский разговор.

Its men have not followed their Western confreres and cut down on the cancer sticks — коллеги.

If we bring back confiscatory marginal tax rates for incomes over $1 million, do you think we'll lack people able and willing to do the jobs? — конфискационный.

But the confluence of these two tasks — a counter-intelligence operation that has dragged in the denizens of the White House itself — is unprecedented — стечение, сочетание.

Havel confounded those who thought he was too dilettantish and self-effacing to be a proper president — сбивать с толку; ставить в тупик.

The conflagration prompted the Greek prime minister to promise stricter measures большой, разрушительный пожар.

Having started life as confraternities for the most academic students, they have deteriorated into gang violence — братство, со­дружество.

Such condiments as Italian oil and French mustard — приправа, специи.

The apparent success with which they have monitored and in­filtrated Palestinians in the West Bank has created an attitude of con­descension that inhibits peacemaking — снисхождение, снисходи­тельность.

Deradicalisation can be worse than useless if practitioners, while condemning IS, condone other violence — попустительствовать, потворствовать.

Since then America has introduced sanctions that target Iran's central bank, the country's main conduit for oil transactions — средство передачи, коммуникации.

The habitual presence of big numbers of Chinese boats in disputed waters congeals into facts on the water that become harder to dispute — застывать, твердеть.

"This mosque is closing, will turn off the lights and hand over the keys," recalls one of the congregants — прихожанин.

Each of these shifts, he argues, is strikingly congruent with the shift from a pre-Smithian conception of the way people behave — сравнимый.

For the past century mathematicians have struggled to prove the conjecture of a late-19th-century French polymath, Henri Poincar — догадка, предположение.

A group of researchers led by Eugene Caruso of the University of Chicago report their use of a technique called conjoint analysis, which they have adopted from the field of market research and adapted to study implicit biases in more realistic situations — консолидированный, общий.

One of Mexico's newest prisons allows inmates to receive a con­jugal visit every week — супружеский, брачный.

Mr Bertolaso conjured a success from Mr Berlusconi's audacious decision last July to switch the G8 summit to L'Aquila from its intended venue on an island off Sardinia — сделать как по волшебству; сотворить чудо.

Lagos that provides payroll and other software to companies, says he often has to send employees home early because the power conks out — испортиться, сломаться, заглохнуть.

Someone devised a scheme for using these as a way of conning people into donating clothes — обманом вовлечь кого-л. во что-л.

It gives foreigners conniptions that the Fed can cause them so much economic distress yet never take that into account when it alters policy — припадок истерии; приступ гнева, раздражения.

With the government's connivance, debt levels can probably keep climbing for a while — потворство; попустительство.

One of Mr Uribe's aides is serving a 25-year sentence for conniv­ing with paramilitaries — сговариваться (с кем-л.).

Publications like Slate, the Atlantic or the New Republic are often mocked for their knee-jerk contrarianism — человек, который ведет себя не так, как другие.

The defenders of the consensus tend to stress the general consil­ience of their efforts — совпадение, стечение (обстоятельств).

The people have some conscientious control on their preferen­ces, like the famous fable of the crow and the vixen — добросовестный, сознательный, честный.

In a statement released last night, Ambassador Luis Gallegos took issue with Kaplan's conclusions and expressed "consternation that a U.S. court has elected to pass judgment on Ecuador's courts" — ужас; испуг; оцепенение.

Though it still needs to recover a reputation for fiscal continence, Labour remains keen to match such fighting talk — сдержанность; умение владеть собой.

Ever since, senior Tories have been forced into humiliating con­tortions — искривление; деформация.

A court finds Mr Bunton in contempt, the unserved defendants get lawyers, albeit in name only; and Mr Bunton winds up in jail himself— неуважение, оскорбление (органов власти).

Even Russia, lately contemptuous of international norms, has every interest in preserving the anathema against such weapons — нарушающий (нормы).

When it comes to the contentious issue of China's political and territorial claims on Tibet — дискуссионный, спорный.

It is almost perfectly conterminous with lands conquered by Muslim dynasties in the centuries after the death of the Prophet Muham­mad — совпадающий (по времени, значению, в пространстве).

Even more contentiously, the directive covers any firm that does business with Europeans, even if it is based outside the EU — сварливо, вздорно.

Yet America still has sizeable and, in places, growing contingent liabilities — непредвиденный.

Those of us who write about politics and policy all fall some­where on a continuum from engagement to detachment — абсолютно непрерывный объект.

Contortionists who runs America's state department — «человек- змея», акробат.

Does management deserve its current elevated status or is it just a jargon-spouting con-trick? — мошенничество, злоупотребление доверием.

Hauset issued a single contrite statement apologizing for mis­takes — кающийся, раскаивающийся.

In the sprawling conurbations of the American South, as in the Gulf and cities such as Singapore — конурбация, большой город с пригородами.

The conundrum facing the Netherlands is how to tolerate a growing minority that is itself increasingly intolerant — загадка; го­ловоломка.

In 1929, the New York Times reported that while King George V was convalescing at Bognor, Queen Mary was seen buying nail polish in Woolworth's — выздоравливать, поправляться.

Several colleges and big firms around the country are provid­ing sex-segregated environments where haredim can train and work in the comfort of their own conventions — обычай, традиция, правила поведения.

The Supreme Court undermines convoluted campaign-finance rules; the plot is convoluted свернутый спиралью, спирале­видный.

And this week the lashed-up contraption he hoped would ful­fil his promise to the voters exploded in his face — новое хитроумное изобретение.

When friends go out to dinner, the convivial atmosphere can be shattered once the waiter brings the bill — веселый; компанейский, общительный.

It took weeks of further clues, including the deaths of two flamin­gos and a cormorant at the Bronx Zoo, for officials to find the culprit — большой баклан.

For their part, several delegates in the hall cooed over Mr Trump's snappily dressed, perfectly coiffed children — говорить воркующим голосом.

Some 13 years after Enron, auditors still can't stop managers cook­ing the books — фабриковать, придумывать.

Speaking of coots, thanks for a title that speaks to my genera­tion — the GOP needs some new betes noires — простофиля, простак.

"We're busier thana coot," says Donna Daniels of Castaways Tra­vel, which arranges nudist cruises and other vacations — лысуха (птица).

Beyond Bernie Madoff, the Ponzi-schemer who copped 150 years in American jail — получать, приобретать.

Coppicing also results in an excellent output to input energy ba­lance with published data — подлесок, поросль.

A beech tree might put out suckers that grow into a copse — поросль.

The two countries vowed to co-operate on everything from aircraft carriers to what an official calls "the core of the core": nuclear-weapons

research — внутренняя, сокровенная часть; сущность.

If Mr Hitchens can stay off the booze and do some serious think­ing, his real autobiography, in 20 years' time or so, should be a corker потрясающий экземпляр (о человеке или вещи).

There were 10,000 of us gathered to watch her emerge from the IRT like a busty Venus corking up through the waves — сдерживать, скрывать (чувства).

Shipping bosses are realising that they have not been very good at arguing their corner — неловкое положение; затруднение.

A corniche is being built which, say hopeful officials, will rival Tel Aviv's — дорога в горах.

Occasionally, though, it lapses into corniness or cliche — баналь­ность.

But then almost anything might be a weapon, including, not least, a pair of hands pressed forcefully over the cornu and cartilage of the thy­roid — роговидное образование.

There was the promise of a cornucopia of new drugs as genetic targets previously unknown to biologists succumbed to pharmacologi­cal investigation — рог изобилия.

The corollary is Keynes' observation that the market can stay ir­rational longer than you can stay solvent betting against it; The corollary was that countries found it hard to fund trade deficits for long — вывод; заключение; следствие.

These days studios conduct global marketing blitzes, trying to corral their audiences before the next blockbuster appears — загонять в загон, заводить в стойло.

This time corset is gradually loosening — корсет; грация; пояс.

A series of coruscating stories; Marx was writing a coruscat- ingly anti-capitalist work — сверкать; блистать.

Pam whipped off corrugated-iron roofs, brought down power lines and uprooted trees — гофрированное железо.

He was a despot, a cold-war monster cosseted by the West be­cause his most plausible opponents were communists — баловень; избалованный ребенок.

He was under the cosh for reacting tardily — тяжелая дубинка, на литая свинцом.

David Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett and the rest of the Chicago co­terie who campaigned with Mr Obama — группировка.

This is a domain so vast, vague and ancient that it is almost coter­minous with politics itself — примыкающий, соседствующий.

An administration that will cotton up to the most repressive of regimes — пытаться дружить.

Rumours fly, decisions are taken blind and countermanded after they have been carried out — отменять приказ, распоряжение.

To challenge Pervez Musharraf, an army coupster who had top­pled and imprisoned him — заговорщик.

The 71-year-old senator is a mercurial; McCain is a temperamental cove who wears heart on his sleeve — живой, подвижный; деятельный человек, малый.

I've been throwing torches into this coven for days — сборище; шабаш ведьм.

British companies look covetously at India's rapidly growing mid­dle-class consumer market — жадный (особенно до чужого богатства).

Nigeria's light, sweet crude oil is coveted by U.S. refiners because it yields a higher amount of gasoline than the heavier variety from the Middle East — жаждать, сильно желать.

Russia wants to cow its neighbors — пугать; запугивать, устрашать.

Thugs and criminals of the post-apocalyptic Mega City One will once again cower in fear — сжиматься, съеживаться.

Gold has real value only in the same sense as cowrie shells or bitcoins — каури (раковина, заменявшая деньги в некоторых частях Азии и Африки).

The doctor immediately began administering CPR (cardiopul­monary resuscitation) — реанимация, включающая искусственное дыхание и непрямой массаж сердца.

Despite his occasional crabbiness, Britten had a gift for friendship and was close to many of the musical and literary figures of his age — раздражительность.

Mr Junger sees unfold among a bunch of filthy infantrymen on a shot-up Afghan crag — скала, утес.

How, precisely, do you go about cramming sundry trivia for a rapid-fire quiz show? — перекармливать.

Admittedly, for every lost prophet there is a crank who is simply lost; crankishness aside, technocracy and autocracy have long been na­tural bedfellows — причуда; прихоть; каприз; чудак.

There are providers in almost every cranny of the luxury land­scape — повсюду все уголки.

Ms Rousseff's hiring of Lula looks like a crass attempt to thwart the course of justice — топорная пропаганда.

Foreign universities crave access to India's booming higher-edu­cation market — страстно желать, жаждать.

Republican politicians do not yet blame Barack Obama person­ally for the recent changes in America's weather. That would stick in the craw — стать поперек горла, застрять в горле.

The same government made promises to expand creche places that the present one is trying to keep — детские ясли.

On the credenza opposite is another jumbled nest of wires for re­charging mobile phones, cameras, netbooks and MP3 players — боковая доска.

Left wing Europeans who dislike America would label that credu­lity, not trust — доверчивость, легковерие.

Critics find Mr Fico's cocktail of history and culture stodgy or downright creepy — бросающий в дрожь, вызывающий страх.

The bravest face the government can put on it is a crestfallen one — подавленный, удрученный.

That is a worthy aim, but a partial one, because other jihadist groups with equally murderous intent will thrive in the violent crevices of the Middle East — трещина, расщелина.

The oil companies invited all cried off, citing prohibitive security costs — идти на попятный.

What about the concern that a burst of mergers will crimp com­petition? — мешать, чинить препятствия.

His son Mitt's bid for the presidency has been more of a crinoline: long and cumbersome — старомодная юбка.

When Germany's Lena Meyer-Landrut takes to the Eurovision stage on May 29th to sing "Satellite" in English, purists will cringe чувствовать раздражение, досаду.

Nanotechnology is giving products enhanced features, such as bandages that help heal cuts, engines that run more efficiently and crock­ery that cleans more easily — посуда (глиняная, фаянсовая).

Everyone in Iceland knows the tale of Bjartur of the Summerhous- es, a crofter who, emerging from years of debt bondage, struggles against nature, misfortune and the curse of Ireland's St Columba to be self-reli­ant — арендатор небольшой фермы (в Шотландии).

Jersey is different. It is unusually middle-class, tight-knit and — to critics — cosily croneyish — назначение на должность или выбор в качестве партнеров на основе дружеских связей.

Set to Latin house music and classic Cuban crooning, this piece has a gender-bending freshness that flouts the country's macho stereo­type — тихое проникновенное пение.

A third crosscuts dizzyingly between wartime London and the story of Emil Freireich — разрез.

The sheer size of America's defence budget puts it in the cross­hairs — перекрестье.

In arguments, McCain comes off crotchety and beaten — каприз­ный, прихотливый.

They crouched nervously in bunkers — припадать к земле; со­гнуться.

They like to play blackjack in the casino, where the croupiers conduct their games in Mandarin — банкомет, крупье.

Insiders crow that the gumshoes found no smoking gun — зло­радствовать, насмехаться.

As it turned out, the primary was not such a crucible; Iraq turned into a crucible of terrorism Cross-examination is the crucible by which the truth shall be revealed — горнило; суровое испытание.

If another financial crisis were to hit, as at some point it surely will, the currency could crumple — обваливаться, рушиться.

A crush of 500 listeners waited apprehensively as, ill and mov­ing slowly — скопление, толпа; давка, толкотня; a crush of carts and coaches — скопление повозок и экипажей.

Berlusconi came into politics 17 years ago depicting himself as a free-market crusader and always called himself a liberal — участник общественного движения, общественной кампании.

To do so through a wholly owned subsidiary, rather than seeking the crutch of a joint venture — опора, поддержка.

This presents a challenge for those not born into Britain's upper- crust — верхушка общества.

Surrounded by crusty generals three times his age, an insecure young leader might just resort to hot-headed measures to assert himself — нахальный; противный.

Ismaists feed rumours that Ataturk was a womaniser, a drunk, even a crypto-Jew — человек, скрывающий свою принадлежность к евреям.

A large black cuboid, hung with intricately woven Islamic tex­tiles, rises at the heart of the show — кубообразный; сходный по форме с кубом.

And if the union cannot reach a trade agreement with cuddly Canada, what hope is there for renegade Britain? — привлекательный, приятный.

Those close to the president, such as Joe Biden, the vice-president, and Tom Donilon, the national security adviser have taken up their cud­gels again — защищать, заступаться за кого-л.

It is more militaristic, and too secular to take its cue from Catholic social teaching — реплика, знак, сигнал.

From cukes to nukes — огурец.

10,000 jobs were culled; His latest cull is less dramatic — отбра­ковка (скота); отстрел животных.

They detonated a large culvert bomb of the type that soldiers in Afghanistan know all too well — вызывающее, агрессивное поведение; уличная драка.

Не thinks the way to get more French people working is to reduce cumbersome labour protections, not add to them — обременительный, тягостный.

A cumulus of discontent — множество; скопление; cumulonim­bus — кучево-дождевые облака.

Lebanon's Shia party-cum-militia, with vehicles that he secret­ly fitted with tracking devi; A businessman-cum-influence peddler — как компонент сложных слов со значением совмещенный; одно­временно.

Obama graduated from Harvard Law School magna cum laude — с отличием (о дипломе).

But once the decision is taken, does anyone believe our politi­cians should be curating the museums, dictating what is and isn't art? — курировать, опекать.

Relations between Iran and Britain had curdled long before No­vember 29th, when two British diplomatic compounds in the Iranian capi­tal were overrun — застывать, стынуть (о крови).

A set of Japanese curios brings to life the story of a Jewish bank­ing dynasty — редкая, антикварная вещь.

The Australian press has dubbed "the curry bashings"; Officials, rivals and foreign governments might treat the company differently so as to curry favour with the president murders of Indian students in Australia — заискивать, подлизываться; чистить лошадь скребницей (железной щеткой).

A cursory look at several recent polls shows that too often they are travesties — беглый, поверхностный, небрежный.

That hasn't prevented curmudg eons in Battery Park and Brooklyn Heights from complaining about the occasional whump-whump-whump over their heads; comments made by a curmudgeonly in-house com­mentator — чрезмерно бережливый; скряга, скупец, скопидом.

Pakistan has in the past curried favour with America; you couldn't be seen as the only candidate not currying favor with Iowa — выделывать кожу; бить, пороть, хлестать; задать взбучку.

His letter of resignation, they note, ended with a curt "Yours sin­cerely", rather than the traditional self-abasing deference — отрывисто- грубый, резкий.

Why assume she's dopey, rather than just ahead of the curve on populist oppositional rhetoric? — продвинутый.

Mr Levitin repeatedly throws these statistical curveballs at his readers, training them to adopt a take-nobody's-word-for-it attitude — крученые мячи.

Power is at the cusp of its next boom cycle; Africa is on the cusp of change; He is on the cusp of power — переходный период; поворотный пункт.

More than half a century later, Bjartur's cussedness lives on — из простого упрямства.

His prose is tiny, and the mentions of his children dull and cute­sy — вычурный, жеманный.

But it seems that for politicians, it is easier to cut ribbons than corruption — снижать.

A former academic who owes his cut-glass English accent to an up­bringing in London — безукоризненно правильный, аристократичный (о произношении).

Police and prosecutors say that cyber-stalking is growing — постоянное использовние интернета для угроз, шантажа и т.д.


Western governments have until recently been reticent about cy- ber-espionage is surely because they are dab hands at it — чуть-чуть, удар, не проникающий глубоко.

FSB can dabble in any business it likes; Libyan nuclear dabblings — заниматься (чем-л.) непрофессионально, время от времени.

Most lawmakers in both parties know it would be daffy to dice with default — сумасшедший, безумный.

Must every country on the planet advertise daft balances etc just for the privelege of being left alone to munch an apple? — глупый; слабоумный.

Avigdor Lieberman, who this week used the dais of the UN General Assembly to dismiss the current round of negotiations as a non-starter — помост, возвышение, кафедра.

Russia's dalliance with Hamas; Sarlkozy's highly publicized dal­liance — праздное времяпрепровождение.

But intelligence agencies do not dally when security is at stake — тратить время впустую, бездельничать.

The Hungarian government has been doing its damnedest to make people vote — стараться изо всех сил.

Defying those who want him to take sides, either declaring Ameri­ca damnably racist or ready to embrace colour-blind comity — ужасно, чертовски.

For decades the country severely restricted the buying and selling of gold, which put a heavy damper on demand — то, что или тот, кто ослабляет, подавляет.

It helps to have a damsel in distress, but it does not really matter which damsel — придворная дама.

He dandled an idea of using relations with Taiwan as a bargain­ing-chip against China — играть (чем-л.), вертеть в руках.

American officials — from Admiral Harry Harris, commander in the Pacific, down — insist that all is dandy — превосходный, первоклассный.

Mr Haniyeh's Hamas men in Gaza dangle the idea of reconcilia­tion before Fatah — соблазнять, дразнить.

Bird droppings dapple the floor of the vast facility, in Kandahar in southern Afghanistan — покрывать пятнами; испещрять.

American officials have shown congressmen a picture showing Wang Wei himself, during earlier daredevil exploits — безрассудный, опрометчивый.

Lawmakers seemed sure to seize the chance to toss darts at each other again — небольшие дротики бросают в разграфленный пробковый круг.

As any fan of action movies knows, the best way to keep a mad­man from executing a dastardly plan is to keep him talking — трусливый; подлый.

Obama's quixotic dash to Copenhagen bashed his reputation — рывок, бросок.

That's how a sizable part of the "moderates" perceive him: as a dau­phin in the mold of Charles I, crown prince of France — дофин (старший сын короля Франции).

The challenges are daunting: the Niger Delta conundrum, pover­ty, rising waves of employment, security issues — обескураживающий, приводящий в растерянность.

The odd bus on Kano's dusty streets is daubed with pro-Palestin­ian slogans — мазать, марать, пачкать.

Having made your choice, dawdle on your way to the checkout Page — плестись, тащиться.

Revealing the central bank's inflation goal is an obvious first step, but revealing all staff-level reflections may daze and confuse — изумление, удивление.

A dearth of competition among firms helps explain wace inequa­lity — недостаток, нехватка.

In 1939, she was a deb, parading en masse in a long white frock and an obvious sulk — дебютантка.

The superdelegate debacle has already shown us her respect for a popular vote; The IT debacles may be dispiriting — разгром; полное поражение.

A lifelong conviction that governments must be prevented from debasing the currency — понижать качество или ценность.

A cultured and debonair man, he disdains the money-grubbing vices of your sordid communards and so you wish to destroy him — любезный, учтивый.

Lytton Strachey, the great debunker of Victorian earnest­ness, wrote an iconoclastic but telling study of 19th-century heroes — разоблачать, развенчивать.

Mr Hollande, a Socialist hack who led a fractious party for 11 years and has never had a ministerial job, is a debutant — дебютант.

After a failed revolution in Germany in 1848, disillusioned revolu­tionaries decamped to America and spread progressive ideas — собирать лагерь; сниматься с лагеря.

Obama is a decathlete not a one-trick pony — десятиборец.

The impact will be largest for the top income decile, whose direct consumption of oil products is ten times greater than all other income deciles — дециль (десятая часть).

The idea that today's decimation is qualitatively different to the mass extinctions of yore, and that a compensating mass speciation is already under way, seems at some level to be quite encouraging — разрушение.

This reflects a mood of declinism and also a sense of unrequited love — упадок.

Emotions ran high during the voting, and some of the rhetoric was intemperate, but the deputies mostly observed parliamentary decorum

внешнее приличие; благопристойность.

With a decrepit economy, and now devastating floods, a closed regime shows signs of greater openness — though not to everyone — дряхлый, немощный, хилый (от старости).

America's space agency has reached middle age, will it now recap­ture the glory of its youth, or dwindle into decrepitude? — немощность (в старческом возрасте).

The opposition's line is that having defanged the army, AK is now bent on asserting its control over the law — обезоружить.

Tory MPs looking for any weakness, & justification to defenes­trate him as long as that still leaves them with a parliamentary major­ity — выкидывать человека из окна с целью покалечить или убить.

Impatience has always been a part of economics: people don't like to defer gratification, and they demand compensation — считаться (с чьим-л. мнением); полагаться.

Japan's nuclear crisis is eroding deference to authority — ува- же ние, почтение.

The Vatican recently revealed that 400 priests were defrocked over the last two years accused of child molestation — расстричь (монаха); лишать духовного сана.

At least Mr Putin had deigned to see the prime minister, and British officials think Mr Putin will resume his old post of president — снизойти; соблаговолить; удостоить.

The Ptolemies honoured this animal deity, but they also had their own Greek version, Serapis, with a human form — Божество (в монотеистических религиях).

Danone, a French food firm, delivers its yogurts and other delec- tables twice a week to 8,500 outlets in South Africa — прелести.

The most beautiful deleveraging yet seen" is how Ray Dalio de­scribes what is now going on in America's economy — дегиринг (процесс уменьшения доли заемного капитала в общем размере капитала фирмы).

Opponents of change, mostly on the right, predict three delete­rious effects of abolishing non-dom status вредный, вредоносный, опасный.

Shortly after she meets Faber, filthy off a train from Russia, she delouses him in her parents' Berlin bedroom — вычистить от вшей.

In "Mr Holmes" they are invited to delve into his human side and an ailing genius's lonely decline — тщательно исследовать.

From demented jailbird to president-in-waiting: Asif Zardari's metamorphosis чокнутый, сумасшедший.

Online reviews and friends' comments on social media help con­sumers see a product's underlying merits and demerits — недостаток, дефект, изъян.

For some, painted nails represented a hint of the demimonde, but a classy thumbs up soon changed that — люди сомнительной репутации.

And he revelled in that most demotic and subversive music, jazz — простонародный.

The clientele were not China's demure womanhood — скромный, спокойный.

They suspected — as some Republican presidential candidates imply today — that houses of worship had become dens of sedition and vice — прибежище, логово.

Flood of denigration; The leadership of both main parties have denifrated the Koizumi for too long — диффамация, клевета.

I t has a population of 340 million, each of whom have 5~6 times the spending power of an average denizen on this planet; She was a deni­zen of suburbs — иностранец, получивший гражданство.

The thrall of Hosni Mubarak's dramatic exit has dissolved into a lingering, indeterminate and far less telegenic denouement — развязка.

Mr Romney seems to have succeeded in denting the prospects of Newt Gingrich, hitherto his chief rival for the nomination — негативно влиять, подрывать.

But it is becoming harder to make a living as more boats arrive from already denuded waters to the west — обнаженный, оголенный.

Somali pirates, whose oceanic depredations deter investment and trade on dry land, have been much less successful in the past year — воровство, грабеж; расхищение.

Even as Haitian-Americans struggle with hardship they also face the deracinating effects of prosperity — вырывать с корнем; искоренять.

In America politicians look at a rash of mass shootings by de­ranged young men and draw the second-most-obvious conclusion — приводить в беспорядок; расстраивать.

Israel's prime minister derides the unity deal, but many Israelis do not — высмеивать, осмеивать.

Russia started modernising the near-derelict base, a legacy from Soviet times, in 2009. In any case they would be little use in a real fight: America's Sixth Fleet alone has probably more firepower than Russia's entire navy, which has barely 20 seaworthy surface ships — брошенный; бесхозный.

He has rushed through an Islamist-tinted constitution endorsed in a derisorily low turnout by only a fifth of eligible voters — смехотворный.

Until recently bankers' tales of derring-do during the Asian, La­tin American and Russian debt crises were kept for after-dinner drinks — отчаянная храбрость; безрассудство (искаженное «daring to do»).

Public ownership of law firm shares will further desensitize America to the already mind-numbing amount of litigation — делать нечувствительным.

Our desi liberals would never believe that India is supporting TTP to destabilise Pakistan — гражданин Индии, Пакистана или Бангладеш, проживающий за границей.

Nor are they desiccated calculating machines, meting out dispas­sionate justice uninfluenced by political ideas — высушенный; сушеный, сухой.

Not a bad fraction of the desideratum, but one that will be hard to sustain in the face of the world's economic difficulties — что-л. недостающее, желаемое.

Many Vietnamese remain convinced that China still has territorial designs on their country — замысел, план.

Basra is stll a slough of despond; the DPJ, in a slough of despond, criticises Abenomics while offering little alternative — болото, трясина; отчаяние.

It also destigmatises the consumption of endangered body parts, thus raising demand for them — не делать позорным.

North Korea's 24m people, many of whom are so destitute they supplement their meagre maize-based subsistence with grass and what­ever else they can forage — бедный; лишенный.

In a few cases the police have launched desultory investigations — несвязный, отрывочный.

Environmentalists see these steps as safeguards against further despoliation by belching factories and power plants — ограбление; кража, расхищение.

Investors deterred by policy shortcomings in some markets — от­пугивать.

Whether a nuclear bomb is a "deterrent" or a "weapon" depends on whose bomb it is — сдерживающее средство.

Liberals, who rightly detest the world's last remaining absolute monarchy — ненавидеть, питать отвращение.

Tactfully avoiding mention of his dethronement — свержение с престола, развенчание.

Warmer relations with America have detoxified relations with Poland and the Baltics — детоксифицировать, устранять влияние яда.

It was Google that recognised the gold dust in the detritus of its in­teractions with its users and took the trouble to collect it up; to sell the de­tritus of Spain's building bubble — детрит (органогенный обломочный материал в осадках или осадочных горных породах).

And as an economist, you hear people call it a blunder and just stand there as an useless deuce of cloves — дьявол, бес.

Welfare need not mean income; it could derive from the pleasure of altruism or the thrill of deviancy — неправильность, аномальность.

Russia still clings to foreign devilry колдовство, черная магия; дьявольщина.

To understand the full extent of cunning and deviousness under­lying much of it — удаленный, отдаленный.

Since devolutionary measures in 2001 local politicians have wielded significant powers in the country — делегирование власти.

Why does a candidate who believes in cutting spending need to be absurdly devout? — набожный, праведный, религиозный.

Children who are bright, dextrous and sociable; They are becom­ing more dexterous — способный, сообразительный; умелый; a dex­terous politician — искусный политик; dexterous in the management — опытный в управлении.

Trying to use diasporans to lobby for national interests is even harder — члены диаспоры.

Putin's recent diatribe against America reflects the deeply resent­ful attitude the former superpower has towards the remaining one; Fero­cious diatribes — диатриба.

The terms of TNK-BP's confidential shareholder agreement gave TNK-BP first dibs on any new BP venture in Russia — преимущественные права на что-л.

Security is still dicey around the edges of the district, where skir­mishes frequently erupt — неясный; рискованный; ненадежный.

So Hillary Clinton's legacy is that she diddled with the internal structure of the bureaucracy? — надувать, разыгрывать.

The "surge" in racist opposition is merely due to a diffident Ameri­can press — застенчивый, робкий.

Mr Xi's diffidence in such areas may stem from the mandate he had from the elders who helped him into the job — скромность, неуве­ренность в себе.

The name itself, given later, was a mild dig at their religious clan- nishness — толчок (локтем, кулаком, бедром).

A potent mix of glitterati and dig erati, plutocrats and aristo­crats have been mingling in the Swiss ski resort of Davos — кибер-элита, компьюлигенция, дигерати, IT-эксперты.

Finally, the trustfull country is still Russia, that never complied to your diktats, that is why she is demonised — диктат.

The Indians themselves complain about its dilatoriness in iden­tifying lands they "traditionally occupy" — медлительность.

Mr Ganley is a puzzling figure: neither a scary demagogue, nor a millionaire dilettante, but with elements of both those ills дилетант, непрофессионал.

When, a year ago, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates for the first time since the financial crisis, it did not intend to dilly-dally — мешкать, не решаться.

Economic growth has contributed to the diminution of biodi­versity by allowing humans to spread around the planet — снижение, спад.

Despite these headline-grabbing offerings, the dim-sum mar­ket has remained true to its name: "delicious but limited" — дим-сам, дим-сум, дим-сим (кушанье, похожее на пельмени; в китайской кухне).

There's Um Saeed, the wise linchpin; Um Allawi, the intellectu­al; Um Saloom, the benign dimwit; and Um Khammas, the crude one — болван, тупица.

That would be a useful message for politicians, but they may strug­gle to hear it above the din — грохот, гул, нестихающий звон.

It sounds like a classic Republican-Democrat ding-dong — жар­кий спор; ссора; драка.

Groups who pay 300 ($400) a head to cross are packed into rub­ber dinghies at night — небольшая моторная лодка.

London is renowned for its grand hotels. It is also notorious for the dinginess of some of its less opulent ones — неопрятный, неряшливый.

The villains assembled by Mr Talebi are a gluttonous gaggle of iPhone-addicted, BBC-besotted dipsomaniacs who will stop at nothing to return Iran to the dissolute days of the Pahlavi shahs — алкоголик.

Flies may seem short-lived to people, but from a dipteran point of view they can thus live to a ripe old age — двукрылый.

After leading the crowd in a chant of "Fidel, Fidel, Fidel!" Mr Chavez joined Messrs Lugo, Morales and Correa in a karaoke rendition of "Hasta siempre commandante"— a dirge about the exploits of Che Guevara — be­fore disappearing — заупокойная месса.

The dirigisme contemplated by the government would hasten pub deaths — дирижизм (теория и практика государственно-моно­полистического регулирования во Франции).

Mr Ashley could be disbarred as a company director — лишать права адвокатской практики.

That may discomfit more hawkish allies, especially the United Arab Emirates, who regard the Brotherhood, even in non-violent incar­nation — смущать, приводить в замешательство.

People are often disconcerted and disgusted by changes in human reproduction — сбивать с толку; нарушать спокойствие.

Mr Nooteboom's is a more discursive ramble through German identity and history — хаотичный; бессвязный.

Voters who disdain Donald Trump have had the power to stop him but, as is often the way in the primaries, most have chosen to stay at home — относиться с презрением; не уважать.

The news brought little more than a disdainful response from Boeing, its archrival — высокомерный, пренебрежительный.

Enterprise, alas, cannot receive such a luxurious retirement. Her reactors must be removed, and doing so means disembowelling her — потрошить.

New tax stirs disenchantment with austerity — разочарование.

The law was attacked by Democrats as a ploy to disenfran­chise poor, urban or elderly Obama voters — лишать гражданских или избирательных прав.

The corruption went hand in hand with other abuses, making it difficult for the commission to disentangle the two — выпутываться, выходить из сложной ситуации.

In Ginza, Tokyo's best-known shopping district, a dozen-odd tour buses disgorge crowds of determined Chinese shoppers at their first stop — разгружать, выгружать.

Disgruntlement grew last year when American firms lost their bid to supply India with 126 jetfighters — India's biggest-ever defence contract — to European competitors — недовольство, разочарование.

What a disingenuous thing for McCain to say — неискренний, хитрый; лицемерный.

The opposition is divided and dishevelled — растрепать.

Israel has dished out this form of punishment before, though rarely for longer than a month or so — раздавать направо и налево.

Why not develop social welfare programs that don't create disin­centives for work? — сдерживающее средство, препятствие.

But hearing an ex-general disparage hierarchies so forcefully thrills employees — вести себя пренебрежительно.

Examined from close up, the 2012 has been a dismaying elec­tion — вселяющий ужас.

It is an extraordinary network of disparate peoples bound by an imperial history — несопоставимый; несоизмеримый.

The Vatican granted a papal dispensation to allow Fernando Lugo, who is due to take office as Paraguay's president — распределение, распространение.

Real growth looks a distant prospect, but the news that Britain has fallen back into recession is more dispiriting than alarming — вызывающий разочарование.

Wisely, they failed to diss that other staple of the French diet, wine, the producers of which clearly have the stomach for a fight; so who's dissing the Greeks now? — оскорблять (кого-л), оскорбительное заме­чание.

The message is clear: dissent (whether of the liberal or Islam­ist variety) is not just illegal, it is treason — несогласие, инакомыс­лие.

At Cannes euro-zone leaders made plain that family members could be forsaken, even disinherited — лишать наследства.

At the moment several new factors are combining to favour the distaff side more — женская работа, женское занятие.

The distemper spread across the Atlantic — беспорядки, волне­ния; смута.

Makaburi got his nickname for threatening to disinter the graves of Sufi Muslims — выкапывать (из могилы); эксгумировать.

In emerging economies the picture is even more disparate — не­сопоставимый; несоизмеримый.

Amid the messy stand-off of disputatious protestors and hapless administrators in the great sit-in at St Paul's Cathedral — любящий спорить.

She breathes rapidly, her belly sticking out from a dirty T-shirt, distended by hunger — раздувать, расширять.

Millions of other black voters across the South, abruptly ditched Mrs Clinton — выбрасывать, сбрасывать (в канаву).

Government dithering keeps trackers above ground находиться в крайнем возбуждении.

Egyptian radio broadcast patriotic ditties amid praise for the "ea­gles of the army — песенка.

The new law, which comes into operation in 2015, requires all state bodies to divulge previously confidential information on staff salaries and emoluments — разглашать, раскрывать.

Men in djellabas duck into a storefront mosque for evening prayers — джелаба (длинный балахон с капюшоном; традиционное одеяние в Марокко и других странах Северной Африки).

The Egyptian capital is a menacing place where betrayal swirls like an army of djinns джинн.

In the dock of public opinion are not just a few fat cats but the rich in general — пристань, причал.

A country should not need to use doctored photos to get respect — фальсифицировать, подделывать.

He was slapped with a docket of court cases accusing him of "in­sulting the Turkish identity" — выписка решения суда.

He indicated to voters in the liberal state that he would not be a doctrinaire opponent of every Democratic initiative — доктринер.

A law change may help Victor Ponta, the prime minister, to dodge prosecution уловка, хитрость; проделка.

His second career as a highly remunerated globe-trotting political consultant, often to some pretty dodgy regimes, has done nothing for his reputation — шаткий, сомнительный.

It went the way of the dodo дронт (вымершая птица отряда голубеобразных, обитавшая на островах Индийского океана и истребленная в XVII-XVIII вв. завезенными туда свиньями).

McCain is too doddery to understand the doohickeys — нетвердо стоящий на ногах, ковыляющий.

Compared with its neighbours, Poland's political puzzle is a dod­dle — легкое дело.

I doff my cap to the candidate for having picked up the important endorsement — снимать шляпу.

Mr Gandhi, a quietly clever 41-year-old free of the accusations of graft that dog so many Indian politicians, is popular — преследовать.

Dogged diplomacy produces an impressively detailed agree­ment — упорный, настойчивый.

Addressing only Latinos won't help because a good share of them are dogleg women or young — внезапное изменение направления.

Only the most naive investor read that as a commitment to do- goodery rather than calculated self-interest — благодетель человечества.

Children at the bottom often face low-wage drudgery or the dole — пособие по безработице.

In the early 1980s, as a dogsbody in a paper mill, she noted that the waste paper her superiors so casually discarded was actually worth something — ишак (тот, кто выполняет тяжелую, нудную работу).

North America, where refineries once paid a premium for Alge­ria's high-quality crude, takes the largest dollop of the country's 1.2m barrels a day — крохи.

The show comes at a dolorous time for Burberry, which has seen investors flee like models from a chip butty — печальный, унылый, страдающий.

A shadowing of the housing crisis, that's all this dolt, not insight­ful in the least, is clamoring for — болван, дурень.

Washington'sgigantic and frequently doltish establishment — придурковатый, тупой.

Breaking the mould of Japanese politics requires tackling the country's domineering civil service — деспотический, властный, за­бияка.

Institutional appearance in a district of wood-panelled and red­brick domesticity семейная жизнь, домашняя жизнь.

Rumsfeld caught in a hot tub with boy hookers, meth and Rush Limbaugh, while being whipped by a Hilary look alike dominatrix; The steely Soviet dominatrix госпожа (в садомазохистских отношениях); властная женщина.

The doner killers may force a reassessment — вкладчик.

Another is to buy a pay-as-you go dongle for the laptop — элек­тронное устройство на компьютере для использования защищен­ной программы.

He is a devout Catholic with mild, donnish quirks — чопорный, церемонный.

Personally, I admire the donnybrook in the GOP — шумная ссора; всеобщая драка.

It is also public knowledge that dons are defacto leaders главарь мафии, крупный мафиози.

In parts of the state, enjoying an occasional doobie is nowadays considered little different from sipping a Pinot Noir — марихуана.

Their return almost invariably signals that the company is in deep doo-doo, and often the mess they are brought back to fix is one they left behind — экскременты.

McCain is too doddery to understand the doohickeys — штука, штуковина, приспособление.

All this is fantastically good news for Kukuriku, the opposition coali­tion, whose title translates as "cock-a-doodle-do" — болван, дурень, олух.

They pitch a frumpy Bill Gates lookalike against a too-cool- for-school Jobs doppelganger — доппельгенгер (в парапсихологии, научной фантастике: призрачный двойник).

The Sunni-Shia schism may have lasted for 14 centuries, but most of that time it has lain dormant — потенциальный, скрытый.

A similar number of Britons live in France, but mainly for a sun­ny dotage in the bucolic south — старческое слабоумие, старческий маразм.

Mr Kim retorted that he would "surely and definitely tame the mentally deranged US dotard with fire" — слабоумный (человек); ста­рик, впадающий в детство.

Falling birth-rates allowed parents to dote on fewer children, who were increasingly likely to go to school — души не чаять, слепо обожать.

The 75% income-tax rate is dottier than a pointilliste painting — немного чудаковатый, странный.

He claims several times not to care what people think of him, bit he doth protest too much — старомодное "do".

Dovish Chinese analysts express their usual hope that there will be a shift toward economic liberalisation — миролюбивые.

The humble mouse is a doughty workhorse of science- бесстрашный, доблестный, мужественный, неустрашимый.

Не appointed as vice-president his dour, dapper 74-year-old intel­ligence chief, General Omar Suleiman — строгий, суровый.

This I'm afraid is little but doublespeak dressed up in an academic format — демагогия.

With more poor people doubleing up with friends and family, some clients simply need help getting along better with their mothers — занимать то же помещение.

The departure of a Supreme Court justice is always momentous; Mr Scalia's is doubly so — вдвойне.

The central bank chief summoned the heads of the top 40 banks for a dour meeting earlier this week — строгий, суровый.

But a tough and sullen electorate has no patience with the dove­cotes — голубятня.

Angela Merkel was the bossy dowager — вдова (титулованного лица, сохраняющая прежний титул).

Mid-budget films of the kind that tend to be nominated for awards were the first to be caught in the downdraft — нисходящий (воздуш­ный) поток.

South Africa is sliding downhill while much of the rest of the con­tinent is clawing — катиться по наклонной плоскости.

Politicians often protest that services are for dodgy financi­ers or downtrodden burger-flippers and that Germany deserves bet­ter; More competition is emerging for Japan's downtrodden brokers — подавленный, угнетенный, притесняемый.

The volume and value of home sales in Canada are now at record highs. In some areas the market looks downright frothy — полный, совершенный, абсолютный.

That's gotta be a downer for the Austrians — успокаивающий наркотик.

At home he has been backed by a doyen of Israel's foreign-policy pundits — дуайен, старшина дипломатического корпуса.

The real problem is not dozy small tax preparers but the complex­ity of the tax code itself — дремлющий; сонный.

On Union Street, the main shopping drag, vacancies have risen — улица, дорога, приманка.

Young professionals, often whites, are buying up old Victorian- style houses which they find charming but which the previous owners, often blacks, see as decrepit, draughty and expensive to maintain — продуваемый ветрами.

They share essential qualities: exhilarating draughtsmanship, boldly expressive colour and conceptual ambition — черчение.

By contrast, "dramedies" such as "Chuck" and "Ugly Betty" fuse comedy with more serious themes — смесь драмы и трагедии.

Chavez dragooned PDVSA into all manner of charitable work — заставлять, принуждать.

It is not a tourist draw on the scale of the Edinburgh Festival — приманка, соблазн.

With his easy manner, shrewd sense of humour and slight southern drawl, Tony White is a far cry from the popular perception — протяжное произношение, медлительность речи.

Since then, the two sides have been at screwdrivers drawn — об­наженный (о шпаге).

The fourth phase, which has recently begun under the new ISAF commander, General John Allen, is drawdown and transition — сокра­щение.

The fourth phase, which has recently begun under the new ISAF commander, General John Allen, is drawdown and transition — сокращение (численности войск, размещенных в каком-л. регионе).

Leftover detritus that has no control system, such as the remnants of the Chinese satellite missile test, which left a reported 3,000 dribs and drabs in orbit — мелочи, крохи.

As results start to dribble out and it emerges which ticket looks strongest, much jockeying for position will take place — течь тонкой струйкой.

The drip-drip of allegations from Mr Nazarruddin's trial will im­plicate more people — капанье.

Switching to drip-feed irrigation means that watering becomes more precise, cutting consumption per unit of output — капельная подача.

Long seen as drippily Utopian, the idea of getting rid of nuclear weapons was suddenly taken on by think-tankers — глупо.

Is plenty more such drivel; sanctimonious drivel dressed up as political philosophy; Dr. Evil or Drivel? — чепуха, чушь, бессмыслица, бред.

He was drooling the press — говорить бессвязно; говорить ерунду, пороть чушь, нести бред, чепуху.

At Amazon, it makes investors drool and rivals quake — говорить ерунду, нести бред.

Khamenei want to pin the scandal on Mr Ahmadinejad's friends and lay the blame for Iran's drooping economy at the president's door — пониклый.

In Britain, where earnestness is a sin and drollery a virtue, dismay about the global financial crisis is best masked with humour — шутки, проказы.

The Secretary of State has a very droll sense of humor and a pen­chant for employing it for maximum effect — чудной; забавный.

In 2005 nearly all of the BBC's user-generated content was sub­mitted directly to the organisation; now it has to hunt down half of it from social networks. That means sifting a lot of dross — остатки, отбросы.

Old people go to the polls in droves, but often need government help the least — толпа, ватага.

A drubbing for Labour was on the cards, and a drubbing was duly administered — битье, побои.

Samuel Johnson, the lexicographer after whom this column is named, famously defined his profession as being that of "a harm­less drudge" — человек, выполняющий тяжелую, монотонную работу.

Children at the bottom often face low-wage drudgery or the dole — тяжелая, монотонная работа.

The personal diaries quoted by Ms Reid, many written by mid­dle-class academics, artists, doctors and their families, offer a relentless drumroll of deaths — барабанная дробь.

Aid agencies dub China and others "rogue donors" — обрубать; обтесывать.

If Monti does not feel up to the job, he should duck out now — уклоняться, избегать.

In bad times the state is there to clean up, just as it did during a surge in dud loans in 1990s — бесполезный; негодный.

Investors in the real-estate mogul's duff Atlantic City casino busi­ness are unlikely to agree; The real reason their work generates so much duff journalism is that Britain has such depressingly duff newspapers — бесполезный; низкокачественный.

The author, a self described "urban duffer" makes a single foray into a gun store and then deigns to proscribe a "solution" for everyone else — глупец, дурак.

That left five main candidates duking it out ahead of the January 21st primary in South Carolina — срыгнуть.

During the Egyptian uprising the advantage was clearly on the side of the dissidents, since the Egyptian secret police were digital dul­lards — тупица; олух; разиня.

The mainstream consensus has long been that a growing econo­my raises all boats, to much better effect than incentive-dulling redis­tribution — затупление.

He sure talks like a complete moron- and the whole mess in Iraq shows what a total dumbass he is — тупой.

The dumbing down of America has been decried by both the left and the right — заставить замолчать.

Now he presides over recession, rising joblessness — and the need to impose more austerity on dumbfounded voters — ошеломить, потрясти.

She has had actual letters asking how to dun Grandma for what she eats at Thanksgiving — допекать, надоедать.

The absurdly elongated dunce's cap — дурацкий колпак.

Hiring eggheads rather than dunderheads is generally wise, though it can backfire: just ask the banks that employed "quants" by the dozen to create financial instruments that no one understood — глупая башка, болван.

Are Boeing and Airbus the fierce competitors or have they be­come a cosy duopoly — монополия двух конкурирующих компаний.

You might think it also seems unbelievable that Pakistan could be so breathtakingly duplicitous and take such a risk of antagonising America, its most important ally — лживый; предательский.

Durum wheat stocks are expected to be especially tight, falling by almost 40% — твердый сорт пшеницы.

Thatcher lumbered her party with a "poll tax" which required both dukes and dustmen to pay exactly the same for their local-government services — мусорщик.

Nobody knows how the duumvirate between Mr Medvedev and Mr Putin is going to work дуумвират (совет или суд в Древнем Риме, состоящий из двух человек).

An opportunistic president and a dyed-in-the-wool rebel ap­pear to have ended Sri Lanka's best-ever hope for peace — закоренелый, бескомпромиссный.

Virginia is a politically competitive, traffic-clogged suburban dy­namo — динамо, динамо-машина.

Setting man against man in a Hobbesian dystopia. At other times he imagines America as Hobbiton in J. R. Tolkien's fictional shire — неидеальное общество, несовершенный общественный строй.


At no time in half a billion years have any Earthlings cared about carbon emissions — землянин, житель Земли.

An entire floor of Degas's Paris house was stuffed with easels displaying old masters, which favoured visitors were allowed to view — мольберт.

For its cosmic ambition, ITER run into the earthiest of difficulties: spiraling costs изумительный, ошеломительный.

Compared to the abolition of slavery, it may not be earth-shat­tering — поразительный, удивительный.

The real choice for him is not when his measures would start to bite in earnest — всерьез, серьезно.

Though humorous, the book needn't be classified as "relentlessly middle-brow, or easy-peasy", clarified Sir Andrew Motion — легкотня.

Better to be part of a foreign group than to see clients ebbing away to the big American investment banks — приходить в упадок; ухудшаться.

America's conservatives are in ebullient mood — кипучий, полный энтузиазма.

The cost of driving easily eclipsed the war in iraq, unemployment, health care or terrorism — затмевать, заслонять.

Though the king has opened an admirably ecumenical dialogue with leaders of other faiths, no church or synagogue may yet be built on Saudi soil — экуменический, всемирный выступающий за достижение религиозного единства все христиан.

The American embassy is tucked between a narrow sidestreet and the bustling Garden Ring, near a swampy little river eddy — маленький водоворот, воронка.

Bank of Namibia is at the leading edge of a trend — задавать тон.

Nothing is going to be edgier than wearing AIG apparel — раздраженный, нетерпеливый.

The answer to the question is not particularly edifying — поучительный, нравоучительный.

An eerie silence falls over Donetsk as tensions rise in eastern Ukraine — жуткий, зловещий.

The man is an eejit, as we say in Farsi — идиот, дурак.

The euro crisis has recreated a rift between a Germanic north and a Latin south that decades of integration tried to efface — стирать, вычеркивать, удалять.

Food and Drug Administration testing for the safety and effica­cy of drugs has given the market confidence — эффективность, сила; действенность.

The effervescent French president; a fit of collective efferves­cence as multitudes descend upon the city to witness the inauguration of the 44th president — возбуждение, подъем.

In art as in life, both Kims are effeminate and podgy — делать женоподобным, уподобляться женщине.

The effete corps ofimpudent snobs; they are considered effete — хилый, неспособный к действию, истощенный.

It showed Mr Rudd trying to record a message in Mandarin, losing his temper, effing and blinding, banging a desk and abusing Australian officials and a Chinese interpreter — ругаться на чем свет стоит.

With its heady mix of eartly effluence and celestial protectionism, Rome simply cannot leave you cold поток, течение, обилие.

Manufacturing failed to compensate for the losses, even if a cul­tural efflorescence led by the Beatles accompanied the economic woes — вершина, кульминация, расцвет.

Не has achieved this partly through sheer verbal effrontery, as in his badmouthing of George Bush — наглость, нахальство.

Though some found the book "tedious and effulgent", such as Jay McInerney, writing in the New York Times, many embraced it as a weirdly compassionate — блестящий, сияющий.

The poet's soppy romanticism, flinty egalitarianism and ridicule of pomposity have universal appeal — эгалитаризм.

Be surprised to learn that a man so close to the pinnacle of power was such a bad egg — непутевый, никудышный человек.

German voters, egged on by xenophobic tabloid headlines, do not want to pay for that — быть в неудобном положении.

I am not French, and I acknowledge and reject Napoleon's ego­maniac tendencies — эгоист.

Complain all you want, but only if you're not guilty of even more egregious behavior — вопиющий, отъявленный, очевидный.

It also contains Asiatic black bears, egrets and, according to some, an extremely rare subspecies of the Siberian tiger — цапля.

Transneft seeks to eke out savings across its business — с трудом зарабатывать на жизнь, пробавляться, перебиваться.

But it is India's elan, both in terms of its economy and a newly po­lished image — стремительность, напор, натиск.

This iteration is less elegiac, but it is probably too late — элеги­ческий; грустный.

The country still feels elephantine, its infrastructure is rick­ety, its electricity patchy, most of its roads unpaved and potholed — слоноподобный; неуклюжий.

Small, slight and bespectacled, with a thoughtful elfin manner and a ready grin, he looks perhaps half his age, and chats freely and easily — чудесный, магический.

The White House designed the meetings to elicit two other com­mitments — извлекать; вытягивать.

"Allies" and "partners" are not the same thing, for example, how­ever trendy it may be to elide the difference — oтменять, аннулировать.

The fall of the Clubhouse — not a physical place but an elitist fraternity — comes not long after its two greatest triumphs — человек, принадлежащий к элите.

The result, in elliptical and sometimes baffling prose, was "Let­ters to Olga" — туманный (о стиле).

Today's article in the Independent is about the rise in people tak­ing elocution lessons — ораторское искусство.

Previous research has shown that men with significantly elon­gated ring fingers excel at competitive sports — продолговатый; удлиненный.

In Afghanistan, half the women in prison are there for "moral" crimes such as eloping — побег с любовником.

All participants implicitly accepted the idea that methods used to analyse Homer, say, or German myths might elucidate the Koran — проливать свет; пояснять.

It eludes me how anyone can lend his name — избежать, спастись, избавиться.

He promises the better life that has proved elusive for many In­donesians, at the same time as he pledges to stand up for his country — неуловимый, ускользающий.

Those too emaciated to make the crossing to Zanzibar were left to die on the shore — истощать, изнурять, выматывать.

Money that they expect will emanate from Washington — проис­ходить, быть результатом (чего-л.).

The U. S. constitution is short, simple and relatively clear but the things found in the emanations of its penumbra's are legion — эма­нация; излучение.

He and his colleagues embed brains in plastic and put them in a machine that cuts them into microscopically thin slices — врезать, вделывать.

Heat and pressure sensors, and even video cameras, can be em­bedded in vehicles to gather data as they fly, providing a level of detail and fidelity that we've never had before — встраивать, внедрять.

With the same sparkling clarity as his insights into the isometric embeddability of abstract Riemannian manifolds in Euclidean spaces — способность к вдавливанию.

Radical Muslim and Christian groups stoke the embers of Pa­pua's conflict; embers of nativism — тлеющие (в золе) красные угольки.

It would help Barack Obama embitter a mainstream party on which he has at last made a big impact — раздражать; отравлять (существование).

Finally, there is the particular kind of foe that Mr Soros is made to embody — олицетворять.

First take the charge that Mr Obama's "weakness" emboldens President Vladimir Putin of Russia — поощрять, содействовать.

First take the charge that Mr Obama's "weakness" emboldens President Vladimir Putin of Russia — поощрять, содействовать.

One after another, prisoners asked for pieces of calico and em­broidery silks to take back to their cells — вышивка; вышитое изделие.

It emboldens him to contemplate full-scale constitutional revi­sion — давать смелость, вселять мужество.

His ideological baggage is almost as heavy as his personal em­bonpoint — полнота, дородность.

Kuwait is embroiled in a tumultuous power struggle — ввергать, вовлекать.

Back in the 1970s, when she first embarked on this artistic path, few would have predicted that she could make so many compelling bod­ies — вступать на путь.

China as a rival embryonic superpower — незрелый, недораз­вившийся.

Last year Oxford Dictionaries chose an emoji — those cartoonish

faces descended from emoticons — стиль иконок наподобие смайликов, появившихся в Японии.

Despite a more emollient tone, Mr Bush shows little sign of do­ing enough to ease European concerns — успокаивающий (о словах).

The president has failed to seek Congress's permission before ac­cepting foreign gifts, as the Emoluments clause says he must — доход от должности.

One sign of Britons' new informality was the clamour for the roy­al family to emote in response to the death in 1997 of Princess Diana — проявлять эмоции, чувства.

China was the model to emulate and Kyoto in Japan is laid out like 8th-century Chang'an — следовать примеру; имитировать.

America has led the global assault on tax dodgers and their ena- blers — то, что помогает другому достичь желаемого.

Ana Marie Pamintuan, described the Senate as the "upper chamber of the nation's biggest and most successful Laundromat" — encapsulat­ing the insalubrious entanglement of money and politics in the Philip­pines — заключать в себе.

The press is encumbered with a growing battery of rules — за­громождать.

They follow a formula: a little history, an introduction to how government works, an encomium to famous writers — восхваление, панегирик.

One woman filed for divorce having found her husband to be rather too well endowed — обеспечивать постоянным доходом.

Even if defeated in its heartland, the group seems likely to endure elsewhere — длиться; продолжаться.

The biggest enemy is "boredom, which is still more enervating for the soldier than the proximity of death" — слабохарактерный.

An enfeeblement of "Doing Business" would cast doubt on Mr Kim's commitment to the bank's research — ослабление, слабость; истощение.

Depicting Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president of Turkey, en­grossed in a series of athletically challenging sexual activities with barn­yard animals — увлеченный чем-л.

Ms Rousseff's Workers' Party and its coalition allies are enmeshed in a bribery scandal and the country is going through the worst recession since the 1930s — опутывать, запутывать.

They are relaxed, almost to the point of ennui, about other peo­ple's sexual preferences, drug habits and skin colour — скука, тоска.

The janitor, having no money for the dinner that a proper date would have included, went on his own to see "Home is the Hunter", a play about black servicemen returning to America after the war — he was en­raptured — приводить в восторг.

The idea of "rights", "mainstream" and even the role of the Supreme Court in determining these are not as enshrined as advocates of various positions contend — бережно хранить; лелеять.

As rates ease, the fog enshrouding the central bank's intentions is beginning to clear — закутывать, обволакивать.

The union has become ensnared in technicalities and a fundamen­tal argument about how much historic bank debt — поймать в ловушку.

While computer screens can bewitch the eye, a good shop has four more senses to ensorcell — околдовывать, очаровывать.

Fixing the FBI may entail some decidedly unAmerican thinking about political correctness and privacy — влечь за собой, вызывать (что-л.).

The Turkish authorities are using a mix of entreaty and threats to ensure they get what they want — мольба, просьба.

It has largely been an entrepot to Mainland trades even during British rule — перевалочный пункт.

The benefits to the government, however, have not been as quite as entrancing as expected — приводить в восторг, очаровывать, околдовывать.

That might encourage South Koreans to entertain more varied dreams of success — питать (какие-л. чувства, мечты).

Vietnam's economy, once one of Asia's most enticing, has slowed sharply — привлекательный, притягательный.

The battleground is the gap between UN's irredeemably idealis­tic purpose and its all-enveloping legal immunity — охватывающий со всех сторон.

He loved words and worked hard on them, modelling his uproar­ious tales on Louis Jordan's and his enunciation on Nat King Cole's — объявление, провозглашение.

Many of the events that will take place around the world this De­cember will be mere ephemera — эфемерное, мимолетное, прехо­дящее.

Julius Meinl V in a bar in Belgravia and he seems the epitome of the well-bred Englishman; Mr Bhide thinks that they epitomize modern civilization; Mr Takeshima is the epitome of the well-rounded establish­ment figure It was epitomized by Scroeder — изображение в миниатюре; изображение в уменьшенном размере.

Politicians do not come from Mars, they are Italians themselves and epitomize what is wrong with the country — кратко излагать.

The beginning of an epic battle between Microsoft, Google, Apple and others — роман-эпопея.

To the country's leaders, an epiphany came with the Tibetan up­heaval in 2008 and subsequent protests abroad — Богоявление (одно из названий христианского праздника Крещения Господня).

Oprah Winfrey announced that she will end her eponymous show in September 2011; Lego, theeponymous Danish firm; Peter Higgs, eponymous predictor of physics's missing boson; It is run by an epon­ymous foundation — дающий свое имя (особенно о мифических персонажах, именами которых называли города или народности).

Thanks to the vast reserve army of labour created by globali­zation, that equanimity may soon get wiped out — хладнокровие; спокойствие.

The longer the crisis lasts, the more people will swing to the right of the equation — стабилизация, уравнение, равенство.

Will the argument be resolved by finding equipoise between evi­dence and intuition, facts and judgments? — равновесие.

And the president's equivocation on the Keystone XL pipeline, which was going to carry oil from the Canadian tar sands to the Gulf of Mexico but has now been stymied, was a textbook example of how to evade hard decisions in an election year — уклонение, увиливание от прямого ответа.

Americans believe in opportunity, not equality-mongering болтовня о равенстве.

When two EEZs collide, UNCLOS calls for an equidistant line be­tween the coasts, splitting the shared gulf or strait down the middle — равноудаленный, эквидистантный.

Banks are now erring on the side ofcaution — сбиваться с пути.

Whether bovineor equine, the bill is belated — конский, лоша­диный.

The corporation spent more time on its poaching errand than it did on investigating whether East Arm Wharf could handle the joberrand- running for Russia's security services — поручение, задание.

While imposing ersatz fun on their employess, companies are bat­tling against the real thing — замена, заменитель, субститут.

Like some other erstwhile true believers, he became one of most cogent critics of his former faith — былой, давний, прежний, старый.

Anti-Catholic agitation was exacerbated in the mid-19th century by escapees from Ireland's potato famine and the arrival of Catholics from Germany — беглец.

We reach the far side of the Mara River and begin climbing Olo- ololo, an escarpment which twists and turns all the way to Tanzania — крутой откос насыпи, вала; откос.

The puckish Frenchman is the biggest star in high-fashion shoe de­sign, selling about 240,000 pairs a year in America at prices ranging from $395 for espadrilles to as much as $6,000 for a "super-platform" pump covered in crystals — тапки из ткани с резиновой подошвой.

The number of African leaders who can eschew even a pretence of democracy is shrinking — воздерживаться, избегать, остерегаться.

Others are esoteric, producing idiosyncratic goods that few other countries can make — эзотерический, тайный, скрытый.

The breathless Mr Krugman looks past next week's rout and es­pies a nation in ruin — заметить, увидеть издали.

In front of the skyscrapers on the esplanade in Panama City, jog­gers puff along a path in the morning heat — ровная открытая местность.

The ideals the party espouses; what values do you espouse? Inter­est was espoused by that — поддерживать (какое-л. дело, идею).

If the authorities did ban home esterification, though, enthusi­asts who wished to declare independence from the oil companies could go down another route — эстерификация, образование сложного эфира.

After nearly four years of estrangement, America's two most powerful and closest allies in the Middle East agreed to co-operate again — отчужденность; разобщенность.

One winter afternoon, Igor Emmerich was walking up the estu­ary at West Wittering on the Sussex coast — устье реки.

"Cyberbullying: its nature and impact in secondary school pupils" by Smith et al in Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry — и другие.

That Grecian profile can be seen also in his paintings and etch­ings — гравирование (травлением); травление.

Mr O'Leary describes his airline's current customer-service ethos — характер, преобладающая черта, дух.

Craniology, phrenology and eugenics, once-respectable fields of endeavour that are now regarded with a shudder — евгеника.

The most familiar domain, though arguably not the most impor­tant to the Earth's overall biosphere, is the eukaryotes — эукариоты.

Ukraine has euphemistically designated the conflict zone an area of "anti-terrorist operations" — с помощью эвфемизма.

She was in a state of euphoria after her win; Berlusconi waseu- phoric эйфория.

The neoglossalists' efforts may seem naive, but their belief in the evanescence of English could prove prescient — исчезновение.

The evening-up effect is most obvious for the smallest fry — купля-продажа срочных биржевых контрактов для ликвидации существующей позиции и реализации прибыли.

This is unlikely to trigger a return of outright civil war, since such an eventuality would alienate the foot soldiers — возможность; случайность.

Many younger people, in particular, evince frustration that ra­cial tensions have proved so intractable — ясно показывать; делать очевидным.

Veto-wielding Russia and China have eviscerated three previous sets of UN sanctions; When they get through eviscerating gold they are gonna start on you — потрошить (рыбу, дичь и т.п.).

Her memories of teaching in the early post-communist years in the then Czechoslovakia are evocative — вызывающий воспоминания.

Quick fixes and short-term solutions will only exacerbate serious sustainability — обострять, осложнять.

The younger Mr Romney lived in a grand neighbourhood, at­tended a private school and moved in exalted circles — возвышенный, благородный.

In the event, General Gowon behaved impeccably, and his troops exacted no revenge — мстить; настаивать на выполнении (чего-л.).

You are likely to be embraced, perhaps literally, by fellow wor­shippers, then impressed by the pastor's scriptural exegesis — экзегеза (толкование текста, особенно Библии).

Being an ayatollah, I can modestly say that I am something of an expert in textual exegesis экзегеза (толкование текста, особенно Библии).

The evidence suggests that most people want this option, but that few would, in the end, choose to exercise it — использовать, осуществлять.

The excitable speculated that a co-ordinated cyber-attack was under way — возбуждающийся, приходящий в волнение.

With no rail links, the southern Croatian exclave that is home to the enchanting medieval city of Dubrovnik — эксклав (часть территории государства, географически отделенная от основной и окруженная территорией других стран).

Unquestionably, however, Mr Trump has bestowed on this excres­cence a scarcely dreamed-of prominence — разрастание; неумеренный рост.

There is a troubling subtext: the author's attempts to exculpate himself; If exculpatory evidence comes to light after the trial, then the Prosecutor has the ethical obligation to inform the defendant of such evidence — оправдывающий; оправдательный.

For most poor countries, South Korea is a model of growth, a bet­ter exemplar than China — образец, пример для подражания.

The quality of public schools in Chicago's South Side, where many blacks live, ranges from poor to execrable — отвратительный.

As for exhortation, he argues that in practice, religion is not a le­gitimate source of morality — проповедь; наставление.

The exigences of flight require aircraft engines not only to be more reliable, but also to deliver more power per unit weight — крайность, тяжелое положение.

Taliban advance poses "an existential threat" to Pakistan — от­носящийся к существованию, реальности.

Some of it is exogenous to the collective decisions of firms, some of it is endogenous — экзогенный; внутренний.

He endured a humiliating trial which exonerated him only after his death — оправдать; восстановить честь, репутацию.

The United States, he complained, enjoyed an "exorbitant privi­lege" — непомерный, чрезвычайный.

Radek John, an investigative journalist who shuns suits and pep­pers his stump speeches with expletives — служащий единственно для заполнения пространства, пустот или для компенсации необходимого количества.

Can you be a bit more explicit on this point? — ясный, подробный.

Exponential growth cannot continue indefinitely; there are al­ways barriers — в геометрической прогрессии.

Only few days ago Bloomberg published an expose on how government officials stole upward of 20 billion dollar worth of foodопубликовать разоблачительный материал.

She is a careful expositor of ideas — интерпретатор, комментатор.

In medieval Europe Jews were persecuted not only because they were not Christians but also because killing them was a quick way to ex­punge debts — стирать, избавляться от.

On the basis of named crop varieties that are no longer extant, the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation estimates that 75% of crop biodiversity has been lost from the world's fields — сохранившийся, дошедший до наших дней.

Mr Pena's critics complain that such extemporaneous remarks — сделанный без подготовки, экспромтом.

Whatever the original was in Russian, it definitely makes bet­ter sense as extenuating circumstances — служить оправданием, извинением.

Around 10,000 true believers and assorted fellow-travellers chose to march through Moscow anyway, extolling Lenin and excoriating Mr Putin; Steven Hill of the New America Foundation extols the European social contract; Television broadcast a series of programs extolling Uz­bekistan as developing democratically — восхвалять, превозносить, хвалить.

The government's crude ways may be worse than the sins it seeks to extirpate — искоренять; истреблять, ликвидировать; выводить; полностью уничтожать.

The problem of a bail-out architecture is unfit for purpose but from which neither creditors nor Greeks can work out how to extricate themselves — находить решение (сложной проблемы).

Taxes are far higher than they ought to be because of the need­lessly extortionate cost of rental housing — чрезмерный, грабитель­ский.

This extrapolates to about $2.5 billion worth of baksheesh na­tionally every year — экстраполировать, проводить экстраполяцию.

New sculptures, new parks, and generally exuding vitality — источать; выделять, проступать сквозь поры.

Obama is inebriatedwith the exuberance of his own verbosity- опьянять; возбуждать.

"The federal health-care law is dead," exulted John Van Hollen, Wisconsin's attorney-general — ликовать, радоваться.

Visiting Fairfax I was reminded of just how ethnically di­verse America's suburbs and exurbs are — дальние пригороды (где преимущественно живут хорошо обеспеченные люди).

300,000 years is a geological eyeblink — мигание.

The country's first-quarter GDP figure was eye-popping — по­трясающий, невероятный.


The Greek fabulist provided the name for the "sunshine" policy which previous South Korean governments adopted towards the North — баснописец.

Seen as a brutal facet of Japan's high-speed post-war growth, crammers are as powerful as ever — аспект, грань, сторона.

Locals chuckled when a foreigner warned facetiously that if they blended in any better, other vehicles might crash into them — веселый; оживленный.

However, this factoid is practically meaningless because it focuses just on taxation, and ignores benefits — (газетная) утка; непроверенная информация.

The U. S. in its support of its factotum should not include interfer­ing with town planning; he acted as a factotum — работник, имеющий много разнообразных обязанностей.

It lets them make facile comparisons with the agonised last days of the Major government — поверхностный, обманчивый.

People are living longer, which is good. But old age often brings a decline in mental faculties дар, способность.

The second snag is the hectic fluidity of politics as Mr Mugabe fades — постепенное исчезновение звука, изображения (в кино, по радио и пр.).

But why does the state spend so much energy discrediting has- beens and faddists? — чудак.

We first-timers spent a lot of time faffing around, working out the payment system and worrying about our deposits — неорганизованно и не очень успешно заниматься (чем-л.).

At the fag-end of Tony Blair's premiership, the only consolation for his party was that the result was not worse — бесполезный остаток (материала, времени).

Of course it is all right if you win an entire country from the na­tives or a whole state from another sovereign nation 'fair & square' at the barrel of a gun прямой, справедливый.

Fairweather friends may use the live-stream as a way not to have to show up in person — ненадежный.

It is a fallacy that a job gained for one person is a job lost for an­other — ошибка, заблуждение.

Mr Sarkozy has begun to look fallible — подверженный ошиб­кам; ошибочный.

Arriving, worn and famished, to the friendship and relative plen­ty of Louvain in 1946, he was so overjoyed that he wanted to sing the Te Deum — страдать от голода.

Bowing to rumours that have been fanned recently by Donald Trump, the White House released the full version of Mr Obama's birth certificate — раздувать, разжигать.

For Scotland the situation becomes even more farcical in terms of democracy — фарсовый, шуточный.

The farrago overshadowed Mr Brown's bid to reposition himself and his party in the run-up to the election — мешанина; всякая всячина.

Digital technology has already rocked the media and retailing in­dustries, just as cotton mills crushed hand looms and the Model T put far­riers out of work — кузнец, подковывающий лошадей.

Twice a year, in spring and autumn, London's fashionistas go crazy at the second of the world's "big four" fashion weeks — страстные поклонники моды.

Such considerations lead some to suggest that REITs have come about for less high-faluting reasons — напыщенный, претенциозный.

Chinese people are not constrained by fatuous childish political correctness — глупый, дурацкий.

These fatwas explain the rum list of candidates — закон, предпи­сание о вынесении наказания вплоть до смертной казни.

Just look at the pro gyms that body-builders use and you'll see none of the "frilly" equipment favored by the trendy places — часто посещаемый.

The latest fawning hit praises Mr Xi's "heroism" and "unyield­ing spirit", and lauds his war on corruption — ласковый, раболепный.

Speaker Pelosi has put more emphasis on fealty than on compe­tence — верность вассала феодалу; присяга на верность.

It's an impressive feat of archival and investigative research — подвиг.

But where Labour sees restructuring, its opponents see feather- bedding — искусственное раздувание штатов.

His popularity fell steadily and he started trying to feather his own nest — украшать перьями.

Mr Hanson travels many paths on his feathery journey — легкий; тонкий, воздушный.

Contributing to this febrile atmosphere is an unspoken fear — ли­хорадочный.

Nevertheless, we are looking for evidence of the opposite; that get­ting legless makes you feckless — слабый, бесполезный.

In the worst places in Africa, fecundity tends to track instabil­ity — плодородие; изобилие.

We call on the company to meet its legal, moral and fiduciary re­sponsibilities and clean up the pollution it left behind in Ecuador's Ama­zon — доверяемый, поручаемый.

Then the cattelle are shipped to feedlots in Java and Sumatra for fattening — пастбища, где скот нагуливает жир.

Dayan Jayatilleka, a political analyst, calls the Heroes' Day state­ment an "elaborate feint" — хитрость; уловка.

It is a harsh sentence for the 58-year-old who ruled Taiwan from 2000 to 2008 and who had a feisty reputation for promoting independ­ence — вздорный, раздражительный.

The factions that came together to fell Muammar Qaddafi have given up — рубить, валить (дерево).

A Texas grand jury has indicted Ken Paxton on several felony charges — тяжкое уголовное преступление.

But the state's finances are down to the felt, with the deficit ex­pected to hit $11 billion — разорить, обанкротить.

Muhammad Morsi had adjusted his felucca to the prevailing con­ditions in Egypt — фелюка, небольшое весельное судно.

They already mostly sell their wares to fences who will find ways round the new rules — скупщик краденого.

The investigative team ferretted out cheating by analysing eras­ure marks on test sheets — разнюхивать.

Couriers need less training to ferry goods to customers' doors — доставлять.

To leave their dispute to fester would be bad for the Turkish-Cyp- riots — гноиться.

Generations of Conservatives from the 1930s to today have feted him as a reforming Tory who improved the lot of the poor — чествовать кого-л., поздравлять кого-л. в торжественной обстановке.

Not only is he in fine fettle, he's pricked enough to be angry; the economy was in fine fettle — положение, состояние.

They live in distant slums, surrounded by fetid remains, sleeping and eating amid "a forest of tumbling plastic bags and rivers of rotting" — вонючий, зловонный.

Yet today even these iron fetters are showing signs of bending to the demands of the market — оковы, цепи.

Something a bit fey about him; flitting in an instant from fey to amused to aghast — не от мира сего, с чудинкой.

In 1996 a rebel army from eastern Congo marched a thousand miles across the lush country to depose Mobutu Sese Seko — he of the leopard skin fez — феска (головной убор в форме усеченного конуса с кисточ­кой, который носят мужчины в странах Восточного Средиземноморья).

Rationing is done implicitly, through murky pricing, bureaucratic fiat of denial of service — декрет, постановление, указ.

That original fib about consensus was papered over with lots of vague language — выдумка, домысел, неправда.

The most cunning people (whether conscious fibbers or not) tend to benefit at the expense of everyone else — враль, выдумщик.

A recent television drama portrays Margot Asquith as a flibberti­gibbet, who was only interested in trivia — ветреный, легкомысленный человек.

Youngesters are a fickle bunch; Unity is the key not having a fickle mind — непостоянный; переменчивый.

Sunnis have to accept that as the minority sect they will play se­cond fiddle; Caught fiddling with their BlackBerries — мошенничество, надувательство.

They found that the more often people (who had not then been treated for a disorder) felt nervous, fidgety, worthless or hopeless ten years ago — неугомонный; суетливый.

A firm must have an explicit social or environmental mission, and a legally binding fiduciary responsibility to take into account the inter­ests of workers — опекун, попечитель.

It is difficult to fight back against the feathered fiends — дьявол;


Mr Brown, who would be California's oldest governor ever, admits that the job is fiendish and thankless; incumbents are fiendishly hard to dislodge; It was fiendishly difficult — чрезвычайно; чертовски.

Some fiefs are competing in age old turf wars — фьеф, феод, фео­дальное владение.
